Amateur Astrology, what's ahead for the USA

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Jul 30, 2008
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I am starting this thread because we are in for a very difficult (or interesting) period in the years ahead.

Immediately, we are facing an opposition between Saturn and Uranus. These two planets have very little in common. The aspect is 4 degrees away exact today, but Saturn will be moving closer and closer, until Election Day, when it will finally confront Uranus.

So, what does this mean?

The forces of order tradition,and control are confronting the forces of disruption, revolution, and disorder.

The "bail-out" votes in Congress are tied in with this forming aspect. If you think about it, you can probably "see" how it works, but please understand that nothing has been resolved, and the passage of the Bill has not really fixed the problem.

If anything, the general public is just now becoming aware of the conflict between traditional responsible money management, and all the unusual shenanigans that have challenged stability.

Enough for now. More later, and I hope the other excellent astrologers will join me here, so we can be prepared for the challenging times to come.
Thanks HM! Should I bring over the link you referenced earlier?

Sorry, that's cryptic. I'm half-asleep. The mmacycles link.
Respectfully brought over from other thread, from Housemouse:

"And, in case any of you need a "heads up" about the years ahead, please know that Pluto is moving into Capricorn.

So, what does that mean?

Read this, download it, and ponder it. The world we think we know is going to change. Smart people pay attention, and adjust their sails accordingly."
Saturn and Uranus are clashing this month. See them as two knights heading into one of those duels on horseback, with helmets down and poles directed.

I see it mostly as related to the voting on Nov 4th, and can only see the potential for financial and social upheaval. The financial upheaval is now obvious.

Is the social yet to come? I must be honest here, I distrust Obama, mostly because of his past associations. As an independent voter, I have no allegiance with either party, and am not very happy with any of the candidates, except Sarah Palin.

And, lest we forget... our enemies are always ready to take advantage of any perceived weakness. President Bush has only a few months left. What better time for enemies to try to pull something off?

Just late night ramblings...
Respectfully brought over from other thread, from Housemouse:

"And, in case any of you need a "heads up" about the years ahead, please know that Pluto is moving into Capricorn.

So, what does that mean?

Read this, download it, and ponder it. The world we think we know is going to change. Smart people pay attention, and adjust their sails accordingly."

That link doesn't seem to work. What I will do is a total "copy and paste", and hope that Merriman understands that I am not claiming credit for his insight!

Tried that, and it was too long, so tried a new link, which I think works.
And, back to the Saturn/Uranus opposition....

My main worry is about the consequences of the election. I am worried about civil disorder in our cities. There are too many opposing groups in the U.S. at the present time. It wouldn't take much to start riots.

Those of you in areas that might be vulnerable, be prepared, and hope that the preparations are not needed.

Just sayin....
Not only have we dealt with financial turmoil this week, losing thousands in our 401k, but my sister had to take her two kids, teenagers screaming from their father's home tonight. Mercury is definitely in retrograde, always scares me. I don't know much about astrology, but Mercury in retrograde is always a very scary time. Thank God they are all okay. I hate my x brother in law the narcissist.
Hi, housemouse. I posted a direct link to this thread in the other (Caylee) astrology thread.

Thanks for starting this thread and subject here.
Housemouse I love your posts and so believe in Astrology. It appears there are several rough years ahead for all of us no matter who is elected.... funny thing I like all three candidates except Sarah Palin... she has just totally turned me off. I cannot stand to hear her voice, if they win I may have to turn the volume down a lot in the next four years. Funny thing my aunt wrote me the same thing, she cannot stand her nasaly voice.
Housemouse I love your posts and so believe in Astrology. It appears there are several rough years ahead for all of us no matter who is elected.... funny thing I like all three candidates except Sarah Palin... she has just totally turned me off. I cannot stand to hear her voice, if they win I may have to turn the volume down a lot in the next four years. Funny thing my aunt wrote me the same thing, she cannot stand her nasaly voice.

I have nothing against McCain, except that he's too old and I'm afraid he's too much like Bush.

Not sure about Obama. I wanted Hilary. I've always felt that if Obama or Hilary made it into office, someone would try to assassinate them, and succeed. If McCain makes it, he's gonna drop dead in office. I can feel it. And, not only can I not handle Palin's voice, she downright gives me the creeps.

I want Hilary! Or Lou Dobbs.
Housemouse, I look forward to your posts on this topic. :)

Are you aware of this, U.S. Troops In Homeland “Crowd Control” Patrols From October 1st‏?

The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys.

Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home.

Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks.
More at link.

I received that story linked in an email on Sept 25th and your post sure made me wonder if the government isn't expecting some type of citizen upheaval in our country.

(Not that it matters to me but it might to Housemouse. If you guys continue the political discussion, me thinks the thread will be moved.)
:waitasec:I agree with you Liz. I am really glad to have this thread, as I believe that times have become such that we need all the help that we can get. Maybe we can all chime in and make some suggestions on how to be able to keep the thread, while keeping the mods and Tricia happy all at the same time. I really think that would be possible, as we are all adults here.:)

It is really going to be hard to separate, as politics have much ado with the situation. Maybe we could refrain from posting our personal picks and when someone posts an opinion, take it as just that. Don't respond in a negative or positive way, just appreciate that we are priviledged enough to be able to have an opinion.

These are all just suggestions here, but the ultimate say so will come from Tricia, just thought I would state how I feel because I'm sure this is a discussion that is coming.

HM...I look every day for your latest posts. I appreciate your readings and respect your thoughts. Thanks for all you do for us here. I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for the heads up on the situation at hand.
I think a lot of people associate change with bad.

What I think to be fearful about is temper, since we are going there, and Mc Cain has one. As well as a strange memory pack.

I honor him for his service to the US and in congress.

I sure wish people would get off the weird with Obama just because he is not your neighbor, communities. He can save us, the cities, and our nation.

Why auspices favorable for a strong, smart, short armed man with rage issues since chopped and swiftboated last time BY HIS OWN PARTY?

:waitasec:I agree with you Liz. I am really glad to have this thread, as I believe that times have become such that we need all the help that we can get. Maybe we can all chime in and make some suggestions on how to be able to keep the thread, while keeping the mods and Tricia happy all at the same time. I really think that would be possible, as we are all adults here.:)

It is really going to be hard to separate, as politics have much ado with the situation. Maybe we could refrain from posting our personal picks and when someone posts an opinion, take it as just that. Don't respond in a negative or positive way, just appreciate that we are priviledged enough to be able to have an opinion.

These are all just suggestions here, but the ultimate say so will come from Tricia, just thought I would state how I feel because I'm sure this is a discussion that is coming.

HM...I look every day for your latest posts. I appreciate your readings and respect your thoughts. Thanks for all you do for us here. I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for the heads up on the situation at hand.
At this point, I am so sick and tired of all the ads, the coverage the he said/shesaid, I agree with HM regarding her prediction, I posted earlier I do not think this economic breakdown is going to effect the election.... I think there is going to be a major UPSET relating to the WAR ON TERROR and that is going to be the key factor on election day. I think we are going to be shocked and that will affected how people vote despite all the negative ads, pollsters, media bias, pundits, and we as a Nation will pull together for awhile, then all hell will brake out. JMO
OK, guys, here is my opinion about discussing the election. Let's not go there.

Here is my reasoning. We will just end up arguing with each other, if not offending each other. After all, Saturn opposing Uranus will be affecting us, too. The conservatives vs the liberals here could really get us all into a non-productive dust-up.

I read so many articles by astrologers about the candidates, and notice that it is almost impossible for them not to read the chart according to their personal political preferences. So, let's not do that here.

We could discuss the astrology of the election, but not the candidates. Watching how the Saturn Uranus opposition plays out is productive, if we adopt the attitude of "watching to learn".

I will post the chart for Election Day here. I chose a time of 11PM EST, as most of the polls should be closed by then. If some of you would prefer a "noon" chart, I can post that as well.

Everyone take a look, and then we can comment on it.

Was it something I said? :confused:

Perhaps you all need some interpretation to get the conversation started!

Fist, how about some definitions in mundane astrology, which is what we call looking at transits as they engage in world affairs...

Since we are first considering the Saturn/Uranus opposition, here are the "mundane" meanings.

Saturn: Traditions, history, authority, order, stability, mines, deaths

Uranus: Changes, revolutions, anarchy, innovations, technology, earthquakes

Now, just to explore what happens when, we will use the Moon as a timer, because it tends to work that way, and its meaning?

Moon - General public and their opinions, families, community, women, agriculture

The Moon is now in Sagittarius, and is going to square both ends of the Saturn/Uranus opposition in a few hours, when it hits 15 Sag. Let's see if there are any events that happen later on or overnight that we can tie to the above keywords.
Next bit of information to consider, and one of the reasons I worry about this opposition....

In the USA chart I use, Mars and Neptune are in square aspect, at 20 01 Gemini for Mars (7th house), and Neptune is at 22 23 Virgo (9th house)

With Uranus at 19 50 Pisces, and Saturn at 15 Virgo, the USA Mars/Neptune square is activated. When the transiting moon hits the same degrees of Sagittarius at these, a grand cross will be formed.

in Mundane Charts...

Mars - Armies, engineering, aggression and violence, war

Neptune - Reform, ideals, trends, arts

In the next post, the mundane houses involved....
I have bolded the houses in the chart I use for the USA that are involved in the aspect pattern discussed above.

The Houses in Mundane Astrology

1st House - the nation, its people, its image as a country

2nd House - the wealth of the nation, domestic trade, money market, banks and financial institutions

3rd House - transport, bridges, communications, postal service, education, media, authors, literature

4th House - land, houses, agriculture, farming, crops, mines, coal pits, minerals, quarries, the weather, the opposition party in government

5th House - theatre, arts, places of entertainment, sports, fashion, leisure, children, speculative interests, Stock Exchange, colonies, dependencies

6th House - public health, sanitation, food, national service, army, navy, police, civil service, trade unions, working class

7th House - foreign relations, treaties and/or disputes, business relationships, agreements

8th House - taxes, deaths, probate, inheritance, losses, international finance, multi-national corporations

9th House - foreign lands, high seas, ecclesiastical and legal professions, religious affairs and religion, the church, justice, lawyers, higher education, overseas, publishing

10th House - the sovereign and their government, prestige of the country, parliament, aristocracy

11th House -national treasury, allies of the country, local government

12th House - hospitals, prisons, institutions and any place of confinement or detention, charities, secret groups, enemies within
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