Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #2

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What about the idea that there is an appearances over substance element to both families...even in the parents interview they said that Allison would never have wanted to LOOK like a failure. There really is a lesson here from her side as well in my opinion, and it's an important one.

Failed marriage?? No one likes to fail at anything. I've had a failed marriage and it wasn't easy to accept it and move on. IMO it has nothing to do with substance nor appearances. But, if, for example, there was a history of domestic violence, then, not speaking in many case becomes fatal.
AllyG, I get what you are saying but I still think the timing is a little off. There hasn't even been a funeral yet....

could be percieved like this but what was important to Allison is NOW super important to them and expressing things like this and talking about things that WERE important to their daughter (ok it was obviously not the only important thing to her) are a way of grieving and assisting in getting thru it.
If you simply look at this way and this way alone then it will not seem strange or off timing.
there are whole semesters at universities all over the world where people study this exacty type thing. shock, grieving etc. I know, I did half of one!

This is not about 'keeping up appearances' Mrs G. Its about them getting through this.
I find it interesting how the words reporters select to report news influence us as readers. Whether or not something is sensationalised really has a lot to do with firstly how it's reported and secondly how we react to it. For example, here are two quotes relating the fact that police are unsure about whether or not Allison was alive on arrival at Kholo Creek. IMO one is more "sensationalised" than the other.

"Police are unsure whether Mrs Baden-Clay was alive when she arrived in the dark and unforgiving bush of Mt Crosby on the night she disappeared almost two weeks ago."

"They are also yet to determine whether Mrs Baden-Clay was alive when she was taken into Mt Crosby bushland almost two weeks ago."
Oh funny! Because whilst I think they have managed to avoid making overt speculations, in general I have found the language incredibly loaded and quite biased. This isn't necessarily a criticism either, thats just how things are in reporting. Like I said before, we all interpret things differently too.

The reason I made the comment was to try to draw attention to the fact that we aren't fully informed so perhaps need to remind ourselves to keep an open mind and not be overly judgemental.

I agree, the media in this case I don't think have been oversensationalizing as such. But they are only giving out bits of information- mainly, as stated, I am sure the police will only be allowing certain information. I think though without outright saying it, there has been some innuendo in the way things are written. But that is not unique to this case. Its easy to go with what we read there and make up our mind, yet what is being presented is most likely the smallest of information and some crucial bits that make up the case are not being publicly divulged. Its good to keep in mind that.
could be percieved like this but what was important to Allison is NOW super important to them and expressing things like this and talking about things that WERE important to their daughter (ok it was obviously not the only important thing to her) are a way of grieving and assisting in getting thru it.
If you simply look at this way and this way alone then it will not seem strange or off timing.
there are whole semesters at universities all over the world where people study this exacty type thing. shock, grieving etc. I know, I did half of one!

This is not about 'keeping up appearances' Mrs G. Its about them getting through this.

In times of extreme grief, simply doing something can help to keep the mind and heart grounded. If you read the large article in today's Courier Mail - I'm not sure if it is online or not - it refers to the type of personality that Allison was, and how similar she is to her father. Looking for solutions calmly and the like. Her parents are likely experiencing severe grief, but this is one very practical way of holding it together and doing something for the girls in Allison's honour. Very normal and very admiral in my opinion. I don't think this is the place to debate our opinion on what they are doing to manage their grief. We should stay focused on the crime itself.
could be percieved like this but what was important to Allison is NOW super important to them and expressing things like this and talking about things that WERE important to their daughter (ok it was obviously not the only important thing to her) are a way of grieving and assisting in getting thru it.
If you simply look at this way and this way alone then it will not seem strange or off timing.
there are whole semesters at universities all over the world where people study this exacty type thing. shock, grieving etc. I know, I did half of one!

This is not about 'keeping up appearances' Mrs G. Its about them getting through this.

I just want to clarify, in NO way am I knocking the Dickies. I wish I could re-word. Its probably something the press put on them..."is there anything you daughter would want" etc etc

My point was more maybe the Dickies were trying to tell us something, to read between the lines so to speak. Or maybe we are reading too much into this. We really need some facts don't we at this stage. Where is Truthseeker with some more info????
I find it interesting how the words reporters select to report news influence us as readers. Whether or not something is sensationalised really has a lot to do with firstly how it's reported and secondly how we react to it. For example, here are two quotes relating the fact that police are unsure about whether or not Allison was alive on arrival at Kholo Creek. IMO one is more "sensationalised" than the other.

"Police are unsure whether Mrs Baden-Clay was alive when she arrived in the dark and unforgiving bush of Mt Crosby on the night she disappeared almost two weeks ago."

"They are also yet to determine whether Mrs Baden-Clay was alive when she was taken into Mt Crosby bushland almost two weeks ago."

I don't see it as sensationalised...just more descriptive with a couple of words added is all.

Probably the only section of media I don't like is Channel 10 news with "Ken & Barbie" at the helm. Their news is usually a little/lot more dramatic than other sections of media.
I agree, the media in this case I don't think have been oversensationalizing as such. But they are only giving out bits of information- mainly, as stated, I am sure the police will only be allowing certain information. I think though without outright saying it, there has been some innuendo in the way things are written. But that is not unique to this case. Its easy to go with what we read there and make up our mind, yet what is being presented is most likely the smallest of information and some crucial bits that make up the case are not being publicly divulged. Its good to keep in mind that.

And once again you echo my thoughts exactly. It's SO important to be mindful so we aren't overly influenced by half-truths, emotive language and snippets of the picture.
I was just researching footage on John Sharpe's appeal video as suggested and found this article

It is an interview with a "human lie detector", a psychologist who is a master of the art of reading body language. Take a look at what he has to say and maybe then rewatch GBC's interview and see what you think?

and the shaking of the head also? its interesting after you watch the 60 minutes report isn't it?
BTW just rewatched GBC speaking to the reporter. When he talks about wanting to look after his girls he does a lot of head nodding up and down, as if his head is agreeing with his mouth. When he says that he has told the police everything he knows and that he just wants her to come home he is doing lots of head shaking, as if to say no.

But I'm certainly no expert
I spoke to my friend about going through the kenmore roundabout, he flat out refuses to contact crimestoppers. He knows nothing and saw nothing but doesn't want to get involved and said they would have seen his plates and will wait till they contact him.

He thinks its all a bit suss.

I think he's being a douche.
and the shaking of the head also? its interesting after you watch the 60 minutes report isn't it?
Absolutely. When I watched GBC speak the first time I was more focused on how he spoke and how his sorrow didn't sound genuine to me. But yeah, the head movements say a hell of a lot more to me.
Can I ask what it was that piqued the interest of some of you to this story? I've never really been one to do this kind of thing before when something has happened in my local area. I've never signed up to forums just to get involved in talking about it. Something about ABC going missing grabbed my attention from the moment I heard about it. I don't know if it's that I have that connection with her first name (especially the two L's), or if it was something else.


I have an interest in crime in general. What drew me in to this case was the initial way they reported it like "who would walk away from their children" or something to that effect. I thought that was unusual, probed deeper, got hooked. I'm also from that side of town originally so that makes it all the more intriguing.
I spoke to my friend about going through the kenmore roundabout, he flat out refuses to contact crimestoppers. He knows nothing and saw nothing but doesn't want to get involved and said they would have seen his plates and will wait till they contact him.

He thinks its all a bit suss.

I think he's being a douche.

Does he realize crimestoppers is annonymous. It could be the thing police need to hear to help them in whatever else they know about the case and in particular whatever unfolded at the roundabout. What if it meant they could move fwd with an arrest. I know its not likely that would do it, but you just never no how your(in this case his) seemingly insignificant, nothing information is actually something to the police.
BTW just rewatched GBC speaking to the reporter. When he talks about wanting to look after his girls he does a lot of head nodding up and down, as if his head is agreeing with his mouth. When he says that he has told the police everything he knows and that he just wants her to come home he is doing lots of head shaking, as if to say no.

But I'm certainly no expert

yep..very telling...and I find my own upper lip curling just watching that pathetic man and his lies!!!! you can see how this 'upper lip' mannerism denotes disgust, and its hard to NOT feel it and hence express it just watching someone like that. I imagine if you did something horrendous, you simply couldn't make your face lie.......
Does he realize crimestoppers is annonymous. It could be the thing police need to hear to help them in whatever else they know about the case and in particular whatever unfolded at the roundabout. What if it meant they could move fwd with an arrest. I know its not likely that would do it, but you just never no how your(in this case his) seemingly insignificant, nothing information is actually something to the police.
Perhaps alicat could call CrimeStoppers and advise that her friend had mentioned being in the area but doesn't want to get involved, etc... Then perhaps they will contact him to talk about it.
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