Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #7

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Did you read any of our posts previously? We have written more than 5 times now that W did not hit/assault Tostee.

WARRIENA TRIED TO HIT HIM BUT DID NOT. However, the Defence Barrister said "tried to hit him" once and then continued through his whole argument that she hit him. Perhaps that is where you are getting confused. I stated this earlier on this thread!

Please give us a link but not from the Defence Barrster.

Please read:

[h=3]Criminal Code 1899 - SECT 245[/h] 245 Definition of assault 245 Definition of assault
(1) A person who strikes, touches, or moves, or otherwise applies force of any kind to, the person of another, either directly or indirectly, without the other person's consent, or with the other person's consent if the consent is obtained by fraud, or who by any bodily act or gesture attempts or threatens to apply force of any kind to the person of another without the other person's consent, under such circumstances that the person making the attempt or threat has actually or apparently a present ability to effect the person's purpose, is said to assault that other person, and the act is called an assault.
(2) In this section—
applies force includes the case of applying heat, light, electrical force, gas, odour, or any other substance or thing whatever if applied in such a degree as to cause injury or personal discomfort.​

The Prosecutor says she climbed over. That is the Crown's position. She climbed over herself unaided.

Thank you for this Elde Fruit, but I am curious to know how you believe Warriena achieved this impossible feat of climbing over within a matter of seconds, using only one hand?
Elde, please for give my double post, but just in case you missed it, i'd like to hear your take on this :

Elde Fruit, you do appear to have a close affinity with Tostee. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to what did happen during that full minute Tostee was on the balcony with Warriena and how she made it over the balcony and onto the ground 14 floors below within seconds of Tostee closing the door. And how she got over the railing using only one hand (as only one of her handprints was found on the railing).

I have responded already.
I wonder whatever happened to that pillowcase.... It's a mystery for someone so clean and particular about their decorative rocks to be so lax about dressing their bed fully.

Ho hum.

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I wouldn't be surprised to find that Gabe ate it.. He looks like he has eaten everything else..
TY Trooper and sleepinoz - guess I'll just keep on happily scrolling and not reading (works for me!) :dance:
To be fair there is nothing to suggest the pillowcase was there before the evening started, however you would have thought a hot stud wouldn't want his conquests to see the disgusting brown pillow .

Agreed about there being nothing to suggest etc... And I should have stated is IMO only. I would bet my bottom dollar that if they found that pillowcase, they would find her saliva on it. IMO only again, but I would honestly bet everything I own on that having been used as a gag.

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Thank you for this Elde Fruit, but I am curious to know how you believe Warriena achieved this impossible feat of climbing over within a matter of seconds, using only one hand?

I have no idea. That is (well, was) for the Crown to explain. Why do you assert she climbed over using one hand. The Police re-enactment did not take that form.
I have no idea. That is (well, was) for the Crown to explain. Why do you assert she climbed over using one hand. The Police re-enactment did not take that form.

Again, what is the point of you commenting if your only line is "the Crown doesn't say that" and "that's for the Crown to explain"

Do you understand what this forum is for?

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Elde, please for give my double post, but just in case you missed it, i'd like to hear your take on this :

Elde Fruit, you do appear to have a close affinity with Tostee. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to what did happen during that full minute Tostee was on the balcony with Warriena and how she made it over the balcony and onto the ground 14 floors below within seconds of Tostee closing the door. And how she got over the railing using only one hand (as only one of her handprints was found on the railing).

Looking at the re-enactment photos she was hanging from the corner, which on Tostees balcony is where the sunbed is. Did she move there after "climbing over one handed" then fell in a matter of seconds? If she had used the sunbed to help her climb wouldn't there be evidence found on the sunbed - finger prints/ palm print etc. Just seems an odd place to be, I wonder where the palm print was found?
I have no idea. That is (well, was) for the Crown to explain. Why do you assert she climbed over using one hand. The Police re-enactment did not take that form.

My understanding of the evidence is that police found a single handprint of Warriena's on the railing. If I am wrong, I'd be grateful if someone could correct me.
Looking at the re-enactment photos she was hanging from the corner, which on Tostees balcony is where the sunbed is. Did she move there after "climbing over one handed" then fell in a matter of seconds? If she had used the sunbed to help her climb wouldn't there be evidence found on the sunbed - finger prints/ palm print etc. Just seems an odd place to be, I wonder where the palm print was found?

If she really did climb over that balcony herself, surely there would be quite a few handprints. How can we find out about where that handprint was?
I think it was clarified that 'untie' was actually 'May tie', the martial art. I don't have a link.

I thought you meant the drink, mai tai and then I read it again and you had said martial arts. I did not know how to spell it at first.

Muay Thai is a combat sport of Thailand that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques. This physical and mental discipline which includes combat on shins is known as "the art of eight limbs" because it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, shins, being associated with a good physical preparation that makes a full-contact fighter very efficient.

Are you going to Muay Thai me? does not make sense either.
I'm worrying about as much as a guy who gets pizza after a girl falls from his balcony worries about it.


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If you read what he wrote here, I think he is genuinely upset about the tragic accident, and does care about what happened to WW.

Regarding the balcony tragedy

This is not addressed to any one audience but I figured that being a long term member here I would post it here in public for anyone to read in its entirety.

I think it's time I spoke out about the events that have happened over the last few months. Those aware will know I am referring to the tragic death of Warriena Wright. So far I've been silent about the whole thing which has left my hands tied while so many misconceptions and untruths are being circulated in the media and in the public. This has been extraordinarily difficult, and I have grown to believe my silence may have done more harm than good.

So now you can hear it from me.

First off let me say that the death of Warriena was the most tragic and distressing event I have ever experienced. Knowing I was the last person to be with her, it has left me permanently scarred and not a day passes that I don't wish I could go back in time and prevent it. For at least a week after it happened I was so overwhelmed I was unable to laugh or even crack a smile. I broke down in tears several times a day, or whenever I saw her picture in the news. I never expected I would ever experience something like this, nor did I have any idea how much it would affect me. Even though I had only known her for a night I was horrified that this had happened to her. I would never wish for it to happen to anybody.

While I have not had the chance to meet or speak to Warriena's family, it pains me to think of the loss and suffering they must be experiencing.

The media has been absolutely disgraceful in its handling of this. From day one all they cared about was having a story. They don't care about the truth or right or wrong. They have no respect for the dignity of the people involved. A young woman had died and they needed a villain. My silence only fuelled peoples' imagination, and the media did everything they could to exploit that, including lying and misleading. They did everything they could to establish me as an evil monster, a portrayal which could not be further from the truth.

My night with Warriena was intended to be relaxed and fun. She was on holidays and we decided to meet up for drinks after matching and chatting on Tinder. At first we got along great but as the night continued her behaviour became strange and she became increasingly aggressive. I'm not sure whether she found it amusing but it was getting out of hand. She kept hitting me, taunting me, throwing my stuff around and trashing my apartment. For the last couple of hours with her most of my efforts were spent trying to placate her in the hope that she would calm down. I have always been happy to have girls stay overnight but eventually her behaviour became too overbearing and I decided I wanted her to leave. I tried to make her leave but instead of leaving she grabbed a nearby metal object and tried to swing it at me. This is where the alleged “choking” sounds began. I never deliberately choked her or put my hands around her neck, all I did was try to remove the weapon from her. If I wanted to choke her out then it probably wouldn't have been hard, but I did not do that as I did not want to hurt her. A less forgiving man could have quite conceivably exercised less restraint and retaliated violently. I did what I did to prevent further physical conflict and de-escalate the situation as best as I could.

The “bad girl” comment was me frustratingly trying to tell her that I already tried to make her leave in response to her claiming she wanted to go home. In the heat of the moment and given the fact that I had been drinking all night, eloquence was not my first priority.

The struggle took place about 2-3 metres away from the rear glass doors that lead to my balcony. My front door was about 10m away, and has an automatic closer and lock which I would have had to flick then hold open while trying to force her out. This would have been much more difficult and wasn't really an option. Putting her outdoors would have meant I could separate her from me and keep an eye on her through the glass doors until she either calmed down or I called someone like security or police to take her away. Never in my wildest imagination did I expect what happened next.

My balcony was an outdoor living area in itself and a defining feature of the apartment, about 3.5x5.5m in size with spectacular views. It was not small or claustrophobic nor was it inherently dangerous. I have had countless guests in that apartment and previous high rise apartments who I have enjoyed relaxing with out on the balcony. Here are a couple of pictures of my apartment and outdoor area:

After shutting the door I turned my back and retreated, and literally about 10 seconds later when I turned around and looked through the glass I only briefly for a fraction of a second saw Warriena on the other side of the railing before she disappeared out of view. She never tried to get back in, bang on the door or even cry out to me or anyone else. She climbed over without any warning. I was too far away to react. At the time I couldn't tell if she had fallen or climbed down to another floor. All I knew was that she was no longer there. How could anybody possibly expect someone to fall to their death within seconds of being on a balcony without any warning? It is not as if I locked her there and left her for hours. I was in disbelief.

Trying to keep my composure as much as possible I quickly realised that it would be extremely foolish to go back out on the balcony in case she had indeed fallen and someone saw me standing near the edge. The only sensible thing I could think to do at the time was call my lawyer, who would know what to do. Of course, the call didn't go through.

I did not “flee” the scene as it has been claimed. I went downstairs to see if I could find out what happened. When I reached the lobby I saw flashing emergency lights coming from outside. At this point it dawned on me that something serious had happened. I was terrified, exhausted, intoxicated, and quite disorientated and all I wanted to do was get advice. I knew if I walked into police I could have been held under suspicion without legal representation, a situation nobody would want to be in. I resorted to leaving the building and calling my Dad.

It's easy for readers to say what they would have done given hindsight, but it is impossible to know how you would react if you weren't there.

While I was waiting to meet my Dad I bought a slice of pizza to curb my hunger and anxiety. It was the most convenient thing I could find at that hour. Anyone familiar with the area will know that there are pizza venues that sell slices over the counter on every corner. The suggestion that I casually or leisurely indulged in a meal is absolutely outrageous. I was anything but casual. I had to eat because I was hungry, anxious, and intoxicated, and a slice of pizza was the easiest meal I could find.

As soon as I was able to obtain legal advice and representation I presented myself to the police who examined me later that day. I didn't go home, I didn't sleep, I didn't even shower until that evening when I was released. That night, the police seized my phone and my parents' phones, where they found the recording. While I did not expect them to seize it, it is completely untrue that I tried to delete it, as it proved what happened.

By friday night, the media frenzy was in full swing, and they had already picked me as the villain.

Over the next week I was overwhelmed with attacks and accusations on all fronts. I was extremely distressed about Warriena's death while facing ruthless media accusations, lies, defamation and character assassination all while my hands were tied in my attempt to remain silent. Everything I said was twisted against me.

One week later I was awoken by detectives while I was asleep at my parents' home, arrested and charged with murder. I was shocked. Without trial I was sent to prison where I had to stay while refusing to discuss my matter and being subject to threats, persistent questions and suspicion from other inmates, and eventually physical assault (being punched in the face for refusing to talk) for at least two weeks until my initial bail hearing where the police version of the transcript, and the admission that I was not on the balcony finally emerged. The hearing was adjourned and I spent a total of a bit over 3 months in custody until I was, thankfully, granted bail. The waiting, not knowing, and the prospect of spending the next 2-3 years in jail for something I did not do and which I would never dream of, was the most stressful period I have been through. I suffered almost daily headaches, anxiety, and insomnia.

Being granted bail was an enormous relief, but I am facing a difficult road ahead. I have numerous restrictions, reporting conditions, and a 9pm-5am curfew.

Not only have the facts been grossly misrepresented, the media has also vilified me to the point that my character and image has been destroyed beyond repair. Even many of those level headed enough to look objectively at the facts and understand that I am innocent still succumb to the media portrayal of me as a creepy, disrespectful, or otherwise unsavoury character. I have read so many things that I can't believe are supposedly about me. I have read that I have followed girls to their cars at night, or that I hung around in clubs preying on drunk girls while sober myself - things which are completely untrue. I have read that I used a telescope and a drone to spy on girls. I owned a telescope and a $100 drone which I occasionally used not to spy on anyone, but for simple leisure purposes. I have lived in high rises with spectacular views so naturally I bought a telescope. It's no different to owning a pair of binoculars.

It has been claimed that I was on Tinder “looking for love” the night after Warriena died – another vicious lie. I downloaded the app on a replacement phone in order to deactivate my account. I did not speak to anybody on Tinder after Warriena's death, and the last thing on my mind was finding a date. I did not go out to socialise even once in that week following.

The media has fabricated stories about me having cameras to film “homemade *advertiser censored*" – a lie which was confirmed by the head detective to be “outrageous”. See

I had two security cameras in my previous apartment (one looking at the front door and one looking at the living room) which were solely for security purposes, and came in handy for example when I was able to retrieve my wallet from a girl who stole it.

I regularly made audio recordings of my drunk nights on the town in case something happened. I kept them for myself but didn't need to listen to them 99% of the time. It's so easy to do using a smartphone and comes at such a small cost, and sometimes the recordings have been invaluable.

I may have my eccentricities, and I may have had my fair share of drunk nights out on the town. Nobody who knows me would agree with the media's portrayal of me or describe me as a bad or violent person.

Most of my posts on here, especially those detailing my Tinder interactions, have been for entertainment purposes and do not truly represent who I am, so it is massively unfair for the media to paint a picture of me based on a few of the 5000+ posts they have carefully picked.

I have had minor encounters with the law in the past, including throwing an egg at someone, being involved in a small homemade fake ID racket among me and my friends when we were 18 and a few drink driving incidents. I'm not defending these actions but they were not of a malicious nature, and I am currently undergoing treatment for my binge drinking issues. It has been reported that I supposedly assaulted and abused a police officer earlier in the year – also a fabrication. The charge was obstruct police and public nuisance for failing to withdraw $10 quickly enough to pay for a rickshaw. I actually had my phone recording during this incident too – have a listen for yourself.

Currently I am living at my parents' home, settling in. Everything has changed profoundly and I have a long road ahead of me.

I know my lawyers might crucify me for writing this but I feel that I needed to speak out as I have had no voice so far and have sustained so much abuse having my hands tied. I am not afraid of the truth. I know I am innocent, I will be fighting the charge and I want to thank those who have understood and supported me. I look forward to this matter being resolved so that everyone involved can achieve closure.

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