Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

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What Do You Think Are The Reason(s) The Anthony's Are Standing Beside Casey...

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There's a saying, "A family is as sick as its secrets". If that is so, then the A's have many many secrets. They are protecting their secrets.
Denial? NO WAY!! They know. I'm wondering these days if they've known since early on. Certainly they've suspected--we know this from the video interviews. Cindy and KC are two peas in a pod, thinking that if they can spew their lies long and loud enough that the public will surely believe them.
It's also tiresome to hear how they've lost Caylee and now they are gonna lose their daughter. Uh...No they aren't. She might be locked up but she's still alive. I'm sure they correspond via snail mail, and no matter the sentence, they will be able to visit her for many years to come.
Denial? NO WAY!! They know. I'm wondering these days if they've known since early on. Certainly they've suspected--we know this from the video interviews. Cindy and KC are two peas in a pod, thinking that if they can spew their lies long and loud enough that the public will surely believe them.
It's also tiresome to hear how they've lost Caylee and now they are gonna lose their daughter. Uh...No they aren't. She might be locked up but she's still alive. I'm sure they correspond via snail mail, and no matter the sentence, they will be able to visit her for many years to come.

IMO.....the BIG SECRET IS........who is Caylee's father.....omg....don't we all want to know this???.....won't it all make sense?
Can someone tell me how wide that river of Denial the A clan are floating on now? There are not enough lifejackets onboard to save them from themselves.:bang:

They gonna float to Da-Trial on the River of Denial.
It's all about the $$$ if you ask me. And now, they have to also support the Milsteads if they are living with the Anthonys. Soimeone needs to write the CMA foundartion and ask for their accounting records. Charities have to have them available for anyone to see if asked for them. I can see Cindy now -$1 for charity, $10 for me (administration), The only person in that family working is Lee and I seriously doubt he earns enough to support four adults who are capable of working.

Yep,they met the Milsteads and saw an opportunity IMO.They could turn their tragedy into a new career for the entire family.Look at the M's lifestyle.Surely they could do as well.As victims they could probably do even better.........
The A's are in for a rude awakening.
I don't post here much because I'm on the other side of the world, and so whenever anything happens, by the time I'm here, you guys have already said exactly what I'm thinking! And I haven't read this whole thread, so maybe someone else has said this but... I vote for guilt. Not guilt as in being involved at all, but I think that the huge argument between KC and Cindy on that Sunday evening, whatever its cause, ended up with Cindy stating she was going to start the process of applying for custody. KC decided that she wasn't going to let Cindy get her "legal" hands on Caylee, and so decided that - well, I can't write it but you know what I mean.

Cindy knows/feels she pushed KC into a corner and this is the result. And so, she feels to blame for KCs actions. I don't like any of them but I do feel sorry for Cindy and George.
I wonder if they're not in denial?

I wonder if they know exactly what they're doing?

I wonder if they know that they were probably next?

I wonder if they have a plan to make sure KC gets LWOP/DP

I wonder if they've made it clear to KC that they know?
I was discussing a thought I had with a friend of mine.. we were going on about how when one member of a family dies, is incapacitated, or for any reason unable to be part of a family, other members sometimes step up and take over part of the missing persons persona.. start playing their role for them..
hubby is sick, Mom slaps on the constructin boots and starts hammering nails into boards.. or takes over his job as president, or whatever.. Mom dies, eldest daughter starts raising younger siblings and taking care of her mothers former duties with the household finances..
It can be a little odder when a child dies.. a little strange in a way.. my sister lost her 18 year old daughter, next thing I knew my sister was wearing 'teenage' clothes, (mostly red and black, which her daughter had favoured), and had cut her hair to resemble the way her daughter wore her hair. She talked and acted much younger than she had used to. It took several years before she reverted back to being her old self compleatly.

Anyway to get to the point of this post, although I am sure CA can be a proper terror on her own, I wonder if some of what we are seeing is a result of CA playing the role of KC??
I was discussing a thought I had with a friend of mine.. we were going on about how when one member of a family dies, is incapacitated, or for any reason unable to be part of a family, other members sometimes step up and take over part of the missing persons persona.. start playing their role for them..
hubby is sick, Mom slaps on the constructin boots and starts hammering nails into boards.. or takes over his job as president, or whatever.. Mom dies, eldest daughter starts raising younger siblings and taking care of her mothers former duties with the household finances..
It can be a little odder when a child dies.. a little strange in a way.. my sister lost her 18 year old daughter, next thing I knew my sister was wearing 'teenage' clothes, (mostly red and black, which her daughter had favoured), and had cut her hair to resemble the way her daughter wore her hair. She talked and acted much younger than she had used to. It took several years before she reverted back to being her old self compleatly.

Anyway to get to the point of this post, although I am sure CA can be a proper terror on her own, I wonder if some of what we are seeing is a result of CA playing the role of KC??
That's a very interesting observation.

I am very sorry for your family's loss.
I don't post here much because I'm on the other side of the world, and so whenever anything happens, by the time I'm here, you guys have already said exactly what I'm thinking! And I haven't read this whole thread, so maybe someone else has said this but... I vote for guilt. Not guilt as in being involved at all, but I think that the huge argument between KC and Cindy on that Sunday evening, whatever its cause, ended up with Cindy stating she was going to start the process of applying for custody. KC decided that she wasn't going to let Cindy get her "legal" hands on Caylee, and so decided that - well, I can't write it but you know what I mean.

Cindy knows/feels she pushed KC into a corner and this is the result. And so, she feels to blame for KCs actions. I don't like any of them but I do feel sorry for Cindy and George.
Yes, the "would, coulda, shoulda" game is a terrible one to play. I had always hoped they would get grief counseling. Not sure if they did, though.
Yes, the "would, coulda, shoulda" game is a terrible one to play. I had always hoped they would get grief counseling. Not sure if they did, though.

Their only grief is that they didn't concoct a better story and the counseling they are receiving are from KFN. :bang:
O/T on:

I agree with some of what you say in the sense that parents can't be too surprised with the outcome if kids act this way unchecked. But, as a parent, I do take issue with the notion that there is always a neat, perfect way to handle kids that decide to "do their own thing."

The laws in most areas protect kids from such "child abuse" as a swat on the bottom, a smack across the face or even something as benign as grabbing their arm (no matter if they are mid-cuss to their parent or trying to damage property). I don't want this to turn into a thread on child abuse, or comparing such events to beatings, but when kids have all the power to pick up the phone and tattle on parents for attempting to assert some rightful authority, you have a lopsided situation from the get-go in which the kid knows they can get away with horrid behavior. We have to wait until houses are trashed, holes get punched in the walls, or a family member gets hurt before we can protect our homes and families. And, trust me, kids know it and are socialized regarding this ideal practically daily from the day they step foot in kindergarten. THAT is wrong. And, we are surprised we have a generation of entitled monsters on our hands? Really??

In addition, every child is different, a time out that works for one, another will laugh at and up the ante on their defiance. There literally ARE some kids that resistant to correction. That is why there is a diagnosis of "oppositional defiance" among other things.

I never assume that a family must be a den of dysfunction based on the actions of a child. Kids have free will. And, I know lots of parents that have done everything right and still had the proverbial "bad apple" in the family. I guess until you live through some version of it, most don't understand this concept.

Back specifically to the Anthony's, I totally agree they did their part in "nurturing" this behavior re: Casey.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic. :)

Enjoyed your post immensely and agree with all of it, although as I think you said, this is not the source of the huge problem at the A's. OLG has the inside scoop on that, IMO. :blowkiss:
I was discussing a thought I had with a friend of mine.. we were going on about how when one member of a family dies, is incapacitated, or for any reason unable to be part of a family, other members sometimes step up and take over part of the missing persons persona.. start playing their role for them..
hubby is sick, Mom slaps on the constructin boots and starts hammering nails into boards.. or takes over his job as president, or whatever.. Mom dies, eldest daughter starts raising younger siblings and taking care of her mothers former duties with the household finances..
It can be a little odder when a child dies.. a little strange in a way.. my sister lost her 18 year old daughter, next thing I knew my sister was wearing 'teenage' clothes, (mostly red and black, which her daughter had favoured), and had cut her hair to resemble the way her daughter wore her hair. She talked and acted much younger than she had used to. It took several years before she reverted back to being her old self compleatly.

Anyway to get to the point of this post, although I am sure CA can be a proper terror on her own, I wonder if some of what we are seeing is a result of CA playing the role of KC??

What an interesting observation.
Casey is still their daughter and they love her. IMO

That was my position for a long time.
CAYLEE was their granddaughters and LOVE does not delete, and erase a baby no way.
IF THEY WERE to look for justice for CAYLEE I would continue to stand up for them.
They are using the baby's name in vain to feed their fat azzes, and that is not love. They saw KC in court last week and there was not even a hello exchanged. :rolleyes:
I,,, like you was going with the way I would act and feel.
SELF SERVING has no place in the love arena. JMHO
I agree she totally knows what she has done, what she has created. I do feel that GA helped in oh so many ways. She has been the clean up woman for that family for so very long. She wanted to believe and so, she believes. Please don't get me wrong, I cannot stomach the woman but I don't think that life has not been very easy for her.

IMO, she has a picture of what a family should be and she wants to continue to paint that picture no matter what has transpired. I want to yell at the top of my lungs "It's over CA!" Not that that would matter to her, she continues her crazy quest.

I think that guilt has driven them all to this place, very dark place. There is no turning back. I know in my heart they know exactly every single mistake (that word is so inadequate) that they made. Every abusive word that was spoken, every wrong turn that they made just led to a lifetime filled with sorrow and GUILT.

I think they are doing what they do out of sheer guilt, like anything they do can turn it all around. The truth is they can't, ever, never turn it around.

I agree with almost everything you are saying; but it is not only guilt that has driven them to dark places.
IMHO "GREED" has taken them to even darker places.
There are too many eyewitnesses to their denial. Not one of the people who have met them personally has said they feel they are involved in any way.

Truly, I believe they are in deep deep denial. My ex is the same with his kids, and so maybe it is easier for me to understand? I don't know.

Thanks for adding the poll! Since November, 7 months ago, I have changed my opinion from DENIAL to GUILT.

Their actions since Caylee was found have caused me to make the switch!
There's a saying, "A family is as sick as its secrets". If that is so, then the A's have many many secrets. They are protecting their secrets.
Maybe no doctor in the land can fix that much sickness. They are overloaded with that.
I wonder if they're not in denial?

I wonder if they know exactly what they're doing?

I wonder if they know that they were probably next?

I wonder if they have a plan to make sure KC gets LWOP/DP

I wonder if they've made it clear to KC that they know?

I used to wonder too IMO in order to plan a cover up you have to know what you are doing, denial NO!
I am sure they have some idea by now that KC was in some kind of a delusional plan to take over the house and move her friends in. unless she was just full of storied to keep people interested in what she may have to offer. BS.... They must wonder if she planed to get rid of them or was just Full of Chit as always. It had to cross their mind.
I know KC know that they know. She did not do a plan and clean up by herself, no, no, no.
Thanks for adding the poll! Since November, 7 months ago, I have changed my opinion from DENIAL to GUILT.
Their actions since Caylee was found have caused me to make the switch!

ME TOO - they are in deep chit or so I pray.....
I want to see the "A"s Charged. I want to see this family affair get busted up. The entire family deraild the investigation.

But my mental jury is still out on: did KC actually do the deed, was it an accident, is there another person?
If KC does not talk then I hope she gets LWOP.
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