ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 3

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Thread 2
I was reviewing the information known about the case, and want to propose a possible theory based on one of Giordano's statements. I think it's possible GG was covering the possibility that the body of RG could wash up and what an autopsy might reveal.

A police source in Aruba told ABC News that restaurant staff at the Rum Reef Bar & Grill noticed that Gardner seemed woozy while she and Giordano ate on the afternoon of her disappearance. Giordano later told police they'd been drinking vodka at the Marriot before dining and that she'd taken sleeping pills earlier in the day.

There are at least three date rape drugs:

GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid)
Rohypnol (flunitrazepam)
Ketamine (ketamine hydrochloride)
As these same drugs can also be used for robbery and other violent crimes, men are also warned to follow the same safeguards. Be especially careful when on holiday as the date rape drug Rohypnol is common in Mexico and other Latin American countries.


Commercial and Street Names

Flunitrazepam, forget-me pill, Mexican Valium, R2, Roche, roofies, rope, rophies

The White House has a longer list of street terms for Rohypnol.

Description of Rohypnol

Rohypnol is also a benzodiazepine used as a sleeping pill but is not approved in Canada or the United States. Legally available in 64 countries but smuggled primarily from Mexico, Rohypnol is odourless, colourless, and tasteless.

Rohypnol® (flunitrazepam) is the brand name of a sleeping pill prescribed for insomnia in Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia. It has NOT been approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the United States but this has not stopped its distribution. Rohypnol belongs to the family of medications called benzodiazepines which includes Valium®, Librium®, and Xanax®.

Rohypnol is being called the "Date Rape Drug" or the "Quaalude of the '90s" because it is the newest drug to be abused by adding it to alcohol. When combined with alcohol, marijuana, cocaine or other drugs, it can provide a rapid and dramatic "high." Even if used by itself, Rohypnol's effects are very similar to intoxication.

Warning – when used in combination with other drugs including alcohol, Rohypnol presents great risk of overdose. Results are fatal because breathing stops.

Short-Term Effects
Rohypnol produces sedative effects, amnesia, muscle relaxation, and the slowing of psychomotor performance. Sedation occurs within 15 to 30 minutes after ingestion of a 2-mg tablet, and lasts for approximately 8 hours. Peak effect takes place after approximately 2 hours causing most victims to lose consciousness. Those who ingest the Rohypnol become extremely relaxed, can lose bodily control. They are uninhibited and appear to be very drunk. Greatest physiological risk occurs when Rohypnol is used in with other drugs.

Rohypnol is 10 times more potent than Valium and enters the bloodstream as quickly as 15 minutes after ingestion. A single 2-milligram pill has the same potency as a 6-pack of beer, but the effects differ slightly. Users can experience extreme sedation, dizziness, and loss of bodily control. Rohypnol causes an intoxication where users don’t care about what they do or cannot stop what happens to them. Users have great difficulty remembering what happened while they were under the influence of the drug; it wipes the memory clean.

This theory speculates that Robyn's death was not planned. What was planned was a sexual assault of the victim while in her drugged state of mind. This may have been done due to unwillingness on the victim's part to engage in certain sexual activities, or as part of some deluded fantasy to overpower the victim with drugs so he could have his way with her. There is some degree of evidence that the victim may not have been a completely willing party to all of Giordano's plans, such as her comment "This sucks" at 2 a.m. the night before her disappearance, made on RF's Facebook wall.

How difficult is it to obtain roofies in Aruba? Is it possible to track down a purchase of them? Another angle to check would be to find out from Robyn's friends if she carried a bottle of sleeping pills with her as a routine. I believe it will be discovered that she does not. Also, she didn't take the bottle of pills with her into the ocean, so where are they?

The statement by Giordano may have been his way of ensuring he is not implicated in her death in case her body is found and the drug is found in her system.
From the time of arrival to the disappearance is approximately 48 hours, maybe less, we do not know what time they arrived. Typically, incoming flights from the US begin landing starting at about Noon with the latest landing at about 10pm. I doubt GG had enough time to locate a dealer. I've never tried to score drugs in Aruba ( or anywhere for the record :innocent: ) so, who knows? It might be easy enough to do but I'm thinking it is more likely that whatever RG consumed (other than alcohol) arrived to the Island with them.
From the time of arrival to the disappearance is approximately 48 hours, maybe less, we do not know what time they arrived. Typically, incoming flights from the US begin landing starting at about Noon with the latest landing at about 10pm. I doubt GG had enough time to locate a dealer. I've never tried to score drugs in Aruba ( or anywhere for the record :innocent: ) so, who knows? It might be easy enough to do but I'm thinking it is more likely that whatever RG consumed (other than alcohol) arrived to the Island with them.

Just found this:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s -- I`m a recovering alcoholic with 16 years of sobriety. If you`re drinking, you`re less able to defend yourself. And who knows if somebody could slip pills into your drink and -- she was a strong, healthy, beautiful woman. She can`t just disappear without something happening to her.

FORESTER: Well, I don`t think that -- you know, having a drink at the 4:00 in the afternoon whenever they were having lunch from what was reported. I don`t think anything wrong with that. I can say with all certainty that she did not voluntarily have any sleeping pills prior to that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you didn`t know her to be a person to take sleeping pills?

Snipped from HatesSociopaths

This theory speculates that Robyn's death was not planned. What was planned was a sexual assault of the victim while in her drugged state of mind. This may have been done due to unwillingness on the victim's part to engage in certain sexual activities, or as part of some deluded fantasy to overpower the victim with drugs so he could have his way with her. There is some degree of evidence that the victim may not have been a completely willing party to all of Giordano's plans, such as her comment "This sucks" at 2 a.m. the night before her disappearance, made on RF's Facebook wall.

How difficult is it to obtain roofies in Aruba? Is it possible to track down a purchase of them? Another angle to check would be to find out from Robyn's friends if she carried a bottle of sleeping pills with her as a routine. I believe it will be discovered that she does not. Also, she didn't take the bottle of pills with her into the ocean, so where are they?

The statement by Giordano may have been his way of ensuring he is not implicated in her death in case her body is found and the drug is found in her system.[/quote]

I do believe they shared an adult relationship in every sense of the word.
However, everyone, or most people have a line that they will not cross.
Its always possible that she was asked to cross her line

And I see no reason for him to mention sleeping pills unless he was worried about something being found at a later date.
Whether it is sleeping pills or some other substance is anyones guess

I have not heard what was found with her luggage
I do have a question I hope someone can help with

While reading around this morning, I read a quote from a news anchor from Aruba

He said there were no cameras behind the restaurant, he said they walked around and looked.

So, how do they know Gary went behind the restaurant before calling 911?
The restaurant was closed at 5:30

After doing some web searches, I have found numerous comments that indicate the beach next to their hotel is a common place to be asked to buy drugs, on the sidewalk area there by the high rises.

It might be worth the effort by ALE to show photos of Giordano and Robyn to the people on that beach and see if something comes up.
This theory speculates that Robyn's death was not planned. What was planned was a sexual assault of the victim while in her drugged state of mind. This may have been done due to unwillingness on the victim's part to engage in certain sexual activities, or as part of some deluded fantasy to overpower the victim with drugs so he could have his way with her. There is some degree of evidence that the victim may not have been a completely willing party to all of Giordano's plans, such as her comment "This sucks" at 2 a.m. the night before her disappearance, made on RF's Facebook wall.

How difficult is it to obtain roofies in Aruba? Is it possible to track down a purchase of them? Another angle to check would be to find out from Robyn's friends if she carried a bottle of sleeping pills with her as a routine. I believe it will be discovered that she does not. Also, she didn't take the bottle of pills with her into the ocean, so where are they?

The statement by Giordano may have been his way of ensuring he is not implicated in her death in case her body is found and the drug is found in her system.

That doesn't make sense, why would he need to plot that when he apparently allready had an intimate relationship with her.
After doing some web searches, I have found numerous comments that indicate the beach next to their hotel is a common place to be asked to buy drugs, on the sidewalk area there by the high rises.

It might be worth the effort by ALE to show photos of Giordano and Robyn to the people on that beach and see if something comes up.

Well of course drugs are available
if demand is there, supply is sure to follow

In twenty eight trips, I have never been approached, I never went looking either, but its there
That doesn't make sense, why would he need to plot that when he apparently allready had an intimate relationship with her.

Maybe it was his way of getting her to do EVERYTHING he wanted to do with her sexually, things she was not comfortable with and refusing to do. "This Sucks" - why did she say that?
Maybe it was his way of getting her to do EVERYTHING he wanted to do with her sexually, things she was not comfortable with and refusing to do. "This Sucks" - why did she say that?

There is no way of knowing what she is referring to
Its a rather mild statement
We also have a known earlier attempt at forced sodomy with the report made in 2010.
Of course not, but it indicates she was not having a good time. Why?

She could have been talking about dinner

She could have been referring to the trip and the company she was keeping

She could have been saying it because her BF caught her on Vacation with another man

Its two words, can't determine what she was talking about
After doing some web searches, I have found numerous comments that indicate the beach next to their hotel is a common place to be asked to buy drugs, on the sidewalk area there by the high rises.

It might be worth the effort by ALE to show photos of Giordano and Robyn to the people on that beach and see if something comes up.

They were at the Ren, in downtown at the Marina. The highrise area is quite a distance from where they were staying. That's not to say they could not have went down to the other end.
They were at the Ren, in downtown at the Marina. The highrise area is quite a distance from where they were staying. That's not to say they could not have went down to the other end.

Thanks for clarifying the location of the hotel. Are there known areas of drug selling in THAT part of Aruba? Thanks.
Well of course drugs are available
if demand is there, supply is sure to follow

In twenty eight trips, I have never been approached, I never went looking either, but its there

I've never been approached, either. Nor have I ever seen anything that might look like a good area to "score".
She could have been talking about dinner

She could have been referring to the trip and the company she was keeping

She could have been saying it because her BF caught her on Vacation with another man

Its two words, can't determine what she was talking about

It was stated at 2 A.M.

She had not been caught by the boyfriend at that time per reports. He thought he was gay.

No attempt is being made here to say with certainty what she was talking about. It is a clue, that is all. Something to sleuth with, not discard.
Thanks for clarifying the location of the hotel. Are there known areas of drug selling in THAT part of Aruba? Thanks.

LOL.... Well, I've never tried to score drugs, but if I were going to try I suppose downtown is where I would begin. The Ren is downtown.
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