April 29 weekend of Sleuthiness

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I have trouble keeping them apart because it drove me nuts to listen to them a second time.

I want to say (with complete disregard for my accuracy)CC,DD,MH,JA,MH, (and two others, whom were there very briefly on the stand for other reason and i have no clue who they were. One male. One female.) all indicated some contact with him that day.

Jessica Adams was by phone, then in person.

He called someone to get CC's number. I think CC was also a google search.

I made some notes on that list of folks. I will consult that and worst case, go back and listen to them.

I know he did not call DD which I thought was strange since she was the one who was going to travel to Canada with Nancy and help her with the move before that got called off. Plus she lived right across the street. She had no idea anything was going on until she came home from somewhere and police cars were on the street. I think that was her testimony.
Quite possibly, but I only go by what makes sense. The JA definitely does not make sense, it seems like this theory is being brought out primarily as a defense against the accusations of JA (which are unfounded). The JP makes slightly more sense, but the evidence doesn't support it. I'm actually only concerned with that which the evidence supports.

This is in response to an as of yet un introduced exchange in person and by text message between several folks that went down like this:

1) Nancy had been in two different locations discussing "her man".
2) A neutral third party had witnessed it once.
3) The man in question was named Brett.
4) It was assumed by someone in the clan that it was JA's hubby.
5) The visible and vocal response was not good.

I can find it in the defense motions, but I do not know where it came about in the pros motion, but I know one of these instances was confirmed in testimony, but stopped short of introducing the text, etc. (I assume because the phone was erased)
Not at all following you as to how one has any possible connection to the other.

BC had not previously been helpful to NC, particularly. He bought his own food, that's been mentioned here ad nauseam, as a means of explaining why she didn't really need much cash. While she was away, he let maggots squirm around on the kitchen table rather than clean. Previous to that, he allowed the water to be cut off in the house. NC found out her access to money had been cut off via trying to pay for something - he didn't sit down and formulate a budget with her and tell her he was going to cancel her stuff...he just did it. As angry as she was, his behavior in the parking lot was witnessed by enough people to prove he was angry too. He was reading her email without her knowledge. He cut off her options via withholding a passport. He knew she couldn't work for money. If his idea of a household budget was $300 a week, he didn't stick to it, because he dinged her for having painted.

But on this particular morning, the morning JA was busy framing him, he got up at the crack of dawn to buy milk. He even took a call from his wife and turned around to go back out for laundry detergent simply because she asked. (Never mind she'd been at the store the day before and could have gotten both). He suddenly cleaned and did innumerable loads of laundry in an effort to be most helpful, and then sat patiently waiting for his wife to (not) come home even though it interfered with his plans, and evidenced not a shred of annoyance at any of it.

Nope, not buying it. That behavior is totally inconsistent with the behavior of a man who's interested in someone else and is engaged in a difficult and increasingly nasty situation with his wife that is heading for divorce.

If he is innocent, the only way I personally can account for that sort of behavior is that he knew JA was up to something to frame him and was trying to make himself look good. That is the only way I'd buy his behavior, in the setting of a JA-did it scenario.
The problem is, this theory is a direct threat to the Town of Cary. If this was a random act of violence, then the safe community that has been highlighted in so many publications is in jeopardy. There is a clear motive by the CPD to make this a non-random act. They even stated this at the beginning, despite having NO evidence to the contrary.
The absolute worst case scenario for the CPD would be to arrest and prosecute the wrong guy and then have the random killer kill again (as random killers are wont to do). I see no incentive for them to arrest someone that they were not confident was the culprit. (They could be wrong, but at least they believe it.)
I guess the randoms are going to have to duke that one out with the JA'ers and JP'ers.

Since there weren't any random acts of murder before, nor since, I don't think the town of Cary has much to worry about, statistically speaking. JMO
My thing about JA's involvement--if she participated in any way why did she make the early phone call to LE to report her missing? That's doesn't make sense.

It makes perfect sense, to throw them down the wrong path.
Okay, this possibly helps a bit. I'm trying to look at what folks on the other side of the fence think, and it's all very problematic once you get beyond a basic theory. I do realize there is no evidence, as no one else is on trial and having evidence presented. But if you honestly believe JA did it, or believe JP did it, wouldn't you have to work through a complete and valid theory based on what IS known? Things that include real motive and real gain and real opportunity, if you're going to argue that that's what you believe? I mean, I could say I thought HM did it and come up with random things to support it - but at the end of the day, that's all it is. Random things to support an abstract. There is no giant red flashing arrow pointing at anyone but BC.

One of the things holding people back from posting details of the theories is that we are not really supposed to be discussing the witnesses in that way. I know I've held back on specifics to theories because I don't want to go that far with it publicly. Some of the discussions have occurred privately here, which is my preference at this point. But knowing what we all know now about this case, it's logical to form some ideas about the who/why/where explanations of how others could have been involved. That, imo, is why you aren't having things clearly spelled out on the board regarding alternate theories.
It makes perfect sense, to throw them down the wrong path.

I understand that part of it, but I don't understand why she was calling LE so early. If she was involved, why didn't she just let it play out with time to spare.
One of the things holding people back from posting details of the theories is that we are not really supposed to be discussing the witnesses in that way. I know I've held back on specifics to theories because I don't want to go that far with it publicly. Some of the discussions have occurred privately here, which is my preference at this point. But knowing what we all know now about this case, it's logical to form some ideas about the who/why/where explanations of how others could have been involved. That, imo, is why you aren't having things clearly spelled out on the board regarding alternate theories.

I know the theory that is floating around. And I know why nobody will spell it out.

Edit - I know the theory that is floating around with regard to JA's involvement, at least. It just makes me shake my head.
The absolute worst case scenario for the CPD would be to arrest and prosecute the wrong guy and then have the random killer kill again (as random killers are wont to do). I see no incentive for them to arrest someone that they were not confident was the culprit. (They could be wrong, but at least they believe it.)

I'm not sure if you are familiar with the area, but Cary is right next to Raleigh. The real question is whether or not the crime from Raleigh is beginning to spread into Cary. Thus, this very likely is a random attack from someone not from Cary, but from Raleigh (or from anyone in the Triangle for that matter). There is a huge incentive for the CPD to keep the crime from other communities out of Cary. And thus there is a huge incentive for the CPD to claim that a random crime committed by someone from an adjacent town or city to be blamed on someone else.
Since there weren't any random acts of murder before, nor since, I don't think the town of Cary has much to worry about, statistically speaking. JMO

As long as they keep covering up random murders by blaming them on non-random suspects, they shouldn't have anything to worry about either, right? I think you just proved motive as to the CPD. Gracias.
I understand that part of it, but I don't understand why she was calling LE so early. If she was involved, why didn't she just let it play out with time to spare.

She knew NC had plans with HP who would worry if NC just didn't show up so the ball had to start rolling before then.
Since there weren't any random acts of murder before, nor since, I don't think the town of Cary has much to worry about, statistically speaking. JMO

Nor any random acts of robbery or sexual assault of joggers that I have been able to find.
How do you vomit the entire contents of your stomach while your windpipe is being crushed? Please explain...

It is quite possible she could have vomited before she was strangled and good old Brad cleaned the floors on his hands and knees with water and vinegar and washed all the towels.
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the area, but Cary is right next to Raleigh. The real question is whether or not the crime from Raleigh is beginning to spread into Cary. Thus, this very likely is a random attack from someone not from Cary, but from Raleigh (or from anyone in the Triangle for that matter). There is a huge incentive for the CPD to keep the crime from other communities out of Cary. And thus there is a huge incentive for the CPD to claim that a random crime committed by someone from an adjacent town or city to be blamed on someone else.

I'm not aware of any unsolved murders of joggers anywhere in our area. Nor am I aware of any unsolved attacks on joggers in our area, other than the occasional *flashers*.
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the area, but Cary is right next to Raleigh. The real question is whether or not the crime from Raleigh is beginning to spread into Cary. Thus, this very likely is a random attack from someone not from Cary, but from Raleigh (or from anyone in the Triangle for that matter). There is a huge incentive for the CPD to keep the crime from other communities out of Cary. And thus there is a huge incentive for the CPD to claim that a random crime committed by someone from an adjacent town or city to be blamed on someone else.
Remind me again how arresting and prosecuting the wrong person, leaving the right person on the loose, helps keep other communities' crime out of Cary?
For me to believe this, I would also have to believe that somehow BC knew this was happening, and was on his best behavior that Saturday. Making helpful early morning HT runs, doing lots of laundry, and just in general completely morphing from the guy who was snooping in her email, yelling at her in parking lots, emailing a French girl, looking into arrangements for her to come here, cancelling her bank and credit card access without consulting her...somehow he knew to turn into Ward Cleaver on just that Saturday in July.

But you are still listing all the things the "new" friends described about their relationship. The "old" friends tell a different story.

He told NC to open up a bank account so he could deposit money directly into it for her.

He picked up her and her friend from the bar and drove them home because they had too much to drink. (that sounds like a good husband/nice person imo)

There is testimony from this trial about NC contacting BC "K needs milk". It was not uncommon for him to pick things up from the store.

He even emailed JA after her husband b-day party to thank her. I just don't believe he was as awful as her "new" friends made him out to be.

And JA, in her initial police report stated that she did know that BC did his own laundry. The "official" story is that he never did laundry. That was another of her many lies that painted a horrible picture of him.

When she went to the beach, they spoke on the phone every day, according to the records.

They had plans with another couple the day she went missing.

There are lots of examples that things were not as bad as a few people (that were proven liars) have said.
Remind me again how arresting and prosecuting the wrong person, leaving the right person on the loose, helps keep other communities' crime out of Cary?

It doesn't. But it sho' do keep the housing prices up. And the sterling reputation intact.
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