And her dreams will come true... snippets from JH letters

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Jun 23, 2011
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Baby talk…I always wanted to adopt a baby or child from another country-is it selfish to want one from Ireland? Accent and all? If I do it someday, I’ll adopt local-US wise. So many kids and teens are homeless and that’s something I want to target. And yes, missing children as well

There’s a song by Shinedown called Second Chance. Amazing song! It brings tears to my eyes and chills to my appendages everytime I hear it. The song of my current life situation(s). Something to hold onto.

I <3 Seinfeld! Won't it be great to chill out on a big comfy sofa, drinking __ tea or whatever nightime beverage suits your tastebuds, watching re-runs of classic shows , like, Seinfeld, Friends, King of Queens? Or a movie or three?....
I can't wait to cook a big meal, a big breakfast or cookout with burgers, kababs, the works. This of course will have to wait until we hit every buffet in town, starting with the big GC for breakfast, Sweet tomatos for lunch and _____ for dinner or China Jade! Yeah! Pizza another day. I want to be in a good food coma for at least two days. And I swear!!!..... The moment I'm free, I am never eating ramon noodles again! Yikes! I can't take.

So should I go red or blonde? I'm trying to decide how extreme I want to go with my makeover. I will get colored contacts so I can change up my look from time to time. Who is this Casey Anthony you speak of? If you could change your name, any name, what would it be? I've been thinking about that a lot lately. Ideas.....many ideas.

And I have *ALWAYS * wanted a liter of cola. Classic greatness!

started writing one letter around 12:45, and then started writing a foreward to one of my latest creations: The “Lovers and Friends” book, cleverly stating that it's not your average KISS -AND- TELL story”. Inquiring minds want to know and boy are they in for a treat! The moral of the story: none of my relationships would have survived or will survive without putting God at the center of each and every one of them, every step of the way :). I've learned so many things about myself and why not share some of my super silly insights, including my sarcasm, cynicism and the truth about God. I'm really enjoying putting various works together and being able to put my thoughts and feelings into words .

Baez told me last night that he's sorry that I never met a man deserving of me, whole would have taken care of Caylee and I , as we should have been. I cried. I told him “someday”, and he quickly corrected. Actually, “maybe someday” was my answer, and he guaranteed me that it would happen some day soon. He's a great friend. And in many ways, looks out for me like a father. I appreciate my new-found friends and family, even if my family is a bunch of jerks.

Have you seen the commercial for the hair removal pad? Dude! It's pink, with a gray sand paperish pad on it, that's made of these crystals and you rub your skin, and the hair just comes off! And it's pain-free! I wish I would have written down the name of it. I'm facsinated! Lord help me! I feel so dumb in this place. Where's my predict-text and spell check? BOO. I can't wait to get my teeth whitened and to use my regular toothbrush/toothpaste/shampoo, conditioner.....I swear I won't become obsessively girly! I still have no desire to wear heels unless the occasion calls for it. But Converse, boots, and REAL flip flops.....Ah! And hats, regular ball caps. Sunglasses. Underwear that fits! Is that vain? Should I not look forward to these things? No matter how little or how much money I have someday, all I want is to live comfortably, not worrying about bill, food, or even a few clothes. Everything in moderation and modesty. I want to donate money to charities- Leukemia research, breast cancer, cervical cancer (the former for yourself- in your honor and the latter because of my family and my own physical health.

hate that we've both lost so much since.....…..last summer, but we truly have gained so much more than either of us could have expected. As cliché as it is the Lord does work in mysterious ways. Here's my question …..
House down South or in the Carolinas? Coralinas = all 4 seasons- snow and sun and beaches and new adventures. Options. We've got plenty of options. I absolutely <3 your RV idea. We could have the RV Ministry, coming to a city near you! We'll bank on the book, travel lots, set up shop in a fine city in ye ole' US of A, maybe settle a sports bar, and definitely a crafty, artsy fartsy place. Sold! Talk about stickers and craft, I've been making stuff 4 EVER! I did have the American greeting card smuggled in here, but______ the bracelet , there's many more to come! Of all of our combined ideas , yours take the cake. Kudos!!!

The name change....I'm still playing around with that idea. What would you name me? You know what's funny, but I see you as a Roxy! Yes, laugh, I'm nuts, Allergy infested and sleep deprived, yeah, that's a good enough excuse. Ha! You come up with one for me and I'll do the same. Roxy may just have to be your new nickname, or additional. Speaking of changing stuff.....
Yuck! (I sneezed! Not on the paper, but I tend to take that as my confirmation from Papa) He's been speaking to me a lot lately especially in my dreams, not just my sneezes. I keep having those dreams of home too, but I'm packing up and leaving in most of them. It is a major bummer to wake up to a bunk bed and cinder blocks

….but this transitional period will be over for us both very soon. Keep visualizing the things that you want. They're coming our way soon.
With the name change, should I go lighter brown with highlights (as I'm used to) or red- to my Irish roots?
I need that change along with the long hair pronto! It's too bad hell would freeze over before they would let us together. That's 'k though. Little do they know that our sisterhood of the traveling RV will be driving circles around this place in no time at all.

You bring up Thai food and I'm ready to cry! I was envisioning going to a take-out place and ordering things in bulk, especially egg rolls! FOOD! My favorite food, hands down is salmon patties- canned salmon mixed with saltine crackers and fried in a skillet with loads of butter. Sooo good! You'll never go hungry with me cooking. I'll teach you how to cook, no problem. I just read the RV idea again and I'm stoked! Done dealing.

You're right about needing this time out and it being alone time with Him. That's why we're both here. He's getting us ready for our RV Ministry and all of the work He's going to put us to.

Hitting rock bottom sucks, but we're on our way up. Hector-Connector...funniest thing ever! Wowzers! I'm good with keeping my hair dark and I've always wanted red highlights. Long or short.....I don't know. I am looking forward to real hair products, blowdryers and straighteners. You, black and pink. Sold! I like doing different things too. Keep it classy, flashy and fun. Little Vietnam is calling and mani-pedis are already around the corner. Color on my toesies and acrylic nails- yes please. I want to embrace the many joys of being a lady. Leopard pumps are on my bucket list, ya heard?!

just got my own light bulb! How about WE write a cookbook via different dishes savored while driving the nation. That would make eating like piggys so worth it. Silverware, salt shaker, and ice - Lord bless us! What a day that will be! I'll have the camera to document the occasion. Why not! I miss my regular toothbrush, having a squishy toilet seat, REAL toilet paper= Charmin and the teddy bears, a real mattress- California King- I'm going BIGGGGG, and add ton more than 3 channels, movie nights! Am super duper excited, but I'm really trying not to take any thing for granted. Knowing how easily and how quickly those luxuries can be taken away.
Boy. Next Easter we'll have our own Easter egg hunt. Deal? I want a cool Easter basket.

Let's make a deal= we get pregnant together – if it's really possible to plan it.

I miss being around guys :-( talking sports, drinking beer, playing cards....the smell of cologne (boy did some of mail smell* yummy * today [sigh]. The poor guys that are here today. I feel bad for every single person that has to walk in these walls.
it vain that I can't wait to have a guy like that look me in theyes and tell me how beautiful, great......I am? Something to look forward to for sure.

I need a vacation!
I was thinking Costa Rica...
Want to come with?
(unfortunately we have to wait until we are released. Someday!)
Costa Rica it is! Pina Coladas , fresh fruit & massages. I could use a bit of each.

We'll both be home soon, but not before another trial or two in both of our lives.

wonder daily how I'm going to deal with the next bit of drama and that stupid cliché runs through my heard - what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. I hate those words, I truly do. Are we going to sit on the beach, drinking cocktails and planning our future business? I can't wait for that day, and I know that it will come soon enough.

Now, when we get our place we both shall have disgusting big closets, and tow very glorious bathrooms and the finishing touch... the kitchen of all kitchens. Deal?

so terrified that one day I’ll be asked how I got through all of this … not because I’m afraid that I won’t, but because I know that I will.
Wow--at first I thought this was satire. Is it her jailhouse diary? (I'm probably a bit less familiar with these things than most on this board.) Would love to see a psychologist/psychiatrist pick this apart! I looked up some background on Jesse Grund last night and watched some previous interviews. It struck me that he said he did not marry Casey because she accused him of "loving Caylee more than he did her." Wow, most single moms would love to meet a guy who loves their child. This decent young man would have probably made a fine father for Caylee and a good husband. He said the two of them parted ways when he noticed her becoming less of a homebody and more of a party girl. I'd say he escaped by the skin of his teeth.
Yes Granna6 these are snippets from her jail house letters to another inmate
Robyn Adams. :(
Baby talk…I always wanted to adopt a baby or child from another country-is it selfish to want one from Ireland? Accent and all? If I do it someday, I’ll adopt local-US wise. So many kids and teens are homeless and that’s something I want to target. And yes, missing children as well

There’s a song by Shinedown called Second Chance. Amazing song! It brings tears to my eyes and chills to my appendages everytime I hear it. The song of my current life situation(s). Something to hold onto.

I <3 Seinfeld! Won't it be great to chill out on a big comfy sofa, drinking __ tea or whatever nightime beverage suits your tastebuds, watching re-runs of classic shows , like, Seinfeld, Friends, King of Queens? Or a movie or three?....
I can't wait to cook a big meal, a big breakfast or cookout with burgers, kababs, the works. This of course will have to wait until we hit every buffet in town, starting with the big GC for breakfast, Sweet tomatos for lunch and _____ for dinner or China Jade! Yeah! Pizza another day. I want to be in a good food coma for at least two days. And I swear!!!..... The moment I'm free, I am never eating ramon noodles again! Yikes! I can't take.

So should I go red or blonde? I'm trying to decide how extreme I want to go with my makeover. I will get colored contacts so I can change up my look from time to time. Who is this Casey Anthony you speak of? If you could change your name, any name, what would it be? I've been thinking about that a lot lately. Ideas.....many ideas.

And I have *ALWAYS * wanted a liter of cola. Classic greatness!

started writing one letter around 12:45, and then started writing a foreward to one of my latest creations: The “Lovers and Friends” book, cleverly stating that it's not your average KISS -AND- TELL story”. Inquiring minds want to know and boy are they in for a treat! The moral of the story: none of my relationships would have survived or will survive without putting God at the center of each and every one of them, every step of the way :). I've learned so many things about myself and why not share some of my super silly insights, including my sarcasm, cynicism and the truth about God. I'm really enjoying putting various works together and being able to put my thoughts and feelings into words .

Baez told me last night that he's sorry that I never met a man deserving of me, whole would have taken care of Caylee and I , as we should have been. I cried. I told him “someday”, and he quickly corrected. Actually, “maybe someday” was my answer, and he guaranteed me that it would happen some day soon. He's a great friend. And in many ways, looks out for me like a father. I appreciate my new-found friends and family, even if my family is a bunch of jerks.

Have you seen the commercial for the hair removal pad? Dude! It's pink, with a gray sand paperish pad on it, that's made of these crystals and you rub your skin, and the hair just comes off! And it's pain-free! I wish I would have written down the name of it. I'm facsinated! Lord help me! I feel so dumb in this place. Where's my predict-text and spell check? BOO. I can't wait to get my teeth whitened and to use my regular toothbrush/toothpaste/shampoo, conditioner.....I swear I won't become obsessively girly! I still have no desire to wear heels unless the occasion calls for it. But Converse, boots, and REAL flip flops.....Ah! And hats, regular ball caps. Sunglasses. Underwear that fits! Is that vain? Should I not look forward to these things? No matter how little or how much money I have someday, all I want is to live comfortably, not worrying about bill, food, or even a few clothes. Everything in moderation and modesty. I want to donate money to charities- Leukemia research, breast cancer, cervical cancer (the former for yourself- in your honor and the latter because of my family and my own physical health.

hate that we've both lost so much since.....…..last summer, but we truly have gained so much more than either of us could have expected. As cliché as it is the Lord does work in mysterious ways. Here's my question …..
House down South or in the Carolinas? Coralinas = all 4 seasons- snow and sun and beaches and new adventures. Options. We've got plenty of options. I absolutely <3 your RV idea. We could have the RV Ministry, coming to a city near you! We'll bank on the book, travel lots, set up shop in a fine city in ye ole' US of A, maybe settle a sports bar, and definitely a crafty, artsy fartsy place. Sold! Talk about stickers and craft, I've been making stuff 4 EVER! I did have the American greeting card smuggled in here, but______ the bracelet , there's many more to come! Of all of our combined ideas , yours take the cake. Kudos!!!

The name change....I'm still playing around with that idea. What would you name me? You know what's funny, but I see you as a Roxy! Yes, laugh, I'm nuts, Allergy infested and sleep deprived, yeah, that's a good enough excuse. Ha! You come up with one for me and I'll do the same. Roxy may just have to be your new nickname, or additional. Speaking of changing stuff.....
Yuck! (I sneezed! Not on the paper, but I tend to take that as my confirmation from Papa) He's been speaking to me a lot lately especially in my dreams, not just my sneezes. I keep having those dreams of home too, but I'm packing up and leaving in most of them. It is a major bummer to wake up to a bunk bed and cinder blocks

….but this transitional period will be over for us both very soon. Keep visualizing the things that you want. They're coming our way soon.
With the name change, should I go lighter brown with highlights (as I'm used to) or red- to my Irish roots?
I need that change along with the long hair pronto! It's too bad hell would freeze over before they would let us together. That's 'k though. Little do they know that our sisterhood of the traveling RV will be driving circles around this place in no time at all.

You bring up Thai food and I'm ready to cry! I was envisioning going to a take-out place and ordering things in bulk, especially egg rolls! FOOD! My favorite food, hands down is salmon patties- canned salmon mixed with saltine crackers and fried in a skillet with loads of butter. Sooo good! You'll never go hungry with me cooking. I'll teach you how to cook, no problem. I just read the RV idea again and I'm stoked! Done dealing.

You're right about needing this time out and it being alone time with Him. That's why we're both here. He's getting us ready for our RV Ministry and all of the work He's going to put us to.

Hitting rock bottom sucks, but we're on our way up. Hector-Connector...funniest thing ever! Wowzers! I'm good with keeping my hair dark and I've always wanted red highlights. Long or short.....I don't know. I am looking forward to real hair products, blowdryers and straighteners. You, black and pink. Sold! I like doing different things too. Keep it classy, flashy and fun. Little Vietnam is calling and mani-pedis are already around the corner. Color on my toesies and acrylic nails- yes please. I want to embrace the many joys of being a lady. Leopard pumps are on my bucket list, ya heard?!

just got my own light bulb! How about WE write a cookbook via different dishes savored while driving the nation. That would make eating like piggys so worth it. Silverware, salt shaker, and ice - Lord bless us! What a day that will be! I'll have the camera to document the occasion. Why not! I miss my regular toothbrush, having a squishy toilet seat, REAL toilet paper= Charmin and the teddy bears, a real mattress- California King- I'm going BIGGGGG, and add ton more than 3 channels, movie nights! Am super duper excited, but I'm really trying not to take any thing for granted. Knowing how easily and how quickly those luxuries can be taken away.
Boy. Next Easter we'll have our own Easter egg hunt. Deal? I want a cool Easter basket.

Let's make a deal= we get pregnant together – if it's really possible to plan it.

I miss being around guys :-( talking sports, drinking beer, playing cards....the smell of cologne (boy did some of mail smell* yummy * today [sigh]. The poor guys that are here today. I feel bad for every single person that has to walk in these walls.
it vain that I can't wait to have a guy like that look me in theyes and tell me how beautiful, great......I am? Something to look forward to for sure.

I need a vacation!
I was thinking Costa Rica...
Want to come with?
(unfortunately we have to wait until we are released. Someday!)
Costa Rica it is! Pina Coladas , fresh fruit & massages. I could use a bit of each.

We'll both be home soon, but not before another trial or two in both of our lives.

wonder daily how I'm going to deal with the next bit of drama and that stupid cliché runs through my heard - what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. I hate those words, I truly do. Are we going to sit on the beach, drinking cocktails and planning our future business? I can't wait for that day, and I know that it will come soon enough.

Now, when we get our place we both shall have disgusting big closets, and tow very glorious bathrooms and the finishing touch... the kitchen of all kitchens. Deal?

so terrified that one day I’ll be asked how I got through all of this … not because I’m afraid that I won’t, but because I know that I will.

we can at least rest assured no one in their right mind will allow her to adopt. but once shes out( if she makes it out) of the lying to cops/ 4 years, she can sleep around and get pregnant AGAIN> KNOW this...
After reading this three times, I am struck by how adolescent this sounds--as though a 14- or 15-year-old wrote it. I see racing, disjointed thoughts and a preoccupation with what she thinks is the high life, with a sprinkling of God thrown in. Oh, and the "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger" comment is chilling. These are rantings of a disordered mind.
I shouldnt have read it. I mean, I know it word for word but I should have stayed away...

crying and feeling BEATEN in the stomach again...

:( :( :(
Sorry sammiejam...I just needed to look at these words again. It hurts so much :(
I just about fell out of my chair when I read the 'Roxy' part. Let me explain- I'm Casey Anthony's age exactly, and this case has always reminded me of the musical Chicago, which had a film adaptation that was hugely popular while we were both in our senior year of high school. Today especially, after the verdict came in, I couldn't help but think of Chicago. It also occurred to me that Casey was likely just as nuts about this movie as my friends and I were back in 2003, but in all of my research I never saw any reference to this movie, until now. This could be a total coincidence, and maybe she wasn't thinking of Chicago at all, but I'll be damned. It just kills me that she "razzle dazzled 'em" in the end, just like Roxie Hart.
The very first thing she is going to do is get pregnant.
wonder what this is about:

Did #CaseyAnthony have a little rain on her parade to possible freedom last night? I'll explain later today.!/bobkealing

I hope the judge sentences her for a year in prison for each of the lying charges and not have them run concurrently so she still would have a year to go. Then hopefully she will be at least a little forgotten by then.
Jesse Grund predicts that Casey will now have the carefree life that she has always wanted. Jesse thinks that Casey will have people who will want to be with her and that she'll be wined & dined in grand fashion. JG seems to know Casey very well and is probably right on the money with his thoughts. jmo
The very first thing she is going to do is get pregnant.

:waitasec: And Casey Anthony WILL MURDER AGAIN !

She should NOT be allowed to have ANY CHILDREN ... and she should NOT be allowed NEAR ANY CHILDREN !!!

I hope to god she will never be able to get pregnant again. That it will become a curse.
wonder what this is about:

Did #CaseyAnthony have a little rain on her parade to possible freedom last night? I'll explain later today.!/bobkealing

I hope the judge sentences her for a year in prison for each of the lying charges and not have them run concurrently so she still would have a year to go. Then hopefully she will be at least a little forgotten by then.

I don't get running these charges concurrently. So if you lie to the police once you might as well keep on lying? Our justice system makes no sense.
Several things strike me, how contraindicative she is (Ill never wear heels, leopard skin heels are on my bucket list, and many more)

Also the obsession with food, but then, I have never been in jail, so I dont know how bad jail food is, I assume I would go insane eating ramen every day too.
Her and Joran would be so perfect together... I would say Scooter Peepee but is a little old for her...

And she will behave just like Joran did when he got away with murder the first time.
The very first thing she is going to do is get pregnant.
But only so she can feign a miscarriage to entrap the next fool.
How I wish one of the dozens of mistrials the DT proposed, were accepted by BP or that she was ruled incompetent to stand trial. I wonder what those shrinks think now that she'll be walking among us, possibly dating one of their sons or daughters or at least feeling them up on the dance floor somewhere.
You have to hope that the 10 fold of Karma coming her way is traveling towards her at light speed.

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