AP: Casey Anthony Speaks in 1st Interview Since Daughter's Murder Case - 7 March 2017

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Oh I'm sure she got paid for that interview.
She reminds me of the Ramsey family. Ride that money train. Disgusting.
Oh and to answer the question "is she still hated?"
I think that is a resounding YES. lol
I hate you Casey along with the rest of America. You made my short list of 2 people on my hate list.
Does she make your skin crawl as much as she makes mine? Blegh! :sick:

I agree. I think she did the interview awhile ago, back when she was "coincidentally caught by the paparazzi buying a Ford Explorer."

Going by what I read on the boycott page, I got the impression that they received a lot of backlash just from the rumor that she had done an interview. So I think they stalled and dragged their feet and came up with excuses not to run it.

Then Trump became president and they were like "Oh goody, everyone is distracted with his antics right now, so let's just sneak this in. It will blow over more quickly and we will receive less backlash and hate mail."
She is so dang dumb then!
She's now saying she was asleep in her bed at her parents home and a few hours later she was gone.
Can't she just stick to one darn story?? Or can she not remember anything at all?
She's a total fruit loop.
I don't know why she just doesn't tell the truth now. They can't retry her right? Double Jeopardy right?
So just stop lying and tell the truth and let your parents live the rest of their lives in peace.
I bet she did this interview solely to punish her parents more. To make them relive all the pain and suffering.
She's just a vindictive hefer. Plain and simple.
And I only saw two pictures and a finger painting. Why did he say her walls were covered in Caylee's pictures?
She probably drug both of those pics out before the reporter got there. She's disgusting.

Never going to happen. IMO

The best they could do was Cindy, who tried to lie and claim that Caylee talked about Zanny's dog.

That's insane!
Wait didn't some woman by the same name sue her because people were harassing her?
My mind is so foggy regarding this case now.
And Cindy lying just makes me like her even less.
I would not protect my daughter if she did this horrible crime. Period. :notgood:
That baby deserved better.
It boils down to if it was an accident they would have called 911 immediately.
The only reason to hide this for 31 days is because it WAS NOT an accident.
That judge saying he thinks she gave her too much chloroform .... WHAT? Like it was an accident. Give me a break!
No one gives anyone chloroform especially a child without having bad intentions.

Early on when they first discovered her body, I remember a reporter saying that someone had drawn lips on the tape with lipstick or someone had kissed the tape over her mouth with lipstick on. Was that ever confirmed? :thinking:
I agree. I think she did the interview awhile ago, back when she was "coincidentally caught by the paparazzi buying a Ford Explorer."

Going by what I read on the boycott page, I got the impression that they received a lot of backlash just from the rumor that she had done an interview. So I think they stalled and dragged their feet and came up with excuses not to run it.

Then Trump became president and they were like "Oh goody, everyone is distracted with his antics right now, so let's just sneak this in. It will blow over more quickly and we will receive less backlash and hate mail."
Probably so.
She's just ..... she needs to just disappear. :notgood:
Never going to happen. IMO
Yeah I do agree with you.
She wants to continue punishing them.
She's a narcissistic psychopath.
She definitely doesn't need any more children either.
I am still in shock they didn't give her the DP.... she deserved it imho.
I don't get why the interviewer didn't call her out on these lies. He should have immediately said "Working? You haven't worked since 2006" and he should have slapped her in the face with a copy of her cell phone records from June 16th 2008. Ugh it makes me so angry. I guess they just don't care.


IMO he probably didn't want to antagonize her and risk losing this exclusive.
Of course not. She didn't exist. Just in Casey's imagination.

Yes, if anyone wasn't sure, let's make it perfectly clear--Zanny was a made-up character. No debate. Even Casey admitted it eventually.

She had a BUNCH of totally made up characters, plus some real people that she created made-up stories for.

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That's insane!
Wait didn't some woman by the same name sue her because people were harassing her?
My mind is so foggy regarding this case now.
And Cindy lying just makes me like her even less.
I would not protect my daughter if she did this horrible crime. Period. :notgood:
That baby deserved better.
It boils down to if it was an accident they would have called 911 immediately.
The only reason to hide this for 31 days is because it WAS NOT an accident.
That judge saying he thinks she gave her too much chloroform .... WHAT? Like it was an accident. Give me a break!
No one gives anyone chloroform especially a child without having bad intentions.

Early on when they first discovered her body, I remember a reporter saying that someone had drawn lips on the tape with lipstick or someone had kissed the tape over her mouth with lipstick on. Was that ever confirmed? :thinking:

Yes, a woman tried to sue her for defamation because she said people thought she was the Zenaida in question.

Casey said no--her nanny was Zenaida FERNANDEZ Gonzalez. Cindy said no--Casey told me Zanny is a "10", and she's not a "10" (as a rating of her looks). They were saying that clearly Casey wasn't referring to THIS Zenaida Gonzalez.

But this lady even claimed to have visited the apartment complex where Casey said Zanny lived, looking for an apartment. Her lawyers claimed that Casey got the idea for the name from overhearing it there. But I don't think that part can be right, considering the timing. JMO

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Yes, a woman tried to sue her for defamation because she said people thought she was the Zenaida in question.

Casey said no--her nanny was Zenaida FERNANDEZ Gonzalez. Cindy said no--Casey told me Zanny is a "10", and she's not a "10" (as a rating of her looks). They were saying that clearly Casey wasn't referring to THIS Zenaida Gonzalez.

But this lady even claimed to have visited the apartment complex where Casey said Zanny lived, looking for an apartment. Her lawyers claimed that Casey got the idea for the name from overhearing it there. But I don't think that part can be right, considering the timing. JMO

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Thank you!
I wasn't sure if I was remembering correctly!
I guess even in Casey's made up world everyone must be a "10". :waitasec:
I wonder what she considers herself to be... lol
With her fake cheeks and stuff . Bless it. :cool:
Thank you!
I wasn't sure if I was remembering correctly!
I guess even in Casey's made up world everyone must be a "10". :waitasec:
I wonder what she considers herself to be... lol
With her fake cheeks and stuff . Bless it. :cool:

Yes, it became apparent that the Anthony family puts a lot of emphasis on physical attractiveness, and I think that Casey felt her mother would be happy to know Caylee was being cared for by a "10", and that Casey was associating with good-looking people. JMO MOO

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I've always believed there was a bully on that jury, possibly the dude that came out and spoke in obscurity on the case later. I say this partially because I was on a jury once, and the jury foreman was pushing, pushing, pushing for a not guilty verdict... just so he could hurry up and get on to his Sports show, he was some kind of sports guy on the radio. I wasn't convinced but felt bullied into going along with the crowd. I will forever regret it. Thankfully it wasn't anything as serious as this case, but still, I have regrets for not standing up to him.

I feel Juror #2, who was the last hold out on the Aggravated Manslaughter verdict, finally succumbed to some kind of pressure and realized he wasn't going to change the minds of the other jurors.

I just read an article written by Marcia Clark on this jury.

Did anyone ever meet this supposed Zanny the Nanny before the incident occurred?

Of course not. She didn't exist. Just in Casey's imagination.

Some (but certainly not all the)Stories that CA told to convince Cindy that Zanny existed
Zanny had a dog. So if the dog existed in photos then Zanny must be real
Zanny either gave or let CA borrow a flat iron. So if the flat iron existed then Zanny must exist.
Wasn't there a photo of Caylee and a guitar? It was either Zanny's guitar or a family members, so see again, nanny existed
Some (but certainly not all the)Stories that CA told to convince Cindy that Zanny existed
Zanny had a dog. So if the dog existed in photos then Zanny must be real
Zanny either gave or let CA borrow a flat iron. So if the flat iron existed then Zanny must exist.
Wasn't there a photo of Caylee and a guitar? It was either Zanny's guitar or a family members, so see again, nanny existed
Do you remember how long she supposedly stayed with Zanny before she disappeared?
I wonder what she was actually doing with her during the day if Zanny never existed and she didn't have a job.
Are her parents that dumb honestly?
Some (but certainly not all the)Stories that CA told to convince Cindy that Zanny existed
Zanny had a dog. So if the dog existed in photos then Zanny must be real
Zanny either gave or let CA borrow a flat iron. So if the flat iron existed then Zanny must exist.
Wasn't there a photo of Caylee and a guitar? It was either Zanny's guitar or a family members, so see again, nanny existed

And another lie FCA told. Didn't Cindy tell LE that FCA had given Cindy Zanny's phone number and Cindy pulled out her address book to prove she existed, only to find out from LE that it was a fake number?

For newbies, Cindy, Casey and Caylee all had the same three initials so in the beginning it was hard to distinguish who was who. Cindy became CA, Casey was CA but became KC and then FCA after she was convicted of a felony, and Little Caylee, precious Caylee, was always Caylee and will always be Caylee.
I think many of the jurors had other plans and took the easy way out with the not-guilty verdict.

The prosecution could and should have done better especially with the fool-proof suffocation evidence. They should have broken down the entire day of the 15th and most importantly the 16th for the jury--hour by hour. I believe that KC murdered Caylee at home (hence no shoes or bag for her). We don't even know whether she asked anyone else that day (Jesse, Amy etc.)to babysit Caylee--- did the absence of a babysitter trigger the murder? Some unanswered questions.

Wouldn't have been good enough for that particular jury though. Funny how they didn't want to assume anything bad about KC but were willing to believe that George wasn't a good person based on the words of a liar. The jurors weren't good. The Judge wasn't good. I still don't understand how Judge Perry previously stated that there was sufficient evidence for murder one but now comes up with the accidental theory.

If you think about it almost everyone connected to this case failed Caylee. The prosecution messed up but they had good intentions and really wanted Justice for Caylee so I will give them some credit for that.
Do you remember how long she supposedly stayed with Zanny before she disappeared?
I wonder what she was actually doing with her during the day if Zanny never existed and she didn't have a job.
Are her parents that dumb honestly?

Hmmm.How far back should we go with the babysitter backstory?

I believe Zanny the nanny was created in 2006

Lets go back to when her former friend Lauren would babysit Caylee (and was not paid for it) for about 8months after Caylee was born until she found out FCA wasn't going to work during the time she asked Lauren to babysit, didn't have a job at either Universal nor Sports Authority and was hanging out with friends instead while Lauren babysat for free..so that stopped

Now enter the Grund Family.
Caylee was being babysat at the Grund home by Jesse on Mondays and then somebody else in the family 2 other days of the week.
Eventually, FCA told Richard Grund she had found a new babysitter for Caylee named Zeneida who also babysits her friend Jeffreys' child Zach

So for awhile FCA had found kind hearted people to babysit Caylee while she went out for the day.

Zanny the Nanny story was being spewed for approx 1-2 years and all the while NO ONE (family or Friends) had ever spoken to, met in person or saw a photo of Zanny.
Oh, Cindy claimed she had a phone number.

After she started with the Nanny story I think she took care of Caylee during the day and then relied on her parents to watch her in the evenings so she could "go to work" but it was getting very tiring for Cindy and George to do that.


Some (but certainly not all the)Stories that CA told to convince Cindy that Zanny existed
Zanny had a dog. So if the dog existed in photos then Zanny must be real
Zanny either gave or let CA borrow a flat iron. So if the flat iron existed then Zanny must exist.
Wasn't there a photo of Caylee and a guitar? It was either Zanny's guitar or a family members, so see again, nanny existed

My dad used to quote a thing where a guy would tell a an outlandish tale, then to prove it was true, he would show his listeners the match he used to light the cigarette he was smoking when it happened--apparently convincing them. This is just like that.

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