Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#16

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Just on the comments about whether the white 4wd spotted on the night Allison went missing was indeed the little gold suzuki of the Baden-Clay seniors. I am thinking it doesn't probably fit. The suzuki is a small 4wd. The witness report said the blue 4wd was a smaller car than the white(maybe gold).. I am not sure there would be too many smaller 4wd's than the little suzukis..MOO
Some people are now of the opinion that police don't have enough for an arrest. However, Supt Ainsworth seems to be a highly respected professional and I recall him saying early on that they were confident in making an arrest. Why would a smart detective put out such a statement early on, if they did not have enough to know who the perp(s) is/are and that they could nail them? The comparison with Daniel Morcombe's case I believe is not justified. That case involved many unknowns and no body for many years.

IMO police know exactly what happened, how it happened and who did it. IMO it's just a matter of finalising the necessary procedures and handing over to the DPP, who am sure, will also take their time to do their work properly, in particular as it appears this case is more complex than originally thought. All just my opinion.
Originally posted by zookyliz
I live close to the BC residence, and a mate of mine was driving past on the night that she went missing and there were cop cars there at 9pm (note, she apparently went missing at 10pm!). My mates sister later told me that when the police door knocked she asked about it and the cops said they were there for a domestic distrubance... and that they were looking for a body (this was about 5 days into her being missing). The domestic distrubance story was mentioned in the first few news stories, but then was taken out - maybe suppressed on request from the police???

Would the police send two cars out? I thought one car with two police officers would be sufficient IMO.
Some people are now of the opinion that police don't have enough for an arrest. However, Supt Ainsworth seems to be a highly respected professional and I recall him saying early on that they were confident in making an arrest. Why would a smart detective put out such a statement early on, if they did not have enough to know who the perp(s) is/are and that they could nail them? The comparison with Daniel Morcombe's case I believe is not justified. That case involved many unknowns and no body for many years.

IMO police know exactly what happened, how it happened and who did it. IMO it's just a matter of finalising the necessary procedures and handing over to the DPP, who am sure, will also take their time to do their work properly, in particular as it appears this case is more complex than originally thought. All just my opinion.

I agree. I wasn't saying I don't think they will make an arrest. I just said I have been feeling it may take a little longer than expected, or than I had hoped. I have noted a couple of comments in the media the last few days from Police, making me think maybe they are trying to let people know it might be a bit slower going. I don't doubt they will get their person eventually. (the reference I made to Daniel Morcombe was from The commisioner, I believe, stating how long that took as a comparison. I agree it was a totally different scenario though)
As suggested earlier, if we move away from the possibility the husband did it, who else could have a motive? TM? I don't think so. She seems to have been co-operating with QPS from the beginning. No, no bikes or triads. This is still an intimate homicide and she knew her killer (as per QPS believes). Another family member from the victims side? No, don't think so. A male friend of Allison's? I feel that if she had a male friend, this would have already been reported by media, the same as TM.

Any other people who could have had a motive? I just can't find any with the info we have at the moment!
Earlier this evening there was a post about a local driving past on the evening that Allison went missing and seeing two police cars in the driveway.
Would the police send two cars out? I thought one car with two police officers would be sufficient IMO.

I don't think it was specified as 2 cars by the person who posted that?
I agree. I wasn't saying I don't think they will make an arrest. I just said I have been feeling it may take a little longer than expected, or than I had hoped. I have noted a couple of comments in the media the last few days from Police, making me think maybe they are trying to let people know it might be a bit slower going. I don't doubt they will get their person eventually. (the reference I made to Daniel Morcombe was from The commisioner, I believe, stating how long that took as a comparison. I agree it was a totally different scenario though)

Sorry, I wasn't referring to you in particular as many people have made those comments in the last few days. And yes, they are indicating bit by bit that this will take longer than the public is expecting.
Earlier this evening there was a post about a local driving past on the evening that Allison went missing and seeing two police cars in the driveway.
Would the police send two cars out? I thought one car with two police officers would be sufficient IMO.

Sending 2 cars, don't know. depends how understaffed they were. However I had my doubts on some of what was said re the police there that night. I outlined them back in the previous thread, I would post again but my brain is half asleep now. But timing doesn't necessarily fit, and if they had been called to a DV then, I would tend to think GBC would be officially POI.
I don't think it was specified as 2 cars by the person who posted that?

I went back and found the post by zookyliz and quoted it in post #9 and they say that 2 cars showed up at 9pm.
Can't think anymore .... off to slumberland I go. 'Nite. :eek:fftobed:
Sending 2 cars, don't know. depends how understaffed they were. However I had my doubts on some of what was said re the police there that night.
I think it depends on what else it happening locally, how busy they are or what sort of priority they classify the situaion when you make the 000 call.

I live smack in the middle, borderline between two ambulance stations and two police stations and it's not that uncommon in my street, when calling emergency services, people end up with 2 ambulances when only one is needed and more cops cars than anyone would ever want sitting in front of their house.
As suggested earlier, if we move away from the possibility the husband did it, who else could have a motive? TM? I don't think so. She seems to have been co-operating with QPS from the beginning. No, no bikes or triads. This is still an intimate homicide and she knew her killer (as per QPS believes). Another family member from the victims side? No, don't think so. A male friend of Allison's? I feel that if she had a male friend, this would have already been reported by media, the same as TM.

Any other people who could have had a motive? I just can't find any with the info we have at the moment!

I read early on in these threads that ABC spoke 6 languages. It was supported by a media link but I can't link from my handheld sorry! Anyway - that is incredibly unique and unusual to me, I don't know anyone who has 6 languages in their kit bag. This is going to sound very implausible but what if ABC had some involvement in espoinage???

Also keen to hear thoughts on my salon theory from late in the last thread???

Not trying to stir up trouble here - I recognise why the main thoery is the focus. But genuinely trying to unearth another angle - the longer this goes on without arrest the more I think the answer is going to be very unexpected / left field.
Radster- I'm starting to think perhaps you are actually hearing some inside stuff.

"Apparently GBC told one of the girls the next morning that "Mummy has fallen down a hole".

Very early on when the thread started we had a poster who to me seemed very informed/informative. He/She stated that when the police arrived one of the girls said something strange to the police.

To say she fell down a hole would be strange to say in the least and would also explain why they kept saying they were looking down old mine shafts etc.

Keep digging there radster. Thumbs up
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