Amber Alert HOAXES

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Dec 6, 2003
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As someone who cares deeply for those who are missing, and those left behind to search for them, such a Hoax is heartbreaking to me. As someone very wise once said, "every missing person can be verified, period".

One of the hoaxes is for Penny Brown, she is NOT missing.

Another is for Christopher Mineo, Jr., who also is NOT missing.

All TRUE Amber Alerts can be verified here, past and present.

Almost all e-mail forwards can be verified at this site,
It's a great resource, one you might want to bookmark.

Blessed Christmas to all, and thanks!
Thanks for the links. It is sad that people start a Hoax when there are so many that are truly missing.
I don't understand what people get out of of pulling a hoax like this?? Such a serious situation, our children and their safety.... sick, sick people in the world.
i think to place a hoax when there are so many missing children out there that need our attention is absolutely cruel.
Please show this link to everyone on your list, so we can get the word out about the hoaxes. Thanks and God bless
For awareness.

These are still circulating, so please take note.
It is truly sick individuals that perpetrate the Amber Alert Hoaxes! :furious:

What would the pleasure be in doing that? Maybe someone who lost custody? THAT is illegal and those caught should be prosecuted for making a false LE report. An Amber Alert is a tool of Law Enforcement.
urbanlegends,com is another good site for filtering through all the crap you hear......
For awareness.

These are still circulating, so please take note.
These really aren't amber alert hoaxes. They are missing person hoaxes. The Amber Alert works differently than missing person reports/emails that are circulating the internet.
I often try not to post as I try to keep my words and opinions to myself, however, I am a bit confused.

I know that there is a difference between Amber Alert and Missing Persons Reports, yet the fact of the matter is REALLY that there are some very sad/sick people out there LYING about having missing loved ones.

Help for the missing is out there, and these people are taking time from those that are in need of it. The first 48 hours are the most important and sometimes it takes more than that to prove a case false, (ie...waiting for LE to contact you back to verify). In that time, there are others that are missing and needing help.

The issue shouldn't be whether or not these are Amber Alerts, but the fact that these are LIES!

Please don't let these "lies" discourage your efforts. I know that there are many searching out of love and concern, and these "hoaxes" can be a great disappointment.

With many prayers,

Remember, it is not what you give from the pocket, but what you receive with your heart!
Fake alerts and people who leave loved ones without telling anyone they are leaving really upset me. Being stressed out because of a relationship or college finals is no reason to leave everyone worrying.

Both of these take attention away from missing people who rally need help.
Sadly, this hoax has made its way across the internet again.

All TRUE missing persons cases can be verified. I would be very suspicious of any mail without a link for verification.

As always, if anyone needs more information, or doubts a missing persons e-mail, please feel free to contact myself or any of the reputable agencies.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
The Nations Center for Missing Adults

This isn't funny to me. I hope people will stop forwarding this.
With hope, Lanie
Help For The Missing

*edited to fix typo*
What upsets me most of all is cases I hear about where someone, for one reason or another, decides to take a break from society. And they DELIBERATELY MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THEY WERE KIDNAPPED. One guy I know of smashed his car window, cut himself and bled all over the seat, and left the car parked in an airport garage. Everyone naturally suspected foul play but he turned up nine or ten months later, working as a chef several states away.

Not only does this waste money and resources spent looking for the "abducted" person, it also desensitizes the public to actual missing people. I wish there was some way we could get the people who do those things to pay restitution.
VERY long analysis of TeamAmberAlert. Basically says it is a sham organization working outside of the Amber Alert network for financial gain.

Which breaks us to Team"Amber" itself. The entire concept of has already been done by an actual professional organization. It's called Additionally, is actually endorsed by the parents of Amber Hagerman, whom the federal concept of Amber Alerts is based off of. is not endorsed by the parents of Amber Hagerman. That's right, Beistle and Plemmons are unethically plagarizing the memory of a little girl to make themselves some cash online. The entire concept of "" has no moral authority to use the memory of that little girl. They are literally using a tragedy to further themselves. Rather than terming themselves "", passes themselves off as the internet's official Amber Alert. To those who don't look deeper, the impression is that Beistle and Plemmons are actually affiliated or endorsed by the parents of Hagerman. Just as to the untrained eye, one would think they were on an MSN portal if they visited See a pattern? Using the work or memory of others in order to advance themselves. Due to this sleight-of-naming technique, is seen as "legitimate" just on the use of the word "Amber" in their organization. Few people would think someone would be audacious enough to use the girls name without any sort of actual legitimacy, but Beistle and Plemmons stoop just that low.
However, the problem with their organization using "Amber Alerts" doesn't end there. They have additionally published old information as Amber Alerts, confusing the public. One such occurrence involved Beistle and Plemmons publishing an old news story of an abducted child as an "Amber Alert." The problem? The child had already been found over a month prior. So they published her information again. Not only does this re-victimize the child, but it wastes the public time with false alerts, desensitizing the public to the name "Amber Alert." They directly have started to wipe out the credibility of legitimate Amber Alert's issued by with their own greed-fueled ineptitude. Don't take our word for it, the media is starting to come around to the scam that is Beistle and Plemmon's sham-organization.
There are fewer lower tactics to try to attack someone than the action of trying to "spoof" their email address. Yet, this is exactly what Beistle did to Malky. Marianne Malky's email address is Beistle, after the split, went and got himself the email address of: First, a link mentioning it as a word of warning in a press release by the legitimate group. Beistle, while a part of that group, registered the address for his own use. What was that use?

Screenshot of Voice For the Children listing for donations on Once you continued to give a donation, you were taken to this paypal account. Notice the email address? That's right, We're pretty sure that you can put two and two together. To take advantage of a legitimate organization (profiled on Unsolved Mysteries, AMECO member) in such a way is absolutely disgusting. While the problem of people taking advantage of well-meaning organizations online is nothing new, seeing such people in action always offends the senses. To this day, Beistle and Plemmons are contacting those who have lost loved ones. They're offering still, to register domains, just like they offered to Marianne Malky and Voice for the Children. How many more people will be left to the predatory nature of Beistle and Plemmons? How many others will be suckered into believing they're credibly just because they are savvy with marketing a name they have no legitimate right to use?
Thanks for that information. I've often wondered why so many of their messages are grammatically incorrect. Just tacky!

This is my favorite quote from them defending bad grammar & spelling ...

"We have learned to spell words we never use and to get tools to tell us our grammar is good or bad but have yet to find tool that write the stories. We do not write journalistic news styles but the way regular folks talk and thing. As if it were a radio speake. And our readed tell us when we make blunders."

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