AP: Casey Anthony Speaks in 1st Interview Since Daughter's Murder Case - 7 March 2017

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She was a waste back then and is still a waste..... Cracks me up after all these years she hasn't really done anything with her life, living off people, living in what appears to be a messy hovel. Justice will come murderer!
Turns out Baez hired a woman to help in jury selection. It was her job to zoom in on those she thought were dummies. The best they hoped for was a hung jury. Get the pucture? The rest is history. Disgraceful.

I know it chafes, but the hiring of consultants for jury selections is quite common:


I was shocked and I'm still sad that Casey was not convicted of some type of responsibility for Caylee's death, but Baez was well within common practice in having a consultant.
Here's an article YESorNO posted over at the Sidebar -

Casey Anthony’s Dad Reacts to Her New Interview About Murder Acquittal: My ‘Heart Hurts Even More Now’

"Casey Anthony‘s parents say they are “hurt” by a new interview she gave this week, nearly six years after she was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
In a statement to PEOPLE on Tuesday, via their attorney, Cindy and George Anthony said their daughter was dragging them back to a tragic period in their lives from which they had tried to “move forward” — particularly George.

“After years of silence, Casey Anthony has decided to complete an interview and has once again pointed to George Anthony, her father, as a suspect in the disappearance and death of his granddaughter, Caylee,” Casey’s parents said in their statement.

“George, who has continued to try and move forward from this tragedy and who was vindicated on multiple occasions, is once again forced to relive the hints, rumors, lies and allegations that are being made by Casey Anthony,” the statement continued. “He has specifically stated that ‘his heart hurts even more now.’ ”...

While the Anthony family briefly reconciled after her acquittal, the relationship soon fractured again. According to several sources, Casey has not spoken to her family in more than a year..."


I know people are down on the Anthony's but I feel for George. I'm glad he spoke out

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Turns out Baez hired a woman to help in jury selection. It was her job to zoom in on those she thought were dummies. The best they hoped for was a hung jury. Get the pucture? The rest is history. Disgraceful.

I forgot about that. Yes the defense did hire a trial consultant company.
I remember the guy named Richard Gabriel but I didn't remember the woman..Amy Singer (had to look her up)
They had their role to play as part of her defense team and they were closely watching and posting on social media(Facebook,blogs etc..)

I found interviews on what they used to their advantage for jury selection and during the trial.

Interview from Singer

Richard Gabriel article


I know it chafes, but the hiring of consultants for jury selections is quite common:


I was shocked and I'm still sad that Casey was not convicted of some type of responsibility for Caylee's death, but Baez was well within common practice in having a consultant.

Anyone watch the TV series Bull?
Based on Phil McGraw's early days as a Trial consultant. I think that's when Oprah hired him for a case she was going to trial in Texas.
I find it an interesting area, trial consultant.

IF I remember correctly the Prosecution in the Anthony case wished to hire trial consultants like the defense did but they were denied.Anyone remember that?
I have spoken to a few Florida locals about the case since we moved down here 10 years ago and they all believe Casey did it in order to maintain her partygoing lifestyle. Obviously having a child interferes with that sort of lifestyle.

The only point I want to make here is (and I have quoted this elsewhere on the Internet):

People without kids do not necessarily not have kids in order to have a certain "lifestyle." Far from it.

In the case of my husband and myself, we are basically homebodies, pay taxes, vote, are not partygoers at all.

Thank you :)

I was living in Seminole county during that time and I agree, most thought that.
Someone needs to corner Baez outside the Hernandez trial and ask about the changes story.wheres Kathy Belich when you need her?

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Someone did try that as he left the courtroom the day this interview came out. And he played it off---said he hadn't seen it, and was focused on the Hernandez trial. I am following the AH trial and getting PTSD from watching Baez cross the witnesses and file endless nonsensical motions. But who knows, maybe he will win with the jury? :puke:
How can her parents reconcile with that baby killer. They should do themselves a favor and cut her out like cancer.

I know we've all heard the saying a mama tells their youngin' in jest..."I brought you into this world and I will take you out!"
I think this is the one time it should be followed through with.

Listen I've always told my kids that should they ever take someone's life with premeditation or being downright evil.... I would fight against them with the prosecutor. I wouldn't visit them in jail and I damn sure would never help them in ANY way. You do the crime you do the time and I doubt I'd forgive you even then.
Now if this situation happened to my grandchild??? OH HELL NO.
My kid wouldn't make it to jail at least not in one piece.
I am sorry I feel nothing for her parents. AT ALL.
She says now she was living with them when little Caylee died? THEN WHY DID IT TAKE A MONTH TO CALL THE COPS?
They raised this psychopath and they would have known immediately what really happened.
I swear I've always felt that Casey blamed her own parents for HER HAVING to kill her child. Like:
Casey: "SEE I told you something would happen if you didn't keep her!"
And she did it to "punish" her parents.
Yes I'm sure they loved Caylee more than Casey. Who wouldn't?
You have Casey, the ugliest demon straight out of hell preening her horns on one hand
and then you have this beautiful doll of an angel that figuratively had wings and was innocent and HAD A SOUL.
Who would you pick?
This case seriously haunts me. For personal reasons I won't go into but....
There are narcissistic psychopaths out there and when you know one it scares the hell out of you.
You can see them trying to pretend to be normal and fake feelings just to get what they want.
It doesn't matter how good a parent you are and how well you raise them, they are unsalvageable.They were
born that way and nothing you or anyone can do will help them.
You can have two children raised on the same principals and same ideas and one turns out to be wonderfully loving and caring about EVERYONE and then your other can be totally deranged. It only gets worse as they get older too.
They will use their child as leverage and as a pawn. They would not blink if they had to destroy that pawn to get what they want.
Seriously. ALL the money in the world won't fix them. All the counseling and medication short of thorazine on a IV drip won't help them. They feel they are perfect and anything they do is ok. They will punish you by withholding your grandchild for months that YOU raised and that your grandbaby depends on your stability and love. They do not care AT ALL that they are hurting the child. Believe me. They will say and do anything to get what they want. They are EXTREME manipulators and everyone close to them suffers constantly due to their inability to truly love anyone. The only person they love is themselves. But even that is distorted because when they look in the mirror they don't see themselves.... they see what they think exists. I hope that makes sense?
They can't understand why no one will stay with them for long and those who do manage it for a while will be forever messed up mentally.
I can tell you FROM experience that it is very easy for them to hide your grandchild and manipulate everyone around them into believing lies so that they will help them hide your grandchild.
They move into hiding, change their phone number contaminate anyone they are around with straight up lies to help in their erratic behavior. They are easily sucked in at first but then quickly realize (too late) what the truth is and by then they as guilty as the mother. They can completely manipulate DFACS and anyone they need to in order to keep their pawn close.
It's heartbreaking. It rips you wide open. Nothing hurts more than your child being this cold and unfeeling. It's literally like they are born without the right and wrong part of their brain.
I'm there. This has been my nightmare for 2 years now. That this will happen to us and our grandbaby. Every time the phone rings now I get anxiety.
A good friend of mine who is a psychologist told me that most psych docs won't even work with these types of individuals. Because they can't be fixed. EVER.
Instead they treat the family members and those affected by them.
I pray every day that my family doesn't end up being a thread here.
But I will tell you this. I would NOT support my child. I would completely cut her off and work against her to make sure she's convicted. Because unlike Casey's parents, I would understand that it was my grandchild who was the victim. Not the animal who caused her death.
A month. and no one was asking questions? No one had laid eyes on her? I'm sorry but her parents helped her cover up the crime. I'm sure they were manipulated into it mind you... but they still helped her. And covered it for 31 days.
It's possible they never knew where her body was I'm sure but they still helped cover it up and protected the wrong person.
Casey used her pawn in the ultimate way. She destroyed her.
The reason I say this is to say from someone going through life dealing with a monster like this, that not all parents would support their baby killer daughter.
I wouldn't visit her either. Except maybe to hold up a picture the whole time of that beautiful baby and say nothing. Just to make sure she never forgets what she did.
She should be behind bars or waiting on death row. Society shouldn't have to continually deal with sick people like this. I
am serious when I say that too. There is nothing that can truly fix them or even help them. They just manipulate the doctor too.
They are ALWAYS the victim. They take no responsibility for their actions. Their apologies are just words to them. They can't love anyone truly. Loving them is hard to do when you know they are lying to your face and manipulating you. I love my daughter. But I have learned to protect my heart too. It's a difficult road but you can only take it one step at a time. I've thought about this for a VERY long time. My feelings have never wavered about it either. I'm very sure others would handle it different in this situation but when it comes to what Casey did.....there is and can be no forgiveness for me at least. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. TRUTH.
Sorry for the long rant but I wanted to explain why I also hate her parents.
If she WAS living with them, they damn well knew she didn't have no babysitter and little Caylee was missing. They knew for 31 days in fact. So personally they should go to jail for their part they played in the cover up. I've always felt this way too.
The judicial system failed an innocent child.
I am still mad and always will be about this case. If for no other reason than others like Casey will think they can get away with it too.
Casey you are a broken person. You were broken all your life. You hurt anyone that came into contact with you and you know it. No one left from a relationship with you, intact. You will never know what love feels like and for that one thing I feel sorry for you. Because you will never understand how much your daughter loved you and trusted you blindly. She was an innocent. You destroyed her. But the one thing you can't control is the hate that the population has for you. That will never change. You will always be hated. You got lucky and got out of jail. You shouldn't have.
So do EVERYONE a favor and stay to yourself and don't manipulate anyone else. Don't get married. Don't have another child. Just live your life quietly somewhere and TRY to do something good with the years you have left. Think before you speak. Matter of fact don't speak. Don't get pets either. Don't hurt anyone else ever again.
To Casey's parents. I feel for you. I know the hell you have lived. But that does not excuse what you did. You don't have to love her or ever make up with her. You don't.
Nothing you did or could ever do will change her or help her. But by continuing to ride this money train you have become JUST as guilty as Casey. You are riding on the back of an innocent child buried in the ground. Who was there when she needed someone?
You should have turned her in IMMEDIATELY. No ifs, ands, or buts. That is when you crossed the line. That is when you committed a crime. You should have let her pay the price of taking that precious child's life. You allowed her to use you as a "excuse" for her behavior. You helped her manipulate that trial. You helped her get freedom. You did wrong.
So instead of trying to make amends with her.... try volunteering or something like that. Heal yourselves and walk away from her.
Again you could never have fixed her. Nothing you did would have made her right. So let her go. She can never reciprocate your love so why even bother?
Rant over. :deepbreaths::deepbreaths::twocents:
I forgot about that. Yes the defense did hire a trial consultant company.
I remember the guy named Richard Gabriel but I didn't remember the woman..Amy Singer (had to look her up)
They had their role to play as part of her defense team and they were closely watching and posting on social media(Facebook,blogs etc..)

I found interviews on what they used to their advantage for jury selection and during the trial.

Interview from Singer

Richard Gabriel article


Thank you!
This so informative!!!!!! Must read for anyone interested in how the defense works with SM now.
On the Kronk thread, there is a tweet posted by watergirl62 that the judge ruled for FCA and threw out the defamation case.
That's why everything is breaking loose all over.
You know what I thought about???
There will be no reason from her cohorts to take care of her from now on. I hope they throw her out on her tail.

Everytime I try to open the link on watergirl62 post, it redirects me to Casey Anthony Ebay stuff! (Which isn't selling btw haha)!
I forgot about that. Yes the defense did hire a trial consultant company.
I remember the guy named Richard Gabriel but I didn't remember the woman..Amy Singer (had to look her up)
They had their role to play as part of her defense team and they were closely watching and posting on social media(Facebook,blogs etc..)

I found interviews on what they used to their advantage for jury selection and during the trial.

Interview from Singer

Richard Gabriel article



Great links! From the interview:

Working around the clock, Singer and her team of a dozen people monitored 40,000 blogs, chat rooms and Facebook pages to find out what people were thinking about the case as the trial progressed.

Lawyers USA: You said blogs were a “life saver” in the case. How so?
Singer: They were a life saver because they told us what the prosecution was thinking. Then the defense lawyers were able to answer those questions [in front of the real jury]. It was like having a free shadow jury. You would not believe the kinds of things people were saying, and a lot of it was counterintuitive. I needed to hear from pro-prosecution people. I don’t preach to the choir. I go to extreme measures to find people who are against my client. I’m not interested in persuading people on my side. I’m interested in persuading people on the fence.

Lawyers USA: How did the lawyers use the information you mined from these blogs?
Singer: We sent comments constantly to [defense attorneys] Jose [Baez] and Dorothy [Clay Sims]. They had to integrate the comments into the trial and think fast, and they geared their case toward that. For example, when Cindy (Casey’s mother) testified [that] she did a [Internet] search for chloroform, everybody hated her. But others said this was a mother protecting her child. So we knew how to play that. That’s exactly what Jose said in his closing: ‘She’s protecting her child.’
Turns out Baez hired a woman to help in jury selection. It was her job to zoom in on those she thought were dummies. The best they hoped for was a hung jury. Get the pucture? The rest is history. Disgraceful.

Well she did a great job finding the dumbest of the dumb down jury possible.
I know people are down on the Anthony's but I feel for George. I'm glad he spoke out

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I actually have never been down on George. Now, Cindy with her committing perjury under oath, I have a serious problem with that.
Also, my impression from this interview is that she's miserable. She hates that people hate her. She hates that she didn't get a quarter-million dollar book deal as soon as she walked out of the slammer. She hates that nice, cute, middle-class guys her age like her old beaus Jesse, Ricardo, & Tony want nothing to do with her baby-killer behind. She hates that her parents got a huge pay-out from Dr. Phil and she didn't. She hates that she isn't as young and cute as she used to be (whether this is the result of aging or cosmetic work, who knows...but it doesn't look good. (I'll even begrudgingly admit the Casey who was first arrested in summer 2008 was a cute enough girl, particularly with the short hair cut. But she certainly doesn't look like that anymore and she knows it. She also knows she isn't getting any younger and that in society, when women age, they in general lose "value" based on lack of youth and youthful appearance.)

BUT most of all....

She hates that most of the world has forgotten about her.

She hates that even to this day, people care about Caylee more than her.

Despite her protests, Casey is miserable. I don't mean she feels remorse. She doesn't. But she hates that she's a pariah and not a star. She hates that she cannot control what people think and believe. She hates that we still care about Caylee.

This proves my point Casey Anthony is a dangerous injustice collector. All those unfilled dreams and dashed hopes that consume Casey Anthony. It consumes her as it is a source of resentment.

Caylee Anthony is Casey's biggest source of resentment and envy. Caylee took the attention away from her. She saw her as a burden that got in the way of her partying lifestyle. Caylee was Casey's tipping point of her never ending resentment.

Even when Casey Anthony is in the news, Caylee always overshadows her. Caylee causes Casey's severely overinflated ego to shatter. Even all the attention cannot help Casey. Caylee always casts a shadow over her. She cannot escape it no matter what.

I can see Casey as a constant complainer who complains non-stop. She is a really difficult person to be around as pretty much shown. She always sees herself as a victim no matter what.

Websleuth Radio Interview Of Tina Meier describing Lori Drew

Starting at the 20:40 mark, Tina Meier's description of Lori Drew. Meier describes Drew as very talkative person who complains nonstop. She is obsessed about her plight in life. She is described as unhappy and very negative. She is resentful at society. She is very envious of other people and feels her life is a living Hell. Everyone else has it good, but me, Tina Meier's description of Lori Drew describes Casey Anthony perfectly well. Casey Anthony is Lori Drew. They have so much in common from psychology, world view, and handwriting.

Meier's description of Lori Drew describes Jodi Arias, Betty Broderick, Yoselyn Ortega, Vester Flanagan, Elliot Rodger, Eric Harris, Adam Lanza, Omar Mateen, Anders Breivik, 9/11 Terrorists, Osama bin Laden, Abubakar Shekau, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Like them, they are highly negative people who make their own lives miserable. They are all dangerous injustice collectors. If one was not paying attention, one would think that Meier is describing the likes of Casey Anthony, Elliot Rodger, or Osama bin Laden.

Lori Drew and Casey Anthony have unfilled dreams and dashed hopes and it consumes them. Drew and Anthony targeted children, one being someone else's child, while the other was own child. They are both driven by resentment and envy. Even though Megan Meier died in 2006, people talk about bullying and helicopter parenting more than ever. Both Drew and Anthony were acquitted in court, but remain pariahs. I would not be surprised if Casey Anthony engaged in bullying herself despite not seeing any documented instances of bullying by her. Bullies are products of dysfunctional upbringing, which is the case with Anthony from watching her parents.

What I see in Casey Anthony is what I see in Lori Drew. They are the same kinds, along side with Jodi Arias, Betty Broderick, Eliza Baker, and Gertrude Baniszewski.

I am surprised Casey Anthony waited until now. Why did she not come forward even sooner? Not that I would care.
Great links! From the interview:

Working around the clock, Singer and her team of a dozen people monitored 40,000 blogs, chat rooms and Facebook pages to find out what people were thinking about the case as the trial progressed.

Lawyers USA: You said blogs were a “life saver” in the case. How so?
Singer: They were a life saver because they told us what the prosecution was thinking. Then the defense lawyers were able to answer those questions [in front of the real jury]. It was like having a free shadow jury. You would not believe the kinds of things people were saying, and a lot of it was counterintuitive. I needed to hear from pro-prosecution people. I don’t preach to the choir. I go to extreme measures to find people who are against my client. I’m not interested in persuading people on my side. I’m interested in persuading people on the fence.

Lawyers USA: How did the lawyers use the information you mined from these blogs?
Singer: We sent comments constantly to [defense attorneys] Jose [Baez] and Dorothy [Clay Sims]. They had to integrate the comments into the trial and think fast, and they geared their case toward that. For example, when Cindy (Casey’s mother) testified [that] she did a [Internet] search for chloroform, everybody hated her. But others said this was a mother protecting her child. So we knew how to play that. That’s exactly what Jose said in his closing: ‘She’s protecting her child.’

Oh shut up and quit bragging, Singer, you stupid ---Reading social media did them NO good. The entire reason this whole thing went wrong is that the jury was so disconnected from the opinion shared by the rest of the world. Just about the ONLY people they fooled were the jurors.
Turns out Baez hired a woman to help in jury selection. It was her job to zoom in on those she thought were dummies. The best they hoped for was a hung jury. Get the pucture? The rest is history. Disgraceful.

I still think Baez had one of the jurors on his side and the WORST they expected was a hung jury. That aside, I'm not as vehement about this as I was before when I still had some faith in our justice system. There are so many stupid people out there that maybe they did just get lucky.
Someone did try that as he left the courtroom the day this interview came out. And he played it off---said he hadn't seen it, and was focused on the Hernandez trial. I am following the AH trial and getting PTSD from watching Baez cross the witnesses and file endless nonsensical motions. But who knows, maybe he will win with the jury? :puke:

You're brave for following that trial. I couldn't do it.

I fill with rage at the sight of Baez. No one has EVER made me as angry as that fat, smirking weasel.

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