ATLANTIC CITY SK: possible link to LISK and GB4?

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DNA Solves
I do not remember any mention of DNA testing done in AC? LE did clear him in the Daytona murders through DNA tests.
I have. James Patterson is my favorite author & I've read all of his books. If Beach Road is connected in some way, it confuses me bc if I'd pick any of Patterson's novels in comparison to these murders, I'd pick Pop Goes The Weasel.

I've no idea if a Patterson book is connected as meant to be by the killer, but something worth noting is that any serial murder book could find similarities & connections. It's pretty common knowledge that hookers are prime targets of serial killers and several authors have used AC & parts of NY as their backdrop. If in fact Beach Road is connected, then why? What would the killer be saying? To look at The Hamptons?

Instead of the killer living or working in or near AC, maybe he is a casino regular that travels there for certain weekend ventures. If he's frequent, then he'd get room perks quite often.

I have always wondered if the AC victims were left with their heads facing to the East because the SK wanted them to look toward the area he had dumped their 'sisters' (Manorville Victims) years earlier? If you look at a map of AC and then look towards Oak Beach, you could be facing East - literally more North East, but in general it works. The AC murders seem to be a bit of an anomaly because they seem to be a sort of "spree kill", yet they have a ritualistic feel to them with the shoes being missing, and the bodies being "placed" in a similar fasion. If the LISK, is the same person as the AC killer, and the Manorville killer, then AC would seem to be his "point of evolution".... He had killed years earlier and placed victims body parts in both Manorville and Long Island. Something resulted in a fairly short spree killing in AC during 2006, and then we have nothing similar for a while. The next thing I have in my database is the 2007 Cherry Tattoo Victim in Mamaroneck who was found in 2007, and remains an UID to this day. The year 2008 seems to have been a cooling off period, and then Melissa Barthelemy was last seen in July 2009. The other Gilgo Four went missing in early 2010. He has been under scrutiny for a while now... and I am sure is getting anxious. He can't stop... and he will be caught.
I have. James Patterson is my favorite author & I've read all of his books. If Beach Road is connected in some way, it confuses me bc if I'd pick any of Patterson's novels in comparison to these murders, I'd pick Pop Goes The Weasel.

I've no idea if a Patterson book is connected as meant to be by the killer, but something worth noting is that any serial murder book could find similarities & connections. It's pretty common knowledge that hookers are prime targets of serial killers and several authors have used AC & parts of NY as their backdrop. If in fact Beach Road is connected, then why? What would the killer be saying? To look at The Hamptons?

Instead of the killer living or working in or near AC, maybe he is a casino regular that travels there for certain weekend ventures. If he's frequent, then he'd get room perks quite often.

I have always wondered if the AC victims were left with their heads facing to the East because the SK wanted them to look toward the area he had dumped their 'sisters' (Manorville Victims) years earlier? If you look at a map of AC and then look towards Oak Beach, you could be facing East - literally more North East, but in general it works. The AC murders seem to be a bit of an anomaly because they seem to be a sort of "spree kill", yet they have a ritualistic feel to them with the shoes being missing, and the bodies being "placed" in a similar fasion. If the LISK, is the same person as the AC killer, and the Manorville killer, then AC would seem to be his "point of evolution".... He had killed years earlier and placed victims body parts in both Manorville and Long Island. Something resulted in a fairly short spree killing in AC during 2006, and then we have nothing similar for a while. The next thing I have in my database is the 2007 Cherry Tattoo Victim in Mamaroneck who was found in 2007, and remains an UID to this day. The year 2008 seems to have been a cooling off period, and then Melissa Barthelemy was last seen in July 2009. The other Gilgo Four went missing in early 2010. He has been under scrutiny for a while now... and I am sure is getting anxious. He can't stop... and he will be caught.

You know, you've really made me think about this. I said "look toward the Hamptons" flippantly but now I totally think that's what he intended... Wow!
Great work again Fieldnotes. You're an amazing writer. I have no doubt that you are going to help solve these cases. With the help of those you interview of course, such as Hugh.
I put up a new blog post on my interview with Hugh Auslander. Figured I'd let u all know since you're pretty much the only ones who read it. Thanks!!

Every state has a office called Human Rights Commision. Mr. Auslander should walk into one and file a complaint with them on behalf of himself and his children. This is mental abuse which is a human rights issue. Then on a FEDERAL LEVEL (both are federal issues) he should file a claim for gender discrimination. What happen to unification laws? There was a woman who ask foster care to place her childen until she was financially able to care for them. When she went to collect her kids she was told she had abandoned them. She filed suit and her children were returned to her. Along with some cash. Pass the word onto your friend
He can obtain an attorney on a contingency basis. He wont need up front cost.
In my mind it's seems very likely the two (AC/GB4) are connected. Great blog FN's! Was it your impression that HA is a man sincerely out to find the truth or self serving and manipulative?
In my mind it's seems very likely the two (AC/GB4) are connected. Great blog FN's! Was it your impression that HA is a man sincerely out to find the truth or self serving and manipulative?

anyone( maybe TF) know of any VERIFIED connection between a/c victim RAFFO and gb4 victim COSTELLO?--I've heard RUMORS, but assumed them to be just that
Regarding a linkage to Atlantic City.

Do our friends JB, MP, CPH, AD, or any victims have any linkage to Atlantic City?

Curious to know
In my mind it's seems very likely the two (AC/GB4) are connected. Great blog FN's! Was it your impression that HA is a man sincerely out to find the truth or self serving and manipulative?

Thanks so much!!! I think he's sincere.
I put up a new blog post on my interview with Hugh Auslander. Figured I'd let u all know since you're pretty much the only ones who read it. Thanks!!

I find it odd that HA now change his mind concerning WHO told him that Kim Raffo was dead???

In this recent, fall 2012, interview that Fieldnotes did with HA, HA says that it was Kim Raffo's mother who called him and told him that Kim was dead.
But in the Dark Minds "The Eastbound Strangler" episode (recorded May 2011) he said it was his brother in law who called him and told him Kim was dead.

Such a call, reciving the information that the love of your life has just been found dead, IMHO would be somthing you would NEVER forget, or is it just me???

HA: After Kim got killed, I was literally in the bowels of Atlantic City trying to find out the who, what and where for like six months, draining every penny that I had. Wound up losing my job because of it. I just went all out trying to find out what happened.
When it happened they called Kim's mom who in turn called me and ended up telling me. I didn't believe it. I immediately called Kim's phone.

HA (at 35:14 into the Dark Minds: The Eastbound Strangler video):

"The last time that I spoke to her,
It was just a quick conversation,
and you could see that she was avoiding any type of help,
I didn´t know what to do,
and then two days later my brother in law happened to call me, he told me that Kim was dead."
I just KNEW she was SALIVATING reading through that interview.

Well I don´t know about that, but SURE that was indeed an interesting interview.

I would like to read your thoughts/comments on my observations from that interview.
Well, hmmm. I'm on the fence and backed off as I don't see enough evidence presented to go at him and possibly victimize a victim. I do see he lives or had lived a rockin roll party lifestyle, and as someone who has worked with many addicts and or alcoholics or those who abuse either or both, I have found that their memories and truth telling tend to be less than stellar. So I too see the inconsistencies, and I do find them questionable, but they dont convince me that he is a killer. But go with your instinct Foreignor.

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