Identified! Australia - Camberwell, Vic, Male killed by train, Sep'12- Name withheld

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DNA Solves
me too.. he"d been seen walking round for days.. obvously well planned. numbers could mean nothing.. just something to throw people off
Who knows, he could have been into numerology. I've really been pondering this hard today, and looked and re-looked at the only CCTV footage moving shots I can see.

I agree he's definitely a traveller from overseas, due to both his top and jeans being European, and he was wearing them. If they were ultra good clothes to him, he'd treasure them.

He is eating at homeless free food outlets, but he has a very recent hair cut - like in the past 2 weeks I'd say.

He has had money in the past, but not now.

His face looks a bit like he has bruising on it, especially his nose and the right hand temple area looks shaded or bruised.

We are told he has pale skin, indicative of being in winter climates away from the sun for some time. So I'd be thinking he came from a country that was in winter, before he got to Australia. Or, he'd been in the southern states of Australia the whole winter. If he'd worked on the snowfields he'd be wind burnt, so he would be quite tanned. So I'm ruling that out.

I don't think he has Asperger's for two reasons, on the moving shots in the video, his head movements are quick, but smooth, not jerky. He's also in touch with a lot of emotion on the train.

With the pic of him on the train, it looks a bit like he's holding a mobile phone in his right hand and holding it up to his right ear and talking to someone on it. In that case he knows someone in Australia, or had an overseas phone call ... maybe bad news ... the gf or bf broke off their relationship. Or he was asking his folks for money and they said "no". I don't see parents saying this, especially since he had such nice expensive clothes.

Why did he remove all his ID before committing suicide? Either it was because he was super pissed off with them and committing suicide because he was angry with them, but I doubt that. The ultimate act of anger against them would be for them to find out. Now maybe they belong to some religion where it would bring enormous humiliation, apart from the obvious pain of his death, to know that he suicided. Maybe a previous family member suicided and he gathered this from their reaction to it. So if he killed himself and tries to ensure they'll never find out, by removing all his ID, then that way they don't live in shame of him committing suicide.

I just wonder whether with his family's religion, they believe if you commit suicide your going to hell. So if that was the case, what religion might he be? I'm not sure myself. Although just did some reading that said Catholics believe that. So which Eastern European countries that sell Alvine brand and the other brand Jeans, and are in Winter before he got to Australia?

The other possibility is he got the haircut to conceal who he was. Maybe his hair is normally quite long. Maybe he has a beard normally.

In the video footage of him, he's holding what looks to be a newspaper under his arm. I just don't see someone with low functioning autism reading a daily newspaper.

Maybe by riding the train to Williamstown (did he just travel to Williamstown? or did he get on the train at Williamstown?) anyway, was he looking for a suitably quiet station to commit suicide from, one where there would be no people there to stop him. Williamstown station has a lot of people around, most of the time. Same with Belgrave, because of Puffing Billy, the steam train leaving from there. East Camberwell is quiet, the quietest on that route. Most people hop off at Camberwell, or go further to Surry Hills or Box Hill station. So maybe he checked out the Williamstown train line and decided that was no go to commit suicide from there.
Oh yeah, he had a newspaper under his arm in the CCTV. I don't see someone with autism reading the paper. He had train times and speeds. I'm as yet to work out who he had the speeds. He could have calculated them on his mobile phone with the GPS data. I'm thinking if he intended to commit suicide, he wanted to ensure the speed of the express trains that run through East Camberwell station, but do not stop. I'm thinking that he wanted to ensure he died, and to ensure that he wasn't going to be merely maimed for life or disabled for life. He wanted to know the speeds, so he could ensure the train that hit him was definitely going to kill him. So I'm thinking that this young man was very good at maths. We know he probably wasn't very social, he didn't speak to anyone in all of the CCTV footage. So I'm wondering whether he worked with numbers for a profession. An accountant? An IT person?

Was he wearing black gloves in the pic of him on the train, looking like he was holding a mobile phone.

Where is that mobile phone? Did he give it away to another homeless person? Or did he leave it with his possessions somewhere.

So many unanswered questions. What do others think?
ohh i didnt see the footage my phone was showing me still images..have just switched to the pc ( thank you) and yes about the hair cut, i noticed that.. he also didnt look overly unshaven , but im not seeing a mobile phone..just a blurred moving image it was certainly well planned out with alot of thought..he also looks different in every shot. maybe his family havent even realised hes missing yet. they may not have weekley/monthly contact..i hope he was due to be somewhere for christmas day, i know its a while away but if family dont turn up at xmas you know somethings wrong..
Question: where was autism mentioned? Was there a possible match suggested that has autism?

IMO, the 8 digits are phone numbers. There are a SLEW of countries that have eight digit telephone numbers (pretty much all of central/south america, australia, probably europe) I wish we could see a shot of the paper -- maybe someone would recognise his handwriting.
This is so sad :( he looks like a fit, healthy, handsome young guy. Someone that up until that day took good care of himself. His hair is neat, his cloths are both expensive and in style. This leads me to believe he cared very much for himself or had family/lived ones that cared very much for him. Someone, somewhere is missing this young man.
Looks like Elvine stores are exclusively in Europe and Russia:

That rules out Brazil unless he originated in Brazil, backpacked to Europe and bought that jacket along the way.
Looks like he might be Swedish after all, he's not identified yet but both the Swedish police and the family have been notified about a possible match, according to several sources.

I've never heard of him, but maybe he was never reported missing.
@9InchNails -- that's him. For sure that's him.
Wow, that does look a lot like him. I hope his family has been found and the healing can begin.

From FB page
Hoping for good news soon!!

Terrible news for his loved one's. But terrible to be a John or Jane Doe.
Just waiting on an official announcement from positive ID.

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