Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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Fox News has just reported exactly what my post is about. Don't ask for a link please as I don't know how to put one up.
Just talked about within the last 5 minutes 3:15 on Fox News.
They mentioned that ME is searching through the dirt, sifting for small bones as THEY CAN'T understand how animals didn't get to the bag.
Not strange in any way. As others have said many killers leave remains in their normal living areas, close to them, in their yard, under the house, in the attic, garage, etc... And perp did say, in code, she is close, and bottom left. Both GA and LA knew what she meant by those two phrases. Maybe we should look up more of them. Oh yeah, and perp told CA "search locally.' They all knew.
If you noticed on Cindy's myspace blog, her myspace account was set up that very day. That blog post was her first and only post that I am aware of. I'm also wondering if maybe Caylee's death occurred on the 9th of July rather than in June. Someone tell me why this isn't a possibility...I'm sure there is a reason but my brain is too tired to figure it out.

Because no one saw Caylee after June 15th/16th,yet KC was very active day and night.Where would Caylee have been?
I suppose it's possible she had Caylee stashed somewhere,but unlikely.
Also the car was abandoned in June with the decomp already in it,long before July 9th.
My brain is tired,too.
I agree. Additionally very strange, one of the 1st things CA says on the 1st jail visit with KC is "We forgive you for whatever you have said" and KC replies "Don't worry I haven't said anything". What would "they" have to worry about? This is their 1st visit seeing her and jail and it seemed Cindy needed to get that point across immediately.

Wasn't the comment from Cindy more along the lines of "we forgive you for anything you have done or said." Casey then started talking to someone in the background again and then said not to worry, she hadn't said anything. But not she hadn't said or done anything. This is what I remember but perhaps I'm not remembering it correctly.
From Larry King Live:

"KING: And based on where they were, do we know -- Jessica, do you know why they weren't found sooner?

D'ONOFRIO: Well, it's a good question, Larry. I mean we're just talking -- these remains were found blocks -- within walking distance of this house. There are people saying that it was underwater at a certain point in time. But then when Tropical Storm Fay came through -- and that might have submerged those remains.

But when the search was going on for the body initially, we didn't have any rain out here in Central Florida. It was completely dry."

So? She's another person who obviously doesn't understand how water can stand in area long after there has been any rain. And I doubt if she lives down the street from the Anthonys either.
Did they seize pesticides or did they seize sprayer tanks used to spray pesticides and other garden products? I have a couple, one for pesticides and the other for liquid fertilizers. You can use them to spray anything that's a liquid.

I have tanks like that too. There was no way of telling from the video if they contained any liquid or what product was in them. It's just speculation. There is so much we don't know yet!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!!
Here is a great link... you can type in Hopesprings Dr. Florida. Click on
Birds Eye view and zoom in and move around and see how close the body was to her house.
If someone wants to pm me how to do a screen capture I would be happy to
add it.

Wow...thanks for this...this is amazing, especially when you do it from "ariel view" So very close...couldn't really comprehend this from tv
To think she has probably been there all along. How many times the family must have driven by.
I can't comprehend all of this, it is just so shocking, especially when you factor all the statements KC has made about her being so close to home.
She had to have been in a blind rage or drunk or high to commit such a heinous act and then to just dump her practically in her own backyard.
people are making too much of a big deal about the indentation under the bag...remember, casey had a shovel, that likely means the bag was buried. however, since the flooding, that bag has emerged from it's shallow could have floated for a while (someone on tv mentioned it wouldn't have floated very far because of the dense weeds) and now that the water has receded, the bag has sat where it was found...thus explaining why it would only seem it was in that spot for a short period of time. the one kid on tv said that this spot has only been dry for the last couple of weeks!

eta-when she borrowed the shovel, she may have just dug the hole at that point, not necessarily buried caylee...she may have just backed her car in the driveway so that if someone was walking by on the sidewalk, they could not see in to the trunk.
I just made myself laugh but in a sad way. LP was looking in the river, he was sure, and hey there may some things there. But perp was too silly to put remains in a river, where they would wash further away, Ha! (This will be used by defense as caring, swaddling, the trash bag, duct taped remains, argh! Proscetion will prove that no caring was there.
People like Cindy and George who are clean freaks with the house and cars would empty their bags frequently. She probably vacuums at a minimum of once a week, but I would guess perhaps even more often. It was stated by Lee that George cleans the cars about once a week religiously.

While the bags/containers are emptied, they would not neccessarily clean the tubing, the container, the hoses, and the other parts on a regular basis. This is where they could expect to find trace evidence to connect back to whatever was found in the bag or on the duct tape.

Exactly. There would be no way to clean everything from those vacuums without taking them apart.

Keep in mind too, y'all, during the earlier searches, the search warrants wouldn't have carried the weight this one did after the body was found. I'm sure they were limited in what they could seize earlier.
The body wasn't moved by anyone. It was dumped right there (or very close to the spot) in June, the water rose above the dump site in the August Hurricane and then the garbage bag was exposed when the water receded. The water rising and receding may have moved it a bit, or removed whatever covered it or flushed it from its hiding spot.
But, KC did it, no one else. No one moved the body to frame her.

Cadaver dogs are not tracking dogs. The dogs in SP were tracking dogs.

NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE is setting KC up.

There are very good reasons why the body was not located earlier, the first of course being that KC would not divulge its location. TM gave a very credible explanation as to why the area could not be searched more thouroughly - it was under 3 feet of water! I got it. Why didn't anyone stumble upon the garbage bag before? Well, the water just started to recede 7-10 days before the bag was found.

There were some folks who suggested that Laci's body was dumped by the real killer once it was announced that SP went fishing at that spot on the day Laci disappeared, in order to frame him for the murder. It was BS then and it is BS now.

Come on folks, don't get all wobbly on this. This is KC and KC only.

IIRC didn't someone see KC running on Chicksaw on the day this all blew up?
I have to go look at the calendar. I cannot recall who that was.
Women, maybe I should say Mothers, tend to be more nurturing in their killing of offspring - not that I'm saying this is nurturing - they tend to do this closer to home or at home in a non violent way

There are many holes to this story - I've been thinking about the duct tape - a lot - I don't know if it was wrapped around several times, a piece over the mouth, wrapped around once - we don't know if the arms or legs have any duct tape on them

It seems that Casey was in a hurry - she wasn't as methodical as we thought - the deed happened and then she thought, what now - so she comes up with the kidnapping theory - aka the duct tape - dumps Caylee close to home so it could look like she was being framed and it's done - nothing more to worry about - she can go on with her life the way she wanted to

I also think she put Caylee where she did cause frankly she wasn't that familier with anywhere else - she was familier with this spot

Good post trac. Let's face it, Casey does not have an expert criminal mind. She had her story about the kidnapping and was going to stick to it. After all, she had researched on the computer about missing children. Kidnapping sounded like the most likey to be accepted. You're right about the body being placed close to home in order to make it look as if she's being framed. And, that might have worked if she would have reported the (fake) kidnapping immediately. But, she didn't for whatever reason and let a month go by until she was confronted by her parents as to Caylee's whereabouts.
I don't live in Florida, I'm clear on the other side of the country, but I know Florida and I'm there often since my son lives in the area. I would imagine the area where the remains was found was just as described "wooded." And that means lots of green stuff. Brush, trees, palm trees, a pretty crowed landscape. We need some of you Floridians to post how thick the areas can be in your Sunshine state. Give us some descriptions okay?
So? She's another person who obviously doesn't understand how water can stand in area long after there has been any rain. And I doubt if she lives down the street from the Anthonys either.

This was BEFORE they had any rain. Fox news just reported that they are sifting through dirt as the ME doesn't buy the idea that the bag laid there that long without animals getting into it. Not to mention it went unnoticed.
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