Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell - COD: "Heroin Poisoning"

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Some news, French family had to move because of fear of WH.
French also says Hadsell harassed him.

He says he found a box with the words "We Know" scribbled on the inside lid of the box on his front porch.

He told NewsChannel 3 that there was a receipt in the box with the name Angelica Hadsell on it.

"He not only put fear in me, but he`s put fear into my wife and her parents and my mom and my brother and sister," says French.

must hear Corey French below...

Some news, French family had to move because of fear of WH.
French also says Hadsell harassed him.

He says he found a box with the words "We Know" scribbled on the inside lid of the box on his front porch.

He told NewsChannel 3 that there was a receipt in the box with the name Angelica Hadsell on it.

"He not only put fear in me, but he`s put fear into my wife and her parents and my mom and my brother and sister," says French.

must hear Corey French below...


WH is evil!!! What if this type of police questioning had elicited a false confession from Corey. It happens more often than we think.
I just finished watching the link above with Corey in it. I can hardly watch WH on these interviews. I have felt from the first time I heard him talk that he has way too much resemblance to my brother. Not only do they look alike but their facial expression, the way they talk, form their words, their eyes, every single little thing about them is exactly the same. The reason this freaks me out so much is because my brother is a con and a liar and has been since he was around 9 years old. It's like watching and listening to my brother when I hear and see WH. I understand I cannot judge this man based on my brother and the horrible things he has done in his lifetime, but let me tell you - a liar is easy to spot once you know the way they look and sound when they are doing it. They can look you RIGHT in the eye without flinching, which WH does. They can cry on cue and make their lips quiver. I don't know if WH killed Angelica or not but I do know one thing without a doubt - he is a liar and a con. I'm certain that is not surprise to most of you here. I just needed to get it off my chest - maybe seeing my brother last week for the first time in a decade has something to do with it.
snip......The two continued texting until 4 a.m. All of the messages seemed out of character for her daughter, Hadsell said. She did not want to go into detail about the messages for fear of harming the investigation.

Hadsell went to work the next day concerned but thinking her daughter might be just stressed out and in need of time alone or with friends.

snip.....Hadsell filed a missing person report at the suggestion of a Norfolk police officer who is the father of one of AJ Hadsell's friends.

snip..."You kind of look back, and you start replaying events leading up to everything, and the last few times I saw her, when we were together," she said. "And you try to find something that would raise a red flag now, knowing what we know, and there really isn't anything.... I do feel that she was taken from this house. I don't feel that she left willingly. That is really, at this point, is the only thing that I would say I know that happened."

How does JH know if know AJ was taken from the house, and nothing else? That puts us back to a 20 minute window. Wonder where the text pinged?

If I texted my daughter and she seemed off, why didnt mom just call her? I may have missed that somewhere but so far I havent seen it if she said she turned around and called her daughter or not.
Does anyone have link to transcripts of WH Jail interviews. I have seen elsewhere online but cant locate now. The ones that are linked from Luckyseven are no longer valid. I have found the CH interview transcript. I am interested in the Joe Fisher March 21 interview. Thanks in advance.
Does anyone have link to transcripts of WH Jail interviews. I have seen elsewhere online but cant locate now. The ones that are linked from Luckyseven are no longer valid. I have found the CH interview transcript. I am interested in the Joe Fisher March 21 interview. Thanks in advance.

Sorry, I don't have a copy. Have you tried contacting Luckyseven? Your post inspired me to go back and watch the 28 minute video . . . I'm only minutes in and I have already lost track of how many lies I've heard . . .
If I texted my daughter and she seemed off, why didnt mom just call her? I may have missed that somewhere but so far I havent seen it if she said she turned around and called her daughter or not.

I've wondered the same thing. I followed this case like an obsessed hawk in the beginning and never was it reported JH ever tried to call AJ. In fact, the first interview she gave after she reported her missing she stated that she believed she was safe. Which also makes no sense. If you think your kid is safe, why report them missing? Why not just wait for them to come home?

This case has completely obliterated the hinky-meter.
Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to accept that this case has pretty much run it's course, and move on. I have several other things I need to be working on right now, and holding onto a case just because I'm not satisfied with the outcome isn't really productive for me. :(
The one point I cannot get past - WHAT led LE to this particular location to find AJ? LE was adamant that it was not a tip, but a result of their investigation. Of course, they could be lying, or it could be AJ's phone was there. Otherwise, they know someone was there to place her body behind that house and they have to know who it was, don't they? Help me if you see another explanation.
Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to accept that this case has pretty much run it's course, and move on. I have several other things I need to be working on right now, and holding onto a case just because I'm not satisfied with the outcome isn't really productive for me. :(

I think I've kind of already done that without saying it outloud. Obviously I still have tons of unanswered questions but, as long as LE isn't talking, I don't think they'll be answered. :(
MK & OM, I am trying not to give up on this case. There have been several cases over the years that I almost gave up on...then something miraculous happened ( I mean just think about Jaycee Duggard). Obviously, there's going to be no satisfactory end to Anjelica's case...she's gone. But I am still 100% invested and praying that one day, someone will trip up and say or do the wrong thing, and be caught.

For now, I am a tad bit satisfied that the person I feel is responsible is where he needs to be and won't be let loose for a very long time, if ever. I still ache for Zach and for Anjelica's sisters, and even for her mom. And I do pray that if anyone else is involved they will be brought to justice. Otherwise, God is the ultimate judge and I know they will ultimately not escape punishment.
I can definitely understand some of the feelings happening right now as I feel the same at times... I leave this window open at all times and come in and refresh every morning praying there will multiple new pages meaning Anjelica will get justice.. I can't give up that feeling/praying just yet though...

My thoughts on how they found her: I *think* it was W's own cell phone that brought them there. But of course that is just MOO
The one point I cannot get past - WHAT led LE to this particular location to find AJ? LE was adamant that it was not a tip, but a result of their investigation. Of course, they could be lying, or it could be AJ's phone was there. Otherwise, they know someone was there to place her body behind that house and they have to know who it was, don't they? Help me if you see another explanation.

I'm stuck on this point, too. I'm assuming the phone pings led to the pond where her phone was found, and LE then talked to neighbors in that area. (I'd like to see those interviews again). I'm wondering if the story told by the young guys working on a tow truck that night has anything to do with her discovery. They knew what kind of car (dark green Dodge Caravan) and that this car turned its lights off and went around back. This seems most plausible to me. Also, IIRC, a lot of people's feelings began to change once 'this house' came to be known. Two questions I have are (1) why would Jen say she felt AJ was safe; and (2) were WH and Jen together when the texts came through from AJ's phone that didn't sound like her? I would like answers for Jen, AJ's siblings, and Zach, others who loved her. The angry part of me wants someone strung up by their gonads. Could she have been saved if she was rushed to the hospital? That bothers me to no end. Peace for AJ!
I feel sorry for her siblings. Not her Mother, Nor her Father or Adopted Father, or Stepfather. No one seemed to care about AJ. They ALL want to be important now. We will never know if LE does not tell us what they know, and I think they owe that to AJ.
A gentle nudge from someone who has been there done that: Some cases stall. Some cases end up resolved in ways that aren't at all satisfying (or fair). Some cases never get solved. Learning to find ways to deal with that is what enables many of us, who have been here for any duration of time, to continue to do what we do. While I would NEVER presume to advise anyone here to let go of a case (that's a very personal decision each of us makes for his or herself), I do want to gently remind everyone that we have thousands of missing persons cases, UIDS, cold cases, etc. where your time and energy would be greatly appreciated and desperately needed. If AJ's case screeches to a halt, then perhaps you might consider honoring her memory by doing what you can to help bring closure to another grieving family?

Just a well intended reminder. :)
I feel sorry for her siblings. Not her Mother, Nor her Father or Adopted Father, or Stepfather. No one seemed to care about AJ. They ALL want to be important now. We will never know if LE does not tell us what they know, and I think they owe that to AJ.

I pretty much feel sorry for all of them. I'll admit that a couple of them I'm sorry for but not the way that you're talking about. Some times I'll admit it's hard to have to deal with an ex. Sometimes not dealing with the $#!T is a lot healthier for your sanity. From what I've read the Mother's a handful. I will agree the ones I'm sorriest for are AJ and the children.
Okay, I'm trying to tread lightly here...

In August, a softball field was named after AJ. Her mother also set up a scholarship fund in her name. I have a bit of a problem with both. AFAIK the manner of her death remains undetermined and I understand that the investigation continues. Still...

How will parents explain to their kids that the field/scholarship are named after a young woman who died from heroin poisoning? It just doesn't feel right. I could understand if a foundation was set up to benefit young people involved with drugs, such as a halfway house or an educational program. But to "honor" a community member who possibly died from a heroin overdose seems like a bad message is being sent to youngsters.

If AJ had died while driving drunk would the community accept honoring her in such a way? Maybe everyone is jumping a little too fast in concluding that someone forcibly injected heroin into her vein. It remains a possibility that she knowingly used the drug. I guess I'm saying that it might be prudent to wait until LE releases a final report on what happened to her.

Since it doesn't impact my community I suppose it doesn't matter but given the increasing incidents of heroin overdoses in young people maybe the energy and money invested in honoring AJ would would be more wisely spent in preventing the next young person from suffering the same fate.
Okay, I'm trying to tread lightly here...

In August, a softball field was named after AJ. Her mother also set up a scholarship fund in her name. I have a bit of a problem with both. AFAIK the manner of her death remains undetermined and I understand that the investigation continues. Still...

How will parents explain to their kids that the field/scholarship are named after a young woman who died from heroin poisoning? It just doesn't feel right. I could understand if a foundation was set up to benefit young people involved with drugs, such as a halfway house or an educational program. But to "honor" a community member who possibly died from a heroin overdose seems like a bad message is being sent to youngsters.

If AJ had died while driving drunk would the community accept honoring her in such a way? Maybe everyone is jumping a little too fast in concluding that someone forcibly injected heroin into her vein. It remains a possibility that she knowingly used the drug. I guess I'm saying that it might be prudent to wait until LE releases a final report on what happened to her.

Since it doesn't impact my community I suppose it doesn't matter but given the increasing incidents of heroin overdoses in young people maybe the energy and money invested in honoring AJ would would be more wisely spent in preventing the next young person from suffering the same fate.
Wow. Just wow.....
Wow. Just wow.....

Are you taking exception to my comments? Please know that I will be front and center in support of honoring AJ if it turns out that she was forcibly injected with heroin, or even pressured into trying it by her so-called friends. And FWIW, I continue to have suspicions that WH or her "friends" may have played a role in her death.

But as it stands, the only information we have is that she died from heroin poisoning and with no other information available it's hard for me to reconcile the community supporting what appears to be yet another tragic overdose by a young person. If you have knowledge as an insider that disputes my thoughts then I am more than willing to re-think my comments.

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