Found Deceased Australia - Samuel Thompson, 22, Albion, Qld, 7 March 2017 *Arrests* #4

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Where is it reported that ST didn't finish school?

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I think his FB alluded to it: about a phone call from centrelink as an early school leaver or similar? Those are generally for people under 18 who do not have Year 12 or an equivalent qualification?

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Did you ever date Detective Inspector Gary Jubelin, or Detective Superintendent Dave Hutchinson? :beats: :hot: :heartbeat:

Hahahaha ....... :)


Ha ha ha, it wouldn't be professional of me to comment. Ha ha, really though, no.

Gary Jubelin is very attractive though, I'll agree on that. When my Mum sees him on things, she always says "they should use this man for every speaking event, people would watch! He's so engaging!"

I don't find Dave Hutchinson particularly spunky but I always enjoyed listening to him speak at things. It never seemed like just a job to him when he spoke at pressers. I remember him speaking about Tiahleigh and thinking how sincere he is. His retirement has probably been great for him but a big loss for policing.

It's an easy industry to find dates in, sadly. Policing is hard on the home life and they have a decent divorce rate :(

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Re: the home invasion, it was Sam's girlfriend that opened the door. That was mentioned not in text, but in a video that I posted (attached to a news story), which also said that the 'invaders' were in the house for approximately 20 minutes. It said the car belonged to Sam and his girlfriend or partner actually, which I thought was a bit odd. I will try to find it, but hopefully you guys remember and believe me.
Also I mentioned up thread that I had encountered a couple around Sam and gf's age who had been in an armed holdup when I was in hospital at one stage some years ago and they were in very bad shape. I can't imagine that Sam and gf took that completely on the chin. I just don't think it is humanly possible.

Agree. If it was not an inside/insurance job, it would have been terrifying. Let's not forget the house was rented out very quickly after.

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I'd heard he finished school early too. I just checked out his FB....

Sam's FB page says that in early 2011 he was at Tafe. So that's six years ago.....if he finished high school would he not still have been at school then? Completing Year 12?

(On Aug 29, 2011 he completes his first day of childcare work.)
We were offered to do multiple courses during our year 10, 11 and 12. We would do let's say English math science at high school then spend 2/3 days at tafe. Dont quote me on this as it was in 2009-11 😂😂 very long time ago but our high school did offer that. But unaware if he did it at the same time, but he did attend formal. Once we completed our courses we would be able to do work during those days we used to attend tafe. Again. I'm not sure in Sam's case. I'm saying that was just our school..

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Quote from the female reporter in the video who spoke to the couple:

'...left so frightened by Wednesday's ordeal that they are moving out this evening....' (at about the 1:52 point)

(obviously this goes against what Sam's dad said in presser)

I'd say he would have been shaken on day one. But some people get over it very quickly so that's what Bruce could be meaning. Once he left the house he was over it and fine imo.

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I'd say he would have been shaken on day one. But some people get over it very quickly so that's what Bruce could be meaning. Once he left the house he was over it and fine imo.

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I think the left next day so frightened is the reporter assuming due to him moving. I think the parents state during press conference needs to consider the fact they had 2 horrific weeks, no sleep extreme stress and knew nothing at that stage. So running on robotic time. That's why I think wife nudged him a couple times I think everything would have been surreal.

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We were offered to do multiple courses during our year 10, 11 and 12. We would do let's say English math science at high school then spend 2/3 days at tafe. Dont quote me on this as it was in 2009-11 [emoji23][emoji23] very long time ago but our high school did offer that. But unaware if he did it at the same time, but he did attend formal. Once we completed our courses we would be able to do work during those days we used to attend tafe. Again. I'm not sure in Sam's case. I'm saying that was just our school..

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Yes I confirmed the formal by photos [emoji4]

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Yes I confirmed the formal by photos [emoji4]

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Not saying he didn't finish school. Just throwing it out there: did he go to the formal as someone's date? Did he get to attend the formal but not actually pass/complete/finish year 12?

Lots of schools do offer school based trainee/apprenticeships even now so yes that's possible.

Just saying his FB makes it feel like that was some mooching around between school and tafe.

If he was a UC then AD and RB will be in deep poop. If he was a CI, it won't be as big a deal as killing a police officer IMO. Because very few CI's are informing solely out of a sense of civic duty. So it's possible some illegal behaviour may come to light regarding ST. It doesn't mean he deserved to die. But I think it may lessen public sympathy for ST if say, it turned out he was a massive class A drug mover.


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So Sam was 17 yrs old at this time? Maybe the same time he "left" high school? When did Sam do his tafe course for childcare?

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Just looking at Sam's employment posts on his FB some of you were raising questions about his childcare jobs

4/2/2011 Says he needs a job
6/2/2011 First day at Redcliffe TAFE (Certificate in Chilcare)
1/3/2011 Says he needs a job
8/6/2011 Says he really needs a job
29/8/2011 Was working at an ABC Chilcare Centre

3/6/2013 Finally a shift...desperate times call for desperate measures...also a message "if you're chasing g give Sam a c"
22/3/2013 Day off again
24/9/2013 Back to working with the kids

30/4/2014 No work until 15/5/2014
30/4/2014 Moving out of parents home
29/6/2014 Whoever said money couldn't buy happiness
24/8/2014 Too many Dealz
16/10/2014 Should I buy Gucci bucket hat for $300
5/12/2014 Family member mentions quality...are you talking about furniture
13/12/2014 Lift for $$$
3/12/2014 Getting licence and becoming debt-free...feeling like a free man

6/1/2016 Rolling up fresh out of Bald Hills
19/1/2016 Overseas travels began...London and Europe
24/9/2016 Hold-up/Robbery at family home
16/11/2016 Looking for a room to rent

For those of you without FB...It appears to me that the childcare jobs were fairly scattered over the years.

Seek...Here is the post I did on Page 1 of this thread with timeline taken from Sam's Facebook page with dates etc, for those who don't have Facebook...

7/2/2011...First day at Tafe for Certificate 3 in Childcare Services
5/5/2011...He stated off to Tafe again (after school holidays?)
10/5/2011...He stated that the Govt called him because he left school early.
Ps - I've just switched to the paid version so my name might look different? But it's still me [emoji4]

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Ps - I've just switched to the paid version so my name might look different? But it's still me [emoji4]

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You look the same to me. Natty white kitty in the pic and all [emoji119][emoji192][emoji119]

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Seek...Here is the post I did on Page 1 of this thread with timeline taken from Sam's Facebook page with dates etc, for those who don't have Facebook...

7/2/2011...First day at Tafe for Certificate 3 in Childcare Services
5/5/2011...He stated off to Tafe again (after school holidays?)
10/5/2011...He stated that the Govt called him because he left school early.

I just looked to see what this 'leave school early' status on Sam's FB page meant.

Apparently, when Qld students leave school before graduating - in Years 10, 11 or early in Year 12 - a representative of the Qld Govt contacts the students to find out their plans for the future. This has been happening since 2007, and continues today.

The rep asks questions such as ... are they moving on to other education, are they going into an employment-based training program, are they going to work, are they not going to work or other education/training?

So, it seems to me that if Sam did attend the school formal, it may have been by special permission or as someone's date.

The 2011 Early School Leavers survey was the fifth statewide survey of the destinations of students who left Queensland schools in Years 10, 11 or early in Year 12. The survey results show the initial study and work destinations of young people after leaving school during 2010.

Summary results of the 2011 Early School Leavers survey show:

- the majority of early school leavers (68.2 per cent) were studying or in paid employment at the time of the survey
- students undertaking campus-based VET programs accounted for 15.9 per cent of all early school leavers
- employment-based training accounted for 23.1 per cent of early school leavers, either in apprenticeships (18.4 per cent) or traineeships (4.7 per cent)
- a further 29.3 per cent of early school leavers were not participating in education or training but had entered employment, with 13.5 per cent engaged in full-time work, 15.8 per cent in part-time work
- the remaining 31.8 per cent of early school leavers were either looking for work (23.3 per cent) or not in the labour force, education or training (8.5 per cent).

I think legally in QLD they have to be at school working a certain minimum of hours or full time study.

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I think legally in QLD they have to be at school working a certain minimum of hours or full time study.

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Yes, apparently you need to be in school fulltime until you are 16 or finish Year 10 (whichever comes first).

After that, you must be earning or learning for at least 25 hours a week - until you turn 17.

In Queensland, you have to go to school from when you turn 6 until you turn 16 or you finish Year 10, whichever comes first.

After that, although you don't have to go to school, the law says that you must be "learning or earning" - that is, you must either stay in school or participate in another form of education, training or work for at least 25 hours a week. This "learning or earning" phase continues until:

two years have passed since you finish Year 10; or
you turn 17; or
you have gained a certificate of achievement, senior statement, Certificate III or Certificate IV; or

This might mean you:
go to college or a high school and complete your schooling;
enrol at TAFE;
undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship (you can use these subjects towards your QCE); or
do a training course at university or through a private provider.
work full time (for at least 25 hours a week).

Sorry going a little OT but now it's been a month almost in jail what do we all think they'll plead ? I am curious about 2 things ?
1. They seem to be going to court seperate so not charged together and they would have them total seperate prisons etc so lots of time alone to think and NOT know what the other is saying

2. I'm wondering if one turns who do we think will

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I just looked to see what this 'leave school early' status on Sam's FB page meant.

Apparently, when Qld students leave school before graduating - in Years 10, 11 or early in Year 12 - a representative of the Qld Govt contacts the students to find out their plans for the future. This has been happening since 2007, and continues today.

The rep asks questions such as ... are they moving on to other education, are they going into an employment-based training program, are they going to work, are they not going to work or other education/training?

So, it seems to me that if Sam did attend the school formal, it may have been by special permission or as someone's date.

FWIW my son was asked to leave school ( state school Qld) in 2007 and later attended the formal with his then girlfriend of the same school, now happily married. I started his apprenticeship and he hasn't looked back....Thanks to the gods.

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FWIW my son was asked to leave school ( state school Qld) in 2007 and later attended the formal with his then girlfriend of the same school, now happily married. I started his apprenticeship and he hasn't looked back....Thanks to the gods.

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Apprenticeships and trade schools are fabulous. Not everyone is cut out for 'regular' school, where the opportunities to work with your hands are fairly limited. My brothers all completed apprenticeships, too, and became successful in their own trades.

My daughter's 1st Grade teacher told me once that she thought boys should start school a year later than girls or the current age set to start school ... as most of them cannot even sit still for more than a moment for that first year of school. lol

Sorry going a little OT but now it's been a month almost in jail what do we all think they'll plead ? I am curious about 2 things ?
1. They seem to be going to court seperate so not charged together and they would have them total seperate prisons etc so lots of time alone to think and NOT know what the other is saying

2. I'm wondering if one turns who do we think will

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If they were both heavy drug users, I'd imagine that aspect has been a hard slog.

I'd think in some ways AD may enough the "macho"Ness of jail but the lack of freedom may bother him.

I'd imagine if RB is not some sort of career criminal, jail, even remand where people behave pretty well, may be extremely confronting for him.

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