Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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The body wasn't moved by anyone. It was dumped right there (or very close to the spot) in June, the water rose above the dump site in the August Hurricane and then the garbage bag was exposed when the water receded. The water rising and receding may have moved it a bit, or removed whatever covered it or flushed it from its hiding spot.
But, KC did it, no one else. No one moved the body to frame her.

Cadaver dogs are not tracking dogs. The dogs in SP were tracking dogs.

NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE is setting KC up.

There are very good reasons why the body was not located earlier, the first of course being that KC would not divulge its location. TM gave a very credible explanation as to why the area could not be searched more thouroughly - it was under 3 feet of water! I got it. Why didn't anyone stumble upon the garbage bag before? Well, the water just started to recede 7-10 days before the bag was found.

There were some folks who suggested that Laci's body was dumped by the real killer once it was announced that SP went fishing at that spot on the day Laci disappeared, in order to frame him for the murder. It was BS then and it is BS now.

Come on folks, don't get all wobbly on this. This is KC and KC only.

Problem is, not everyone is sure of that and everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. BS be darned.
From Larry King Live:

"KING: And based on where they were, do we know -- Jessica, do you know why they weren't found sooner?

D'ONOFRIO: Well, it's a good question, Larry. I mean we're just talking -- these remains were found blocks -- within walking distance of this house. There are people saying that it was underwater at a certain point in time. But then when Tropical Storm Fay came through -- and that might have submerged those remains.

But when the search was going on for the body initially, we didn't have any rain out here in Central Florida. It was completely dry."
The body wasn't moved by anyone. It was dumped right there (or very close to the spot) in June, the water rose above the dump site in the August Hurricane and then the garbage bag was exposed when the water receded. The water rising and receding may have moved it a bit, or removed whatever covered it or flushed it from its hiding spot.
But, KC did it, no one else. No one moved the body to frame her.

Cadaver dogs are not tracking dogs. The dogs in SP were tracking dogs.

NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE is setting KC up.

There are very good reasons why the body was not located earlier, the first of course being that KC would not divulge its location. TM gave a very credible explanation as to why the area could not be searched more thouroughly - it was under 3 feet of water! I got it. Why didn't anyone stumble upon the garbage bag before? Well, the water just started to recede 7-10 days before the bag was found.

There were some folks who suggested that Laci's body was dumped by the real killer once it was announced that SP went fishing at that spot on the day Laci disappeared, in order to frame him for the murder. It was BS then and it is BS now.

Come on folks, don't get all wobbly on this. This is KC and KC only.

Not bending to it could have been Zani or the gypsies in the van type stuff. lol
Trying to figure out why the body was overlooked for so long. NOT giving KC any type of pass on this believe me. Saying she had some assistance trying to confuse LE and searchers. Possibly after Mommy had time to settle down, or someone else. :eek:
From Larry King Live:

"KING: And based on where they were, do we know -- Jessica, do you know why they weren't found sooner?

D'ONOFRIO: Well, it's a good question, Larry. I mean we're just talking -- these remains were found blocks -- within walking distance of this house. There are people saying that it was underwater at a certain point in time. But then when Tropical Storm Fay came through -- and that might have submerged those remains.

But when the search was going on for the body initially, we didn't have any rain out here in Central Florida. It was completely dry."

TY Princess Rose. I thought I'd be able to sleep and have my mind stop wandering the other day. But finding out other things keep popping into my head. Making me :crazy:
Originally Posted by madeleine
when i first heard that they are searching the a home again my first thought was that they wanna prove that something happened recently and it's related to the crime.

i mean,why seize the vaccums etc after so much time?

They would take anything that might provide any type of evidence. How often does anyone change cleaner bags in their vacuum, maybe once a year? A vacuum could have picked up Caylee's hair with a death band around it, if she had been laid on the floor. It could have picked up traces of soil that would match where Caylee was found, off someone's shoes.
People like Cindy and George who are clean freaks with the house and cars would empty their bags frequently. She probably vacuums at a minimum of once a week, but I would guess perhaps even more often. It was stated by Lee that George cleans the cars about once a week religiously.

While the bags/containers are emptied, they would not neccessarily clean the tubing, the container, the hoses, and the other parts on a regular basis. This is where they could expect to find trace evidence to connect back to whatever was found in the bag or on the duct tape.
Have you guys ever dug a hole in Florida? At approximately 2 ft water starts filling in the hole. Makes for hard digging not to mention the roots of trees and nearby plants. There have been different reports concerning the water level at this location at the time. Which was it, under water or not? Areas such as this location with thick vegetation can conceal a vehicle and you would have a hard time finding it. JMO

I remember alot of the same discussed in the Duckett case. It was said that burial would not have been easy because of sand filling the hole as you dug and the high water table. Also two feet off a road and you can't see anything on the ground. I think Palmetto plants were discussed alot.
The location does not strike me as strange at all. It fits right in with what I would expect. It's close to home and required little effort.

Anyone can kill someone else. It doesn't require great talent for an adult to cause physical harm to a tiny little girl. (It just requires great depravity--particularly in a case such as this, when so carefully premeditated at great length.) Not many, however, can do so in a way that evades detection forever.

Do we really think Casey's one of the few who can pull that off? I sure don't.

Let's not give Casey credit for genius. She is astounding in her evil, but she's no brain trust. Her writing is near-illiterate. She uses big vocabulary words--but they are consistently used incorrectly. She has the emotional maturity of a tween. She's not the woman to pull off The Perfect Crime.

It was sheer dumb luck (for Casey) that the bag was submerged for so long. It allowed it to remain hidden.

It was sheer serendipity for Caylee and justice.

Sure, it took longer to find the bag, given its location. But its contents were not scattered by foraging animals. They were not dessicated by the heat. They were remarkably intact. Ultimately, Casey's very ordinariness in the execution of this heinous crime will allow justice to be served.

(And that must chafe her tremendously.)

Trying to figure out why the body was overlooked for so long.
Florida's an awfully big place. A lot of places were searched. Not everyplace was searched immediately. LE was at an enormous disadvantage, in that so much time had elapsed between death and notification. And other events, including a hurricane, conspired against them. As did the mother, and perhaps entire family, of the poor little girl we've all come to love.

I don't think there's much more to it than that. I don't think there were accomplices. And I don't think the bag was moved, except from the death scene to the car to the place where it was found. Why? Because an accomplice would do a better job and pick a better place. Casey didn't believe she needed to--in her mind, the story ended when her fabulous new life as a single childless woman began. Caylee simply ceased to exist for her---and she expected others to respond similarly.
Here is a great link... you can type in Hopesprings Dr. Florida. Click on
Birds Eye view and zoom in and move around and see how close the body was to her house.
If someone wants to pm me how to do a screen capture I would be happy to
add it.
Yeppers, I brought that up several times too. It was one of the very first things that struck me in this case, as well as CA's very first interview with Greta. While watching that video I remember thinking "Who acts like that when their grandchild is missing?" Just something always so odd with Cindy.

I agree. Additionally very strange, one of the 1st things CA says on the 1st jail visit with KC is "We forgive you for whatever you have said" and KC replies "Don't worry I haven't said anything". What would "they" have to worry about? This is their 1st visit seeing her and jail and it seemed Cindy needed to get that point across immediately.
Yes, but that would mean that Casey would have driven around with Caylee in the trunk, discovered her because of the smell, texted her friends about the smell, not have worried about the fact that she hadn't seen her daughter in weeks, not called cindy repeatedly to check on her daughter, etc. And if you suppose that Cindy put her in the trunk temporarily then moved her, test suggest that the body was in the car for it doesn't explain casey texting about the smell, the chloroform that was looked up on the home computer while Cindy was at work, etc.

Plus, Casey's pings put her there. Also, Casey calling Tony to the area? Breaking in to get the gas cans? Abandoning her car? The many lies? Partying when she hadn't seen her daughter? Cindy's myspace blog? The nanny lies?

I understand what you're saying, I just think it's a large leap. If Casey's daughter were murdered and she had no involvement, she would have been horrified. Also, when would Cindy have done it? That night? While George was there? Then put her in Casey's car the next day? Did Casey leave the house in Cindy's car last night?

I'm just not buying it...but like I said, I appreciate reading the different viewpoint!

If you noticed on Cindy's myspace blog, her myspace account was set up that very day. That blog post was her first and only post that I am aware of. I'm also wondering if maybe Caylee's death occurred on the 9th of July rather than in June. Someone tell me why this isn't a possibility...I'm sure there is a reason but my brain is too tired to figure it out.
with all the evidence in the car, she was likely moved from the backyard to the car, then left in the trunk for god knows how long then casey could have drove the body to the spot where it was found..that would explain why the cadaver dogs did not track the scent past the car OR the backyard....the bag was likely buried, very shallow and all the flooding likely brought part of it to the surface (i think i heard one of the talking head experts explain this theory)
i haven't read through all the comments, so sorry if this has already been mentioned
They ALL had their stories down pat and all in agreement the night of July 15th.
Why? Because they ALL said the 9th of June and decided that would be the date, but it didn't fly once they realized the videos of Great Grandpa told the tale.

Couple that with the angry jail house call to her mother, "YOU don't know what MY involvement is?"
That's almost like saying, "Ah now you want me to take the whole fall? "
Or that's not what we ALL agreed on.

Nice post! :clap::clap::clap:

My opinion only

Body too close to road for them not to have searched even if there was water it would have been on the edge of the water and that water didn't come until mid August. Sloppy police work.

I am going to disagree here, politely of course. If you watched any of the live footage or any of the news reports of the scene, you might have noticed that the people who were working the scene were going down and coming up. By that I mean it is obvious they are walking down a slope and then walking back up. While the body may have been only 25 - 30 feet from the road, the terrain slopes down. Someone posted a picture either here or on another thread of what the typical terrain is for that type of area. tons and tons of underbrush, and it is dark in there because of all the underbrush. The fact that the ground slopes down from the road would make it twice as hard to see anything - and if I remember correctly, (I live in the area) there was rain from mid july on.
The location does not strike me as strange at all. It fits right in with what I would expect. It's close to home and required little effort.

Anyone can kill someone else. It doesn't require great talent for an adult to cause physical harm to a tiny little girl. (It just requires great depravity--particularly in a case such as this, when so carefully premeditated at great length.) Not many, however, can do so in a way that evades detection forever.

Do we really think Casey's one of the few who can pull that off? I sure don't.

Let's not give Casey credit for genius. She is astounding in her evil, but she's no brain trust. Her writing is near-illiterate. She uses big vocabulary words--but they are consistently used incorrectly. She has the emotional maturity of a tween. She's not the woman to pull off The Perfect Crime.

It was sheer dumb luck (for Casey) that the bag was submerged for so long. It allowed it to remain hidden.

It was sheer serendipity for Caylee and justice.

Sure, it took longer to find the bag, given its location. But its contents were not scattered by foraging animals. They were not dessicated by the heat. They were remarkably intact. Ultimately, Casey's very ordinariness in the execution of this heinous crime will allow justice to be served.

(And that must chafe her tremendously.)

IMO Casey did what came naturally to her, in an area that she felt familiar and comfortable in. She was a lazy girl and only concerned about herself. I dont think she would have taken the time out of her busy schedule to make a plan to dispose of her daughter, she just wanted to get rid of her the quickest way possible and move on.
Thanks Gardenhart for the explanation on the retention ponds. ;}

ETA: I just heard a live report on FOX. The reporter said the reason they are sifting dirt from all over that area is they are looking for small little bones. He said if the remains had been there for some time, animals would have carried these bones away from the bag.

Dr G must have told them little bones were missing, don't you think?
Actually it is not strange.
many killers bury victims under their their yard.
in their workplace.
Dumps close by.
So close to home Casey said so herself....
I completely agree, not strange at all...
I agree. Additionally very strange, one of the 1st things CA says on the 1st jail visit with KC is "We forgive you for whatever you have said" and KC replies "Don't worry I haven't said anything". What would "they" have to worry about? This is their 1st visit seeing her and jail and it seemed Cindy needed to get that point across immediately.

I could be CA once again misusing a word. Cindy could have meant We forgive you for whatever you have done. Somehow I think that they were discussing events that led up to KC leaving for good with Caylee. The money stolen, the big blow up, etc. I think that fight must have been pretty dang bad. Bad enough for Cindy to not mention it to LE.
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