ATLANTIC CITY SK: possible link to LISK and GB4?

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IMO, that term also tends to imply that the speaker is of a certain generation. Americans in their twenties typically don't use that phrase. It was used widely until the 80s.

He might also be a Cher fan. She had a song called "Half Breed" that was widely played in the 70s.

It's still popular here, especially with the African-Americans it appears. But yes, given the level of organization, chances are he was born in the 80s. Speaking of LISK here. Atlantic City is much younger and Manorville probably a bracket older, means 5-10 years. In my opinion.
Based on the words that he used and two people reporting that he sounded white, I think he's white. I think that if he had been an African-American trying to sound white, he wouldn't have stated that he heard she was a "half-breed". I think he would have said something entirely different, or he would have left race out of it. If he was trying to play white, I honestly think he would have used the n word or some other slur. Think about it...if you were going to stereotype a white guy, and you wanted the caller to believe that you killed someone, you'd throw out the most vile language that could be used by a white person.

You think, because he is black, he wouldn't use those slurs? Or because he is white, he wouldn't? Why would he have stated "he heard" if he would be black? Especially if he has the knowledge either from the victim or saw her. And yes, he would have used the worst white supremacist cliches if his intention would have been to appear as a white racist. But his intention was to appear as the FBI rubber stamp profile. Sexual deviant on the sadist side. The fun part is, he went, if I understand the order of his remarks right, through the markers exactly in the same order as they usually appear in that rubber stamp profile.
Given that different intention and adding up the other points, as in victimology, the way this dump site was built and the repeat of the subject of lifestyle, in my opinion, this guy is still more likely an African-American than a Caucasian.
You think, because he is black, he wouldn't use those slurs? Or because he is white, he wouldn't? Why would he have stated "he heard" if he would be black? Especially if he has the knowledge either from the victim or saw her. And yes, he would have used the worst white supremacist cliches if his intention would have been to appear as a white racist. But his intention was to appear as the FBI rubber stamp profile. Sexual deviant on the sadist side. The fun part is, he went, if I understand the order of his remarks right, through the markers exactly in the same order as they usually appear in that rubber stamp profile.
Given that different intention and adding up the other points, as in victimology, the way this dump site was built and the repeat of the subject of lifestyle, in my opinion, this guy is still more likely an African-American than a Caucasian.

You have your theory, and while mine is nowhere near as extensive as yours, I just have a difficult time believing the killer is African-American. I interpret the call descriptions and the word choice differently than you. "Half-breed" really raises a red flag for me. If they ever catch this monster and he is indeed African-American, I have no problem stating I was wrong.
It's still popular here, especially with the African-Americans it appears. But yes, given the level of organization, chances are he was born in the 80s. Speaking of LISK here. Atlantic City is much younger and Manorville probably a bracket older, means 5-10 years. In my opinion.

Popular where? Do you mean in Germany, or are you in the US? I don't think that the LISK was born in the 80s based on what he said. He strikes me as being middle-aged due to his word choices.
Come to the midwest for example. African-Americans call mixed kids with one part African-American and the other part anything else (Hispanic, Caucasian, Asian) all the time "half-breeds". They also call African-Americans working together with Caucasians "Uncle Toms" and, that was stroke me the weirdest when I came to this are years ago, they use the n-word all the time on each other.
And about the question black or white racist? Well, white racists normally would kill black girls (well or boys, for example in Atlanta). It's what racist motivated killers do, they kill victims with "the other" skin color. Well, in my opinion, of course.

A little trivia about the same subject. Lemuel Smith tried to kill another inmate and when asked why, he told the warden, because the other guy was a half-breed (according to the warden back then). I heard that story second hand, so I can't be entirely sure whether it's true. Interesting case, you should occasionally look it up.

I live in the midwest. In the ten years I've been here, and in the two midwestern states I've lived in, I've never heard anyone use that term. I have friends who are mixed-race, and they've never been called "half-breed" by anyone.
Peter you have stated that these girls are a collection for the killer. Do you think that maybe he is also a collector of other things as well? ie..guns, trophies, dolls, that type of collector.
I live in the midwest. In the ten years I've been here, and in the two midwestern states I've lived in, I've never heard anyone use that term. I have friends who are mixed-race, and they've never been called "half-breed" by anyone.

Popular where? Do you mean in Germany, or are you in the US? I don't think that the LISK was born in the 80s based on what he said. He strikes me as being middle-aged due to his word choices.

I am in the US, Midwest. And the estimation of age is the hardest part in profiling, so, well, I can be wrong with that. He is organized and physically strong. A little too strong for middle ages. He carried those bodies on his arms in the bushes and he let them down instead of just dropping them. So, probably 30 to 40 years would be my first guess. Not younger, he is too patient and to organized for that. Well, that's my opinion.
And the whole when he is caught, we will see ... personally, when he is caught, for me comes the next one and I probably will not waste much time on him anymore. So, if and when he is called, I'm a happy camper anyway.
Well, then lets have a look at it ...

Pair 1: Kim Raffo & Amber Lynn Costello
different apparent age (and in appearance, Raffo looks even older than she was), different face shapes, different eye shape and color. The only thing a little similar is the hair color, except that ALC has those blond lines (what are they called in English?) colored in.

Pair 2: Barbara Breidor & Maureen Brainard-Barnes
That's an entirely different face shape. Maureen's cheekbones are low, Barbara's high, hair color different, eyes different in shape and color. Hair color different, age group entirely different also in appearance.

Pair 3: Molly Jean Dilts & Megan Waterman
Well, the hair color is as different as it can be, but at least those two have about the same face shape up till the cheek bones. Except that the upper part, forehead and therefore the eye brow line is entirely different.

Pair 4: Tracy Roberts & Melissa Barthelmy
Different hair color, but at least both in the blond range. Entirely different face shapes, caused by entirely different width and position of the cheek bones, Melissa has a much higher eye brow line also.

So, honestly, four pairs and in eahc and everyone different face shapes, different eye colors and shapes, in at least two of the pairs visible big age differences ... where are the striking similarities? Maybe you should have added that those similarities only exist in your opinion? Because I can't see them. But you are presenting your opinion as fact here? Even against measurable differences. Because the face symmetry is on those pairs also different.

Peter Brendt, I have to say that I am increasingly wondering about what your motivation is, for beeing on this forum!
That is all I have to say.
And by the way...reread the post of mine that you responded to, an NOTE that I use IMO= IN MY OPINION !!!
Come to the midwest for example. African-Americans call mixed kids with one part African-American and the other part anything else (Hispanic, Caucasian, Asian) all the time "half-breeds". They also call African-Americans working together with Caucasians "Uncle Toms" and, that was stroke me the weirdest when I came to this are years ago, they use the n-word all the time on each other.
And about the question black or white racist? Well, white racists normally would kill black girls (well or boys, for example in Atlanta). It's what racist motivated killers do, they kill victims with "the other" skin color. Well, in my opinion, of course.

A little trivia about the same subject. Lemuel Smith tried to kill another inmate and when asked why, he told the warden, because the other guy was a half-breed (according to the warden back then). I heard that story second hand, so I can't be entirely sure whether it's true. Interesting case, you should occasionally look it up.

The Atlanta child killer was NOT white he was black !:

The Atlanta Child Murders, known locally as the "missing and murdered children case", were a series of murders committed in Atlanta, Georgia, United States from the summer of 1979 until the spring of 1981. Over the two-year period, a minimum of 28 African-American children, adolescents and adults were killed. Atlanta native Wayne Williams, also African American and 23-years-old at the time of the last murder, was arrested for and convicted of two of the murders.
Peter Brendt, I have to say that I am increasingly wondering about what your motivation is, for beeing on this forum!

Originally, I came here because I am interested in serial killer case and, as far as my time permits, in cold cases. However, I did what I do also without this board in the past, so, it was more the idea of exchange originally. Today? Well, it's more my interest to find killers and not doing all the work alone. Of course, if you suspect me to be the SK ... it's easy to sleuth me, I use my real name, I have even a website which shows, what I'm doing for my life. In fact, my worst secret seems to be my love for not too healthy food. Oh, and I am smoker, married, no kids. Anything else you wish to know? Because I am not the one hiding behind an avatar here.

That is all I have to say.

Well, obviously. No facts, comparisons of blondes and brunettes with different face shapes as "striking similar". Now, who would know what to say more about this?

And by the way...reread the post of mine that you responded to, an NOTE that I use IMO= IN MY OPINION !!!

Well, you demand from me to mark every single sentence with a hint that this is my opinion. So I demand the same from you. Sounds logical. You made the rule, I only apply to it.
I live in the midwest. In the ten years I've been here, and in the two midwestern states I've lived in, I've never heard anyone use that term. I have friends who are mixed-race, and they've never been called "half-breed" by anyone.

I have lived in the midwest most of my life and I have never heard the derogatory term "half-breed" applied to a black person. The LISK is the only time I have heard this used as an inteneded insult to a black person and it might be a little clue to his make-up. The only time I have heard "half-breed" was in old Westerns as an insult to Native Americans. I have had very close associations with Native Americans and even they are never called this by black or white people. To me, it is absurd to think black kids use it as a popular expression.
I have lived in the midwest most of my life and I have never heard the derogatory term "half-breed" applied to a black person. The LISK is the only time I have heard this used as an inteneded insult to a black person and it might be a little clue to his make-up. The only time I have heard "half-breed" was in old Westerns as an insult to Native Americans. I have had very close associations with Native Americans and even they are never called this by black or white people. To me, it is absurd to think black kids use it as a popular expression.

Well, all I say is, you hear it here in Kansas City, along the Missouri and Kansas state line and in some rather black populated parts of the city quite often from black kids insulting mixed kids with one African-American parent. So, maybe those kids have no idea they are not supposed to say that because it's sounds absurd to you?
The Atlanta child killer was NOT white he was black !:

The Atlanta Child Murders, known locally as the "missing and murdered children case", were a series of murders committed in Atlanta, Georgia, United States from the summer of 1979 until the spring of 1981. Over the two-year period, a minimum of 28 African-American children, adolescents and adults were killed. Atlanta native Wayne Williams, also African American and 23-years-old at the time of the last murder, was arrested for and convicted of two of the murders.

This is why I don't believe the LISK is African American or pretending to be Caucasian.
I grew up in NJ not far from LI. I have definitely heard the term half-breed growing up in the 80's and 90's on the Jersey Shore. In my opinion it's more prevalent in the South Jersey/Philly area but that is merely opinion. And this is not me saying the AC murders are connected because I don't know if they are. I just remember growing up in the area and the term being more common in South Jersey(We had relatives we visited outside of Philadelphia and we went to many Philly sporting events) but I definitely heard it from Central and North Jersey people who are not very different from LI folks.
The Atlanta child killer was NOT white he was black !:

The Atlanta Child Murders, known locally as the "missing and murdered children case", were a series of murders committed in Atlanta, Georgia, United States from the summer of 1979 until the spring of 1981. Over the two-year period, a minimum of 28 African-American children, adolescents and adults were killed. Atlanta native Wayne Williams, also African American and 23-years-old at the time of the last murder, was arrested for and convicted of two of the murders.

I assume, you never heard the name Charles T. Sanders? And I assume, you never heard, that DeKalb County reopened the case in 2005 and concluded, not all of the murders blamed on Williams were actually committed by him but a white supremacist named Charles T. Sanders? And I assume, you have no real idea what you were talking about, you just acted on what you had from some very old TV documentations in your mind, right?
This is why I don't believe the LISK is African American or pretending to be Caucasian.

I suggest to study the case, at least to do a little bit re-reading on it before following Foreigner in correct but incomplete "knowledge". Not all the murders were actually Williams. He had killed sure, but some of the victims blamed on him were in fact not his handiwork. Suspect was a white supremacist named Charles T. Sanders. DeKalb County reopened the case in 2005 and concluded some were blamed wrongfully on Williams and even John Douglas, who had profiled Williams during the case admitted, he knows, Williams has killed, but he isn't sure whether all the victims were really on Williams account.
And when I referred to Atlanta, I did that under the assumption, that everybody either knows or reads up, not that TheForeigner would once more present half knowledge as fact without even stating, that is was only her incomplete knowledge leading others to follow down that road. Sorry, if my incomplete reference allowed Foreigner to start another wrongful ruckus.
There are too many physical similaries between all of the GB4 and AC4 that it should not be dismissed as factor linking the murders or as a clue to the SK. After comparing the pictures in the two separate posts by TF the majority of WSers can easily see and agree that the victims are strikingly similar in several ways. The chances are then the SK might agree. IMO There's no reason to "split hairs" or make things more complicated than they are.
There are too many physical similaries between all of the GB4 and AC4 that it should not be dismissed as factor linking the murders or as a clue to the SK. After comparing the pictures in the two separate posts by TF the majority of WSers can easily see and agree that the victims are strikingly similar in several ways. The chances are then the SK might agree. IMO There's no reason to "split hairs" or make things more complicated than they are.

How bout a poll? : )
I assume, you never heard the name Charles T. Sanders? And I assume, you never heard, that DeKalb County reopened the case in 2005 and concluded, not all of the murders blamed on Williams were actually committed by him but a white supremacist named Charles T. Sanders? And I assume, you have no real idea what you were talking about, you just acted on what you had from some very old TV documentations in your mind, right?

I do know about Charles T. Sanders, but none has, as you claim, ever concluded that Sanders commited any of the Atlanta Child murders, or any other murders for that matter. Sanders was never even charged of any of the murders.

And the reopening of the ACM case was done due to doubts about the fiber and doghair evidence that was part of the evidence that convicted William.

Williams may very well be innocent or innocent of some of the murders but the fact in question here is that noone have any evidence of another killer, and that goes for Charles T. Sanders as well.

This is you in a nutshall Peter Brendt, you happen to belive that Sanders killed some of the ACM victims and subsequently you just post away what you belive as if it was a fact, when it is NOT a fact AT ALL :banghead:
Furthermore you obviously can´t help trying to humiliat me on top of it all, how pathetic is that.

So here we go AGAIN you posting direct misinformation, and that is a FACT!

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