Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell - COD: "Heroin Poisoning"

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This made me laugh and think of my hubby. He and I grew up in such different environments...night and day! Although I have known and have family members who smoke weed and from what I have been told, used to dabble in Coke (back in their young, stupid days), if you put a pile of Heroin, a pile of Coke and a pile of powdered sugar in front of me, I would have no clue what was what! lol

LOL ditto for me. :)

Thank you, zapped, good to see you! Thank you, OM, the trouble you took to make this smart list of questions helps a lot, as do all your posts.

So many unanswered questions still :(

Why that house?
How did the heroin get into her system?
When was her actual TOD?
Actual MOD?
Who was really texting from her phone?
How many people were involved?
Who tossed her clothes on the side of the road in Chesapeake?
Where did that tip about the clothes REALLY come from?
Who scattered her debit card on the street a block away from her home?
How did that jacket REALLY get into CF's house?
Who all knew WH broke in, and kept it to themselves?
Who has some of the answers to these questions and is still walking free?
How much does WH really know about what happened?
What's the real story behind the whole $200/gas station meeting?

I can almost guarantee there are people in AJ's life that have some of these answers and they're not in jail. For that matter, I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn they're reading this very forum. I sure hope LE has more answers than we do, and an arrest and charges are coming quickly. AJ deserves justice no matter who's involved.
This made me laugh and think of my hubby. He and I grew up in such different environments...night and day! Although I have known and have family members who smoke weed and from what I have been told, used to dabble in Coke (back in their young, stupid days), if you put a pile of Heroin, a pile of Coke and a pile of powdered sugar in front of me, I would have no clue what was what! lol
I would advise against smelling them if you are ever faced with such a test ;)
When are we going to know the quantity of heroin in her system? That's what I most want to know!

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Did you see the article below that one?
~ snippet> Auman was found dead by her mother on May 13, according to the search warrant, but how she died remains unclear. The warrant says she was working with law enforcement during a drug investigation and that “several threats were made on her life,” including one four days before she died. It’s not clear who made the threats.

* I see you posted the same granny!
Finally caught up. I missed 2 days when the COD was released and have just now been able to read through. I'm confused and sad but impressed with the empathy expressed and felt for sweet AJ. Also keeping ZH, her sisters and those who truly cared for her in my thoughts and prayers. Even though there hasn't been much movement on the threads I follow, I learned my lesson about not checking in for 2 days. Glad to be a part of this forum and the fight for justice for AJ.
The past week I have read so many news articles about heroine. I truly am shocked by the cost, age of use, availability, etc. To know it has become the drug so many teenagers are using and dying from is heartbreaking. I'm not sure I could state with certainty that someone would NEVER do drugs after the videos I've watched from parents who have lost a child by drugs. Eye opening experience.
Have y'all seen the Lifetime movie Perfect High? It all started with pain killers prescribed for a sports injury... then came jealous competition, peer pressure, a dirty drug dealer and bam.... mid-upper class parents had no clue... when things went south, 3 kids high on heroine took their friend to the hospital, and waited. Called their parents. No cover-up!

Just pondering the similarities and the differences.... JMO, MOO....
Some interesting info on heroin, it's history, and how it got its name.

<snip>"The drug is illegal, and impossible to get through any sort of reputable channel. However, this doesn&#8217;t stop people from using the drug. In fact, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Results from the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings, 140,000 people used heroin for the first time in 2010. The average age of these first-time users was 21.3 years, which represents a decline in age from previous years. While some of these people may try heroin just once and suffer little to no effect from their use, others will develop serious and disabling addictions as a response to their heroin experimentation."<snip>

<snip>"Ironically from today&#8217;s perspective, HEROIN took its name from the adjective heroisch (heroic) sometimes used by nineteenth-century German doctors for a powerful medicine." <snip>

<snip>"Today, heroin is know to be a more potent and faster acting painkiller than morphine because it passes more readily from the bloodstream into the brain. Heroin was praised in a number of early clinical trials, and was rapidly adopted in medical establishments in many countries. Bayer advertised the drug in German, English, Italian, Russian and other languages."<snip>

<snip>"Heroin was prescribed in place of morphine or codeine (another constituent of opium, isolated in 1832).....of heroin on fifty phthisis patients and found it effective in relieving their coughs and producing sleep. He noted no unpleasant reactions; indeed the patients liked it and continued to take the heroin after he ceased to prescribe. The addictive potential of heroin&#8217;s parent, morphine, was only too well known, and evidence steadily emerged that the new drug was not the hoped-for improvement in this respect. Horatio C. Wood Jr. reported in 1899 that heroin dosages had to be increased with usage to remain effective."<snip>

So, it was considered such a miraculous new drug that it was named after a play on the English word "HEROINE". The definition of HEROINE, from which HEROIN got its name is as follows:

a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
"she was the heroine of a materialist generation"
synonyms: brave woman, hero, woman of courage, woman of the hour; More
the chief female character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize.
synonyms: (female) protagonist, principal (female) character, principal (female) role, main character, title character; More
(in mythology and folklore) a woman of superhuman qualities and often semidivine origin, in particular one whose dealings with the gods were the subject of ancient Greek myths and legends.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say what I said in the beginning - just to get other's opinions. My heart hurts from waiting, and it's hard to keep quiet. I think WH is totally responsible and I think rape was involved. I hope I'm wrong. AJ is a star in the sky still shining her light on those she loved. How anybody could mistreat her is beyond me. I just can't believe she did this willingly. Somebody is a rotten SOB. Feeling bad tonight, sorry.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say what I said in the beginning - just to get other's opinions. My heart hurts from waiting, and it's hard to keep quiet. I think WH is totally responsible and I think rape was involved. I hope I'm wrong. AJ is a star in the sky still shining her light on those she loved. How anybody could mistreat her is beyond me. I just can't believe she did this willingly. Somebody is a rotten SOB. Feeling bad tonight, sorry.

I share your sentiments about hurting for AJ and believing she was (and still is) a force of great light. With total respect to you, I hope you are wrong as well. I am well aware of WH's past and why people are suspicious of him... but given the evidence we have (which is sparse), I don't think we have any reason to believe he would intentionally harm his daughter. My vision may be biased, but for her sake, I would rather AJ have been a young girl who made a mistake without considering the deadly consequences thoroughly enough than the victim of brutal crimes by her legal father whose name she shared.

WH is a criminal... he is in jail for charges that we are all aware of. But I won't take the leap to call him a rapist or murderer when perhaps his worst legal offense related to her death was supplying her with drugs and/or covering up an OD. That is no small crime, but it is a far cry from violent power crimes. Even if one buys into "WH did it" with 99% certainty, it seems the person AJ was would not have wanted anyone to suffer needlessly or undeservedly, particularly if they were her family. So while I agree whomever was involved in getting the drugs into her system was an SOB, I want to be VERY careful before I buy into the possibility of him hurting his daughter.

All MOO. I respect you so much for keeping the conversation going. Whatever the truth, AJ was one wonderful person.
Jmo, I am having trouble seeing how murder is going to be provable in any way, unless of course someone confesses. Honestly, I don't feel at all certain that Angelica was murdered; it's possible, but as many of us know through our own lives, anyone can try illegal and dangerous drugs. And death is always a possibility. Jmo
Jmo, I am having trouble seeing how murder is going to be provable in any way, unless of course someone confesses. Honestly, I don't feel at all certain that Angelica was murdered; it's possible, but as many of us know through our own lives, anyone can try illegal and dangerous drugs. And death is always a possibility. Jmo

All the "yes's" in the world.

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Jmo, I am having trouble seeing how murder is going to be provable in any way, unless of course someone confesses. Honestly, I don't feel at all certain that Angelica was murdered; it's possible, but as many of us know through our own lives, anyone can try illegal and dangerous drugs. And death is always a possibility. Jmo

Yes, this is most likely. I was wrong to call WH a rapist/murderer. Those are strong words, I think I was feeling angry and maybe I read the comment "a monster did this to her" too many times that day. I want someone held accountable. Who would she have been with? New friends from school? I don't understand why people are saying she didn't even smoke a cigarette, no way she would have done this, etc. when she obviously posted about dabbling - remember "blue kush" and even molly...? They may not be able to prove murder but we all know she didn't go to that house by herself. Hope something breaks this week. RIP AJ
I share your sentiments about hurting for AJ and believing she was (and still is) a force of great light. With total respect to you, I hope you are wrong as well. I am well aware of WH's past and why people are suspicious of him... but given the evidence we have (which is sparse), I don't think we have any reason to believe he would intentionally harm his daughter. My vision may be biased, but for her sake, I would rather AJ have been a young girl who made a mistake without considering the deadly consequences thoroughly enough than the victim of brutal crimes by her legal father whose name she shared.

WH is a criminal... he is in jail for charges that we are all aware of. But I won't take the leap to call him a rapist or murderer when perhaps his worst legal offense related to her death was supplying her with drugs and/or covering up an OD. That is no small crime, but it is a far cry from violent power crimes. Even if one buys into "WH did it" with 99% certainty, it seems the person AJ was would not have wanted anyone to suffer needlessly or undeservedly, particularly if they were her family. So while I agree whomever was involved in getting the drugs into her system was an SOB, I want to be VERY careful before I buy into the possibility of him hurting his daughter.

All MOO. I respect you so much for keeping the conversation going. Whatever the truth, AJ was one wonderful person.

Thank you for this, you write with compassion. I hope her life will be a lesson to her little sisters and others.

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