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I can see Annie providing alot of information on what Casey was really like...not the fantasy version you get from her family. I could also see there being a link to Xanax and possibly even the knowledge that the nanny wasn't stated by previous posters. But what I am struggling with is why LE has withheld her interview. They have released alot of info that has been pretty damaging so why hold back on Annie? What does she know that they don't want released?
Heartbreaking photo. There she is, pushed aside for mom's cameo on camera. Simply heartbreaking.

I wouldn't say that little Caylee was pushed away in this pic, I think it's just one of those pics that they leaned into each other to take a pic with the camera.....but it was just weird to me, that I focused so much on KC & A that I didn't notice little Caylee......just eerie to me when she all the sudden Caylee came into focus!
Burning Annie D hat, tearing it up ect... shows signs of anger & frustration. KC or whoever through the hat out like yesterdays garbage, never to be thought of again. Sounds like KC behavior. Out of site, out of mind. :bang:

Just looked at the video for the first time... IMO, the thing was not just torn but SLICED, like with a knife... or cut with scissors. You don't just tear a hat and have it look like that. :confused:
Holy Batman! :eek: In the many times that I have seen this picture....I have NEVER noticed little Caylee in the background btwn the two! Gave me the chills.....WEIRD!! {Just because I never noticed it}

and she doesn't look very happy, either does she.
was it like a st pattys novelty hat or a regular baseball cap?
could someone link garbage lady pics or one of annie w hat?

Go back a few posts and you can't miss the pick of Annie and Casey. Annie is wearing the cap. You will also find a link to the garbage lady not too far back as well.

Edit> Look at posts #27 and #33
Heartbreaking photo. There she is, pushed aside for mom's cameo on camera. Simply heartbreaking.

hey now.... :nono:
there is nothing heartbreaking about that picture except that it has the image of a dear sweet departed child in it.

there is NOTHING WRONG with a mother taking a picture of herself!
as a young mother once struggling to find her own identity, i STRONGLY disagree with this statement.

she is NOT PUSHING caylee out of the way... i don't see a hand on her face or anything of the sort!!

who is to say that a mother may only take photos of her child... that every single picture should be of her baby... and if OMG the mother MUST photograph herself, the baby is required to be in mommy's lap.

i am no KC supporter, but jeez!! :furious:
i know we all want to crucify her for her every movement and rightly so, but..... sheesh. :rolleyes:

i am sorry if this comes off as mean, its not supposed to, it just got under my skin.
Go back a few posts and you can't miss the pick of Annie and Casey. Annie is wearing the cap. You will also find a link to the garbage lady not too far back as well.

Edit> Look at posts #27 and #33

thx txrose i hadnt refreshed my page in a while and didnt see the actual picture just below where i was reading. sometimes i open up the threads tab after tab and it takes me a while to get o each one.

In her conversations with LA , didn't KC say Annie was on her "no trust" list?
hey now.... :nono:
there is nothing heartbreaking about that picture except that it has the image of a dear sweet departed child in it.

there is NOTHING WRONG with a mother taking a picture of herself!
as a young mother once struggling to find her own identity, i STRONGLY disagree with this statement.

she is NOT PUSHING caylee out of the way... i don't see a hand on her face or anything of the sort!!

who is to say that a mother may only take photos of her child... that every single picture should be of her baby... and if OMG the mother MUST photograph herself, the baby is required to be in mommy's lap.

i am no KC supporter, but jeez!! :furious:
i know we all want to crucify her for her every movement and rightly so, but..... sheesh. :rolleyes:

i am sorry if this comes off as mean, its not supposed to, it just got under my skin.

I still find it heartbreaking regardless of what you think. I see a frustrated child pushed off in the background. Now that she was murdered and dumped in a veritable garbage pit it makes it even more heartbreaking. This picture personifies this whole case and how Casey treated her daughter in life and in death.
I still find it heartbreaking regardless of what you think. I see a frustrated child pushed off in the background. Now that she was murdered and dumped in a veritable garbage pit it makes it even more heartbreaking. This picture personifies this whole case and how Casey treated her daughter in life and in death.

I can see how some might see the picture as "symbolic" of the case as a whole. But I don't think Caylee was sad or being abused IN the picture. Her mom was just taking a picture with a friend - and Caylee happens to be sitting behind them in a carseat. Which is where she belongs in a car by the way!
In her conversations with LA , didn't KC say Annie was on her "no trust" list?

I don't remember Manny. I may have to go back and look at that again. Someone mentioned on another thread that you can see Casey *wink* when Lee mentions certain people. They suggested perhaps she was trying to say she meant the opposite of what she was saying outloud. I have been meaning to check out the video again...and now you have given me another reason!
I really cannot see anyone but CA/GA/LA covering for KC. Why would a friend cover up a murder? I certainly would not for any friend or family member! I think all KC's friends really cared for Caylee and cannot see any of them not saying something if they knew KC had done something so evil.
Just to kinda get back on topic- Does anyone know whether letters can be sent to others through the attorney, JB? Are they read by the jail? Or does he just stick them in his briefcase and waltz on out the doors? Does he have an obligation to forward them to the intended party or can he just trash them? Does that apply to any ethical rules that could lead to disbarring?

Help, legal eagles!!! I've seen this all asked many times, but no answers....
IIRC she said "Amy".

Was that the same interview that she half heartedly told Cindy to thank Annie for doing the t-shirts? I thought that little exchange was interesting.

Oops...different interview, I get the ones with LA and CA mixed up, there was so much double talk in them.
hey now.... :nono:
there is nothing heartbreaking about that picture except that it has the image of a dear sweet departed child in it.

there is NOTHING WRONG with a mother taking a picture of herself!
as a young mother once struggling to find her own identity, i STRONGLY disagree with this statement.

she is NOT PUSHING caylee out of the way... i don't see a hand on her face or anything of the sort!!

who is to say that a mother may only take photos of her child... that every single picture should be of her baby... and if OMG the mother MUST photograph herself, the baby is required to be in mommy's lap.

i am no KC supporter, but jeez!! :furious:
i know we all want to crucify her for her every movement and rightly so, but..... sheesh. :rolleyes:

i am sorry if this comes off as mean, its not supposed to, it just got under my skin.

She isn't PUSHING Caylee out of the way in THAT photo ~ she just KILLED HER instead!!!!:furious:
She isn't PUSHING Caylee out of the way in THAT photo ~ she just KILLED HER instead!!!!:furious:

I am being patient to see what Annie knows. It must be something since we have yet to see any releases from her, or perhaps she is not at all vital to the prosecution. I see the first scenario being more likely and I wonder if LE has this supposed letters? My hunch is that Annie said she cannot be a party to Casey's situation and had revoked any friendship.
She isn't PUSHING Caylee out of the way in THAT photo ~ she just KILLED HER instead!!!!:furious:

I have a little one and when I see that picture it makes me feel as if Caylee is struggling for attention between the two "friends". I wonder how close Annie was to Caylee?
I am being patient to see what Annie knows. It must be something since we have yet to see any releases from her, or perhaps she is not at all vital to the prosecution. I see the first scenario being more likely and I wonder if LE has this supposed letters? My hunch is that Annie said she cannot be a party to Casey's situation and had revoked any friendship.

I'm hoping your patience will be rewarded, I really think she was having none of KC's BS when this all went down and she is probably one of the few who called her on it.
I am being patient to see what Annie knows. It must be something since we have yet to see any releases from her, or perhaps she is not at all vital to the prosecution. I see the first scenario being more likely and I wonder if LE has this supposed letters? My hunch is that Annie said she cannot be a party to Casey's situation and had revoked any friendship.

Yea but even if that is what she said...why hold that back? They have other witness statements that say Casey was a pathological and diabolical liar. They have statement that she smoked pot. They have the infamous photos. They have statements that prove she was lying flat out. So why would they hesistate to release one where a friend just said she wasn't going to support her anymore or that she thought she might be capable of the murder?

Do we know if Annie had been around Casey at the time this all happened? I know there was talk that she had pretty much abandoned her old friends. Maybe Annie hadn't seen her in a long time, and she has no relevance to the case? There are just so many players I can't remember!
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