Alternative Theory..Child on Child crime?

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Jun 24, 2010
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Hey there,

Long time Lurker first time poster, so I apologize if this has been gone over before in detail but it's been stuck in my head for a couple of weeks..feel free to move/delete if you like!

My opinion/theory is that is may have been a teenager who either brought their little brother/sister to School that day or accompanied them with their parents. I will come back later and write a more detailed post but the reason I am even posting in the first place is I just moved here from Ireland and I even remember the tragic case of Jamie Bulger...(I was 6 at the time and remember my Mother trying to explain this to me). It was a huge case over in the UK at the time.

What are others opinions on this?Does it seem feasable..also it may involve a parent of a troubled kid perhaps finding out afterwards, after they suggested 'making their own way home' instead of getting a ride back from the fair with them...and helping their child 'cover it up' so to speak..

Heres a link..(I know it's wikipedia but the info seems accurate to me!)

This is a credible theory and should be explored more, along with non-stranger abduction theories.
Welcome to Websleuths!

It is completely feasible in my opinion unless they are gathering info on TH.
I also agree that this is completely feasible. Kyron has half-brothers that are teenagers, which may have exposed him to other teenagers....older kids that he may have gone with willing. I am by no means saying those half-siblings are involved, but I still don't believe this was a stranger abduction, so those siblings may widen the pool of people he would have felt comfortable going with, had they asked.
I think anything is feasible except that SM was the last to see him (according to LE) heading towards his room at 8:45, and that was already the time for the last bell. Also, if the kid was still a youngish teen all the teachers and principal would be asking "why aren't you in school?" and he/she might be very noticeable. Myself, I'd suspect teacher on child or aide on child crime more.
I don't buy it or they should have found Kyron by now. The oldest children at this school would be about 14-yrs old, old enough to commit a crime against a child, certainly, but I doubt they could keep it a secret all this time and not "crack" if questioned. So I don't think LE suspects a minor and is protecting him/her. I might think that, if Kyron's body had been found quickly.
We can't sleuth minors on here, so you can't say too much.

I think it could have been someone driving a sib to school, stopping at the fair, seeing and knowing the missing child, and taking him.

Not a Skyline student, but rather an older high school or even college student.

I wonder how long a high school kid could keep a secret? A college one could do it forever, I think.
I don't buy it or they should have found Kyron by now. The oldest children at this school would be about 14-yrs old, old enough to commit a crime against a child, certainly, but I doubt they could keep it a secret all this time and not "crack" if questioned. So I don't think LE suspects a minor and is protecting him/her. I might think that, if Kyron's body had been found quickly.

But maybe an older teenager...someone too old now to attend that particular school, but present that day because of the science fair, a relative of a yonger child? A teenager old enough to drive, which is the only way I can figure he would not have been found nearby already. I wonder if the high schools in that area were done for the summer already the day that this happened.....
Here is the deal peeps. I'm going to allow theory...... but with the provision that no family, or specific names/relationships are discussed or sleuthed. Be very non specific and you will be fine.

If you want to discuss other cases where this has occurred that is OK. Be responsible please.
No problem. Thank you!:blushing:

I do think that if the perp is someone under 18 that could be something to do with the seemingly strange tactics LE have been employing..possibly to coax them out into confessing or to give them more time to find a safe and legally responsible way to approach their suspect (ie making sure they do not do anything unlawful which would affect the case in the long run while they make their move)..could also be why they didn't put other parents on high alert because it could have just been a sociopathic kid who acted on a whim and is now scared stiff to even move out of their comfort zone let alone attempt anything again..they are waiting for something/someone to revisit the scene and lead them to Kyron IMO..:waitasec:
It's possible... we can't really discount any theory right now.
Even a 10 y.o. would be big enough to do harm to a little 7 y.o. boy who looks to be small for his age. And I'm sure there are cases where kids have killed smaller kids.
There was an episode of Criminal Minds where a young boy killed some other ones... and was about to kill a little girl when they caught him. He was around 10, looked like.
It's possible... we can't really discount any theory right now.
Even a 10 y.o. would be big enough to do harm to a little 7 y.o. boy who looks to be small for his age. And I'm sure there are cases where kids have killed smaller kids.
There was an episode of Criminal Minds where a young boy killed some other ones... and was about to kill a little girl when they caught him. He was around 10, looked like.

A relation of mine works in several institutions for the mentally ill. She actually used to work in a ward for the criminally insane also. She has 10 years experience in these places. From what she tells me, tendencies towards psychopathy start even before puberty and she has dealt with some very very young psychotic and apathetic 7-15 year olds who have killed at random (other children and animals) and who are extremely violent. Some show absolutely *no* remorse whatsoever...obviously a symptom of their severe mental illness. To her there is no difference between an adult offender and a child..except of course the tragedy of neglect and abuse that helped mould them into such a person is slightly more sad when it is such a young child.

You can find the specifics of the Jamie Bulger case online if you want to..I wouldn't reccomend it gave me nightmares as a child and I couldn't comprehend it back then..still can't really now ;/
Being in MO and hearing so much about the Eliz Olten case this was a thought in the back of my head also.
I looked up a high school schedule in Portland of a particular school, so I don't know if it carries over to all high schools there.

On June 3, that high school had a senior breakfast at 8 AM.

Then on June 4, there was a senior check-in at 10:00 AM to turn in books, etc.

So I am thinking that the missing child could have easily taken by a senior in that particular high school no problem with no one being the wiser.

I think school was basically over for the seniors.
I cannot see another child pull this off and go undetected.

However, if it is another child responsible then perhaps this child did not go undetected and that is why LE is so tight lipped. IMO, if it is another child then LE knows it and they know who it is and they are trying to get information without freaking everyone out.
I cannot see another child pull this off and go undetected.

However, if it is another child responsible then perhaps this child did not go undetected and that is why LE is so tight lipped. IMO, if it is another child then LE knows it and they know who it is and they are trying to get information without freaking everyone out.

You've summed up very well the thoughts I was trying to gather regarding it being another child. Well put.
You can find the specifics of the Jamie Bulger case online if you want to..I wouldn't reccomend it gave me nightmares as a child and I couldn't comprehend it back then..still can't really now ;/

I just read about that. Sickening. Extra sickening that they only held them for 8 years, then set them up with new identities. How irresponsible of a country to release monsters like that and give them new secret identities, with absolutely no way for the people they encounter to know what they've done and make a decision for themselves if they are dangerous. If you do something like that, no matter what age you are, you CANNOT be rehabilitated. This is common sense. It's even more infuriating after you find out the kid was rearrested a few months ago for child *advertiser censored*. And they STILL won't say what his new name was. I've never hear of anything like that happening in the US. You commit a crime, you have that branded on you the rest of your life.

That being said... I don't think a child that young is capable of doing something so carefully that it doesn't get discovered for this long. It would be difficult for an adult, who has access to unlimited resources/knowledge/materials that would assist in a crime to carry this out without being caught. A child just simply does not have the intelligence or resources to do this without getting caught IMO.
I cannot see another child pull this off and go undetected.

However, if it is another child responsible then perhaps this child did not go undetected and that is why LE is so tight lipped. IMO, if it is another child then LE knows it and they know who it is and they are trying to get information without freaking everyone out.

The only reason the culprits in the JB case were caught so quickly is they were caught on CCTV leading him away in the mall....nobody was expecting it to be such young children, they also showed zero remorse and I'm guessing would not have confessed if not caught (but also they probably would have been caught by bragging about it I'd say if not by cctv)

That being said... I don't think a child that young is capable of doing something so carefully that it doesn't get discovered for this long. It would be difficult for an adult, who has access to unlimited resources/knowledge/materials that would assist in a crime to carry this out without being caught. A child just simply does not have the intelligence or resources to do this without getting caught IMO.

Ah yes but if they confessed to their distraught parent...the parent could be doing everything in their power to protect their child no matter what the evidence..
there are charts over in the forensic astrology board on websleuths that do suggest this.

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