Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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Do we know if that entire wooded area was searched early on? I would assume the cadaver dogs were probably taken out on the other side of the Anthony's fence. If they didn't pick up a scent there, they might not have been taken further into the woods at that spot. I think I remember that someone searched the area KioMarie said was "their spot"...but if I remember correctly...that was near the school...perhaps in a different direction from where this was found?
I don't think she was moved. LE and TM both seemed to think the bag was there for a long time.

I understand what you're saying about the dogs, and it's probably a fluke that they didn't find a trail.

Can you imagine of CA had given TM something of Caylee's, like he requested and she refused?? Caylee would have been found on that first search.

Obstruction charges? I think they've been coming - from day one.

KC is lazy and it appears a bit stupid. Above all else, she is a spiteful b1tch.

I took all of that into consideration too. But you can lay something down and it really only takes a few days or less to kill the grass underneath, pesticides on the bag would definitely do that. Glad for all the input and our thinking caps on. :) But the obstruction charges coming from the Sheriff's own mouth weren't so inherent until now.
Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.

I would hang tight with the 98%. KC did this all by herself. IMO
What if she used chloroform to knock out Caylee, put duc tape on her mouth to keep her quite if she wakes up and left her in the trunk so she could do what she wanted (partying, guys, etc).

Caylee somehow dies, Casey justs wraps up the body and gets rid of it...duc tape and all.
I think Casey put it there hoping it would get real swampy (which it did), but I think she thought her "Zani" story would pass the smell test if and when the body was found, because she had been able to lie to her parents for so long and they were none the wiser.

I agree with you. I think she planned the story she was going to use so it didn't really matter where the body was dumped. I think that may also be why she used the duct tape on the mouth. To make it appear like a kidnapping. It would also explain why she didn't take the body at least a little bit further into the woods. I bet she has been laughing inside thinking about how stupid LE is that they can't even find the body when it is in such an obvious spot. Just like she did when she said "they haven't even found the clothes she was wearing yet".
Quite honestly, I'm not so sure in my own mind that KC is responsible for Caylee's death. I would say I'm 98% convinced that she is, but...consider this.

1. Cindy is the last known person to be physically with Caylee. Yes, yes, I know George says he saw KC and Caylee leave the house on the 16th of June but do we know for sure that he did? NO!
2. Cindy has proven herself to be very unstable through her actions throughout this whole ordeal and we know from sworn statements that she became physically aggressive with KC, grabbing her by the throat on the June 15th.
3. KC is reportedly a mess emotionally in prison.
4. Cindy is living it up at the Ritz and eating $100.00 dinners at fancy restaurant's.
5. Cindy was Caylee's primary caregiver and aren't most murdered children killed by their primary caregivers?
I think there is definite potential here for
1. KC really did not commit the murder
2. KC to get the ultimate revenge on Cindy by throwing her under the bus.

Fire away but remember I'm just the messenger.

I agree with what you have stated. Now some interesting things to add. Did you see the video with Judge Napolitano saying the body may have been moved to this location AFTER Casey's arrest?

Couple that with what I saw last night (Friday, Dec 12) on Larry King - when the Asst. State Attorney stated that Tim Miller said the area where the body was found was underwater until recently I saw the local correspondent began vigorously shaking her head "NO" and she tried to speak, but her sound was turned off, then they went to commercial. When they came back, Larry King ended the show! Grrrrrrrrrrrr...... I want to know what this local correspondent had to say.
What I learned from the Madeleine McCann case is that a dog can not follow the blood scent unless they search within a few days.
The fact that Florida is humid helps keep the scent around longer. If extremely lucky, that scent would have been there for a month and they might have found it with a very rare, sensitive dog.
But since the search didn't start for a month, the scent trail to the woods would have been gone.
They could only pick up cadaver scent where it was concentrated.

I think Casey put it there hoping it would get real swampy (which it did), but I think she thought her "Zani" story would pass the smell test if and when the body was found, because she had been able to lie to her parents for so long and they were none the wiser.

LOL not at you, but her theory if that's the case. She should have consulted with Dr. Baden as he stated last night on Greta, that the decomp smell would have been MORE telling if in water at that time. He added especially in 2 or 3 inches of water.
What if she used chloroform to knock out Caylee, put duc tape on her mouth to keep her quite if she wakes up and left her in the trunk so she could do what she wanted (partying, guys, etc).

Caylee somehow dies, Casey justs wraps up the body and gets rid of it...duc tape and all.

I thought of this too
If you look at David Lohr's blog (Investigative Discovery) dated September 7, 2008, you will see where a poster named KRH listed the woods behind the school as a possible location to search. This person even put the address of the school in the post.
I wonder if Casey was still in jail on that date. Wonder who KRH is?
I believe the FBI labs will be able to determine how long the bag had been there. I know the grass was dead underneath the bag and there was an indentation in the earth there. The bag may not have been there as long as we think, tho. JMO

I wonder how far the fence is from where the bag was found. When I first read that a garbage bag with remains in it had been found, I also wondered if it had been moved one or two months prior to it being found.

I just cannot see how there would be any correlation between the Anthony's being out of town and the meter reader having to go relieve himself.
Actually it is not strange.
many killers bury victims under their their yard.
in their workplace.
Dumps close by.
So close to home Casey said so herself....
Yes, the only time the killer hasn't lied... " I feel she's close to home".

I think we all gave Casey much too much credit. She isn't smart. She's really very stupid. She had lied her entire life, manipulated people, stole from people, and was 'bailed out' of messes over and over by her parents, and that gave her a false security to believe she could outsmart everyone again! It didn't work this time.
I agree with what you have stated. Now some interesting things to add. Did you see the video with Judge Napolitano saying the body may have been moved to this location AFTER Casey's arrest?

Couple that with what I saw last night (Friday, Dec 12) on Larry King - when the Asst. State Attorney stated that Tim Miller said the area where the body was found was underwater until recently I saw the local correspondent began vigorously shaking her head "NO" and she tried to speak, but her sound was turned off, then they went to commercial. When they came back, Larry King ended the show! Grrrrrrrrrrrr...... I want to know what this local correspondent had to say.

No that's probably one of the few I missed while flipping furiously through channels. But thanks for the link, I'm not very good at posting those.
Listened to it now, WOW.
Yes, the only time the killer hasn't lied... " I feel she's close to home".

I think we all gave Casey much too much credit. She isn't smart. She's really very stupid. She had lied her entire life, manipulated people, stole from people, and was 'bailed out' of messes over and over by her parents, and that gave her a false security to believe she could outsmart everyone again! It didn't work this time.

Can I disagree a bit? :)
You have to be smart in order to manipulate people so well. IMO

eta:She's NOT very smart IMO,it was them allowing her to manipulate them.
What if she used chloroform to knock out Caylee, put duc tape on her mouth to keep her quite if she wakes up and left her in the trunk so she could do what she wanted (partying, guys, etc).

Caylee somehow dies, Casey justs wraps up the body and gets rid of it...duc tape and all.

Except that she didn't just wrap it up and get rid of it. She carried that little body around in her car long enough for the smell to completely permeate the car...and to an extent that it STILL smells now. But I also think that it is likely that the child died in the trunk...either from chloroform or from something like heat stroke.
I don't think the location of the body is odd at all. Casey was/is L-A-Z-Y & S-T-U-P-I-D.

The dope didn't work in over two years. She didn't even give two weeks notice when she was employed, she just stopped showing up for work. When she forged one of Amy's stolen checks, she signed her own name. When she ran out of gas, she called TonE to pick her up to go break into her parent's shed for gas. She was so lazy that she couldn't walk a 1/4 mile to her own house and get gas herself, she had TonE with his handy crowbar do it for her. I'm sure there's a million more examples of her laziness/stupidity.

Is it really a surprise that she wouldn't want to be too put out by the pesky task of disposing of her burdensome daughter's body?
I think this is exactly where KC dumped her child's body - without any help. Her family was distraught, think back on the 911 calls, CA wanted her own daughter arrested, GA went to LE and told them about the "smell of decomposition", and even LA offered up his sister in terms of saying there was no prior mention of 'Zanny' and he provided KC's Target receipts and so on. The Father, Mother and Brother reacted exactly how they should have at the beginning, they fed her to LE. They did not assist KC.

KC would not take the fall for any one of them. This is purely her doing, she was not thinking. Something happened and she was "stuck" with a corpse that began to reek, she had to be rid of it. FBI criminal profilers suggest the body is usually dumped in spaces/areas known to the perp/killer. KC had too little time to dispose of this body without raising suspicion given she was to-ing and fro-ing her parents home and TL's apartment.

She never went back to move it because as cruel as she is to have "killed" her child, she did not want to pick that bag up again. Recall how she claimed that she did not want to return to the Anthony house because she could not bear to be there without Caylee? Red flag. She could not bear to be in the Anthony home/house because the body was not too far off, and it is also possible that that house is where Caylee died.
TY JB, that was one of my thoughts. We framed you because you didn't follow the script yada yada.
Or other sinister ideas but again because the sheriff is throwing around obstruction chrages, this must hold some credence somewhere.
Why didn't small animals pick at that bag??

I am taking this from the reporter that was on LKL last night from Jessica D'onfrio. She is adamantly shaking her head, disagreeing with Stacy Honowitz (sp?) about the rains and LK cuts it off there.

I was so frustrated she didn't get to say her final peace. (stacy) EVERYONE and their uncle keeps reminding us TM couldn't search, lost his 4 wheeler, blah blah...

No one is bringing up the point that LE did search there, most have searched there, should have searched there, didn't search there (and that was a mistake) regardless. TM's people aren't the ONLY people that have searched. Surely LE had people out at the beginning.

The shovel and the cadaver dogs should have led them straight to the woods behind that house while they were still dry. That was early on.

As for the dogs...I don't think cadaver dogs are trained to track?? I think they would have needed bloodhounds (or tracking type dogs). They should have given them CASEY's scent to follow in the woods.
Casey knew the area well. She might have intended on leaving Caylee in her comfort zone anyway. She surely knew that that area would fill up for the summer. That would be why she taped the bag up with tape knowing it would be under water. She also knew that once she got past the sidewalk and down the embankment she wouldn't be seen. She could have dropped the bag off at night and returned the day she ran out of gas. Remember she was compulsive about most things. She probably used the cleaning materials in the Anthony garage. Why she didn't rip out the carpet, I will never know. She isn't known to be a problem solver. Le should have been back out there last week since it dried out. Too much interest has been placed on the pings though that is needed for other problmes in her behavior. But domestic killers usually don't go far.
I agree with you. I think she planned the story she was going to use so it didn't really matter where the body was dumped. I think that may also be why she used the duct tape on the mouth. To make it appear like a kidnapping. It would also explain why she didn't take the body at least a little bit further into the woods. I bet she has been laughing inside thinking about how stupid LE is that they can't even find the body when it is in such an obvious spot. Just like she did when she said "they haven't even found the clothes she was wearing yet".

ITA. Her mind has been completely at ease........ until now. :bang:
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