Arias continues giving interviews to the media

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I find it fascinating the effect Jodi has on so many people, including myself. I truly believe she had this same effect on Travis. I think she drove him nuts. The hatred he had for her in that last text exchange I believe was the rage he felt at her empty empty shell. She is truly maddening.

she didnt effect me except to induce me to dust off ole Sparky. This is a con I dont understand how anyone could think anything else?

Travis was so not equipped to handle this predator, that fake stalker email she tried to pull on him and he believed her showed me the difference in these two people. She is a predator who saw a chance to do her work on a kind innocent man. I see right through her . I am sickened by today's events and I can just pray this jury will see who she really is and what threat she continues to be to the family and friends of Travis and anyone who dare cross her.
It was sicking how much she seemed to love talking to the jury in her plea for life. It did not look like a meek abuse victim or someone ashamed of their actions. She was loving the action. Like shell love the attention of her prison mates. I say death is best for miss arrogant jodi.

What does the alexander family want? Have they said? That's what she needs

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The Alexander family wants Death, they just weren't allowed to say that to the jury.
I am still in amazement that a question of "what do you think about getting the needle in your arm?" from one of the reporters last night got a big smile from Jodi along with an answer of "I haven't really thought about that yet, I will think about that later down the line. It will be a long time away anyway" !!!! Unreal. That would be what I would be thinking of night and day!!!
She's the Scarlett O'Hara of Arizona, but far uglier.
Does anyone remember the name of that disgusting waste of space who shocked the nation at his sentencing by taunting Mark Klaas with the most ridiculous and horrible implication imaginable?

....... Yeah, me neither.

Everyone remembers Polly. Everyone will remember Travis.
Actually I do because it happened here in the Bay Area- Richard Allen Davis and he got Death Row, AFAIK.
When she starts to feel like she's getting trapped and for a moment thinks maybe she can't get out of a lie, she gets this stone-faced, evil look on her face, the whites of her eyes open a little wider to show her fear of getting caught, and she stares intently at the reporter as if to somehow telepathically predict the next question.

One time I caught this was in teh ABC15 interview, where the reporter is talking about the phone sex tape and why did she record it and Travis didn't know about it did he? And then CMJA says "oh yes, yes of course he did" in a rapid, nervous kind of way....and THEN she says "yes and in fact just prior to that we had discussed it in a chat conversation which didn't come into evidence." She does all of this in a nervous, speedy type voice.

But notice she used the same lie about "not coming into evidence" as she did in her post-verdict interview about the supposed people seeing her supposed bruises which supposedly were out there but Nurmi didn't want submit them as evidence. Also the picture of Travis chasing the little boy. Anytime she wants to "prove" something or make the public think something, she says oh, there's proof but Nurmi or the court just didn't allow it. That's her way of somehow backing up her statements, that there's some fake proof out there somewhere?? Ugh, NO SHE IS NOT SMART SHE"S DUMB AS A ROCK, I wish the media woud stop reporting that she's "smart." No smart person thinks that way. Every "smart" person would realize that everything she says is just one step away from being able to be proved wrong.
Actually I do because it happened here in the Bay Area- Richard Allen Davis and he got Death Row, AFAIK.

That was one of the scariest cases ever---the poor child stolen from a slumber party in her own home, in the middle of the night. Heartbreaking and shocking.
Actually I do because it happened here in the Bay Area- Richard Allen Davis and he got Death Row, AFAIK.

I remember it too... Scary! I grew up in Northern CA...
Hearing her say that she felt the jury betrayed her confirmed (to me) that she really was expecting something else, perhaps even acquittal. Boggles my mind.

I found the word betrayal interesting. Betrayal is very personal, and (at least to me) can only be done by someone close and dear to you, someone you have a relationship with. Someone you trusted to be on your side and keep your confidences and stick up for you no matter what. My husband could betray me, or my friend or my daughter, but not someone I have never met, don't know and don't have a mutual relationship with. They could turn me in, or steal from me, or whatever, but that isn't betrayal. God only knows how her mind works, and how she sees things. I'll never be able to figure her out.
She's so egocentric, she hasn't moved past the mental stage of a 3 year old. She thinks she's beautiful and charming, so she thinks all of the jury think the same. She thinks they love her and admire her intelligence. She thinks they think she's brave and courageous for getting up on that stand and reliving her awful ordeal. She thinks they view her with affection, as a friend.

She can't comprehend anyone else's opinion. Like a child, she just doesn't understand that she's not the centre of the universe. She can't comprehend people not liking her, because she herself thinks she's so darn fabulous.

I have no doubt that she truly does feel betrayed, the same way a toddler would feel betrayed if her mother told her she couldn't have an ice cream right before dinner. Because that's not fair! And if I want something I should get it. NOW!
Well, I think it's Jodi-semantics again. Just because she had her hair cut off and donated to Locks of Love does not mean they accepted it. She may have cut it, stuck it in a padded envelope and mailed it to LoL. And considers that a "donation." For all we know, it ended up in the trash once it got there.

I don't know why ANY woman would keep her hair long in prison (or jail if it's long-term) if she's not in isolation! That's just ASKING to get it pulled (at a minimum).
Thank you SweetT. Jodi might as well have put her hand on her hip and said, NO, Travis was not the glue that held the family together, it was his grandma. But, she's dead now -- so there's no glue left in the Alexander family.

That's just how cruel and hurtful she sounded. I bet the jury was floored.

I would not put it past her to say that SHE is now the glue that holds the Alexander family together. After all, they are there in the courtroom every day because of HER, aren't they? Why she's a veritable blessing in disguise to them at this point!
One of my firsts questions to her would be to ask her to list the "shady" things she claims Jaun did in prosecuting her. She made that statement during her first interview follow her guilty verdict. I have a stong feeling she would be able to come up with a few of them. All lies of course.

I think that is about the FORGED letters that Travis ostensibly wrote that "proved" he was a pedophile. They were, apparently, easily proven to be forged, a hearing declared them to be so and, thus inadmissible (I'm basing that on what I've read here; I didn't see the hearing myself), yet she still considers them them to be suppressed evidence.
She said she has nightmares and screams in her sleep. I couldn't help thinking of a former female 'friend' who is very manipulative and evil, she was once dead for two hours before they saved her and she was very disturbed over what she experienced: she was surrounded and attacked by scary creatures in a long corridor. She saw the light further away but had to get through the demons first. But she was too afraid of the demons and then she was saved by the doctors. IMO she got a preview of what she has to face when she dies.

JA also has these inner monsters who she has to face and methinks that is probably why she has nightmares. They are not external monsters, they are inner monsters. No matter what happens to her she ultimately has to face herself, she can't escape herself, not even in death.

It was great to see how Ryan for example isn't falling for her act, at 2.37 he confronts her about her saying in court how much she wants closure for Travis Alexander's family - "They want the death penalty so why won't you give it to them?" - and she says that she doesn't want to cause pain to her own family.... making it very clear how she doesn't give a damn about the Alexander-family :facepalm:

True and genuine remorse could have helped both the Alexander family and also herself to forgive and forget. That's why this trial is so important, the family gets at least some sort of justice :please:

I have to take a deep bow to Skye Hughes *bow*

When listening to Tricia's radio interview with both Chris and Skye Hughes it was stunning to hear how Skye saw the true nature of JA at such an early stage! People like JA fool even professional experts and it's very difficult to define them because of the web they are building up, a web that is meant to confuse people and mess their minds.

Here is a list of twenty traits of a Malignant Narcissism; change the gender and it's as if it was written about JA:

Sorry for the rant again, I got so discouraged yesterday when seeing how she already is luring the guard with her 'sweetness' :banghead:

It would be so simple for JA if she only had the guts: standing before a mirror and seeing both the bad and the good traits in herself. But often Narcissists truly believe that there is nothing bad or wrong in themself.

I bet if some reporter would ask her if she thinks she is a better person than Travis, she would admit to that in a sentence with cleverly placed words.

As of now I'm taking everything she says as a lie. Everything. It's easier that way.
I think that is about the FORGED letters that Travis ostensibly wrote that "proved" he was a pedophile. They were, apparently, easily proven to be forged, a hearing declared them to be so and, thus inadmissible (I'm basing that on what I've read here; I didn't see the hearing myself), yet she still considers them them to be suppressed evidence.

if you tell yourself a lie so many times, i think you start to believe it. I truly think she has convinced herself she is a victim of domestic violence at the hands of a pedophile.
if you tell yourself a lie so many times, i think you start to believe it. I truly think she has convinced herself she is a victim of domestic violence at the hands of a pedophile.

She knows that she is lying, imo.
Morning Sleuthers ! I"m feeling very positive about today, when i woke up today Travis Alexander was the first thing on my mind.Lord please bring his family some sort of peace today.BTW is it my imagination or did CKJA ponytail seem to be a lot longer yesterday? I'm a hairstylist
& i can tell from the length of her ponytail that high up , and still be that long. i say she has added hair extensions of some sort in there to bolster her locks for love "charity work". LOL
JA has been found guilty of 1st degree murder. There were aggravating circumstances. The worst is behind us -- we need to be thankful to this jury for their courage to date and trust in G-d.
I would not put it past her to say that SHE is now the glue that holds the Alexander family together. After all, they are there in the courtroom every day because of HER, aren't they? Why she's a veritable blessing in disguise to them at this point!

I about threw up when she started saying in her interviews how she's having "nightmares". She never said that on the stand, and only said it because Steven Alexander said he was having nightmares all the time.

She probably now wanders around her cell looking for someone with a knife, too.

She is horrible at being a chameleon -- it's SO obvious.


JA has been found guilty of 1st degree murder. There were aggravating circumstances. The worst is behind us -- we need to be thankful to this jury for their courage to date and trust in G-d.

I agree, and am not all that stressed about it. I thought I would be, but I really do believe the jury wanted to know "what if" we are deadlocked. Doesn't mean they are deadlocked.

I think today will be an important day. But I'm not even thinking about having another jury decide her fate. This jury has proven to be a strong and cohesive group. I have faith in them!



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