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Feb 18, 2009
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Curious what is happening with you?? :floorlaugh:
I am just hanging around to see what is happening with Sica I thought they might be out by now??
I want to share a story with you guys.
So, I have been camping. Fascinating catch up reading that has kept me busy reading since I got back.
As some know I am currently living in Canada, A true Brissie girl though.
So we were hiking in the wilderness and I thought man I wish I could see a bear.
You wouldn't believe it, I saw these flowers(my new avatar) which made me think of Allison on the day it was her birthday. Not less than 5 minutes later I saw my first bear in the wild. A day I won't forget.
Wow that's amazing Curiousasacat! Scary but very cool! How close was the bear, and did it see you?
Wow that's amazing Curiousasacat! Scary but very cool! How close was the bear, and did it see you?

My little 4 year old boy started crying and saying he wanted to go home. Bless him, so my moment was a little ruined : ) Nope it did not see us and it was about 80 meters away. The campsite we stayed at had a mum and cub at the campground the day before. Yes was pretty cool to see but I have always had a thing for bears and I was really excited : )
bearbear don't get too excited ; )

My use of wilderness was a bit dramatic, there were tourists around the area : )
They are amazing creatures allright. One of my sisters lived in the States for a few years, on the outskirts of a city. She saw a baby bear in her garden one day lol.
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