April 22 weekend of Sleuthiness

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So the moral of the story for LE is, when you have a suspect you're dead solid on and no other credible leads, you better pull some people off of a serious investigation and send them out to grub up a couple of Hispanic guys...or wrangle yourself up a neighbor...somebody, anybody. ??

Following leads is all well and good, but the leads have to actually conclude somewhere. Nancy running down RZ's street doesn't conclude with a person. Nancy running down Kildaire Farm Rd. doesn't conclude with a person. Those thing conclude with abstract theories involving a couple of different color vans and no description of a suspect.

Not credible? They had more than one person who said I SAW HER. How in the world do you discredit them before even talking to them? Don't you think that is a huge disservice to all the people in this area?
Well, I think they sent somebody to check out the columbian gang who killed nicole brown simpson, I believe I heard they've been searching every golf course up the Eastern Seaboard, and I think they've even got somebody on that brown/white/light red/pink van also involved in the murder of Laci Peterson.

Since your post is full of sarcasm and not concrete points that you stated were too many to list, I am going to guess that you can't think of any other possibilities that the CDP followed up on.
The bug evidence suggested that Nancy died while she was still at the party, but if people overlook that little mistake, and at the same time believe that the early morning phone calls were spoofed (even though there is no proof), then it's easy to conclude that all the witnesses were wrong.

Actually, some of the bug testimony indicated she died before noon on the 11th.
Yes, I do believe NC was involved with someone else. Just my personal opinion. And, yes - I believe her friends new about it. And, yes - I believe her friends covered it up for her. And I also believe that this will be brought out in the open with the defense brings up witnesses when continuing to present their case. In fact, some of the prosecutions' witnesses have gotten supeonas from the defense to testify again. Should be interesting.

How did you know they are on the defense's list? I thought that wasn't public. I agree with you in one aspect, it should be interesting.
Sorry I forgot about his bosse's wife. My bad. However, there is nothing stating that he and the woman in France had a sexual affair. I guess, though, the same could be said for NC with the man in Florida she was conversing with and JP, whom she was naked on her couch with. Why is it okay for NC to have had affairs but not BC. Afterall, she started these indiscretions soon after they got married.

The bosses' wife was before he got married. You can't count. Neither one was faithful. I will give that NC may have been more offended by his saying he loved HM, but both had their indiscretions. I will say that nothing merits her death, and I for one am very sorry that happened. I want to see justice, I am just wanting to see the remainder of the evidence before I decide. That is why we present both sides in a trial. For those who are convinced one way or another, it is alright. I just am not and not shy about saying that here.
I don't agree with any affairs. I do think Brad had a history of affairs and the last one with the girl in France, on whatever level it was, is more relevant for me. It is just another example of his state of mind leading up to the murder. JMO.

Nancy's state of mind appears to have been to re-kindle a relationship with a former boyfriend and other men in the neighborhood. To me, it looks like the marriage was over in the first year, but the two were carrying on a kind of facade while they tried to live the high life for a few years.
Maybe not being hyper-focused on BC from the first conversations with JA might have meant they might have looked at her cell phone earlier. Struck me as strange not to at least look at it when she was first missing. That would have allowed them check for indications of any plans not known to BC. Instead, the CPD waited a long time before erasing her phone.

Certainly after her body was found, looking at her cell phone should have been at the top of their list.

They may have done a better job preserving forensic evidence as well. The attitude of Det. D and Det. Y was that it didn't matter if they looked at anybody else or lost cell phone data or didn't preserve insects correctly or that there is no evidence that BC spoofed a call or that there is a pair of Saucony shoes missing because they believed BC did it so everything else was just fluff and paperwork.
Again, I'm left with the question: following up with the tipsters would have gotten them exactly what, above and beyond what they already had?

That perhaps somebody else killed NC rather than BC. They didn't even consider this possibility. Very unprofessional for a law enforcement agency, in my opinion
Not credible? They had more than one person who said I SAW HER. How in the world do you discredit them before even talking to them? Don't you think that is a huge disservice to all the people in this area?

Then please, please tell me, because I'm trying very hard to understand your POV. Those people have been talked to, talked to again, and talked to for the millionth time, by the defense folks. What information did they reveal that CPD didn't have from the very first time they called in their tip?
Didn't he tell her he had looked at possible job openings in France? She was looking at job openings here? I think the jury may feel it makes a difference.

Nancy's mother reported that Nancy thought Brad had gone crazy after meeting the French woman. He wanted to learn French and to play the guitar - something that was completely out of character for him.
Nancy's state of mind appears to have been to re-kindle a relationship with a former boyfriend and other men in the neighborhood. To me, it looks like the marriage was over in the first year, but the two were carrying on a kind of facade while they tried to live the high life for a few years.

I think Brad was a huge fraud....he became father of the year in spring 2008.
Actually, some of the bug testimony indicated she died before noon on the 11th.

That, to me, means that the bug and the spoof evidence can be thrown away.
Now this post needed a smilie. Gracielee, you have a blessed weekend. I'm about to impose my own time-out for the weekend. :seeya:

You are right, it did. Sometimes even *I* get a bit crabby. :maddening: Now see, just inserting that little guy here made me smile. :great: Getting a bit looser.....:woohoo: Hey, this is a lot cheaper than wine. :floorlaugh:
Then please, please tell me, because I'm trying very hard to understand your POV. Those people have been talked to, talked to again, and talked to for the millionth time, by the defense folks. What information did they reveal that CPD didn't have from the very first time they called in their tip?

These people were only talked to at length AFTER BC was made to be the prime suspect. If I were LE I would want to talk to anyone who said they saw her IMMEDIATELY.
What the witnesses considered a "timely manner" and what the CPD did, based on everything involved, is probably different. I don't think it makes the CPD inept. I think we've seen the eyewitness testimony this week is not that compelling. I don't think the jurors are going to give it a lot of credibility. IMO!!

When the weather is good, I see Nancy Cooper look alikes on a daily basis in both Lochmere and on Kildaire Farm Road. Especially now that the Kildaire Farm Road section from Lochmere to Penny has been completed. A lot of runners are running from the Kildaire through the greenway over to Regency.

Yes, but would you say with certainty that those joggers were NC? RZ did. She seems extremely confident. As did the other witnesses. Funny how they were ALL wrong. So, you feel that when the prosecution was bringing on multitudes of friends stating how bad NC and BC's marriage was,it was more compelling that eyewitness testimony? I find more credibility in eyewitnesses than hearse that involves tons of gossip.

How can you say the CDP followed up on any other leads when 48 hours after NC's body was found they gave a press release stating that this was not a random act of violence. A bit too soon to announce that in my opinion (that is if they did a true police investigation)
Didn't he tell her he had looked at possible job openings in France? She was looking at job openings here? I think the jury may feel it makes a difference.

He also set up a phone number in France so that she could call without long distance charges.
These people were only talked to at length AFTER BC was made to be the prime suspect. If I were LE I would want to talk to anyone who said they saw her IMMEDIATELY.

Heck yeah. At a minimum, you can compare what each thought she was wearing or document what she was wearing. That would potentially eliminate some of them from being credible.
Wow. The conspiracies have switched feet. I hope everyone has a good holiday.

And for those of you posing the SODDI is nonsense. Take a look at the Jenna Neilsen case in Raleigh from the year before. They had a whole lotta marital and financial discord going on. He moved out of state now.

Why is SODDI so hard to believe in this area? I guarantee two or three of the jurors remember that case.
These people were only talked to at length AFTER BC was made to be the prime suspect. If I were LE I would want to talk to anyone who said they saw her IMMEDIATELY.

A good investigation should have followed those early leads about a jogger on the paths (as that was consistent with what Brad said about Nancy), and the phone should have been analyzed right away to rule out the possibility that she was meeting with someone that was outside of the neighborhood gang.
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