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Are the RPhawks IM's something that has been released before? I do not remember them.

This portion intrigues me:

RPhawks330 (5:48:53 PM): soooooo that begs the question, when am i gonna be able to get you away from the rents to see you
casey o marie (5:49:37 PM): wellllll....either i'll come up there next week, or if your schedule allows it, you come here. it doesn't matter.
RPhawks330 (5:50:05 PM): so is that when your parents are going on there retreat then?
casey o marie (5:50:23 PM): si.
RPhawks330 (5:50:46 PM): well then ill just try and head down there, im not sure of my sched, but im gonna try
casey o marie (5:51:08 PM): i won't have the kid, so me coming up there will probably be easier. it's up to you

I don't think KC ever intended to see RP, but on the off chance she did.....Where was Caylee going to be? CA had made plans (even though they didn't pan out) to go to Ft. Myer with GA BY THEMSELVES (CA was pizzed that she ended up having to watch Caylee that whole week)

Would KC have been counting on CA to take Caylee that week, or was she forseeing her next move and laying more groundwork with RP (she'll be with the nanny)?
Are the RPhawks IM's something that has been released before? I do not remember them.

This portion intrigues me:

RPhawks330 (5:48:53 PM): soooooo that begs the question, when am i gonna be able to get you away from the rents to see you
casey o marie (5:49:37 PM): wellllll....either i'll come up there next week, or if your schedule allows it, you come here. it doesn't matter.
RPhawks330 (5:50:05 PM): so is that when your parents are going on there retreat then?
casey o marie (5:50:23 PM): si.
RPhawks330 (5:50:46 PM): well then ill just try and head down there, im not sure of my sched, but im gonna try
casey o marie (5:51:08 PM): i won't have the kid, so me coming up there will probably be easier. it's up to you

I don't think KC ever intended to see RP, but on the off chance she did.....Where was Caylee going to be? CA had made plans (even though they didn't pan out) to go to Ft. Myer with GA BY THEMSELVES (CA was pizzed that she ended up having to watch Caylee that whole week)

Would KC have been counting on CA to take Caylee that week, or was she forseeing her next move and laying more groundwork with RP (she'll be with the nanny)?

With the way KC liked to combine leading guys on, while at the same time keeping control of whether she saw them or not, I'm going to assume for the moment this is just her trying to stay in control of this situation. As you stated (and I totally agree), she had no intention of seeing RP. If she kept him up there and made him believe she would be there, then she could do her standard last minute "daddy had a stroke", "I'm sick", "Caylee's sick", etc. and then bail out.
With the way KC liked to combine leading guys on, while at the same time keeping control of whether she saw them or not, I'm going to assume for the moment this is just her trying to stay in control of this situation. As you stated (and I totally agree), she had no intention of seeing RP. If she kept him up there and made him believe she would be there, then she could do her standard last minute "daddy had a stroke", "I'm sick", "Caylee's sick", etc. and then bail out.

Ah yes, classic Casey.

And ETA-if KC was playing RP, she is nuts-he seems very sweet and is pretty hot (MOO!! lol) She is dopey on so many levels.
Ah yes, classic Casey.

And ETA-if KC was playing RP, she is nuts-he seems very sweet and is pretty hot (MOO!! lol) She is dopey on so many levels.


Sorry, O/T:

Can someone please tell me what ETA is?? I see it all the time and for the life of me, I can't figure out this one!

Is Casey just dopey on many levels? Seems like it, but strangely she supposely made the computer searches and manipulated a large circle of dear ones. Was she smart enough to erase her hard drive, etc.,? Dopey but not innocent, IMO.

I think narcissist tend to be dopey because they block reality so well they not in touch with what's real. Casey has NPD it seems. Some like to plan evil deeds, and they can be crafty. They resent other peoples happiness. Anger and jealousy and self entitlement would be at work in Casey's mind, and maybe she did some computer searches 'cause you know how she gets mad when Mom and Dad don't bow down to her.
FWIW, Re: Safari download - My son has several internet browsers on his computer, when one is slow or acting up, he uses another. Not sure if that's helpful, but maybe she liked to use the browser her man o' the day was using?
Just Jayla said:
Are the RPhawks IM's something that has been released before? I do not remember them.

This portion intrigues me:

RPhawks330 (5:48:53 PM): soooooo that begs the question, when am i gonna be able to get you away from the rents to see you
casey o marie (5:49:37 PM): wellllll....either i'll come up there next week, or if your schedule allows it, you come here. it doesn't matter.
RPhawks330 (5:50:05 PM): so is that when your parents are going on there retreat then?
casey o marie (5:50:23 PM): si.
RPhawks330 (5:50:46 PM): well then ill just try and head down there, im not sure of my sched, but im gonna try
casey o marie (5:51:08 PM): i won't have the kid, so me coming up there will probably be easier. it's up to you

Thank you Just Jayla...

I'm wondering what date is this? She won't have the "kid'....nice way of talking about the child you are to love...I just get so angry how no one saw the signs...I think at first KC liked being a mom, once Caylee started to get all the attention, she started feeling jealous..:furious: I think the novelty wore off...

Parents on a retreat? Man, the things KC comes up with...
Is Casey just dopey on many levels? Seems like it, but strangely she supposely made the computer searches and manipulated a large circle of dear ones. Was she smart enough to erase her hard drive, etc.,? Dopey but not innocent, IMO.

I think narcissist tend to be dopey because they block reality so well they not in touch with what's real. Casey has NPD it seems. Some like to plan evil deeds, and they can be crafty. They resent other peoples happiness. Anger and jealousy and self entitlement would be at work in Casey's mind, and maybe she did some computer searches 'cause you know how she gets mad when Mom and Dad don't bow down to her.

Yes, I think you're right-because of her narcissistic personality, she fails to see the big picture from all angles-She cannot take into consideration social norms, empathize with others, anticipate her impact on others, etc.

The sociopath part of her helps with this a little, allowing her to make friends and behave "normally" when she was out and about. She also was aware that if she got caught lying, she would be in trouble-That's why she tried to cover up with AH re: the stolen money, and would just avoid CA. But as we know, she wasn't very good at lying to them, because in the end she did not anticipate that they would figure her out, and if they did, she thought she could talk her way out of it.

Is she so narcissistic that she believed the police would not find Caylee eventually (cause she did such a swell job of hiding the body) or that police would "let this go" if they found out? Indeed, her narcissism makes her dopey!
To get back to topic, sorry I went O/T, she seemed computer savvy to the extent that she was familiar with the latest software, was able to figure out how to blue-screen her laptop. Probably more than I can do, but still pretty low level stuff in the computer world.

You would think that even an amateur knows that information stays on your hard drive. I know CSI shows have addressed this, and we have all heard it from here or other places along the way-Yet she still searched for the things she searched for.

She is the most compulsive person I have ever read about-But thank God she is, her compulsions have left a trail behind them.
To get back to topic, sorry I went O/T, she seemed computer savvy to the extent that she was familiar with the latest software, was able to figure out how to blue-screen her laptop. Probably more than I can do, but still pretty low level stuff in the computer world.

You would think that even an amateur knows that information stays on your hard drive. I know CSI shows have addressed this, and we have all heard it from here or other places along the way-Yet she still searched for the things she searched for.

She is the most compulsive person I have ever read about-But thank God she is, her compulsions have left a trail behind them.

No doubt KC was addicted to the crime shows like CSI. She was smart enough to follow instructions on how to use computer programs perhaps even being self-taught on them by her known feverishly computer activity. KC probably is still under the false impression that LE isn't as smart as the show CSI is. Therefore her moves provided by the CSI shows, makes her smarter than the rest of them and us. :bang: Not.

The computer forensics was nice, but not enough of what I wanted to see. Want to see where CA and GA went surfing.
Are the RPhawks IM's something that has been released before? I do not remember them.

This portion intrigues me:

RPhawks330 (5:48:53 PM): soooooo that begs the question, when am i gonna be able to get you away from the rents to see you
casey o marie (5:49:37 PM): wellllll....either i'll come up there next week, or if your schedule allows it, you come here. it doesn't matter.
RPhawks330 (5:50:05 PM): so is that when your parents are going on there retreat then?
casey o marie (5:50:23 PM): si.
RPhawks330 (5:50:46 PM): well then ill just try and head down there, im not sure of my sched, but im gonna try
casey o marie (5:51:08 PM): i won't have the kid, so me coming up there will probably be easier. it's up to you

I don't think KC ever intended to see RP, but on the off chance she did.....Where was Caylee going to be? CA had made plans (even though they didn't pan out) to go to Ft. Myer with GA BY THEMSELVES (CA was pizzed that she ended up having to watch Caylee that whole week)

Would KC have been counting on CA to take Caylee that week, or was she forseeing her next move and laying more groundwork with RP (she'll be with the nanny)?

Looking at the dates on the IMs:

On May 13, Casey told Ryan maybe she could come visit him on her "vacation," which would be May 16 through the "end of the month."

On May 26, Casey told Ryan her vacation "starts on Wednesday" (May 28) and Cindy's vacation would start that weekend (which was true). This is the date of the IM's you quoted above. She made plans to go visit Ryan (in Jacksonville) the weekend of June 7-8 (which would have been the end of Cindy's vacation). So I assume she meant she would not have "the kid" because "the kid" would be with Cindy. Ryan said he would get that weekend off work.

Friday night, June 6, Casey was at TonyL's place and got a call from the Anthony home phone at 3:45 in the morning (the morning of Sat. June 7). She left Tony's around 4:30 am and went home. Maybe Cindy said no more overnight babysitting that weekend? Looks like Casey stayed home the rest of the weekend.

Saturday June 7 Ryan called Casey around 2:30 pm (maybe, "Um, where are you?")--although Casey had called him around 9 pm Friday night while she was driving from Tony's place to Fusian, so maybe she had already left a message excusing herself from the visit.

Ryan says he was in town (Orlando) the following weekend (June 14-15, just before Caylee was killed) and Casey was supposed to come to his aunt's house but she didn't. BUT he says he saw her in person a "couple of weeks" earlier. :waitasec:

Do you have a link for the statement that Cindy was mad about watching Caylee during her vacation week? I'm not sure if I've seen that before.
No doubt KC was addicted to the crime shows like CSI. She was smart enough to follow instructions on how to use computer programs perhaps even being self-taught on them by her known feverishly computer activity. KC probably is still under the false impression that LE isn't as smart as the show CSI is. Therefore her moves provided by the CSI shows, makes her smarter than the rest of them and us. :bang: Not.

The computer forensics was nice, but not enough of what I wanted to see. Want to see where CA and GA went surfing.

Oh, you don't want to see where GA was surfing.....
Looking at the dates on the IMs:

On May 13, Casey told Ryan maybe she could come visit him on her "vacation," which would be May 16 through the "end of the month."

On May 26, Casey told Ryan her vacation "starts on Wednesday" (May 28) and Cindy's vacation would start that weekend (which was true). This is the date of the IM's you quoted above. She made plans to go visit Ryan (in Jacksonville) the weekend of June 7-8 (which would have been the end of Cindy's vacation). So I assume she meant she would not have "the kid" because "the kid" would be with Cindy. Ryan said he would get that weekend off work.

Friday night, June 6, Casey was at TonyL's place and got a call from the Anthony home phone at 3:45 in the morning (the morning of Sat. June 7). She left Tony's around 4:30 am and went home. Maybe Cindy said no more overnight babysitting that weekend? Looks like Casey stayed home the rest of the weekend.

Saturday June 7 Ryan called Casey around 2:30 pm (maybe, "Um, where are you?")--although Casey had called him around 9 pm Friday night while she was driving from Tony's place to Fusian, so maybe she had already left a message excusing herself from the visit.

Ryan says he was in town (Orlando) the following weekend (June 14-15, just before Caylee was killed) and Casey was supposed to come to his aunt's house but she didn't. BUT he says he saw her in person a "couple of weeks" earlier. :waitasec:

Do you have a link for the statement that Cindy was mad about watching Caylee during her vacation week? I'm not sure if I've seen that before.

Let me find it, will post it here soon! I think it's buried in LE interview, so it may be a bit.
Oh, you don't want to see where GA was surfing.....

That's no lie. I had to take a brillo pad to my hard drive after I started researching the URLs in the history. O_O

I would like to point out that every so often it appears there was a visit to a online pay service during these little jaunts. Makes you wonder if on occasion there wasn't SOME form of transaction occur...whatever that may have been.
Oh, you don't want to see where GA was surfing.....

That's no lie. I had to take a brillo pad to my hard drive after I started researching the URLs in the history. O_O

I would like to point out that every so often it appears there was a visit to a online pay service during these little jaunts. Makes you wonder if on occasion there wasn't SOME form of transaction occur...whatever that may have been.
:crazy: Ha, I have no intentions of actually going to any sites GA visited. :hand: It would however explain a whole lot and put the visions of what GA/CA/LA/KC were like and doing privately prior to July 15 into perspective; on paper.
Alright....JWG/Val...what say ye?

What does the Encase report say about laptop usage on 6/16? IIRC, it was very low, but, also recall that you learned more about interpretting the "*" wanted to double check w/ you (or anyone else that's got this Encase details nailed).

Interested in the potential for the laptop to have been used to spin a DVD for Caylee 6/16PM in the Pontiac. In which case low activity might even be an indication that there wasn't enough battery to run on for long.

Better we even know if the laptop has a DVD player?
That's no lie. I had to take a brillo pad to my hard drive after I started researching the URLs in the history. O_O

I would like to point out that every so often it appears there was a visit to a online pay service during these little jaunts. Makes you wonder if on occasion there wasn't SOME form of transaction occur...whatever that may have been.

Makes me wonder if George didn't squander the family fortune on a Nigerian scam or gambling, but rather on too many of those little jaunts. JMO
Alright....JWG/Val...what say ye?

What does the Encase report say about laptop usage on 6/16? IIRC, it was very low, but, also recall that you learned more about interpretting the "*" wanted to double check w/ you (or anyone else that's got this Encase details nailed).

Interested in the potential for the laptop to have been used to spin a DVD for Caylee 6/16PM in the Pontiac. In which case low activity might even be an indication that there wasn't enough battery to run on for long.

Better we even know if the laptop has a DVD player?

This is what I think. We see only 4 files from 1 to 2, 2 files from 2 to 3 and 4 files from 4 to 5. I think that is system activity. My personal interpretation of the laptop activity is that it appears she left it at the Anthony home when she left on the 16th. When she came back on the 17th she took it and (it appears) began to transfer files between it and the desktop because there is a corresponding high activity on both computers at the same time period.

BUT, that's my layman's interpretation. I have passed a screencap of the data to some one who can offer a more experienced opinion, and I will share whatever I find out.

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