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Please review the rules of our forum before posting: Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Victim Friendly - Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Additionally,sleuthing family members that are not suspected of being involved in the crime or disappearance is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.
35-year-old Robyn Gardner disappeared while on vacation in Aruba on August 2, 2011. Her traveling companion and suspect in the case, Gary Giordano, says she was swept away while they were snorkeling.
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Please review the rules of our forum before posting: Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Victim Friendly - Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Additionally,sleuthing family members that are not suspected of being involved in the crime or disappearance is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.
35-year-old Robyn Gardner disappeared while on vacation in Aruba on August 2, 2011. Her traveling companion and suspect in the case, Gary Giordano, says she was swept away while they were snorkeling.
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Thread #5