Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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My two cents: "staged kidnaping", Casey in interview with detective " I went to a neutral spot". She was found right smack between the A's and Lee's. hmmm
You have to keep in mind that this is the beginning of the rainy season and hurricane season in Fl. Maybe this area was contantly flooded during this time of the year. I don't think that KC is particularly as smart as some of the posters thinks she is. She flys by the seat of her pants and her CSI shows aren't exactly like reality.
what I do find interesting is that of all the areas searched and all the manpower used to find this baby, KC picked one spot that no one could search. Obviously it wasn't flooded when Caylee was buried.
was that area prone to flooding?
why did so many of us think she was confident the body wouldn't be found when it was right in "her own backyard" and it wouldn't stay flooded forver? Surely that wasn't a good spot.

You know, hearing myself post, I am going to reverse mysaelf and agree it was a very careless and strange spot. I think it would actually lend itself to her kidnapping defense (assuming that will happen)

I'm having no luck finding the video. Maybe someone else can find the link?

JBean, the kid who took the videos back there the first day of the search said it was covered in water most of the year. In shots of him walking back there, he said the water in that spot would have been up to his knees. I'll see if can find that video.

As far as knowing the body would eventually be found, surely she knew her lies would eventually be found out too but that hasn't stopped her from still insisting on repeating them.

She's always had mama and daddy to clean up her messes for her so probably doesn't know how to do a good job of cleaning them up herself, even though they sure have been trying to do a massive cleanup after the fact.
Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.
I am wondering if this is the "secret place" that was described by Kio that Casey would hang out at with friends. In her interview she said she would take LE there and they did go the next night. IIRC she said across from the school and at another time she said beside.
what I do find interesting is that of all the areas searched and all the manpower used to find this baby, KC picked one spot that no one could search. Obviously it wasn't flooded when Caylee was buried.
was that area prone to flooding?
why did so many of us think she was confident the body wouldn't be found when it was right in "her own backyard" and it wouldn't stay flooded forver? Surely that wasn't a good spot.

You know, hearing myself post, I am going to reverse mysaelf and agree it was a very careless and strange spot. I think it would actually lend itself to her kidnapping defense (assuming that will happen)

TY JB, that was one of my thoughts. We framed you because you didn't follow the script yada yada.
Or other sinister ideas but again because the sheriff is throwing around obstruction charges, this must hold some credence somewhere.
Why didn't small animals pick at that bag??

I am taking this from the reporter that was on LKL last night from Jessica D'onfrio. She is adamantly shaking her head, disagreeing with Stacy Honowitz (sp?) about the rains and LK cuts it off there.
Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.
I don't think she tossed the body over the fence and marched through the woods to the other side to leave the body. I think she transported it in her car - perhaps even many days after it might have been in the backyard. That is why the cadaver dogs didn't "follow" the scent. There is no way she could have carried Caylee and marched through that underbrush. The body was close to the roadway. Why walk all the way through just to leave her near the edge of a road? I think the dumping site was a hasty decision to just get rid of the decomposing body - which had begun to leave an intolerable smell in her car.

People like Casey aren't used to consequences for their actions. I don't even think they expect consequences like normal people do. So it really doesn't surprise me that she does reckless things like leaving a body in a stupid spot, or stealing from family and friends in a very blatant way. Most "normal" people wouldn't do it because they would fear being caught and wouldn't want to face what that would bring. People like Casey don't think that way - they just do what they want - and figure things will work out or they will be able to explain it away. Why not - it has obviously worked for her before...
If the body was moved......why move it closer to the A's house ??.......why leave 'whatever' evidence in the bag, that took LE straight back to the A's house ??
Women, maybe I should say Mothers, tend to be more nurturing in their killing of offspring - not that I'm saying this is nurturing - they tend to do this closer to home or at home in a non violent way

There are many holes to this story - I've been thinking about the duct tape - a lot - I don't know if it was wrapped around several times, a piece over the mouth, wrapped around once - we don't know if the arms or legs have any duct tape on them

It seems that Casey was in a hurry - she wasn't as methodical as we thought - the deed happened and then she thought, what now - so she comes up with the kidnapping theory - aka the duct tape - dumps Caylee close to home so it could look like she was being framed and it's done - nothing more to worry about - she can go on with her life the way she wanted to

I also think she put Caylee where she did cause frankly she wasn't that familier with anywhere else - she was familier with this spot

No mystery. Lazy= nearby. Arrogant and stupid= someplace obvious.

You KNOW it's the right place, because she has not reacted to any other "finds."
Law enforcement did appear to be under "attack" due to the proximity of this discovery. When I first chanced on this case, I watched some online news videos on the cadaver dog searches in the Anthony home [on Fox News/Greta]. It is the video where Cindy claims two dogs were brought in because of uncertainty - which isn't true. The 2nd dog was brought it to corroborate the 1st dog's indication/signal of death in the backyard and car. This was further corroborated by 'experts' who cite that these dogs have a 90% accuracy rate in discovering human remains or alerting to this scent of decomposition, anyways.

At this point we know, for each “expert”, there are dozens other experts who will counter the point made. Unfortunately, I think the 90% statement is a stretch. Cadaver dogs are consistent when there is a cadaver, period. Without a decomposed body, this accuracy is significantly lower. Let me provide a case in point. For those of you who might know of a similar British case [2007] like this one, the Madeleine McCann disappearance in Portugal. Madeleine disappeared when she was on vacation with her family in Portugal - I won’t take up your time with excessive details, read about it if you like. Cadaver dogs were brought into the “scene of the crime” - at this point the parents suggest that she had been abducted from the room she was asleep in. Sniffer dogs detected the “smell of death” on Madeleine’s favourite toy and on her mother’s clothes. Hence the parents were officially named suspects. The dogs did not find a body. The McCan’s lawyer convinced a judge that cadaver dogs were only 20 - 40% accurate whereas the prosecution argued up to 70% accuracy. Similarly, in the early 80s in Australia, Lindy Chamberlain [who infamously claimed a Dingo took her baby] was convicted of killing her 9-week old daughter Azaria. Besides the fact that society/science had little understanding of dingo behaviour at that time, her arrest and conviction was determined in part, by ‘evidence’ provided through the use of cadaver dogs in that case. A “smell of death” was detected in the Chamberlain family car - which led on to assumptions that the car was used to transport/dispose the infant’s body. Several years later, Lindy was exonerated - new evidence suggested that a dingo did take her baby as she had claimed. Without a cadaver, sniffer dogs do make mistakes.

However, the cadaver was only 15 houses away from the Anthony home - it is entirely possible that LE did not put dogs in that area because of the water levels - in fact did we not hear from Tim Miller that LE offered up areas for TM to search? Since TM attempted to search that area twice, it is highly unlikely that LE moved into that area - otherwise it would make little sense for Tim to try again the 2nd time as well.
Hear me out before moving this post or commenting. This has been driving me nutz since she was found. IT IS TOO STRANGE that her body was found less than 1/3 mile away from their house.

Cadaver dogs can hit and actually follow a trail once they do. RE: Scott Peterson for example. They actually followed from the Petersons' driveway, all the way to the Interstate.

She actually was preserved and not discarded as many of us thought, thus the protection of the plastic bag. The alligators didn't get her etc etc.
The A's were conveniently out of town when she was found, Lee hasn't shown his face.

Obstruction charges being bantered about, directly from the Sheriff. What does this leave to the imagination?? Not too much when you put it all together. :rolleyes:

I don't think she was moved. LE and TM both seemed to think the bag was there for a long time.

I understand what you're saying about the dogs, and it's probably a fluke that they didn't find a trail.

Can you imagine of CA had given TM something of Caylee's, like he requested and she refused?? Caylee would have been found on that first search.

Obstruction charges? I think they've been coming - from day one.

It seems that Casey was in a hurry - she wasn't as methodical as we thought - the deed happened and then she thought, what now - so she comes up with the kidnapping theory - aka the duct tape - dumps Caylee close to home so it could look like she was being framed and it's done - nothing more to worry about - she can go on with her life the way she wanted to

I also think she put Caylee where she did cause frankly she wasn't that familier with anywhere else - she was familier with this spot

KC is lazy and it appears a bit stupid. Above all else, she is spiteful .
TY JB, that was one of my thoughts. We framed you because you didn't follow the script yada yada.
Or other sinister ideas but again because the sheriff is throwing around obstruction chrages, this must hold some credence somewhere.
Why didn't small animals pick at that bag??

I am taking this from the reporter that was on LKL last night from Jessica D'onfrio. She is adamantly shaking her head, disagreeing with Stacy Honowitz (sp?) about the rains and LK cuts it off there.

Perhaps if she used the pesticides LE seems so interested in, that would have kept small animals away for at least a while. I am wondering why they are interested in pesticides. It could be they suspect it was on the body or in the bag, or it may just be that they are collecting any household chemicals that could be used to kill the child. You would think they would have collected that back when they found the computer searches though.
I'm having no luck finding the video. Maybe someone else can find the link?

JBean, the kid who took the videos back there the first day of the search said it was covered in water most of the year. In shots of him walking back there, he said the water in that spot would have been up to his knees. I'll see if can find that video.

As far as knowing the body would eventually be found, surely she knew her lies would eventually be found out too but that hasn't stopped her from still insisting on repeating them.

She's always had mama and daddy to clean up her messes for her so probably doesn't know how to do a good job of cleaning them up herself, even though they sure have been trying to do a massive cleanup after the fact.
Excellent point about her lies being blatant and she told them with confidence too.
So do you think the spot was under water when the baby was buried?

That would make it even odder.
I don't think she tossed the body over the fence and marched through the woods to the other side to leave the body. I think she transported it in her car - perhaps even many days after it might have been in the backyard. That is why the cadaver dogs didn't "follow" the scent. There is no way she could have carried Caylee and marched through that underbrush. The body was close to the roadway. Why walk all the way through just to leave her near the edge of a road? I think the dumping site was a hasty decision to just get rid of the decomposing body - which had begun to leave an intolerable smell in her car.

People like Casey aren't used to consequences for their actions. I don't even think they expect consequences like normal people do. So it really doesn't surprise me that she does reckless things like leaving a body in a stupid spot, or stealing from family and friends in a very blatant way. Most "normal" people wouldn't do it because they would fear being caught and wouldn't want to face what that would bring. People like Casey don't think that way - they just do what they want - and figure things will work out or they will be able to explain it away. Why not - it has obviously worked for her before...

Your thoughts are exactly how I think Caylee ended up there!!!

KC didn't care where she put Caylee as long as she removed her from the car!! :furious:
Casey's child hood friend, Kimora said to LE that a place KC would feel safe was by the school. LE had dogs out in that area very very early on. I agree it is odd.

That's my point and especially coming from a searcher who really knows :eek: TY
what gets me is the area is passed by many kids on a daily basis, going to and from school. Surely, some of those kids smelled something. I know school is not in session during the summer, kids are still prone to hang out there. Once the bag resurfaced from the water I would think the smell would be overwhelming.
Also, I am sure the area is used for potty breaks for dogs. Didn't any of the owners notice unusual behaviour in their dogs in that area? Even non scent trained dogs have a high sense of smell.
You guys, everyone pretty much feels the same way about KC. But we have asked over and over to try and raise the conversation above the name calling and gave you a rant thread to get that carp off your chest.
If anyone has called anyone a name on this thread please go remove it so I don't have to.
There is so much to discuss let's do it constructively please.
Maybe there was water there already when she tossed the bag in that spot......maybe she did not think about it draining way or maybe she thought with the rainy season the gators would get her etc. KC is a strange evil person so who knows what she actually thought. She just knew she had to get rid of her and that was the closest spot at the time.

I don't believe there are gators in that particular area. Snakes, yes and other animals, but I wouldn't say gators.
I think Casey's well known laziness is to blame for the spot. I think the day she ran out of gas she had to get rid of the body quickly because boyfriends tend to run for the hills when they find dead bodies in your trunk.

I still don't get why she called him at all that day, other than come save me syndrome.

I think Casey put it there hoping it would get real swampy (which it did), but I think she thought her "Zani" story would pass the smell test if and when the body was found, because she had been able to lie to her parents for so long and they were none the wiser.
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