
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Autopsy states she was wearing only one glass stud earring.......will be very telling if LE found the mate to that earring in the Cooper's home. More than likely he would not have noticed she had on only one earring when disposing of her and therefore would not have known to search the room for the missing earring.

Maybe with any luck, they found out what car wash he took the 325 i to to vacuum out the "spilled gas" and found the mate in the vacuum cannister.
Maybe with any luck, they found out what car wash he took the 325 i to to vacuum out the "spilled gas" and found the mate in the vacuum cannister.

I was hoping the earring mate would be found stuck to the trunk mat or somehow in one of the pillows they removed or something. A vacuum at a car wash is so unbelievably elusive. But stranger things have happened.
Maybe with any luck, they found out what car wash he took the 325 i to to vacuum out the "spilled gas" and found the mate in the vacuum cannister.

Would there have been a warrant for this - or not necessarily? (ie, if car wash owner agrees, then no warrant is necessary perhaps?)
Based on the information that has been released so far...I would say it is unlikely that he will ever be charged. This one will be hard to prove.
Based on the information that has been released so far...I would say it is unlikely that he will ever be charged. This one will be hard to prove.
Why do you think that? They've released so little at this point.
Would there have been a warrant for this - or not necessarily? (ie, if car wash owner agrees, then no warrant is necessary perhaps?)

Not necessarily, the search warrant. Why would the owner refuse to let LE look, he has no dog in the fight or breach of confidentiality.
I just pulled out my daughters book"BODIES of EVIDENCE" by Brian Innes, chapter is 'Breath of Life.' Here are a few sentences I found interesting and of some help.

If the strangler has kept the pressure up for some time, the characteristic congestion and petechiae will be seen in the face of the victim. If, on the other hand death takes place within a few seconds, they do not appear.

Congestion, cyanosis and petechiae will develop if the pressure is maintained for more than 15 seconds. A strip of soft fabric is likely to leave a relatively faint and undefined mark; a broad cloth, such as a scarf or towel, can leave one or more narrow marks. If the killer has attacked from behind, the mark will be only across the front of the throat.
Ms. Jilly :blowkiss:

The hyoid bone often is damaged during strangulation efforts, it becomes more subject to damage with age as well. It does not take a great deal of effort to damage this skeletal component. One thing I do know - I hope they get this sucker for premeditation - it can take up to 4 minutes to kill someone this way. In four minutes one has plenty of time to make a decision to stop and seek assistance for the victim. He definitely meant to kill her.

Hey RC! :blowkiss: Thanks for the additional info on it not taking much effort to fracture that bone.
I agree premed for sure.

The AR says"....she died of external causes, homicidal violence, most likely asphyxia by strangulation."
What does external causes mean? And, with them saying this, is there a possibility she was alive at the time she was left?
external cause = someone else did it (i.e. not self-inflicted)
Hey RC! :blowkiss: Thanks for the additional info on it not taking much effort to fracture that bone.
I agree premed for sure.

The AR says"....she died of external causes, homicidal violence, most likely asphyxia by strangulation."
What does external causes mean? And, with them saying this, is there a possibility she was alive at the time she was left/

I'm thinking that is a way of saying the death was definitely not natural and the cause was the application of some force to her body under a violent circumstance. These things to me are hard to determine from these reports as there will be an analysis of the bone in an effort to determine the angle of the pressure and the force. All the report says is that it happened. The notes will tell if they believe it was a frontal assault or if it was applied from behind - too many things unknown.
I agree with this theory. Getting a sports bra on and over the shoulders is a LOT of work even when you're alive and trying to put one on. I think he got it as far down as he could and gave up (rather than the opposite of pulling it up to stage it).
She was in a black, gray & red athletic bra and supposedly had on a white t-shirt when she went jogging....:waitasec: BC should have put a white or light colored bra on NC since he stated she had a white t-shirt on.
She was in a black, gray & red athletic bra and supposedly had on a white t-shirt when she went jogging....:waitasec: BC should have put a white or light colored bra on NC since he stated she had a white t-shirt on.
Doesn't seem like he put any tshirt on her (let alone shorts, socks or shoes). :rolleyes:

ETA: but don't forget he said he 'assumed' what she was wearing since he didn't actually see her leave to go 'jogging.'
She was in a black, gray & red athletic bra and supposedly had on a white t-shirt when she went jogging....:waitasec: BC should have put a white or light colored bra on NC since he stated she had a white t-shirt on.

One thing about this - K & B must be going nuts trying to get LE to tell them if there were any other items of clothing found in the area where Nancy was found that were turned in for analysis. They must be wondering the same thing we are - WTH - no clothing except a sports bra ? No shoes, no socks, no shorts, nothing else, no signs of sexual assualt, no id, no money, nothing worth stealing except maybe one earring...hmmmmm.

Bet they are none to happy with this development. :dance:

Wonder if Nancy had stopped wearing her wedding ring or if the killer has it. No watch, considering she was suppose to be somewhere at 8 am and in photos of her running she appears to have some timing device on her wrist.
I was hoping the earring mate would be found stuck to the trunk mat or somehow in one of the pillows they removed or something. A vacuum at a car wash is so unbelievably elusive. But stranger things have happened.

I've already forgotten:bang: but when exactly did LE do a search in the house?
I would guess that she lost that earring when she was struggling with him in which case there's a good chance that BC found it before LE. STILL, it was a stud. They're hard to find at the best of times when you lose one. Even if you lose the backing the stud can hang on for awhile.
Doesn't seem like he put any tshirt on her (let alone shorts, socks or shoes). :rolleyes:

ETA: but don't forget he said he 'assumed' what she was wearing since he didn't actually see her leave to go 'jogging.'

The LE affidavit states BC said in fact he saw her in a white t-shirt. What I am saying if she had left home with a white t'shirt on would she be wearing this black bra? Just points to what most of us know...she never went jogging or she would have had a white or light colored bra on.
I am wondering if the way she was found (without shoes and socks, etc.) led LE to be so suspicious of Brad that that was the impetus for them to give custody to the Rentzs. Could they see the obvious lie he told that she went jogging?
I don't know if this has already been posted...

Also in light of the autopsy report Cooper's family released a statement. "Today's news marks a point that is particularly poignant and painful but necessary to further the evidentiary process leading to a conviction of the person or persons responsible for Nancy's murder."

Also WTVD came on just now about NC case and said see what the family has to say about the release of the autopsy. I don't know if they are going to be on camera or not...
The LE affidavit states BC said in fact he saw her in a white t-shirt. What I am saying if she had left home with a white t'shirt on would she be wearing this black bra? Just points to what most of us know...she never went jogging or she would have had a white or light colored bra on.

good point! This was a woman who was trying to start a fashion consulting business...she would not have paired a black running bra w/a white Tshirt.
I am wondering if the way she was found (without shoes and socks, etc.) led LE to be so suspicious of Brad that that was the impetus for them to give custody to the Rentzs. Could they see the obvious lie he told that she went jogging?

JMO - on the 14th, Chief Bazemore was saying this was not a random crime - LE already knew something. Finding the body and what was present and what was not, as well as the ruling of homicide - definitely shows Nancy never left the house under her own power to go running. The absence of clothing says she didn't go running, the single stud earring says she wasn't snatched for a robbery, and the lack of a sexual assault indicates there was no intent on the part of the killer to do so. Could be all of these things were relayed to Judge Sasser.
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