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how exactly was that a relationship?

Far be it from me to drop some cold hard truth onto this thread (we're quoting the National Enquirer now?), but if there wasn't some sort of "relationship" between Jaycee and the Garridos... as politically incorrect as it is to say this... she would have been dead eighteen years ago. There's no way she would still be alive if this had been a simple cut and paste kidnapping case.

You can call it whatever you want, call it a relationship or whatever floats your boat, but for whatever reason the Garridos made a place for Jaycee in their lives at some point along the way. That's the reason this case has been so fascinating for so many people. It just doesn't fit the profile or the pattern of any other similar case out there. In 99.99% of cases like this, Jaycee would have been dead back in 1991.

There is obviously something different that happened in this story. What was it? How did she end up being alive 18 years later? I'm not sure we'll ever know. You might not like to call it this, but in time of course it all became some weird mutated variant of "a relationship."

Edited to say that flourish beat me to it. Nice work.
You know, I think there was a story about his songs quite a while ago wasn't there? I thought maybe even someone who knew Garrido had been interviewed (I guess the guy you mention). I didn't even go read the article so I didn't realize it was again not in a the mainstream media - maybe no one here will give him an interview and they keep asking for them elsewhere. I suspect Jimmy calls them up and says he'd like to do a story and local news may not go for that. Surely they are not accepting money for interviews - I can't imagine they would do that in the face of locals calling for an investigation of the Sheriff's Office? Then again, maybe they are too accustomed to just doing what they please.

Yes. I just googled his songs. I can't remember what thread I first got it.

Marc Lister is PG's friend who has the CD.
I believe he said he let the police see it but that he still wanted to sell
the songs.

LE had the songs weeks ago.
They sure took their time deciding if they need to investigate this song.

My dollar bet is that Jimmie Lee did talk to NE about this.
Or as you said some one else has quoted Jimmie Lee for saying it.

If I'm wrong big mouth Jimmie Lee will deny this story.
Far be it from me to drop some cold hard truth onto this thread (we're quoting the National Enquirer now?), but if there wasn't some sort of "relationship" between Jaycee and the Garridos... as politically incorrect as it is to say this... she would have been dead eighteen years ago. There's no way she would still be alive if this had been a simple cut and paste kidnapping case.

You can call it whatever you want, call it a relationship or whatever floats your boat, but for whatever reason the Garridos made a place for Jaycee in their lives at some point along the way. That's the reason this case has been so fascinating for so many people. It just doesn't fit the profile or the pattern of any other similar case out there. In 99.99% of cases like this, Jaycee would have been dead back in 1991.

There is obviously something different that happened in this story. What was it? How did she end up being alive 18 years later? I'm not sure we'll ever know. You might not like to call it this, but in time of course it all became some weird mutated variant of "a relationship."

Edited to say that flourish beat me to it. Nice work.

you guys call it a relationship, ill call it survival. and well call it even :)
Yes. I just googled his songs. I can't remember what thread I first got it.

Marc Lister is PG's friend who has the CD.
I believe he said he let the police see it but that he still wanted to sell
the songs.

LE had the songs weeks ago.
They sure took their time deciding if they need to investigate this song.

My dollar bet is that Jimmie Lee did talk to NE about this.
Or as you said some one else has quoted Jimmie Lee for saying it.

If I'm wrong big mouth Jimmie Lee will deny this story.

let me just say, if this is true, and this is a real murder investigation against garrido, and this guy is leaking info? he needs to be fired. he is compromising the investigation.
Thanks for the tip..
Now we know Jimmie lee LE spokesman is a source for the NE articles.
I wonder if he is being paid personally by NE or if they pay his office.
Jimmie needs replaced...

Why doesn't he give updates on investigations to main stream media.

I like how Jimmie doesn't give-up his big tipster PG's un-named friend.
Who if PG did tell his friend that the song was based another crime that he had already commited.
Why isn't this un-named friend being investigated for not turning his disgusting friend PG into the LE when he first heard the CD & after PG
had told him the songs are all based on crimess he did from the 70's?

I wonder if this is the same friend that PG gave his CD to hoping the friend would use his music connections to get PG a recording contract?
If this is the guy He was interviewed shortly afteir this case broke and
He was using media to sell PG's songs to the highest bidder.
When questioned by the reporter about what he was going to do with the money?
He said he would think of donating some of it to help Jaycee.. BS BS
Now PG's friend & Jimmie LE are selling or giving stories about the songs to NE.
They make me sick...

You know, the depths of disgusting behavior that people stoop to amazes me, even at my old age!! If this person is a friend, he wants to sell the songs, be a man about it and come out of the shadows. Sheesh!! As for pg doing these atrocious crimes, wouldn't surprise me a bit. But come on LE this will NOT aide your investigation as anyone that knows anything would have come forward when pg and ng got arrested.

what the heck did he imply about jaycee?

He implied that if she had two children then there must be more. He also implied that pg may have killed them if they were boys. Isn't it convenient that this comes out after his last statements? Not saying its not true, but if he already had this information, why didn;t he handle the whole thing more tactfully and diplomatically!!

Link added:
Oh my frippen goodness sakes!!! Why in heavens name would LE leak this information??!!?? This case is getting stranger and stranger from a LE standpoint. Oh my gosh, I just thought of all the Mothers of missing girls/women and the heartache and anguish this will cause them.

LE wouldn't leak stuff, generally it is considered good practice not to comment about an ongoing investigation. Indviduals within LE, however, might, if their moral compass was somewhat suspect.
I don't feel that way at all. Remember the statement that Carl made, where Jaycee said it was "like a marriage"? Also a person who had been in the house stated that pg treated Jaycee like his wife and made nancy do all the cleaning. So at this point we really know nothing except the horror that she experienced in the early years and the fact that she was made to live in a tent.

There would have been terror initially, and during any subsequent violent episodes, but mostly it probably would have been the routine humdrum of life, albeit one somewhat alien to the average person. Psychologically I don't think either side would have been able to keep up a state of conflict for 18 years. It had to have assumed an air of normality at some point, especially after the kids arrived on the scene, otherwise Jaycee would be either dead or completely insane, and she is neither.
if she either miscarried a child while he was captive, or he literally murdered them, and she told them that, there would be charges. like in the fritzl case

It's not a crime to miscarry a baby. I don't think he could be charged for that. I'm not saying that she never miscarried -- she very possibly could have. Just saying it's not a crime to cover that up. People miscarry all the time and get rid of the "evidence" -- usually on accident. Of course, that depends on how far along you are.

Keep in mind that those reports came from European tabloids and haven't been expanded on in any subsequent reports, so in all probability they were fabricated or embellished for sensationalism. That is what those tabloids do routinely, that is how they sell copies. People like to read about other people being pigs. Usually however the truth is much more mundane, but that doesnt make for good copy.

The same is true for a lot of the more lurid reports that came out of the early days. If these things really did happen you would have expected to hear more details emerge as time went by, but we have not heard so much as a squeak about them.

I agree. Do we even know if these parties really took place? Who reported them? One neighbor? He could have been wrong or exaggerating. Just seems strange that we have heard nothing more from LE about this.

That's because they probably didn't happen.

As the old adage goes, never believe anything you hear in the first 72 hours of a sensational news story.
I thought Garrido's neighbor, Mike Rogers, seemed very credible in the stories about the parties. He also mentions his brother by name, Dean Rogers, and says they talked about it. True, good to be skeptical about the media source.

He's another one though and as far as I can tell this is not quoted from the uk source:

Neighbors of the couple in Antioch say they think more charges will be filed-- given what they sometimes saw happening in the backyard of the house.

"It wouldn't surprise me with the stuff that was going on in the back here, with all the partying, the different groups of people back in the back, the fires all night long, a lot of stuff going on back there," says Mike Rogers, a neighbor.

Rogers would sometimes look through his fence and watch different groups of men carrying on in the backyard. That's where police say Garrido kept Jaycee Dugard and the two kids he fathered with her. He didn't call police, saying he didn't want to seem paranoid. He's glad police are now looking to see if other crimes were committed.

"It's good they're here. They need to get to the bottom of it, the quicker the better," says Rogers.

Several of Garrido's neighbors are raising disturbing questions about what happened in Garrido's backyard. Mike Rogers lives behind Garrido. He says grown men often partied in the backyard prison where Jaycee Dugard and her two daughters lived in tents. Knowing what he knows now is troubling to think of what was happening.

(on camera): What exactly did you see these guys doing?

MIKE ROGERS, GARRIDO'S NEIGHBOR: They were like drinking, cheering their beers, and high-fiving, and getting crazy, you know, screaming and hollering. It was -- you know,, I thought maybe they were partying back there. Who knows, you know? I mean, you just -- you know, I hollered at them. They didn't even look at me.

LAVANDERA (voice-over): Antioch investigators tell CNN they've heard those stories but still don't have any evidence that other men might have abused Jaycee Dugard and her two daughters in that back yard.

I don't 'get' how anyone knows that Jimmy Lee is the source for an article that no one has read yet.
Relationship-would you use the term for what the Jews had in concentration camps as "relationships" ?
I don't 'get' how anyone knows that Jimmy Lee is the source for an article that no one has read yet.

Very often tabloids will take an old quote from someone and use it as a "source" for an article. For example, Jimmy Lee could have said something to the effect of "We are investigating Garrido in connection with unsolved local murders" at an earlier press conference and the NE is quoting that in the article to make it seem reliable, giving the impression that they have spoken with Lee about their story. I don't know if this is the case because I haven't read the NE article, but NE, Globe, and the British tabloids frequently do that sort of thing.
Thank you for the link, the original post had no link.

However, the way I read it, it doesn't say that Jimmy Lee is the source or that he is the source of a leak. It says that he confirmed whatever it is that the National Enquirer asked him.
"Jimmy Lee, spokesman for the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Department, confirmed to The ENQUIRER that a police investigation of the possible murders is under way."
It also doesn't say he called the Enquirer and discussed payment terms for his so called leak. Good grief people, get a grip!
And, I do think, as Anthroamy suggested that this story was based on stuff from weeks ago and a possible statement Jimmy Lee might have made at that time and whatever the friend said.
It is really all kind of meaningless, imo. I don't think National Enquirer has any sort of inside track on this case at this time.
Relationship-would you use the term for what the Jews had in concentration camps as "relationships" ?

By definition, yes, it was a forced, abusive, non-consensual interaction between (alleged) humans, which is, by definition a relationship. No, it's not a word I would use, as it is not the most clear, accurate term to describe those interactions.

I understand that the usual connotation of the word "relationship" doesn't coincide with the dictionary definition. The word "relationship" doesn't only mean healthy, loving interactions, it simply means an interaction. Feel free to do further independent research regarding the definitions and usage of the term. I did not create the word, nor did I write the dictionary, and I cannot change the definition of the word simply because I feel uncomfortable about its meaning or the way someone is using it.
Thank you for the link, the original post had no link.

However, the way I read it, it doesn't say that Jimmy Lee is the source or that he is the source of a leak. It says that he confirmed whatever it is that the National Enquirer asked him.
"Jimmy Lee, spokesman for the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Department, confirmed to The ENQUIRER that a police investigation of the possible murders is under way."
It also doesn't say he called the Enquirer and discussed payment terms for his so called leak. Good grief people, get a grip!
And, I do think, as Anthroamy suggested that this story was based on stuff from weeks ago and a possible statement Jimmy Lee might have made at that time and whatever the friend said.
It is really all kind of meaningless, imo. I don't think National Enquirer has any sort of inside track on this case at this time.

I stand by my comments based on how Jim has behaved in his interviews.
I have no respect for him. After his speculations on Jaycee's pregnancies.
I do not like or buy the NE. But I checked it out for the upcoming story.
Could be that NE has taken snippets from the MSNBC article from weeks back?

I don't care when or if He talked directly to NE or not.
Jim is the spokesperson for LE & that sets himself up to public scrutiny.

This is the sentence that I caught my attention in the NE article.

Police have confirmed to The ENQUIRER that they are investigating whether Garrido secretly fathered a son and then murdered both the boy and his mother.
Jimmy Lee, spokesman ---- Sheriff’s Department,

Marc Lister is PG's friend who has the CD.
Perhaps if there are real concerns with Jimmy LE or someone investigating from Contra Costa County they should be put in the thread for that purpose.

Police have confirmed to The ENQUIRER that they are investigating whether Garrido secretly fathered a son and then murdered both the boy and his mother.
Jimmy Lee, spokesman ---- Sheriff’s Department,

I'm not sure I have a problem with LE confirming they are investigating something that has come to their attention or stating that they are investigating something based on logic, e.g., prior pregnancies. I understand the concerns about this, but those have to be balanced with the public's right or need to know what they are doing and for other purposes that could relate to having the public help identify someone. It's a different story if they are just leaking info for purely PR purposes or making money off of giving info, are overun with damage control as a focus that takes away from the investigating, or are manipulating what is being told to influence the outcome of this case or opinions and facts. I have some big qualms with the CCC Sheriff's office, but that does not mean I don't think there are excellent police officers in their employ or that I would engage in some wholesale bashing of everything they do. I am not saying anyone here is doing that. I am just saying given there are huge valid problems that have occurred in Jaycee's case, we would be doing citizens and the community a disservice to usurp that with wild claims of misconduct, impropriety, or corruption that are either unsubstantiated.
I've lost track of where this should be so I hope this is right.

The Antioch builder told the Daily Mail that Garrido made crystal meth using household utensils and frequently invited “perverts” to his home to regale in drugs, sex and drinking. Rogers went so far as to call the Garrido home a brothel.

On one occasion, Rogers said he watched a group of men carrying crates of beer, enter the Garrido backyard. He told the Mail they lit bonfires, played music, shouted, and laughed into the early morning hours.

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