Anthony's still selling Caylee Missing Shirts

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What Bothers You About Selling the T shirts the MOST

  • The fact these t shirts are possibly being distributed AT ALL

    Votes: 141 43.0%
  • That there is the potential for the Anthony's to make Money?

    Votes: 139 42.4%
  • Doesn't Bother Me

    Votes: 48 14.6%

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Which only goes to show that CA never actually loved Caylee. You would never do this to the memory of someone you loved. NEVER
Is she talking TES...or is she talking KFN?

It's hard to tell. "Non-profit org that helped search for Caylee". Didn't TES just mention they were short of funds?

I notice people don't seem to be nearly as upset if it wasn't the Anthonys tho....
Haven't these people made enough $$ off of this tragedy. How many children are still missing that their parents aren't suspected of making them missing (I am trying to make this as diplomatic as possible). Whose only concern is finding there child. This family is not the poster family on missing children, quite the opposite. What can we do to stop this? How can we remind them to respect the child that was found decomposed in the swamp blocks from there home. Please god put an end to this nightmare for Caylee and let her remains be placed with some dignity.
I'm speechless.
Wasn't this all discussed a few days ago on another thread?
Them selling shirts at this point really isn't shocking. When they run out of shirts, they will probably start selling her belongings.
Wasn't this all discussed a few days ago on another thread?
This is the first I've heard of it being confirmed. It was on FOX news earlier. I must have missed it before. I know that AWC tried to call attention to it at an earlier date. I just assumed the family hadn't updated the website.
OMG, I checked ebay and people are selling NE and other magazines with Caylee's picture on the cover. This is a sad day in our society.
I would hope that with all that is going on, that this is just an oversight on the part of the A's. I am almost tempted to buy one just to see if I would get it, but the thought of even attempting to contribute to their coffers makes me nauseous.
I notice they appear to have trademarked "Help Find Caylee". And I also notice that at the bottom of her page it now says "Please Help Us Find Lost Children". Sounds to me they are going into business with this. Unbelievable.
OMG, I checked ebay and people are selling NE and other magazines with Caylee's picture on the cover. This is a sad day in our society.
How sad. What is wrong with people?

Why couldn't the A's just say "no" to the people who were still asking for T-shirts and bracelets? They sure didn't seem to have a problem saying no to Tim Miller when he asked for an article of Caylee's clothing when he went to search for a missing Caylee. I just don't understand how their mind works.
Correct RR0004 I tried to bring this to the attention to everyone here. I thought the more who knew that they were doing this would do what Ocean Lover did & contact the media. The more e-mails, letters, etc. that this would be stopped. It finally takes them being exposed to put a stop to using Caylee's name themselves for profit.

Notice the checks were to writted out to GA? Read the blog from inside my post from 1/10/09. And she updated it after my post still selling items.

Thank You Ocean Lover for also bringing this to the attention of the media. Sometimes it takes a number of e-mails for them to check into something.:blowkiss:

I was :furious: the 10th when I found this & I'm still :furious: that they accuse others of trying to profit off of Caylee's name, when it is them, her own flesh & blood doing it. I would bet the $ is going towards the cost of lawyers for all of them.:bang::mad:
Not to worry AWC...I can promise you the media has been watching for quite some time. Thankfully, there are also angels among us. You'd be surprised, though, what the media wants to take on...and what they don't want to touch. Thank you for ALL that you do.
I notice they appear to have trademarked "Help Find Caylee". And I also notice that at the bottom of her page it now says "Please Help Us Find Lost Children". Sounds to me they are going into business with this. Unbelievable.
It may have been a concession to MB for help running the website. I think that has more to do with her.

Come to think of it...the money may go to her group.
Not to worry AWC...I can promise you the media has been watching for quite some time. Thankfully, there are also angels among us. You'd be surprised, though, what the media wants to take on...and what they don't want to touch. Thank you for ALL that you do.

Your Welcome RR0004 & I thank everyone here for all they do to respect & honor our Angel Caylee! We are all Caylee's Angels here on earth watching over her so that her name is honored not sold!!!
The bolded part of your quote by me & yes "Angels are speaking to all of us... some of us are only listening better!" If only the A's would listen to them after all this is thier granddaughter's name they are selling. How sad that they choosing to ignore the angels. :cry:
Well you can't sell them if no one buys them. People apparently want them.
I notice they appear to have trademarked "Help Find Caylee". And I also notice that at the bottom of her page it now says "Please Help Us Find Lost Children". Sounds to me they are going into business with this. Unbelievable.

Whoa...I missed that! Another Trademark! Why don't they just tradmark Webster's dictionary...good grief!:eek:
I notice they appear to have trademarked "Help Find Caylee". And I also notice that at the bottom of her page it now says "Please Help Us Find Lost Children". Sounds to me they are going into business with this. Unbelievable.

Looks like they've now stopped selling the t-shirts ..
I can't locate them on the site anymore .. :confused:
The shirts are for sale on
There is a tab for shirt info.
They are still asking for donations to find Caylee on her website:

Caylee Marie Trust Fund Information

The Help Find Caylee Marie Anthony Trust fund was set up to allow the concerned public a vehicle to contribute to finding missing 3 year old, Caylee. Sadly, several people have had their own agenda and ulterior motives by making horrible suggestions that there have been misrepresentations or misappropriations of funds with this account, which has caused others to question the account. Therefore, George and Cindy Anthony are voluntarily providing all of the Trust information and posting the documents online for the public to inspect. Hopefully this will resolve any questions and will put to ease the minds of those with concerns and refocus back on finding little Caylee.

September 25 Trust Agreement
Wachovia Signature Card and Deposit Slips

The Anthony Family
4937 Hopespring Dr.
Orlando, FL 32829

All funds donated to the trust fund will go directly towards funding the efforts in finding Caylee. Funds are currently being used to pay for fliers, t-shirts, water for volunteers, etc. Once Caylee is brought home all remaining funds will be donated to charities that help the families of missing children. The family does not benefit financially from any donations made to the trust fund, and it is being administered by a third party (Jody A. Parker). If you are interested in donating you may make a deposit at any Wachovia Bank in the Help Find Caylee Marie Anthony Trust Account:

Make the check or money order payable to "Help Find Caylee Marie Anthony". Any questions or request for contribution deposits may be directed to Caylee's Trustee, Jody A. Parker. -

Caylee Marie Online Resources
Visit the Official Caylee Anthony Myspace Website

Caylee Anthony Blog

Kid Finders Network, Inc

Help Find Caylee and Caylee Marie Anthony
Copyright© 2008. All rights reserved.

Caylee Marie Media & Resources

Please continue to check back for information
on the Caylee Marie Public Memorial
For website and National Vigil for Hope information, please contact
M. Bart at (626) ***-****

For media inquiries please contact
Attorney Brad Conway (407)***-0803

marla, Nope they are still selling them I just checked the blog:
January 13, 2009 - Tuesday

Caylee Shirt Request Questions

This is a response to many of you who have written us requests for shirts and bracelets from the search for Caylee Marie; we still have some left and if you would like to purchase them please follow these steps:

Please mail your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and what you would like to purchase (shirt/bracelet) and size to George Anthony: cost $10

Checks payable to: Help Find Caylee Marie Anthony
The Anthony Family
4937 Hopespring Dr.
Orlando, FL 32829

Any questions or requests for contribution deposits may be directed to
Caylee's Trustee, Jody A. Parker.

Or questions about shirts or bracelets to George:

Continue visiting for updates

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The KFN link Still has a Can You Find Me Picture of Caylee on it & when you click the picture it takes you to the Help Find Caylee Web Site:
KFN Link:

I can not believe they are still not only selling t-shirts, bracelets but are still asking for DONATIONS to find her! :furious:
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