Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #2

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As an aussie....Im trying to find a good horse to bet on in the kentucky derby run tomorrow....(its a bit of a Melb Cup)....Ive no idea on the horses over here so Im looking for a name that shows mystical insight to represent this case....?? yeah long shot I know....

However, a lot of the horses seem to have names that represent this case somewhat IMO....I just thought it was weird...Im looking for a name to represent ABC & Girls, not GBC

Here is a link to the field if you are interested -

If it's to fit with what you want it to represent, I'd choose Daddy Long Legs. It was a 1955 Fred Astaire Movie that you can google. The story doesnt have any relevance but it's a gorgeous feelgood movie with a vibrant, happy feeling, and of course loads of fabulous dancing. Allison was a great dancer and a delightful person so I think this horse fits the bill.

If you were going to be a serious better though, I'd study the form and advise on backing a few others with a modest wagering strategy, but there's probably not time for that so I'll just wish you good luck!
The person did not give specifics other than to say they saw something 'odd' at a particular time at the round about. -Oops sorry quoted wrong person. This was in reply to the person asking about a facebook entry on QPS FB page

Thank you unfolding truth.
I won't link it as it looks like my post was deleted......
But the following comment was - "I hope it helps QPS it feels small but was very odd. May she RIP and you find out what happened to her."

This was after QPS asked her to call crimestoppers and people said good work to this person.
IMO I believe its very difficult to see up into the driveway from the road. As for a neghbour GBC garage is situated at the front of the house. So perhaps hear say?
Lets just take a step back why would someone need to meet such an "horrific death" and for what purpose. I just cant help think what was so wrong something truly deeply shocking I fear. IMO
I grew up on the South Coast of NSW and there was a story of a woman who was murdered and her husband was eventually convicted. He initially claimed he came home to see his wife had been killed and that it must have been a burglary as photos and money were missing. But his demeanor said differently.;jsessionid=8CD7A5210626B31976936B512E6745AA?sy=afr&pb=all_ffx&dt=selectRange&dr=1month&so=relevance&sf=text&sf=headline&rc=10&rm=200&sp=brs&cls=1181&clsPage=1&docID=ILL0812061I7AE394C9G
I'd say the families are at opposite poles now. I saw the thing about the trust fund too. The idea seeded from Allisons parents, The Dickies. You would think if they were on talking terms between the two families they could come up with enough to send 2 children to grammar school, considering the age of the girls they have a few years to save yet. Sounds like the Dickies have no intention of having anything to do with the Baden-Clays and are forging ahead with a relationship independent of the Baden-Clays.
Asking for donations to send your grandchildren to a private school as a wish of your murdered daughter is not an easy thing to do. They wouldn't make that request unless they absolutely HAD to.
Lets just take a step back why would someone need to meet such an "horrific death" and for what purpose. I just cant help think what was so wrong something truly deeply shocking I fear. IMO

Statistics indicate that in cases like this, the spouse is generally the culprit. Most cases are not premeditated, but the result of arguments that have escalated and resulted in accidental/unintentional death. Then the cover-up starts.
I was in the understanding the families were talking to each other. Because wasn't it Allison's family that went to sort out the house so Gerard and the girls could go home. But then again that was the media not the police that said that. I really only take notice of what the police say because the media can twist stories or just say what they have heard

I was under that impression too that the families are indeed in communication. They have to be because they're looking after the girls!
I'm with you, I only fully take on board what the QPS has to say, and they say an awful lot when you read between the lines.
The media is sensationalising this story to the max, and whilst it makes for interesting reading I think it's important not to get too sucked in to their biased reporting and bag out all the BC family members. I don't know the intricacies of their family situation so I feel it would be unfair to be super judgemental of them.
I hadn't heard until now that they retrieved SHREDDED papers???

I wouldn't read too much into this. Most offices have a shredder and regularly shred documents, printouts, etc for privacy reasons. It would make sense that the police would take anything they could find in the office just in case. Doesn't mean they found anything. They are just covering all bases
I was under that impression too that the families are indeed in communication. They have to be because they're looking after the girls!
I'm with you, I only fully take on board what the QPS has to say, and they say an awful lot when you read between the lines.
The media is sensationalising this story to the max, and whilst it makes for interesting reading I think it's important not to get too sucked in to their biased reporting and bag out all the BC family members. I don't know the intricacies of their family situation so I feel it would be unfair to be super judgemental of them.

"Driving through Brookfield will now take on a similar feel - a hope that those three little girls who Allison doted on, who she sacrificed her career for in an instant, will grow up knowing that she loved them more than anything.

That goodwill extends to her family, and her in-laws too"

I think Madonna King says it beautifully.
If I were the Dickies I would organise a trust fund too, you can only begin to imagine the extend of GBC's legal expenses.
In my view, both families have a pretty good idea who did it (even if it is in their own hearts/gut feeling) hence there has been no apparent contact between them since.

I agree the family would be aware of alot more info from the police investigation than we are. And yes and likely kept up to speed. I would say they do know or have a good feeling who is involve or what was involved to lead to this crime.( opinion, not fact- sorry)
I agree the family would be aware of alot more info from the police investigation than we are. And yes and likely kept up to speed. I would say they do know or have a good feeling who is involve or what was involved to lead to this crime.( opinion, not fact- sorry)
Which could be why, if GBC is the main suspect, they are not spending much time in his company. It would be hard to face him if you had good reason to suspect that he was the person who killed your daughter. However I'm also sure that they are doing as much as they can to make themselves available to the grandchildren.
I'm with you, I only fully take on board what the QPS has to say, and they say an awful lot when you read between the lines.
The media is sensationalising this story to the max, and whilst it makes for interesting reading I think it's important not to get too sucked in to their biased reporting and bag out all the BC family members.

Agreed.. and I think its easy to get very biased/set one way and in thinking, which may blind us as to other things. What we may see as very strange behaviour from some, may indeed have a reason behind it that we don't know. And the A's family do appear to have been in communication with G, and who know their real thoughts one way or the other.
agreed.. And i think its easy to get very biased/set one way and in thinking, which may blind us as to other things. What we may see as very strange behaviour from some, may indeed have a reason behind it that we don't know. And the a's family do appear to have been in communication with g, and who know their real thoughts one way or the other.

exactly!!!!!!! :-)
And as i have said before i can't understand why (IF they think Gerard is a suspect (which the police haven't mentioned) they would allow him to have the children?? But then again i would like to know how many persons of interests there is considering they said numerous persons of interest were interviewed. Numerous sounds like there could be a few people involved and i think this case (like alot of other cases like this) will take quite some time.
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