Amanda Knox New Motivation Report RE: Meredith Kercher Murder #1 *new trial ordered*

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Amanda Knox has deal with HarperCollins for memoir (AP)
NEW YORK (AP) -- Amanda Knox has a book deal.

The young exchange student whose conviction and eventual acquittal on murder charges made headlines worldwide has an agreement with HarperCollins to tell her story.
"Knox will give a full and unflinching account of the events that led to her arrest in Perugia and her struggles with the complexities of the Italian judicial system," HarperCollins said in a statement Thursday.

"Aided by journals she kept during her imprisonment, Knox will talk about her harrowing experience at the hands of the Italian police and later prison guards and inmates."
more at links above and below

Four months after being freed from an Italian prison and cleared of charges that she murdered her roommate, Amanda Knox has sold her memoir for close to $4 million, according to people familiar with the negotiations.

HarperCollins Is Said to Acquire Rights to Amanda Knox Memoir (
I say congrats Amanda. I can't wait to read her book.
I just reported on the case but don't know enough about this story to say
if she was innocent or guilty. If she is innocent, more power to her.

I do look forward to reading the book..

better her than you-know-who.

hint: ("mother of the year")
better her than you-know-who.

hint: ("mother of the year")
:snooty:Nah! I hate to disagree with you, but they're both acquitted murderesses! I can't wait until charges are re-instated against Amanda, there was more than enough evidence to convict her even without the screw-up in the lab! I won't be buying this book!
Sorry, no evidence besides lab screw-up and perjured testimony of a murderer ever existed against AK.

Other thrilling WS threads exist for that debate though!

I had heard the figure at apx $4M on CNN/HLN. Isn't that about the same as Marcia Clark received for her book post-OJ trial so many years ago?

Despite on which side of the fence you sit, one could conclude that not only Defense Lawyers but Prosecutors too can profit beyond their contracted services, and that alleged murderers can do the same (guilty in fact or not).
in any way make up for the travesty of justice that occurred here but I'm sure it may be at least cathartic to get it all out and tell her story. I have never seen someone I firmly believe is innocent be so demonized. I can empathize. I imagine being on my semester abroad a long time ago and getting caught up with some tragedy which turns into a witch hunt against the foreign girl who doesn't meet the cultural norms of the sexually obessed prosecutor. Although I was never good at cartwheels so maybe I was safe...
...Although I was never good at cartwheels so maybe I was safe...

LOL. Though like everything with that case, what the alleged "cartwheels" actually were will have to wait until Knox tells us. English-language newspapers liked the word "cartwheel" because in English it symbolizes carefree indifference and was yet one more way to demonize her.
OT except for the word cartwheel, which the American media likes too, despite its confusion with the word somersault in the matter of Whitney Houston's poolside behavior in days before her death.
Seems at TJMK they are believing Galati is asserting that Hellmann actually broke Italian law within his rulings. I wonder how quickly the court of Cassation will weigh in on Giovanni Galati's findings?
What an extremely sad list.

What I find to be more troubling in thread after thread is that even after something has been proven to not be factual, inaccurate etc., individuals continue to believe in the falacies.

As I read the message earlier from the Cox family I really had to sit back and ask myself how I could ever take the high path as they have done.

I don't know if I always can but I made a promise to myself that I sure as heck am going to try.

What she said. :seeya:
:snooty:Nah! I hate to disagree with you, but they're both acquitted murderesses! I can't wait until charges are re-instated against Amanda, there was more than enough evidence to convict her even without the screw-up in the lab! I won't be buying this book!

I myself didn't see any evidence against her....but to each their own. :cool2:
Interesting you think that, here is a post from Yummi at PMF describing what he thinks about the Prosecution's Appeal:

"Independently from whatever the Supreme Court will decide, the fact that we have now a 100+ pages appeal document against the acquittal signed by Giovanni Galati is a great achievement, the meaning of which will last forever.
As well we have a formal appeal by the Kercher family through Maresca. So we have a clear statement of a definate expressed position of the family and friends of Meredith Kerchers, of twenty-eight judges of various instances, of the Procura of Perugia, and of an officer Prosecution General of the Supreme Court especially threshing Zanetti: Galati is the highest rank magistrate actually in Umbria. We also have the people of Perugia (recall the chanting Vergogna to Hellmann's court). These documents by the Prosecution General and the Kercher will last in history and all those dealing with the knowledge of this case wont be able to hide them or ignore them."

Since I have seen you in other threads observing odd behavior/circumstancial evidence/false statements/bad luck of the accused/good luck of the accused/past behavior/outright lies/etc showing guilt... it makes me wonder why in this case you seem not to even consider the possibility the AK and RS are guilty of at least being accomplices in some way to the murder of Meredith.

I will make a list, but I don't plan to argue my points because I understand that probably each and every one can be poked at in some way or another... no matter how far-fetched or illogical. And this has been done over and over
and I'm not really trying to change anyone's mind. Just basically curious.

1. Both AK and RS claim to have been at RS's on the computer and doing various other things. There is no evidence of this.
2. Both AK and RS turn their phones off the night of the murder. Not usual.
3. AK deletes the message from Patrick, but claims later she didn't know how to delete sent ones.
4. AK states to investigators that they ate dinner late (maybe even 11:30pm) and they had a water leak afterwards. RS's father's blew that alibi when he stated he was told during his call much before 10pm that they had eaten earlier.
5. RS states that AK went back to the cottage that morning with a empty plastic bag and to get the mop. They were supposed to take a trip to Gubio that day... these plans did not happen.
6. AK states she goes back to the cottage to get a mop to clean the water spill from the night before that had to have happened before 9:30pm.
7. AK works a shower story into her return visit to the cottage.
8. AK's story is that she found the front door of the cottage open/unlocked, and noticed blood drops in the sink and bloodstains on the bathmat. Decides to take a shower, jumps in the shower before noticing that there are no towels in the bathroom, and gets out on the bloodstained bathmat. She then uses the bloodstained bathmat to 'shuffle' into the hallway and to her room for towels (also stating her foot may have sliped off the mat a couple of times). During this time her only working light (the lamp found in Meredith's locked room), is not in her room as usual and she does not need a light in the bathroom either because the lightswitch has undisturbed blood smears on it. She then changes clothes and goes to blow dry her hair in the other bathroom (which has poo in the toilet that she doesn't flush). So she thinks nobody is home, the front door is open, there are bloodstains in the sink and on the bathmat, bloodstains on the bathroom lightswitch, her lamp is not in her room, there is unflushed poo in the toilet, AND Meredith's door is shut/locked.
9. There is a bloody bare footprint on the bathmat attributed to RS, not RG although there are plenty of RG's shoeprints in Meredith's room and straight out of the cottage. Were is the rest of the bloody print? Cleaning done?
10. There are bare footprints in the hallway outside of Meredith's room attributed to AK and RS... none for RG. Would this explain the bathmat shuffle story and some mop toting?
11. AK claims to not remember her call to her mother which was the middle of the night for her mother.
12. AK claims to have been present at the cottage after letting Patrick in, and putting her fingers in her ears after hearing Meredith's screaming. Now she is scared of Patrick and he is a bad man... but she had supposidly let him into the cottage and he 'wanted' Meredith.
12. RG happens to have a fancy for AK... not Meredith, as he has let the downstairs boys know this fact.
13. AK actually knew RG having smoked mj around him with the boys, around the basketball court, and at the bars/clubs. If RG is thought to be a small time drug dealer anyway- IMO since AK and RS did do them... they likely knew about one another.
14. A guy is charged for cocaine dealings around Perugia after his phone is contacted BOTH shortly before and shortly after the murder (wasn't she arrested on the night of the 5th) by AK. He first comes under suspicion after investigators find this on her phone.
15. Although worried about the circumstances at the cottage that morning, she returns to RS's apt and they eat brunch and wipe up the spill from the night before before returning to check things out.
16. Upon their return to the cottage they begin to worry over the 'break-in' and thrown clothes on the floor (in Filomena's room) in addition to the blood stains, poo, and Meredith's locked door. In a 'panic' AK goes outside the cottage and tries to look in Meredith's window and RS kicks Meredith's door in an attempt to bust in.
17. AK does not attempt to try and call Meredith's phones from outside the door to see if Meredith is behind the locked door unable to answer.
18. Later before calling Filomena about her worries from the cottage, she had called Meredith's phones and only let them ring a couple of times... IMO this is when the phones were heard in the lady's garden on the outskirts of the town.
19. Filomena told AK to call the police immediately in which AK said she would... she did not.
20. RS states to police in his call that nothing had been stolen. How does he know?
21. When RG is arrested, RS states to his dad in a taped call that he is worried what strange things the arrested Ivorian will say. Why would he be worried... he should be thrilled???
21. In his prison diary writing about Meredith's dna being found on one of his kitchen knives... RS writes a LIE about pricking Meredith while cooking with her even though she had never been to his apt. According to him he said sorry and Meredith forgave him.
22. Patrick in interviews states that AK was not a good worker because she flirted too much. He states that she was going to be demoted to just handing out flyers for the bar and that he told her Meredith was going to come by on certain nights to mix drinks. He states she WAS NOT HAPPY about this revelation.
23. Patrick and AK actually talked to each other after the murder and before she accused him of the crime when she was questioned. If she had been so scared of HIM... why would she have met up with him and talked? Why did she later accuse him of all people? Did she think the bar was closed that night because she had been texted not to come in (which she deleted)?
24. Why if AK was hit or coerced by someone from LE to accuse Patrick can she not identify who from the officers that were there? Why ruin Patrick's life over something he had nothing to do with?
25. RG identified AK and RS as the others having committed the crime after he had already been convicted.
26. Witnesses state having seen both AK and RS near the cottage the night of the murder.
27. Store owner states having seen AK at his shop early the morning after the murder.
28. AK writes a story of a drug/alchohol fueled party and a rape/murder while under arrest.
29. Five instances including one in Filomena's room (where the staging took place) of AK's dna mixed with Meredith's blood. One in the bathroom likely being a AKblood/Meredith's blood mix.
30. Along with the bathmat boogie story AK mentions bleeding ears from piercings when under questioning by investigators to try to explain the possibily of the above and the barefoot prints that may be found in the hallway.
31. RS's sister is relieved of her job with the police for trying to influence proceedings against her bother.
32. AK was even convicted of calunna at appeal... so the forced confession/accusation theory was even denied there.
33. The appeal verdict mainly dismissed the charges due to 2 pieces of evidence 'possibly' being contaminated and without HEARING or SEEING other pieces of evidence. The appeal judge repeatedly makes general statements in his motivation about the young/naive accused and their suffering families.
34. The experts called by the appeal judge did not actually do any new test on the knife as was asked of them... even though the technology now exist to do so.
35. RS can not kick in the door to Meredith's room, but another male was able to in a few kicks at most.
36. There were no signs below the broken window on the ground of an intruder and NO glass outside the shutter line or on the ground below.
37. There was glass on top of the clothes strewn on Filomena's floor.
38. Nothing was stolen (as RS told police) from Filomena's room or elsewhere.
39. It is not anyone elses dna mixed with Meredith's blood except AK...and no other dna evidence of an intruder.
40. The rock was big (IIRC like 8 or 9lbs) too hard to throw from below IMO and not likely to be thrown from the parking area due to being noticed.
41. None of the three ever produced the clothing they were wearing that night either throwing them away or not really remembering what they were wearing... if anything.
42. All of AK's statements (and of course RS even though he wouldn't testify)
both written and verbal are quite suspicious to me and in my opinion show many traits of lying/deflection/deception. IMO any proper analysis of her writing and statements would note the deceptions.
43. Over 25 judges at different levels found the evidence against all three to be enough to hold/charge/prosecute them for being involved in Meredith's murder. Yet their convictions are dismissed because of two pieces of evidence 'possibly' being contaminated or misread. Even though RS's dna was verified of being on the bra-clasp and Meredith's on his kitchen knife along with AK's. Really?

I could go some more but I am tired... and is their really a need?

Could there be that many (and more) inconsistancies/lies/circumstancial evidence/deflection or just plain bad luck against the accused but they are somehow not involved? Not IMO.

If you are not willing to debate these points, why list them?
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