Arrest Made in JB Murder - Aug 16th, 2006

DNA Solves
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capps said:
It doesn't sound familiar to me Jayelles ... anyone else recognise it?
I don't remember any Karr's in the JB case.

It's odd that Shapiro or the rest of the media never latched onto this suspect either. The name was never mentioned in any of the books, that I saw.

In the "Son of Sam" case, the owner of the dog was named Sam Carr... is that why Karr sounds familiar?
I'm excited to hear this but at the same time very doubtful. The DNA match was only said on MSNBC, i havent heard any other new reports about a DNA Match concerning Karr. Its very frustrating to watch FOXNEWS when the 'Panel" made of hannity and colmes just sit there and start speculating ..arrg
He was previously charged with child *advertiser censored* possession, but never showed up for court. Teaching license was suspended.
Jack said:
I'm still a skeptic too. The news has said he has admitted to certain aspects of the crime, which really could mean that he might have been in Boulder on Xmas for all we know. The fact is he is being brought in for questioning and nothing more at this point. It may turn out to be nothing. The media is making this look as though it's a major break that has solved the case and the fact is that until someone is charged with the crime it isn't anything. They could arrest someone every day as a suspect and it wouldn't mean anything. Only charges will bring about a murder trial.

I also listened to the interview with JR and I'm flabberghasted that after all this time with the half answers he still keeps it up... he says he can't comment on whether or not he knows this person but then says something like "not to my knowledge". Huh? I suppose there could be other ways of wording it but to me you either do or you don't. So yes, I'm still skeptical. But I'm trying to pry my mind open to other possibilities.

"KUSA reported that a man they call a suspect was arrested Wednesday morning and has confessed to certain elements of the crime that are unknown to the general public, KUSA reported." (CNN)

He's been arrested, not just detained for questioning.
.... Wow, just now able to post because of the servers being so busy. I kept up with the JonBenet case from the beginning until about a year ago. I too have that great feeling if they have indeed found JonBenet's killer. I never did feel John nor Patsy murdered their child, but I did have a strong feeling that it was a family member. May you rest more peacefully, JonBenet.
Also there was a report made on foxnews that Karr's brother has already stated that he was with him on the 25th of december 1996. i dont know where him and his brother were but he already has an alibi. I hate fresh news reporting, so many inconsistencies and BS. will be looking forward to Boulder press conference.

The suspect was not named by authorities but US media identified him as 41-year-old John Mark Karr, a second-grade school teacher.

He was travelling in Thailand and "was arrested following several months of a focused and complex investigation," Boulder County District Attorney Mary Lacy said in a statement.

Karr was taken into custody in Bangkok and KUSA-TV in Denver said he had confessed to elements of the crime that were unknown to the general public.

He was expected to be returned within days to the United States, which has an extradition treaty with Thailand.
I seen on the news that the DNA matched as well.
S= Sex
B= Between (or) Better
c= Children
Victory= I got/had her

If this is the guy, that could be what it stood for, sick @#$#$%

Kind of explanes the $118,000 ransom if he was more interesting the JBR than in money, such a pedophiles are.
Charlie said:
I'm excited to hear this but at the same time very doubtful. The DNA match was only said on MSNBC, i havent heard any other new reports about a DNA Match concerning Karr. Its very frustrating to watch FOXNEWS when the 'Panel" made of hannity and colmes just sit there and start speculating ..arrg

I haven't read this entire thread, and I don't remember everything about this case, but I thought the DNA was too degraded to be matched to anyone. Is this correct? Or is there something I am missing?
Britt said:
...the suspect in custody knew details about the murder that had not been made available to the general public.
Was this before or after Lou Smit came in contact with him?

What if Karr lawyers up & spends 4 months negotiating the terms under which he'll agree to be interrogated? Will Team Ramsey say he must be guilty?
philamena said:
I'm not accepting that this person is the one who killed JonBenet. I don't think a stranger would write a 3 page ransom note, molest and murder a child in her own home and wipe down and redress the body. No, not buying it.

And I don't think Jon Benet's parent s would have done that to her........I never did believe they would do such a thing.
bulletgirl2002 said:
And I don't think Jon Benet's parent s would have done that to her........I never did believe they would do such a thing.
I did not believe it either bulletgirl.
If this is the guy, and if he had taught one of the Ramsey children at some point, likely he would have a sample of Patsy's writing, as a note from parent to teacher, for example.

And since that's about the age children learn cursive writing, who better to forge handwriting then one who teaches handwriting as a profession?
I think everyone needs to save the crow recipes and egg slingin' until we really know what is going on.

Me, I have always been on the fence, and am still on the fence until I know the facts.

I PRAY, they have their man, that he did it, and not PR, JR, or BR.....I really PRAY!!!

I believe, whether you think the Ramsey's were involved, or an intruder, or some other theory, we all what the same thing...JUSTICE FOR JONBENET.
michelle said:
I hope I dont keep getting booted off, I had DH go out and get me a medium Iced Mocha latte just so I could be wired tonight on here...I cant believe all this!
Hey michelle, I never got a chance to thank you for the 'heads up when I posted a new thread on this earlier today (which I deleted)

So, while I'm still connected, thanks gal...........although another one got posted after I deleted mine :D
PrayersForMaura said:
Holy cow. I knew all of you would be posting quickly on this!!

I just heard the news. I always believed it was someone in the immediate family. Egg on my face. :(

Justice for Jon Benet!
I did also Maura. I hope this is the real deal and justice will be done for little JBR.
christine2448 said:
That is my first and biggest you think maybe, the Ramsey's found JonBenet, and FREAKED, then wrote the note?

I have been on the fence about this case the whole time.....I don't want to condemn this guy as the Ramsey's were condemned...I pray they have their man...but there are so many ?'s right now!
That's an interesting theory. Hard to believe they would go to that much trouble to cover up for a real intruder though... but nothing would urprise me in this case.
otto said:
"KUSA reported that a man they call a suspect was arrested Wednesday morning and has confessed to certain elements of the crime that are unknown to the general public, KUSA reported." (CNN)

He's been arrested, not just detained for questioning.

Until he is charged an arrest means nothing. You could be arrested too but if you aren't charged with anything they have to let you go.
Tom'sGirl said:
I keep hearing other news on this guy, never know how accurate it is. The last they said was that he was arrested here in CA I think five years ago, never showed up for court.

Don't know if I'll keep a connection here just like everyone esle as the Server get too busy, expect it will just get worse later this evening.

Before I do get 'bumped' I wanted to mention that I go to Steve's site @ CrimeBlog.US when this site goes 'amuck' and see where some here have posted the information from there here (at least it should be noted when doing so as to where the links were obtained)

Sorry to hear you are having server problems TG; yes, Karr, substitue teacher, was in some kind of trouble in Petaluma--the news didn't explain what kind of trouble. I heard his brother Nathaniel weigh-in, defending his brother, and the family did too. Still, this guy is under arrest in Thailand on sex-related charges, so how upstanding could he be?
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