Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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I don't understand how you know this. I have not heard of her ever having been evaluated for this disorder. I'd appreciate your links to this information. Incidentally she would not have had to have fugues (yes I know what they are) since childhood, but I would not be surprised to find that she had. If she has them, onset could have been later than that, though. My opinion.

A dissociative fugue state cannot be diagnosed unless the patient has exhibited sudden, unexpected travel away from home, coupled with an inability to recall his/her past.
During the investigative time period, LE has stated Casey never left the Orlando area. Numerous investigative reports also indicate Casey's never lived anywhere but at the Anthony home and, prior to June 15, she had also never spent more than a random night or two away from home.
Casey did avoid her home during the 31 days, but not because a clinical impairment made her unable to recall who she was or where she lived. She avoided her home because she knew exactly who she was and where she was supposed to be, IMO. I agree with Brini that Casey most definitely could not be diagnosed with a dissociative fugue state.
Psychosis requires a thought disorder (delusions) and/or hallucinations. Other symptoms would include inattention to appearance, and failure to perform ADLs (bathing, eating, etc.)

A DUMB sociopath would likely do EXACTLY what KC has been doing.

KC isn't crazy. She's cold.

I would not be surprised at all to find out that she is delusional.

Yes, I know the symptoms that you describe can be symptoms of psychosis.

The other poster was saying that a sane person could drive around in a car with a messy, smelly decomposing body and dispose of it sloppily and carelessly. I said I thought a person who would do that would more likely be suffering from mental illness. (Or drug usage causing periods of unreality or inattention, could be many things.)

I don't think KC is dumb, I would not be surprised for tests to prove otherwise on that. I do think she could have disruptions of thought or memory, and could be delusional, and could be suffering from mania. Purely speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that any of these were present. My opinion only of course. None of this means she harmed her child of course, though I don't rule that out. Of course she could just be a cold psychopath (as the media has harped since day 1 of the investigation), I'm not ruling out that possibility. But I'm not even sure at this stage if she was the perpetrator. My opinion only.
I've also heard the tape would tend to preserve the soft tissue. I know. :(

Believe it or not I heard that on our local news here in NY. As I've been saying, we are going to be in shock when the total results of the autopsy come back. I've had a feeling it was a very heinous act. :eek:
A dissociative fugue state cannot be diagnosed unless the patient has exhibited sudden, unexpected travel away from home, coupled with an inability to recall his/her past.
During the investigative time period, LE has stated Casey never left the Orlando area. Numerous investigative reports also indicate Casey's never lived anywhere but at the Anthony home and, prior to June 15, she had also never spent more than a random night or two away from home.
Casey did avoid her home during the 31 days, but not because a clinical impairment made her unable to recall who she was or where she lived. She avoided her home because she knew exactly who she was and where she was supposed to be, IMO. I agree with Brini that Casey most definitely could not be diagnosed with a dissociative fugue state.

A person doesn't have to wander away from home to have a dissociative disorder. Personally I haven't necessarily argued that possibility, but I don't rule out periods of dissociation, either, at all. Not until I hear more. I was never pushing the theory that she experiences fugue though, only responding to very strong claims from another poster that she DEFINITELY does not / has not / could not.
I don't understand how you know this. I have not heard of her ever having been evaluated for this disorder. I'd appreciate your links to this information.

Why then did her own mother, common knowledge, call her a "sociopath"?????:waitasec:
A dissociative fugue state cannot be diagnosed unless the patient has exhibited sudden, unexpected travel away from home, coupled with an inability to recall his/her past.
During the investigative time period, LE has stated Casey never left the Orlando area. Numerous investigative reports also indicate Casey's never lived anywhere but at the Anthony home and, prior to June 15, she had also never spent more than a random night or two away from home.
Casey did avoid her home during the 31 days, but not because a clinical impairment made her unable to recall who she was or where she lived. She avoided her home because she knew exactly who she was and where she was supposed to be, IMO. I agree with Brini that Casey most definitely could not be diagnosed with a dissociative fugue state.

I think it is so hard for normal people to understand how anyone could do such a thing. She is cold and somewhat calculating, or at least she thought she was. Bottom line is she's a spoiled selfish brat who was enabled for so long, she thought everyone would treat her as the A's did. :furious:
She's going to need a double dose of sedatives when the results come in.
A question I've been wondering about is if we were to send KC's cards would LE give them to her?
:laugh: I wanted to wish her well on her beautiful new life. :woohoo:
Once they have an inmate number, they can receive mail.
A person doesn't have to wander away from home to have a dissociative disorder. Personally I haven't necessarily argued that possibility, but I don't rule it out, either.

There are many dissociative disorders-- I was addressing the topic of dissociative fugues, a diagnosis which does require the symptom 'sudden, unexpected travel and an inability to remember one's past.'

I think it is so hard for normal people to understand how anyone could do such a thing. She is cold and somewhat calculating, or at least she thought she was. Bottom line is she's a spoiled selfish brat who was enabled for so long, she thought everyone would treat her as the A's did. :furious:
She's going to need a double dose of sedatives when the results come in.
I agree! I think that, because it's so hard to understand how a human being could do and say the things Casey has, people seem very inclined to believe she must be mentally ill. I find this trend troubling! Some people are just bad. IMO, Casey is one of those people.
Evidence of decomposition in KC's car does not prove that she deliberately murdered her child. Your post suggested that it must be somehow obvious to all but the most stupid of people that this was deliberate murder. I am saying that nothing in the facts and evidence seen so far proves this.

Bolded by me,

Maybe not, but, duct tape on that baby's mouth would sure point to deliberate.
IMO, no one who caused their childs death by "accident" would wrap them up in a covering, stuff them in a trash bag, duct tape it shut and toss them down a hill like garbage. JMO
Exactly. And, KC hasn't had to do detox, since incarceration. She CERTAINLY wouldn't do meth. It makes one ugly, including rotting teeth from the roots, in fairly short order.

As the other posters and I stated, we felt if she had begun using it, it would have had to be quite recent. Not enough visible damage yet. It's just one drug that could addle a person that quickly though. Maybe it was the absinthe :(

Guess a green frownie face would be more appropriate (insert green frownie here).
Once they have an inmate number, they can receive mail.

ROFL TY Linask, I'll probably wind up getting arrested for needling her. :crazy: Oops no pun intended.
Evidence of decomposition in KC's car does not prove that she deliberately murdered her child. Your post suggested that it must be somehow obvious to all but the most stupid of people that this was deliberate murder. I am saying that nothing in the facts and evidence seen so far proves this.

You're right, Devon.
If she didn't bury the bag very deep then it makes sense that when the water receded and some of the dirt and ground cover shifted then the bag might come to the surface.

Would the cadaver dogs hit if the body had never been in the house? I think it makes sense that Caylee died in the truck, Casey went to the house to get the things to bury her and did it without ever having the body in the house.

I forget which one now but one of the talking head shows said she was not buried. They said it looked as if she had been tossed down a hill. The area is a no-traffic area of some woods that Casey used to roam as a kid. She apparently knew them well. I'm glad the meter reader had to go when/where he did.

I reckon I'm ready to know what else was in the bag
As the other posters and I stated, we felt if she had begun using it, it would have had to be quite recent. Not enough visible damage yet. It's just one drug that could addle a person that quickly though. Maybe it was the absinthe :(

Guess a green frownie face would be more appropriate (insert green frownie here).

I believe that she made her decisions about what she wanted to do about her family and about Caylee on her Birthday in March. She may not have started drugging her back then but it wouldn't surprise me to find out that she had started "experimenting" that far back. Unfortunately, it's no consolation to me if she hadn't already started drugging her because I am appalled (based on what we now know) to think about what Caylee's daily life was with her mother regardless...She certainly wasn't acting in her daughter's best interests even if she wasn't drugging her and by the looks of her compulsive telephone behaviors, I don't think that she had the time of day to play with Caylee - let alone to love on her!
I guess I do not see what is so strange about where the remains were found. Isn't it a common MO for a perp to dump a body in a place they are familiar with? I don't think kc had any cares about her being found there, I am certain she thought she would be able to talk her way out of it. I mean, the remains have been found, and apparently she is still sticking with her story. It is obviously of no consequence (in her mind) that Caylee was found so close to home. People do what works, kc would be no exception. She learned she could talk and lie her way out of anything. I don't think it has anything to do with a mental disorder, she probably has never been made to pay the price for anything.
I keep hearing how ALL of KC's friends said she was a good mom..blah blah blah. Let us not forget there are a few interviews missing from the dump. Annie is one, Melina is the other off hand. I'm sure there are more, but I bet these 2 have some juicy details or wouldn't we have seen/heard their interviews? KC also told LA in jail to not trust Annie..she must have something on KC IMO, it sounded like KC did NOT want LA in contact with her. JMO.

Of the interviews we've been privy to yes it seems to paint KC in a positive light but lets not forget about the ones we have NOT been privy to.'s also ironic how KC acts differently dependant upon whom she is around..per many of her "friends".

That interview with Annie must be something else. They really have held very few, if they released GA's why not Annie's?? Unless they are trying to protect her, more or less like a witness protection kind of thing as she may have implicated others in a very bad light. If you know what I mean.
I guess I do not see what is so strange about where the remains were found. Isn't it a common MO for a perp to dump a body in a place they are familiar with? I don't think kc had any cares about her being found there, I am certain she thought she would be able to talk her way out of it. I mean, the remains have been found, and apparently she is still sticking with her story. It is obviously of no consequence (in her mind) that Caylee was found so close to home. People do what works, kc would be no exception. She learned she could talk and lie her way out of anything. I don't think it has anything to do with a mental disorder, she probably has never been made to pay the price for anything.
I'm in agreement with you Suspicious, it's simple-it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's not a cat!
Clearly she DID? That or she lied to the cops so often for.. what reason?

And, how did she overlook the decomposing body in her car?

She killed Klee because CA was starting to insist that she grow up, get a job, and take care of her.

I hate to say this, but she would have been better getting rid of CA, done us all a favor. Ooh it's getting late and I'm getting as loopy as all of them. :crazy:
Evidence of decomposition in KC's car does not prove that she deliberately murdered her child. Your post suggested that it must be somehow obvious to all but the most stupid of people that this was deliberate murder. I am saying that nothing in the facts and evidence seen so far proves this.

Let's also keep in mind there is no proof of a nanny or an accidental death at this time, either.
There are many dissociative disorders-- I was addressing the topic of dissociative fugues, a diagnosis which does require the symptom 'sudden, unexpected travel and an inability to remember one's past.'

I agree! I think that, because it's so hard to understand how a human being could do and say the things Casey has, people seem very inclined to believe she must be mentally ill. I find this trend troubling!

(Uh, I still disagree that travel is a necessary component of someone experiencing fugue. Though if that happens it could certainly indicate fugue.)

Regarding your second paragraph there, since you raised the subject, equally troubling are the people who are so attached to the theory of KC as vicious, psychopathic, premeditated murderer of her own child that they state this over and over as if it were proven fact, even insulting the others who are still keeping an open mind pending the many unanswered questions, the evidence being presented at trial, etc (they just aren't intelligent or informed enough to get it, they say!) Please!

But anyway, back to the case.
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