Are there other victims?

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DNA Solves
I don't know where to put this so if it needs to be moved please do.

I sorta remember a case similar to this one. There is a book I read (can't remember the name or author) but when the girl was taken the man placed a home made wooden box over her head and I think he kept her in a box under his bed for quite some time. She had also been kept for many years as his *** slave. This man also had a wife. I wish I could remember it. Does anyone else remember this case?
Apparently, there was a palm print taken from Michaela's scooter. This info:

"Updated: 7:20 am PDT May 12, 2009
HAYWARD, Calif. -- The FBI is hoping that a strong new lead and an increased reward might finally end the mystery of nine-year-old Hayward resident Michaela Garret's kidnapping over two decades ago.

She won't reveal much about it, but FBI Special Agent Marty Parker says that the Bureau and Hayward Police have a solid new lead in Garret's disappearance."This case has gone on way too long and the parents just want to know what's happened to their little girl," explained Agent Parker, a cold-case specialist.Garret's mother, Sharon Murch, is hoping for closure, no matter what the outcome. "Even though there's a possibility that I might find out things I don't want to know, I really need to know," said Murch.The kidnapping took place on the Saturday afternoon before Thanksgiving in late November of 1988."[It happened in] broad daylight in front of so many people with Michaela kicking and screaming the whole time," said Agent Parker.Just two weeks later, a television crew recreated the kidnapping for the show 'Unsolved Mysteries.' Michaela and her friend had taken their scooters to the Rainbow Market to buy candy.Witnesses say a man moved one of the scooters while the girls were inside. Police assume he was luring his victim.He moved the scooter close to him so that Michaela would walk over to recover the scooter, which of course is when he grabbed her and threw her in the car, said Murch.The cashier at the Rainbow Market called 911, a tape the FBI is releasing for the first time."My daughter's friend was very upset, she was crying and, rather than talk to her, the police talked to a checker from the grocery store," remembered Murch. "And the checker says that she thinks she saw him drive by earlier and she gave a description. And I think that was probably the biggest mistake."The clerk described the vehicle as "an old … kinda dirty, burgundy 4-door." When police eventually talked to Michaela's eight-year-old friend, she said the car was a different color altogether."It was actually a butterscotch-colored car. So in those initial few minutes, they were looking for the wrong colored car," said Murch.Police did recover evidence from the scooter according to Agent Parker: "There was a partial palm print on the scooter that was moved."That palm print could be matched if police routinely took palm prints along with fingerprints from suspects. Unfortunately, they do not."In the past, even the FBI and most local agencies would only do what's called a ten-print; just the fingers," said Agent Parker. "So we're going back and even old suspects that we have ten-prints on we'll be asking for palm prints."Witnesses described the kidnapper as a white man, age 18 to early twenties, thin with pimples or a pock-marked face and dirty blonde hair. more at link:"

Found here:
I drive a dark metallic gray truck. After driving about 20 miles on muddy roads it looks tan. It really looks tan we stopped at a store when I came I went to where the truck was park. In it place set a tan truck I was looking around for my truck. Took me a second to relize that it was my it was just cover in dry mud and dirt. So that could be why the car was report to be tan and the cement on it could have just been mud.
I don't know where to put this so if it needs to be moved please do.

I sorta remember a case similar to this one. There is a book I read (can't remember the name or author) but when the girl was taken the man placed a home made wooden box over her head and I think he kept her in a box under his bed for quite some time. She had also been kept for many years as his *** slave. This man also had a wife. I wish I could remember it. Does anyone else remember this case?
It's been mentioned on WS recently. The girl's name was Colleen Stan.
It's been mentioned on WS recently. The girl's name was Colleen Stan.

Thank you Linask. :blowkiss: That is her name. I'm going to do some research on her tomorrow.
Apparently, there was a palm print taken from Michaela's scooter.

I posted about this a couple of weeks ago
[ame=""]Are there other victims? - Page 7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
and find it interesting that we haven't heard anything about it from LE. Palm prints are reportedly as accurate as fingerprints and with Garrido being on parole and in custody, we know they didn't have any trouble getting one from him to compare.

So what's the deal? :confused:

If a palm print was indeed recovered as the media reported, did it not match? It wouldn't be unusual for someone else to have touched the scooter, so while it may aid his defense, it doesn't prove his innocence.

They've stated they're trying to connect him to the case. Why haven't we heard more about this palm print?
It's about time Michaela Garecht's case has got the attention it should have received nationally from the beginning. Two things never wavered from the only witness to Michaela's abduction: thin lips and pock marked skin.

Initially, I thought Timothy Binder could be involved, more on the fact that he was just plain weird, but also the thin lips and profile given at the time fit him. Yet, there were many questions in this case. I think there may some answers coming due to the that is Garrido. At the least, attention nationally has been achieved.

Important as well is to not forget Michaela's mom, who for 21 years and counting has never forgot about her daughter. I recommend all who read this to check the links below to Michaela's website and blog created by her mother. For people who may doubt God or life, read her posts.
I posted about this a couple of weeks ago
Are there other victims? - Page 7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
and find it interesting that we haven't heard anything about it from LE. Palm prints are reportedly as accurate as fingerprints and with Garrido being on parole and in custody, we know they didn't have any trouble getting one from him to compare.

So what's the deal? :confused:

If a palm print was indeed recovered as the media reported, did it not match? It wouldn't be unusual for someone else to have touched the scooter, so while it may aid his defense, it doesn't prove his innocence.

They've stated they're trying to connect him to the case. Why haven't we heard more about this palm print?

From what I have read they routinely take fingerprints. But not usually palm prints. Since what they have is a palm print, they didn't have anything to compare it to unless they had a suspect that they could print.

If they have gotten his print now we probably won't hear about it, or at least not for a while. That kind of info isn't usually released unless they are ready to file charges.
working on the spreadsheet now...hopefully I will have it finished tonight or tomorrow at the latest.
I found this link for anyone who might be interested. Hope I have linked right.
Wow. I read the story that you linked and I kind of wish I hadn't! How horrible. Whoever "Carol" is I hope that she has managed to move on with her life to find joy, happiness, warmth and understanding. It seems impossible to believe that such unfathomable evil exists in the world but unfortunately, it does. My heart goes out to Jaycee and all that she has managed to endure.
finished the spreadsheet, and REALLY wishing I had SPSS on my computer to play around with it.

[ame=""]PG Possible Vic@@AMEPARAM@@/docinfo/19821942?access_key=key-thxx2szlubqa23bw9j1@@AMEPARAM@@19821942@@AMEPARAM@@key-thxx2szlubqa23bw9j1[/ame]

i'll also email it to anyone who wants it!
Wow. I read the story that you linked and I kind of wish I hadn't! How horrible. Whoever "Carol" is I hope that she has managed to move on with her life to find joy, happiness, warmth and understanding. It seems impossible to believe that such unfathomable evil exists in the world but unfortunately, it does. My heart goes out to Jaycee and all that she has managed to endure.

It is a horrible story. Her real name is Colleen Stan. I also hope the best for this poor lady. I cannot imagine overcoming something so horrific as this. I do wonder though if they come out of these things a stronger person than I could be in order to have happiness. Poor Jaycee and her girls. There are just no words to discribe my sorrow for them.
Now if LE can take the info from Garrido's GPS monitor and the time-line info posted, maybe they can come up with some links to other crimes.
i noticed when I did the spreadsheet that the only possible victims we have (for the most part) are those who haven't been found. I'm wondering if there were more who HAVE been found and are unsolved cases? I remember something about multiple little girls going missing from the San Juan area in the mid 70s, when Cynthia Sumpter disappeared. Would anyone be able to gather that information?
Live conference now saying they found more bones on each property! Tomorrow, there will be cadaver dogs brought in.
she just said that they have removed photos that are "sensitive to Jaycee and her family". why the eff weren't these removed already, you know from Antioch PD!!!!

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