GUILTY Australia - Jill Meagher, 29, Melbourne, 22 Sep 2012 #5

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Meagher murder accused applies for adjournment

Lawyers for the man accused of killing ABC employee Jill Meagher are applying to have his committal hearing adjourned.
Thanks for the link Curiousasacat.
Chief Crown prosecutor Gavin Silbert SC told the Melbourne Magistrates Court he vigorously opposes the application. Awaiting outcome. Lets hope that it is delayed no further.

Knowledgethirsty thanks for the link. Interesting about the red hatchback car captured on grainy CCTV mages and modus operandi as you say.

Adrian Bayley has been accused of raping Jill Meagher three times before murdering her, a court has heard.
Ms Meagher's husband, Tom, was also in court. He sat behind Mr Silbert and had a pen and notebook with him.
Deputy chief magistrate Felicity Broughton refused the application to delay the contested committal hearing next week.
IMO this ensures there won't be any unnecessary delay and further dipping into the public purse.

Jill Meagher's grieving husband is back in Melbourne to attend to the Committal hearing.
Grieving husband of Jill Meagher faces accused killer Adrian Bayley in court as two new rape charges emerge
Paul Anderson From: Herald Sun March 05, 2013 1:16PM
There are 69 days between the rape of the Dutch backpacker on July 15th, 2012, and the rape and murder of Jill Meagher on September 22nd, 2012. So what were the police doing in the intervening two month period? Perhaps arresting drunks at the football, telling us to wipe off 5 because speed kills, and arresting drink drivers.
If there were 1,000 registered sex offenders who fit the bill in this photo:

and if the police had a competent database- and competent officers- then, let’s say it took 1 minute to compare a registered sex offender’s photograph to the photographic sketch offered by the victim, then you have 1,000 minutes of work. That is 16 hours and 40 mins. That is less than 2.5 days work where an officer is parked on his *advertiser censored* looking at a computer screen, where a sketch of the perpetrator (as offered by the Dutch backpacker) would sit alongside the catalogued photographs of registered sex offenders. The officer would compare the two. Then ‘click’, and the next photograph of a registered sex offender appears alongside the sketch, and going along like this, perpetrator after perpetrator would either be ruled in or out as a suspect. One would surely notice the eerie resemblance between Adrian Ernest Bayley’s photograph and the image offered to sketch artists by the Dutch backpacker. Even if the pool were narrowed down to 50ish likely lookalikes, alibis would rule out a lot of them, which would leave only a very small number.
I think the parole board have an enormous amount to answer for, though I also believe the police share some of the blame for Bayley’s offending. If this work of comparing photos to sketch artists images could not be undertaken by the police force, then it should be outsourced to community volunteers or someone else who could perform this invaluable task. I seem to recall a general consensus amongst the web community on multiple forums that the Dutch backpacker’s sketch photo of her attacker resembled Bayley- this was in the immediate aftermath of the arrest of Bayley and the release of his photo in the blue top. Now, if the public could perform that job within hours of his arrest, then why couldn’t the police compare sketch drawings against photos in their databases- hours after the Dutch backpacker’s rape- to arrive at the same conclusions as so many web users did? It seems to me like this is a missed opportunity. If the police identified Bayley as the Dutch backpacker's rapist, then Jill would still be alive- and identifying him as her attacker is precisely what the internet community did within hours of his arrest and the release of his blue-top photo- that's how strong the resemblance of images is. If we could do it, why couldn't the cops do this? They didn't even have to put the Dutch backpacker before the media to plead for information- they would just take her photo-sketch and compare it to the database of registered sex offender's photos and isolate Bayley as the suspect and interview him and monitor him, etc.
So although the parole board are negligently weak, it seems like the police should expand their efforts also. I would, however, like to say that it might not be as simple as all of this- and the police would have more info which is not released- but even so, this seems to me like a compelling point that needs to be made. I do not for a second doubt that the police wanted this criminal caught as much as the rest of us, but what I have just said raises questions and concerns me. Couldn’t Bayley have been identified earlier?

From the way things are shaping up in this court case, I suspect that Jill was tortured. I’m not sure how much detail we will have released to the public- perhaps nothing. You can be assured of this much: the worse it was, the less we'll know.

I suppose there's really only one question left: does the parole board even really care? I reckon the police care (though i am angry at them for not getting Bayley sooner); but i wonder what the parole board thinks. They speak about the faceless men of the labor party, but what about the faceless people of the parole board? When will they be called to answer for their decisions?
From the way things are shaping up in this court case, I suspect that Jill was tortured. I’m not sure how much detail we will have released to the public- perhaps nothing. You can be assured of this much: the worse it was, the less we'll know.

I suppose there's really only one question left: does the parole board even really care? I reckon the police care (though i am angry at them for not getting Bayley sooner); but i wonder what the parole board thinks. They speak about the faceless men of the labor party, but what about the faceless people of the parole board? When will they be called to answer for their decisions?
Why was Antonio ‘Mad Dog' Loguancio let off the leash? byMark Buttler, Anthony Dowsley, Herald Sun, February 28, 2013 10:08PM.
TO those who guarded him at Barwon Prison, Antonio "Mad Dog" Loguancio was Victoria's most dangerous man.
To a judge faced by his crimes, his depravity was such that to outline it in a published ruling would be "contrary to public morals".
Maybe it is time the public and Governments questioned Parole systems and means of management of violent repeat offenders.
Why was Antonio ‘Mad Dog' Loguancio let off the leash? byMark Buttler, Anthony Dowsley, Herald Sun, February 28, 2013 10:08PM.
TO those who guarded him at Barwon Prison, Antonio "Mad Dog" Loguancio was Victoria's most dangerous man.
To a judge faced by his crimes, his depravity was such that to outline it in a published ruling would be "contrary to public morals".
Maybe it is time the public and Governments questioned Parole systems and means of management of violent repeat offenders.

They should chip them like dogs- that way we'll never lose sight of them.

Speaking of 'mad dog', read this very illuminating article, wherein we find this quote echoing your quote above:
The worst of Loguancio's sex crimes were so depraved the Herald Sun has chosen not to publish the details.

Can someone explain to me how the Herald Sun got access to those details? Did they go through FOI processes to gain access? Does that mean any citizen can put through a FOI request and gain access, too? Or will an ordinary citizen be denied access unless it is for specific research purposes or for reporting purposes by newspapers like the Herald Sun?

Here is some more on mad dog:
People Against Lenient Sentencing president Steve Medcraft said Loguancio should be made to serve the full term of his sentence plus more time for his prison violence.
I recall how horrified the media were after their briefing in regards to Jill's case, it seems as though we're starting to hear why :(

Dear sweet Jill this animal will pay for what he did to you!
I recall how horrified the media were after their briefing in regards to Jill's case, it seems as though we're starting to hear why :(

Dear sweet Jill this animal will pay for what he did to you!

I wouldn't be insulting animals by calling this abomination an animal...
As someone else said, I think this means she was tortured. I assumed she died fairly soon after the rape, but if she was kept alive for a few hours I don't think he was sitting back reading a magazine between episodes.

This is horrifying.


I feel sick.

The police said she was killed by being strangled and it happened quickly, hence no screaming. I think she was unconscious while being raped, came to, started fighting it then he killed her.

I do remember the media reported people vomiting while hearing the information about the rape and murder. Police know alot by the looks of it, I am guessing they have it all on CCTV.

I just wish he'd plead guilty to spare Tom a trial. My hearts breaking for him all over again :(

I can't believe a woman is defending this person. It's her job yes, but surely this crime horrifies everyone and especially women. I do wonder about some people.
I hope the death of Antonio Laguancio brings some relief to the women he has raped, abused and tortured. They need not fear him any more.
Adrian Ernest Bayley, 41, has lost a bid to delay next week's committal hearing over the rape and murder of the 29-year-old as she walked home from a Brunswick bar last September. The Committal hearing is to go ahead next Tuesday.
Bayley has a filing hearing listed for the same court on Friday after being separately charged with rape and false imprisonment over two sexual assaults in the St Kilda area in April and July last year.
He appeared in court last month after being charged with seven new offences, including three counts of rape.
Video from Loretta Johns,, Melbourne, March 5, 2013.
Meagher Accused Committal To Go Ahead.
The accused, Adrian Ernest Bayley, is now facing three charges of rape and one of murder in the Jill Meagher case. The Committal hearing will go ahead next Tuesday.
There is no ‘false imprisonment’ charge in the Meagher case, which suggests that there are no witnesses seeing him deal with her forcefully to substantiate the charge in court. The victims remained alive in the other two cases and I suppose it was their testimony which led to the ‘false imprisonment’ charges in those respective cases. So that would be a charge which could not be sustained in court, and it seems they have not brought it. Further to that, it seems like his defence will rely on consensual sex (hence no false imprisonment)- arguing that something went wrong along the way and she was killed; he panicked and then disposed of the body. Obviously no one is buying this crap. But there are also no assault charges. This is suspicious. If there are no bruises on her body, then no assault charges could be sustained, i suppose. I don't know much about this.
But could it not also be the case that more charges have been brought against him but have not yet been revealed to the public? For it is only today we learned of the three rape charges, which were introduced in January, as a consequence of the defence manoeuvres. So, presumably, there could be further charges which are brought though not publicly released. So it is still possible that ‘false imprisonment’ and assault charges have been brought, though not publicly revealed. Do we ever find out all of the charges and when? This drip-feeding of information is so annoying. Why don’t the police just publicly release the charges and be open with the public?
I think it's timely we reprise this article in light of the recent multiple charges in separate attacks allegedly by Bayley:

CCTV footage released last week of Ms Meagher speaking to Bayley on the night she died had left Ms Scaife in ''disbelief''.

She had ''no doubt'' the man in the footage was the same man who had threatened her own life nine months ago. ''It could have been me,'' she told The Sun-Herald yesterday.

Look at the date on the article, it is literally two days after Jill's body was found- that is quick timing from his arrest to the publication of this article. Obviously Jill's case sent alarm bells through this girl's mind. I am confident it is Bayley in this case, too. I wonder if this girl could identify some of the items she saw on the night. I hope he still kept them and the police get him for this crime also.
I think it's timely we reprise this article in light of the recent multiple charges in separate attacks allegedly by Bayley:

CCTV footage released last week of Ms Meagher speaking to Bayley on the night she died had left Ms Scaife in ''disbelief''.

She had ''no doubt'' the man in the footage was the same man who had threatened her own life nine months ago. ''It could have been me,'' she told The Sun-Herald yesterday.

Look at the date on the article, it is literally two days after Jill's body was found- that is quick timing from his arrest to the publication of this article. Obviously Jill's case sent alarm bells through this girl's mind. I am confident it is Bayley in this case, too. I wonder if this girl could identify some of the items she saw on the night. I hope he still kept them and the police get him for this crime also.

Sounds very much like the same perpetrator. I hope Ms Scaife has followed this up again, and that the police maybe still working on this one. Reading the article linked, I also believe that she would have been killed had she been alone. I am sure that there are many more offences undetected so far that this person is responsible for. JM also may not be his only murder victim. MOO
I'm intrigued by this whole notion of the THREE charges of rape against Jill. How do they define that? When does one rape finish and the next one begin? Why are they not classed as just a single prolonged case of rape?

If it occurred over a period of time, where were they? Down the alley the whole time? Was Jill unconscious, or even already dead, after the initial attack?

And how do the police know about "three rapes" - did he confess to that? Did they find three condoms? As far as I know, there would be no way to tell from the autopsy that three separate events occurred within a short space of time, especially if he was as rough as his alleged previous victims have described.

I note that his attempt to adjourn the committal hearing was based on getting independent DNA tests done, plus forensic tests on "textile material". So, where did the police get the DNA from? Surely he would know that as a registered sex offender, his DNA would be on record? Surely he would use condoms and then dispose of them?

There is a lot in this that we do not know, and some of it intrigues me no end, especially now with this whole "three rapes" charge.

It also raises the distasteful possibility - remote, I would think - that a couple of those three events occurred at different times, perhaps PRIOR to that night? In which case, why did Jill even talk to him and not simply run in the opposite direction?

This gets more mysterious as we get closer to the committal next week.
We don't know for sure that she did die in the alley way do we? For all we know he raped her there, took her home and raped her again then took her to where they found her, raped her then killed her...

I am telling myself she died quickly, because anything else is too awful to think, but like DrWatson said, how do they define the three counts? Although "rape" is not just defined as sexual intercourse the traditional way... He may have done other things to her which are also considered rape..

I see no point in them stating it was a swift attack if that's not the case. I think she was unconscious or dead when these rapes occurred. If so what an even bigger piece of s**t he is. I'm still so angry about this. I really hope the police get too much evidence for him to overcome and he is forced to plead guilty, and is given life sentences for each count of rape and murder he has been found to do. That should let him rot in there for good.
Unless, of course, the Victorian Parole Board lets him out again.... if he says all the right things and promises to be a good boy from here on!

Pardon my cynicism! :furious:
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