Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #2

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Someone said much earlier on in this discussion, that he were a suspect in this case, no matter how small the likelihood of him committing the crime is, they probably wouldn't let him search because of the opportunity to plant or remove evidence. A lot of reporters will write anything without putting much thought into it. Just because they are reporters doesn't mean they have any more insight into the case than you or I. HOWEVER having said that, they have to be careful when releasing heresay as fact. They CAN be held liable. I'd take any of their OPINIONS with a grain of salt.

He could have been present at the command post everyday, as were the parents of Allison, without actually participating in the search? Maybe the police advised him, due to intense media coverage, not to be there?
I feel quite sad about how upset GBCs sister was on the footage where they spoke to the media. She looked genuinely upset at her disappearance, and I got the feeling that she and ABC must have had a nice relationship as sister-in-laws. I guess it's easy to forget that her in-laws (like GBC siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins) would all be struggling to understand what has happened to. And considering that Gerard and Allison had been together for a considerable amount of time I am sure that many of them were as fond of her as any others we have heard from. It's just all so so sad.
I saw a photo of the new office he moved his agency to. Whoa, this is a man to whom appearances meant everything. Maybe he thought if he had the image, the income would follow. Doesn't sound like it did. My take is he would have had one he'll of a chip on his shoulder when things didn't work out the way he thought it would. Starting with the lease on that building, my guess is bankruptcy was the next move.
I feel quite sad about how upset GBCs sister was on the footage where they spoke to the media. She looked genuinely upset at her disappearance, and I got the feeling that she and ABC must have had a nice relationship as sister-in-laws. I guess it's easy to forget that her in-laws (like GBC siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins) would all be struggling to understand what has happened to. And considering that Gerard and Allison had been together for a considerable amount of time I am sure that many of them were as fond of her as any others we have heard from. It's just all so so sad.

However, there seems to be no reports of any of the husband's family ever attending the command post in support of her parents!!
He could have been present at the command post everyday, as were the parents of Allison, without actually participating in the search? Maybe the police advised him, due to intense media coverage, not to be there?
I heard Detective-Superintendent Mark Ainsworth questioned about GBC claiming he was told by police to stay away from the command post and he said that he does not believe that to be the case.
However, there seems to be no reports of any of the husband's family ever attending the command post in support of her parents!!
But there are also no reports stating that there weren't any of his extended family there. However I would say that it is likely that they were lending support to their own side of the family as I'm sure that they don't believe (or don't want to believe) that GBC could be the person who did this.
He could have been present at the command post everyday, as were the parents of Allison, without actually participating in the search? Maybe the police advised him, due to intense media coverage, not to be there?

From memory I watched a news telecast where Superintendent Ainsworth was asked the question about whether or not GBC had been advised not to go to the command post and Ainsworth responded "news to me". I believe GBC's sister was the one who made the statement to the media early on that GBC had been advised not to go to the command post. Perhaps this was his lawyer's instructions? I agree that they would not allow a "person of interest" to participate in the search.
He could have been present at the command post everyday, as were the parents of Allison, without actually participating in the search? Maybe the police advised him, due to intense media coverage, not to be there?

Yes. Also maybe he didn't want to be anywhere near her parents? Guilt complex? Also he had the girls to look after. If this happened in my family I can see my parents saying to my husband IF he were only allowed at the command post, "You take care of the children and we will go to the command post, not much you can do and we will let you know as sson as they know anything" - Seriously, if it were me missing and everything was the same as the happenings in the ABC case, I can definitely see my parents saying that to my husband.

Then again my parents have a good relationship with my husband - and my husband probably wouldn't KILL ME !
I think I posted it on the 1st thread.
Trying to dig it up.
The person did not give specifics other than to say they saw something 'odd' at a particular time at the round about. -Oops sorry quoted wrong person. This was in reply to the person asking about a facebook entry on QPS FB page
However, there seems to be no reports of any of the husband's family ever attending the command post in support of her parents!!

And that my fellow posters is not only plain weird BUT disrespectful of the highest order! major major major lack of warmth and common decency...
And I don't wanna hear 'we all act differently'..not on this one 99...not on this one..
Children to look after? YES absolutely 100%. But not all 6-7 of them at once..

Sadly I know communities in the world where they would have been run out of town by now for that act..
I believe I have scrollers finger, is there such a thing? There is now.
Hi all
I'm a first time poster. This case has had me intrigued from the start and as another poster said, it seems everyone here in brissy knows someone who knows something. So, anything I post here is purely second hand info but it does make one pause and think.
1. I was told that a neighbor of ABC has reported to police that on the night in question ,the white car belonging to GBC was parked in the driveway at 10pm with all 4 doors wide open.
2. Someone who knows someone in the forensic team was told that GBC had bruising to his chest which resembled being kicked.
I also have a theory that I've been following. I saw an image of SES workers searching the Flaggy Creek Rd. This prompted me to do a google search of that road. One of the searches came up with a house listed by Remax Toowong The property in question has an image gallery of the property and shows a creek there that flows into Kholo Creek.This is extremely close to where ABC was found. Considering the amount of rain we had during that time, the body could have been taken to its final resting place at Kholo bridge.I'll let you draw your own conclusions but you should have a look at the property. It's an excellent 'dumping' area. This of course is just speculation on my part.
This is my first time on an online forum and I am also intrigued by this case. I spoke to GBC last year about a property he was selling . He was chatty (like most real estate agents I guess), mentioned his 3 daughters but never a wife. Interesting but not that unusual I suppose.

Do any of the locals on here know where they used to live? They must have owned a house at some stage and surely didn't rent all their married live . Chapel Hill or Kenmore Hills perhaps?

Anyway, I also notice someone left a comment on the courier mail page that

To Priscilla and Geoff and family - Again, thank God beautiful Allison's daughters have such wonderful grand-parents. The trust fund to fulfill Allisons wishes for her daughters to go to the selected Grammar school is so thoughtful. Please ask the media to clearly indicate how to donate to the trust fund. Our thoughts are prayers are with you.

Comment 31 of 160

Why a trust fund, if GBC is going to be around for the kids he can pay the school fees. should his business fail he can always go back to his previous occupation.
But there are also no reports stating that there weren't any of his extended family there. However I would say that it is likely that they were lending support to their own side of the family as I'm sure that they don't believe (or don't want to believe) that GBC could be the person who did this.

In my view, both families have a pretty good idea who did it (even if it is in their own hearts/gut feeling) hence there has been no apparent contact between them since.
At first glance sure it seems unkind that GBC and family weren't at the command post. But some families don't get along, and if there is some sort of tension between the 2 then it may actually have been more appropriate for them to let the Dickies be with Allison's side of the family and friends.
Lets just take a step back why would someone need to meet such an "horrific death" and for what purpose. I just cant help think what was so wrong something truly deeply shocking I fear. IMO
Hi all
I'm a first time poster. This case has had me intrigued from the start and as another poster said, it seems everyone here in brissy knows someone who knows something. So, anything I post here is purely second hand info but it does make one pause and think.
1. I was told that a neighbor of ABC has reported to police that on the night in question ,the white car belonging to GBC was parked in the driveway at 10pm with all 4 doors wide open.
2. Someone who knows someone in the forensic team was told that GBC had bruising to his chest which resembled being kicked.
I also have a theory that I've been following. I saw an image of SES workers searching the Flaggy Creek Rd. This prompted me to do a google search of that road. One of the searches came up with a house listed by Remax Toowong The property in question has an image gallery of the property and shows a creek there that flows into Kholo Creek.This is extremely close to where ABC was found. Considering the amount of rain we had during that time, the body could have been taken to its final resting place at Kholo bridge.I'll let you draw your own conclusions but you should have a look at the property. It's an excellent 'dumping' area. This of course is just speculation on my part.
That's a whole lot of extra information there. And it doesn't seem far fetched, which seems to make it seem credible.

Any idea if that property is currently vacant?
I was in the understanding the families were talking to each other. Because wasn't it Allison's family that went to sort out the house so Gerard and the girls could go home. But then again that was the media not the police that said that. I really only take notice of what the police say because the media can twist stories or just say what they have heard
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