Anthony's Computer Forensics

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I deciphered the "Google Searches" spreadsheet released by LE this April, and have attempted to replicate it here using descriptions (I hope) everyone can follow. I'm not always successful :doh:, but hopefully someone can make heads-or-tails of what I found. I am posting this with minimal commentary, and will leave it to the sleuths on this site to speculate on what it all really means. :waitasec:

Oh, and I added links, so if you want to see what sites KC visited, just click away. Of course, I cannot guarantee the content of the sites haven't changed in the past 20 months. :whistle:

March 8 (Saturday)

    • Respectfully snipped although it looks like I did a bad job at it.

      Interesting once again JWG, you sure have a knack for this - and to hark back to the Tracy Mclaughlan interview, she stated that Cindy told her the only time she got up Casey about the care of Caylee, was the time when Caylee came back to the home with flea bites. Then lo and behold Casey or perhaps Cindy, as it is a Saturday, is doing all this research on fleas.

      Interview with Tracey Mclaughlan describing conversation with Cindy and the flea bites - 4.22

March 13
Start 9:42

Myspace 18868132 - Shaggy - artist/musician
Start 10:44

Search "lost numbers" (results 1 - 10)
Start 11:17

Search "bustdown" (results 1 - 10)

Above snipped again from JWG:

From Urban Dictionary "BUSTDOWN"

bustdown is:
1. usually used to refer to a female
2. is a derogatory term for a female
3. indicates that she is sexually promiscuous with no discretion
4.simply, a ho
5. etc, etc, etc
Cam'ron's lyric " I'm on the west side of Chicago, looking for a bustdown...."
by T-Jizzle Aug 1, 2003
Respectfully snipped although it looks like I did a bad job at it.

Interesting once again JWG, you sure have a knack for this - and to hark back to the Tracy Mclaughlan interview, she stated that Cindy told her the only time she got up Casey about the care of Caylee, was the time when Caylee came back to the home with flea bites. Then lo and behold Casey or perhaps Cindy, as it is a Saturday, is doing all this research on fleas.

Interview with Tracey Mclaughlan describing conversation with Cindy and the flea bites - 4.22

So question is were was Caylee staying to get flea bites.
Who had a dog?
From the Zanny's White Dog Thread post #45

Darlin Gal said:
quoting 2 other poster's

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Originally Posted by
puppy good questions.....

I believe cindy a. Said she knew zg existed because caylee would talk about playing with zg puppy...time frame must be guess is it is annie d. Dog when she lived in apt at sawgrass with dante and was kinda bff with annie at some point

Oh and the dog that you are mentioning here is a Dachshund and she is mine... Annie now has a Bull Terrier

Annie "now has a Bull Terrier".

So both Annie and her Sawgrass neighbor had dogs.

In the same thread there is a link to a docstoc account with a BBQ and pics of some dogs - the dachsund is represented but not the Bulldog - no clue about the bulldog since no mention of it is made later. As the BBQ occurred in Jan of 2008 and the search for flea cures was in March of 2008 - you can draw your own conclusions but there were other dogs Caylee was exposed to. I do NOT see CA allowing her home to have fleas - MOO
From the Zanny's White Dog Thread post #45

In the same thread there is a link to a docstoc account with a BBQ and pics of some dogs - the dachsund is represented but not the Bulldog - no clue about the bulldog since no mention of it is made later. As the BBQ occurred in Jan of 2008 and the search for flea cures was in March of 2008 - you can draw your own conclusions but there were other dogs Caylee was exposed to. I do NOT see CA allowing her home to have fleas - MOO

I agree or CA would have had a big fit. Someone in that home (if not all) are obsessively clean. I think the story would have been about the house having fleas not just Caylee having fleabites. Funny how KC admitted this to tracy, but no mention from CA about it when she was complaining about what a terrible mom KC was (when talking to her friends/therapist, etc)
- During KC's employment at Universal/Kodak, she held a position in HR. (human resources) I haved worked in HR. And from my personal experience, depending on your level/position in HR, you have access to A LOT of personal information about your co-workers.

IOW-What kind of nosey surfing KC did while in HR? :pcguru:
Have they pulled the forensics from her work 'computer'? Do they even need to, would it help in any way to give insight to what has happend? Seems like this is when things really started heading south. Could she access only Kodak HR info. or Universal info. Could she have been able to access some famous peeps info? (this would give her fantasy ammo.?)

Just thinkin' out loud here.
- During KC's employment at Universal/Kodak, she held a position in HR. (human resources) I haved worked in HR. And from my personal experience, depending on your level/position in HR, you have access to A LOT of personal information about your co-workers.

IOW-What kind of nosey surfing KC did while in HR? :pcguru:
Have they pulled the forensics from her work 'computer'? Do they even need to, would it help in any way to give insight to what has happend? Seems like this is when things really started heading south. Could she access only Kodak HR info. or Universal info. Could she have been able to access some famous peeps info? (this would give her fantasy ammo.?)

Just thinkin' out loud here.

Hi Skygirl!

I think KC only held a position of taking pictures of people on the rides at Universal. I don't think she had anything to do with HR, if I remember correctly!
Hi Skygirl!

I think KC only held a position of taking pictures of people on the rides at Universal. I don't think she had anything to do with HR, if I remember correctly!

Hmmm. I thought I read, KC had a DR.s excuse to go on light duty, so they put her in HR. OR her manager thought she was doing such a good job she was promoted to HR. I can't remember? I'm going searching.....

ETA: Mike Kozak Transcript.pdf

Here is the link to the transcript of her manager at Kodak/Universal. Page 2 he mentions the dr.s note, page 3 he mentions she worked in personnel. Doesn't mention if she had computer access Wonder if she did?

I would guess she did get some of her story -telling info from some of those applications though. Don't 'cha think?
Hmmm. I thought I read, KC had a DR.s excuse to go on light duty, so they put her in HR. OR her manager thought she was doing such a good job she was promoted to HR. I can't remember? I'm going searching.....

ETA: Mike Kozak Transcript.pdf

Here is the link to the transcript of her manager at Kodak/Universal. Page 2 he mentions the dr.s note, page 3 he mentions she worked in personnel. Doesn't mention if she had computer access Wonder if she did?

I would guess she did get some of her story -telling info from some of those applications though. Don't 'cha think?

I believe you are correct about them putting her in the office for light duty. I doubt they let her have access to personnel records. Everything today is computerized so she would have no "need to know". My guess she was doing general clerical duties.
Posted something similar on Val's blog and thought it would be worth putting out here. Of course, what I think might have value could very well differ from everyone else's opinion. :bang:

Val's blog post dealt with the question as to when the "zenaida" searches were done on the Anthony home computer. I think there is enough evidence (to convince a simpleton like me, anyways) to implicate George as conducting the searches on July 16.

In the process of looking at this issue once again, I gleaned some insight into the online behavior of the Anthony's and drew some conclusions that might - just might :crossfingers: - be interesting to others looking through this thread.

First, it is important to realize that on the desktop computer there are two Windows accounts in use: "casey" and "owner". Contrary to common logic, "casey" was used by George and Cindy, while "owner" was used by KC. I won't go into it here but there is plenty of evidence out there to prove the above. :thumb:

The internet history files containing "zenaida" searches belonged to the "casey" account. Time stamps show the searches were done on the 16th of July. It makes sense that if Casey were searching for ZFG with one of her parents the day of the 16th that she would NOT use her private account so as to prevent her parents from seeing what was there. IIRC, BTW, George said in either an early OCSO or FBI interview that he conducted those searches that day. With KC's help? Not clear. :waitasec:

KC was using the “owner” account at least as far back as 5/14 (when the password was changed), but who knows prior to that. I’m guessing she used it for quite some time.

Why do I believe that? :waitasec:

If you look back at the unfiltered internet history files released in September 2009, :sleuth: two files are from the laptop (the ones with “bobby” in the file name) and two are from the desktop ("Unfiltered Temporary Internet History for Casey Profile.csv", and "Internet History unfiltered.csv"). The internals of the last two files indicate that the information was pulled from the "casey" account. No information was pulled from the "owner" account. (This means there is a potential wealth of information that we have not seen. :applause:)

If you then look at the history before Cindy grabbed Casey on the 15th, you will notice the desktop activity does not reflect the websites Casey is likely to visit, such as Myspace, Facebook, Photobucket, etc. Instead, it reflects mostly George activity with a little Cindy sprinkled in. Also, all of the history reflects the use of the Internet Explorer browser.

One can selectively delete history from a browser, but it is a pain and a whole lot easier to just delete all of it. So thinking of Casey taking the simple approach :idea:, if she surfed the web using IE on the “casey” account and deleted her history, the surfing history of George and Cindy would be gone as well. So in a round-about way I can bolster my conclusion that Casey was not using that account. (Missing KC websites but lots of GA / CA websites).

Now let's look further at the Google searches :sleuth:. Melich said in his report that he asked Sandra Cawn to look for the keyword “chloroform”, and a few days later she came back with the results. Because it took "a few days", she probably found the information in deleted history files. And sure enough, the file name used by Ms. Cawn to record the searches is “Firefox from Unallocated Space HP Desktop Google Searches.xls”. If the file name Ms. Cawn used has meaning, she found deleted history from the Firefox browser. :thumb:

Now, what about the search for a flea remedy? :waitasec: Looking back at the IE history you will notice an absence of the use of Google to perform searches (prior to the evening of the 15th). It would seem George and Cindy were not hip to using Google. I therefore speculate that Casey is the one who searched for the flea remedy, and she did it on behalf of her mother. I’m pretty convinced that is the case, because from 8:33 AM to 8:40 AM on 3/8 we see Google searches from the Firefox browser, and then starting at 9:18 AM to 9:45 AM we see a whole slew of activity on IE from the “casey” account.

I believe there was not just a switch of browsers going on, but also a switch of user accounts.

So, I believe Casey was on the computer and Cindy asked her for some help looking for a flea solution, they did some searching together, and shortly after Casey finished, she logged off her “owner” account and Cindy hopped on the “casey” account and used the Yahoo and MSN search capabilities to continue looking for a flea remedy. After a while Caylee came by and she and Cindy looked at the cute pictures on

Now, there is nothing about the computer forensics showing the chloroform, etc. searches being tied to the "owner" account and not the "casey" account. They were found in unallocated space. So they MAY have been done from the “casey” account using Firefox, but I find it more likely they were done from “owner” using Firefox. I conclude this by looking at the standard operating procedure of GA / CA versus KC. GA / CA used MSN and Yahoo to search with Internet Explorer while logged into the casey account. KC used Google to search with Firefox while logged into the owner account.

Also, note that Firefox does not use index.dat. It is much easier to erase surfing history with Firefox than with IE. Cawn’s forensic report stated that the last logon to the “owner” account was 07/16/08 04:57:56 AM. Roughly five minutes later we see activity coming from the “casey” account and IE. I speculate that Casey hopped onto the “owner” account quickly in an attempt to cover her tracks – deleting the Firefox history at that time. :eek:
Not that easy to do. How do you suppose a virus creator is traced back to the originator by FBI if it so easy? The virus creator tries to spoof his address but they are traced back and found.

I just started reading this thread. Without divulging too much about myself, a long time ago, in a previous life, when I worked for a very, very large PC software company headquartered on the west coast, I was part of a consulting group that interfaced with the FBI. An operation was created to catch virus writers, hackers, spammers, phisher and even pedophiles.

So the answer to "How does the FBI catch the bad guys?", it is/was easy. The FBI has the bad guys come to them.

Google "Honeypot +FBI"

Sorry if this is off topic.
I just started reading this thread. Without divulging too much about myself, a long time ago, in a previous life, when I worked for a very, very large PC software company headquartered on the west coast, I was part of a consulting group that interfaced with the FBI. An operation was created to catch virus writers, hackers, spammers, phisher and even pedophiles.

So the answer to "How does the FBI catch the bad guys?", it is/was easy. The FBI has the bad guys come to them.

Google "Honeypot +FBI"

Sorry if this is off topic.

There is some interesting reading there. Thanks. :)
I just started reading this thread. Without divulging too much about myself, a long time ago, in a previous life, when I worked for a very, very large PC software company headquartered on the west coast, I was part of a consulting group that interfaced with the FBI. An operation was created to catch virus writers, hackers, spammers, phisher and even pedophiles.

So the answer to "How does the FBI catch the bad guys?", it is/was easy. The FBI has the bad guys come to them.

Google "Honeypot +FBI"

Sorry if this is off topic.

It was interesting. When the first Honeypot servers were set up, they were "found (ping'ed) and attacked" within SECONDS!
- During KC's employment at Universal/Kodak, she held a position in HR. (human resources) I haved worked in HR. And from my personal experience, depending on your level/position in HR, you have access to A LOT of personal information about your co-workers.

IOW-What kind of nosey surfing KC did while in HR? :pcguru:
Have they pulled the forensics from her work 'computer'? Do they even need to, would it help in any way to give insight to what has happend? Seems like this is when things really started heading south. Could she access only Kodak HR info. or Universal info. Could she have been able to access some famous peeps info? (this would give her fantasy ammo.?)

Just thinkin' out loud here.

Hi :wave:
Casey was not hired/employed in HR for Kodak or Color Vision

According to Mr Kozak's interview Mike Kozak Transcript.pdf

Casey worked for Kodak who had an Photo Imaging Contract with Universal
Casey was in the Manager Trainee Program
Casey got pregnant, showed up at work one day and announced she was pregnant..maybe they wanted a note and during the pregnancy she may have obtained a DR's note :)waitasec:don't know the date, but will speculate it was after her parents found out and Cindy took her to the she was about 7-8 months pregnant) saying she couldn't stand on her feet all day and take pictures so she was moved into the Kodak office for light duty and filling work and working with the Personnel people.
Casey left and gave birth.
He said she came back to the office once with Caylee, then disappeared she never came back to work, so paperwork was filled for Termination due to job abandonement. Casey never went to the meetings to transfer her job from Kodak to Color Vision

Did they ever find any searches for chloroform on anyone else's computer except for Casey's? On Ricardos. wasn't the only mention of it on that one picture?


unrelated: Did they search Lee's computers, car and or home?
Hi :wave:
Casey was not hired/employed in HR for Kodak or Color Vision

According to Mr Kozak's interview Mike Kozak Transcript.pdf

Casey worked for Kodak who had an Photo Imaging Contract with Universal
Casey was in the Manager Trainee Program
Casey got pregnant, showed up at work one day and announced she was pregnant..maybe they wanted a note and during the pregnancy she may have obtained a DR's note :)waitasec:don't know the date, but will speculate it was after her parents found out and Cindy took her to the she was about 7-8 months pregnant) saying she couldn't stand on her feet all day and take pictures so she was moved into the Kodak office for light duty and filling work and working with the Personnel people.
Casey left and gave birth.
He said she came back to the office once with Caylee, then disappeared she never came back to work, so paperwork was filled for Termination due to job abandonement. Casey never went to the meetings to transfer her job from Kodak to Color Vision


I agree with everything you are saying. I'm just saying - based on MK's stmt. she was placed in personnel doing something with employment applications. From my personal HR/Personnel experience, we would hire interns to enter the application information into the computer, then file the app. appropriately.
My question/thought was IF she had any computer access while being in HR, at KODAK/Universal, maybe it could hold some clues? I have not seen anything stating if she had computer access or not? Has anyone else? :camera: :eye: :eek:nline:
Partial quote from statment:
MK:" And she was doing light duty work and filing and working with the personnel people on uh, applications and that sort of thing."...........................................


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