Are the protesters trespassing???

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Ok, on another matter. We keep discussing who owns what and who has a right of ingress and egress over whatever it is that owned by whomever. You got all that? :) Well, before I retired, I used to have a title examining business. No disrespect to the tax collector's office, but, we honestly cannot determine an answer one way or the other unless someone takes the time to find the A's deed, which will include either a property description or a reference to a subdivision plat. Those rule over the tax collector's office. I suspect it will refer back to a subdivision plat, which will show the lot, block, etc., and will also show easements. It honestly takes a little more work than going to the tax collector's office, although their maps give direction. They are not, from a title examiner's perspective, anything that trumps a deed. The subdivision plat should also address whether streets are public or private; common areas; sidewalks; and all of that. And of course you have to factor in the restrictions and covenants which come with conveyances of property.
Respectfully quoted from the Bill of Rights:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This brings several things to my mind. There was so much made of the violation of KC's constitutional rights to bond that two bonding agencies joined forces to re-bond her from jail. On that point, she had not, imho, been denied her constitutional right; her family just didn't have the money.

Why is it any different when the protestors assemble, to exercise their constitutional rights? Why are they are denied them? I agree the operative word here needs to be peacably. But if those individuals are standing on a public sidewalk, and are being chased away, then the A's, imho, are in fact, guilty of attempting to violate those peoples' rights.

Furthermore, why do they think they can have it both ways? Get off their property when they're holding signs; but when the garage door comes up and the lights come on and it suits the As, it's alright to be there. I don't believe they issue an individual invitation for everyone that attends vigils.

So I think they need to make up their minds. I agree it's got to be difficult to ignore the signs and the people. I agree that the people do not need to shout, but again, there's that sticky issue of free speech.

I agree people should not take children to any of these 'events.' I agree that the As have brought a lot of this on themselves. I agree that that woman would be justified in filing assault charges. I agree it's all horrible and dreadful. I agree that the people are not trespassing if they're on the sidewalks (not even getting into the grassy area -- stay on the sidewalk where they're sure they're ok). And I agree that the main focus of this whole circus needs to be returned to the main question:

Where's Caylee.

It is not really that sticky. They can stay there and protest the sherrifs office will let them do so as long as they do not act disorderly their right to peaceably assemble will be protected. If they are not being a peacable group then they cannot hide behind that right. This is a very black and white issue.

Ok, on another matter. We keep discussing who owns what and who has a right of ingress and egress over whatever it is that owned by whomever. You got all that? :) Well, before I retired, I used to have a title examining business. No disrespect to the tax collector's office, but, we honestly cannot determine an answer one way or the other unless someone takes the time to find the A's deed, which will include either a property description or a reference to a subdivision plat. Those rule over the tax collector's office. I suspect it will refer back to a subdivision plat, which will show the lot, block, etc., and will also show easements. It honestly takes a little more work than going to the tax collector's office, although their maps give direction. They are not, from a title examiner's perspective, anything that trumps a deed. The subdivision plat should also address whether streets are public or private; common areas; sidewalks; and all of that. And of course you have to factor in the restrictions and covenants which come with conveyances of property.

Well said, exactly what I was trying to say but more legal like :)
I fully agree.. Why are the Anthony's allowed to say all the things they were into the camera which all comes back to every person who watches any t.v. Why can Cindy Tell everyone to get off there butts and look for there daughter, but no one is allowed to say any thing bad to them or Yell it to them from outside there home. They deserve every bit they get. If on day one Cindy Anthony looked into the camera and was crying begging people to look for her grand baby then I would feel sorry for her, but I do not. KARMA,,, BABY

The media has a choice, interview Cindy or don't interview Cindy. We have a choice, watch the interview, don't watch the interview. Cindy is not standing outside our homes yelling at us.
yup i know what you mean .. they are just being nosey and want to put thier 2 cents in ect ect ..

Yup. Hate to say it, but if I were in FL, near my father's home, I may have snuck a peek. Like I said. It is human nature. We are kind of like cats..........Curious.........Not saying we have 9 lives though. LOL!!!!
The media has a choice, interview Cindy or don't interview Cindy. We have a choice, watch the interview, don't watch the interview. Cindy is not standing outside our homes yelling at us.

That is "News" for you.
Yup. Hate to say it, but if I were in FL, near my father's home, I may have snuck a peek. Like I said. It is human nature. We are kind of like cats..........Curious.........Not saying we have 9 lives though. LOL!!!!
Well said, exactly what I was trying to say but more legal like :)

<<patting myself on the back>> Thank you! I was a very good title examiner; I used to drive the attorneys crazy, pointing out every cloud on every title, some of which they didn't want to hear! Sorry; I don't have a link to any of that. :blowkiss:
And I need to throw in another thought. You know, it's usually called 'morbid curiosity' that keeps us watching the webcam, and arguing over whether someone owns a patch of grass of not, and let's see who bends down a blade of that grass, and when's GA coming out, and when's CA coming out, ad nauseum, ad nauseum. None of this is helping at all to find Caylee. IMHO.
You have to know that Orange County has been flooded with complaints about the tape, probably from all over the country. LE has been to the Anthony's home dozens of times. Not only has George not been ordered to remove the tape, he's put up more. That tells me either that it's considered their property or that LE is allowing them to keep it up. So what's the point of continuing the debate about who owns the property?
You have to know that Orange County has been flooded with complaints about the tape, probably from all over the country. LE has been to the Anthony's home dozens of times. Not only has George not been ordered to remove the tape, he's put up more. That tells me either that it's considered their property or that LE is allowing them to keep it up. So what's the point of continuing the debate about who owns the property?

IDK. If I were a overzealous protester, I wouldn't enter the said person's lawn/driveway but that is just me....Being the not overzealous protester. LOL.
You have to know that Orange County has been flooded with complaints about the tape, probably from all over the country. LE has been to the Anthony's home dozens of times. Not only has George not been ordered to remove the tape, he's put up more. That tells me either that it's considered their property or that LE is allowing them to keep it up. So what's the point of continuing the debate about who owns the property?

I guess the only reason is because the thread question is are the protestors trespassing. And in order to answer that you have to know who owns the property. Just saying.
You have to know that Orange County has been flooded with complaints about the tape, probably from all over the country. LE has been to the Anthony's home dozens of times. Not only has George not been ordered to remove the tape, he's put up more. That tells me either that it's considered their property or that LE is allowing them to keep it up. So what's the point of continuing the debate about who owns the property?

can't argue with that....

I say the original posters question cannot be answered without much due dilegence as per Ezryder9's post and this thread should be locked :) as anything else is pointless really his question has been answered as best as it can. Were not a gossip blog afterall...
I am just wondering why more of these people aren't putting their energy into looking for Caylee rather than wasting energy protesting?

I'd be there in a new york minute if i could. and as much as I'd like to choke the living chit out of casey myself, i'd much rather put my energy into Caylee- who is actually worthy of my energy.
can't argue with that....

I say the original posters question cannot be answered without much due dilegence as per Ezryder9's post and this thread should be locked :) as anything else is pointless really his question has been answered as best as it can. Were not a gossip blog afterall...

I don't mean to be a smart arze about this whole thing but truly we can't answer the question. I hate that it's deteriorated to snarking and bickering and all of that. Truly was trying to be helpful, not trying to get the thread locked!
Did you see the video? It was not 'some old lady. The woman looks as healthy as horse, except for having no top teeth. She contradicted herself during the interview. Her story went from George "went to push her" to George "pushed her hard". She did not get pushed down. Speaking of being contradictory - how can you say George pushing a protester is a "bobaric show of athourity" yet say that he needs to assault his daughter?

Look Willy the point is GA = Male assaulting a female period . What does her health have to do with anything ?? I did watch the video and the lady is ELDERLY

She did not say George pushed her hard ,the other witness said it . So are you saying it's OK to Bully , Push , Assult Women ??? An Elderly woman at that ??
Look Willy the point is GA = Male assaulting a female period . What does her health have to do with anything ?? I did watch the video and the lady is ELDERLY

She did not say George pushed her hard ,the other witness said it . So are you saying it's OK to Bully , Push , Assult Women ??? An Elderly woman at that ??

Your idea of elderly and my idea of elderly are very different. I'm probably a lot older than you :) I don't live in Florida and we don't have the super hot weather here, but elderly people in my world don't run around in skin tight tank tops, especially when they're so amply endowed, if you know what I mean. I have yet to see any video of George pushing the woman. She didn't even seem certain herself of whether she'd been pushed. I've already said if he shoved her he was wrong to do so, but I also believe he's been pushed beyond his limit. Most people would have lost it long before he has, IMO. Did you hear the things people were screaming to Cindy? How long is a man supposed to tolerate his wife being treated that way?
Look Willy the point is GA = Male assaulting a female period . What does her health have to do with anything ?? I did watch the video and the lady is ELDERLY

She did not say George pushed her hard ,the other witness said it . So are you saying it's OK to Bully , Push , Assult Women ??? An Elderly woman at that ??

Hey, Irish! I jumped into the other questions, but didn't tackle that one. Here I go:

I do so agree that George was wrong. Not just because she was an elderly woman. It would have been wrong had it been a young, virile male. Putting your hands on ANYone, young, old, male, female, is unlawful. I'm just not knowledgeable enough to know when the assault rises to the level of assault and battery. I wonder if the actual touching makes it battery.
Hey, Irish! I jumped into the other questions, but didn't tackle that one. Here I go:

I do so agree that George was wrong. Not just because she was an elderly woman. It would have been wrong had it been a young, virile male. Putting your hands on ANYone, young, old, male, female, is unlawful. I'm just not knowledgeable enough to know when the assault rises to the level of assault and battery. I wonder if the actual touching makes it battery.

Definitions of Assault and battery on the Web:

The intentional and unjustified use of force upon the person of another, however slight, or the intentional doing of a wanton or grossly negligent ...

battery: an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact

There ya go.

If I have to omit the websites I can. Still learning the ropes around here. :)
Definitions of Assault and battery on the Web:

The intentional and unjustified use of force upon the person of another, however slight, or the intentional doing of a wanton or grossly negligent ...

battery: an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact

There ya go.

If I have to omit the websites I can. Still learning the ropes around here. :)

:blowkiss:Thanks. I thought the touching = assault; feared my mind had gone to mush!
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