Arias continues giving interviews to the media

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Do you all remember how in grade school you did this folded paper thing, where your fingers fit up inside of them, and you would have someone pick a number that was on the outside and then open what was on the inside? Do You know what I'm talking about?

When I saw CMJA moving her hands with the guard there, I thought of this game and if that was her response for the Jury.. just pick my fate this way?

When I was in school we called them fortune teller/cootie catcher.
Do you all remember how in grade school you did this folded paper thing, where your fingers fit up inside of them, and you would have someone pick a number that was on the outside and then open what was on the inside? Do You know what I'm talking about?

When I saw CMJA moving her hands with the guard there, I thought of this game and if that was her response for the Jury.. just pick my fate this way?

That's also exactly what I thought of yesterday when she was doing her hands like that! lol
More from Ryan Owens on ABC Nightline.

Brilliant how he pins her down with questions like "Can't you grow out your hair on death row?"

Her answer: Yes but there will be less wigs.

Not true - by her own account - if she gets the DP she still has years to live.

OMG. The Ryan Owens interview had by far been the best...only one who challenged her and called her out.

The part that got me the most was when he said "so you think ppl will be safe with Jodi Arias out of these 4 walls"...and she said, "yes, if you don't abuse me or attack me or threaten to kill me, then you're safe." WTF, who talks like that????? OMG I wish the jury could have seen that. Basically, what she's saying is that if I perceive that someone is abusing me or attacking me, I am capable of doing the same thing again. WTF???? Omigosh, I just can't wrap my head around that. She IS a danger to society if let out.

And as we know, she perceives unreal things as being real. So let's say if she ever gets out, let's say she's with someone like her mom. Her mom says some innocent thing, but Jodi gets it in her head that her mom is verbally "attacking" her...well then by her own admission her mom, or whoever, better be scared for her life. B/c Jodi just might go and "defend" her self again. I'm sure Juan and Flores and the Mesa PD nearly jumped out of their skins when they heard that.
Her hair cutting/donating is the only thing she can claim she's done so far. Everything else is "When I get to prison I'm gonna..." In the meantime she's had nearly 5 years to do something else to help others while in jail. And at least half that time she continued to claim she had nothing to do with the murder and it was ninjas.

What she says she will do in the future is of no significance. What she has demonstrated over the past 5 years is she always puts herself first, no matter what. "Working on a case" doesn't take that much time if you have 2 full time attorneys. What she meant to say was, "working on nailing down which lies I was going to tell..."

Her recycling program idea was just ridiculous. Does she really believe that the prison just dumps ALL of their trash together in a landfill, without dividing up the recyclables? Does she really believe she thought of recycling first and no one else has? What a freaking narcissist.

And her 'plan' to teach Spanish to prisoners in Arizona is another 'winner.' She will have a hard time finding anyone who does not ALREADY speak fluent Spanish. Again, she is making no sense.

So, to clarify, there is NO NEED for her to teach Spanish to Arizonian prisoners, and NO NEED for her to start a recycling program. And I saw that several WSers came up with a plan to grow their own hair out and offer it to the LOCKS of LOVE program, so NO NEED for JA there either.

Looks like she can pack it in, no problem. :jail:
More from Ryan Owens on ABC Nightline.

Brilliant how he pins her down with questions like "Can't you grow out your hair on death row?"

Her answer: Yes but there will be less wigs.

Not true - by her own account - if she gets the DP she still has years to live.

That was a really great interview! She is beyond repair that's for sure. She's still all smug and self-righteous. Her whole attitude is repulsive.

More from Ryan Owens on ABC Nightline.

Brilliant how he pins her down with questions like "Can't you grow out your hair on death row?"

Her answer: Yes but there will be less wigs.

Not true - by her own account - if she gets the DP she still has years to live.

OMG! At around 7:03 minutes, Ryan asks her if people should be afraid if she is allowed out of prison. Listen to her spine-chilling reply! She says 'not if they don't abuse, attack, or threaten my life - it should be alright'.... Holy Carp!!!
Which media outlet provided JA with the makeup for her interviews? Anyone know?
OMG! At around 7:03 minutes, Ryan asks her if people should be afraid if she is allowed out of prison. Listen to her spine-chilling reply! She says 'not if they don't abuse, attack, or threaten my life - it should be alright'.... Holy Carp!!!

Wonder how many people will "abuse" her in prison..
For those who fantasize that JA will have this great life in prison as homecoming queen, or that she'll be running around inside the prison killing people, scaling walls, and escaping to start a murder spree, or that she'll be beat up and abused around every corner, here's the reality:

"According to Barrett Marson, who once worked for the Arizona Department of Corrections (DOC), Arias doesn't have a clue what she's talking about."

"Marson told 3TV the Perryville Women’s Prison, where Arias is heading to, already have both a recycling program and several books clubs. Marson said Arias won’t get out her cell much because she will be a maximum security inmate or a death row inmate."

"For example, meals are served in the cell, as are phone calls, visitation is non-contact, recreation time and their ability to interact with other inmates is highly limited."

"If sentenced to life in prison it would be several years before she can talk to other inmates and that's if she's proved to be a model inmate."


So in a nutshell: Arias is a wingnut who just talksTalkstalksTalks and says nothing that means anything or is truthful. And thousands continue to listen to her every word and get upset because they think what she's saying has some kind of meaning. Random sentences out of the mouth of a convicted killer and proven liar in rote response to media questions. <yawwwwwnnnnnn>

She'll be locked away, not interacting with other prisoners both for her own safety as well as the safety of everyone else.
Her hair cutting/donating is the only thing she can claim she's done so far. Everything else is "When I get to prison I'm gonna..." In the meantime she's had nearly 5 years to do something else to help others while in jail. And at least half that time she continued to claim she had nothing to do with the murder and it was ninjas.

What she says she will do in the future is of no significance. What she has demonstrated over the past 5 years is she always puts herself first, no matter what. "Working on a case" doesn't take that much time if you have 2 full time attorneys. What she meant to say was, "working on nailing down which lies I was going to tell..."
But doncha know by her own words Jodi is being "incubated" in jail. ;)
More from Ryan Owens on ABC Nightline.

Brilliant how he pins her down with questions like "Can't you grow out your hair on death row?"

Her answer: Yes but there will be less wigs.

Not true - by her own account - if she gets the DP she still has years to live.

I LOL when Jodi said in the interview that she was very "INCUBATED" in jail! (In response to questions about the reaction of the public to the guilty verdict.)

I think the high school drop out inmate with the 138 verbal ability IQ score meant to say "INSULATED". ROFLMAO! :floorlaugh:
More from Ryan Owens on ABC Nightline.

Brilliant how he pins her down with questions like "Can't you grow out your hair on death row?"

Her answer: Yes but there will be less wigs.

Not true - by her own account - if she gets the DP she still has years to live.

Who does she think she will have around her to impress on death row that she would need a wig?:jail:
OMG! At around 7:03 minutes, Ryan asks her if people should be afraid if she is allowed out of prison. Listen to her spine-chilling reply! She says 'not if they don't abuse, attack, or threaten my life - it should be alright'.... Holy Carp!!!

Probably a warning to Ryan! Run for your life Ryan!
If she gets life..wont the judge decide if she gets life with or without parole?

Yes and IMHO there is no friggin way this judge will give her the lesser of the 2 possible sentences. NO.WAY.
OMG. The Ryan Owens interview had by far been the best...only one who challenged her and called her out.

The part that got me the most was when he said "so you think ppl will be safe with Jodi Arias out of these 4 walls"...and she said, "yes, if you don't abuse me or attack me or threaten to kill me, then you're safe." WTF, who talks like that????? OMG I wish the jury could have seen that. Basically, what she's saying is that if I perceive that someone is abusing me or attacking me, I am capable of doing the same thing again. WTF???? Omigosh, I just can't wrap my head around that. She IS a danger to society if let out.

And as we know, she perceives unreal things as being real. So let's say if she ever gets out, let's say she's with someone like her mom. Her mom says some innocent thing, but Jodi gets it in her head that her mom is verbally "attacking" her...well then by her own admission her mom, or whoever, better be scared for her life. B/c Jodi just might go and "defend" her self again. I'm sure Juan and Flores and the Mesa PD nearly jumped out of their skins when they heard that.
:goodpost: It scrambles my brain to even think about it. :scared:
Hahaha. She didn't want the shackles and stripes to be shown...

If someone knows how to cut and paste this picture out...Please do it and post it again!

ETA - The sandles are a nice touch.


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