AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #2

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Oh, that's what I'm praying for too. It would make sense for the Texas couple to lawyer up for fear of kidnapping charges.

Carbajal said, "We are getting information that Gabriel is alive but, I can't go any further and jeopardize our investigation."

Keeping fingers crossed!


Yes - things are looking more positive. Natisha Lance, a producer on NG (whom I would so much prefer see as the host of the show instead of NG), was just interviewed on HLN and said the same thing -- so maybe very soon . . .?

(Like RIGHT NOW, and preferably not during the NG show BREAKING NEWS! so she can gush and act like she personally is responsible for the safe recovery of Baby Gabriel, and how she would feel if the twins were missing and then she got them back and then have to watch her tear up just thinking about it -- but really and truly, I could even put up with that to find out this beautiful baby boy is safe!)
IMO EJ is a nut job. I think she killed her baby. I hope i'm wrong, but her story seems a bit off, well a lot off.

I dont understand for the life of me why people have babies that they don't want or can't take care of. If EJ didnt want her baby then have an abortion or give it up for adoption legally or here's an idea, give it to the father. Why couldnt she do that? If he was unfit, take it to the courts. Our better yet, use birth control...

And the Smiths are loons too. Who defends someone they've been knowing for like 3-7 months? riiiiight. Why? They arent related to her, not her BFF, so why just take her word for it? Just crazy!

And who in their right mind is gonna threaten to kill a baby??!?! I wouldnt threaten anyone with killing their pet much less their own kid, just cause you are angry at them? Does that sound normal to anyone???
No one would go on TV accusing a father, they had never met, of abuse like TPS has done. Not only did they accuse him on national TV, but they lead Elizabeth into talking about his abuse during the phone interview, it was obvious. To add, they text the father that if he doesn't sign adoption papers he won't see his son again ? They can not pass that message off on Elizabeth, everyone knows you don't deliver messages like that to anyone.
Finally, regarding TPS and company, I still think she may be in on it. There is no mystery adoptive couple. If anything, it is someone TPS knows hiding the baby for her. By now, the whole country is aware of this case and it would be hard to hide a new addition to the family. Few would even want to do that, keep a baby illegally, that is. But, TPS would and I just know that LE is watching her and her husband carefully, tracking them, their calls, their statements and movements. I see TPS as the type to prey on the unstable, the young, bad mothers like EJ, etc, so she can satisfy a need to "rescue" a baby and prove she is a hero.

I have so many theories roaming my head on this case. I don't feel I can pick any one theory at this time and stick with it. But reading this part of your post, led me to this theory and I wanted to share.

Maybe this explains WHY EJ took Gabe to SA. To throw everyone off the Smith's trail. Maybe that's why she felt comfortable "giving her baby away, because she had done it before (LITERALLY)".

Just a thought.
I hope LE is looking into all connections the Smith's have in and around SA, as well as their whereabouts during the timeframe that EJ was there.
EJ likes to use the baby as a bargaining chip - plotting one person against the other by dangling Gabriel over their heads like a puppet, also using the baby as revenge against her ex by stomping his feelings with rhetoric about "you'll never see him again" And that she killed him. She is a deranged, manipulative, probably sociopathic person who never had maternal feelings towards the poor baby.
TS gives me the creeps. As far as feeling "sorry" for an infertile couple who are desperate, do you folks know her history? She HAS children that are grown, with a whole dysfunctional story surrounding them. Too long for me to repeat here, but it is in this thread back a few pages.
The only person I believe in this entire mess is Logan and EJ's grandfather. They ain't perfect, but truthful IMO. Everyone else is FOS.
Waiting for more to be revealed tonight - NG has been featuring it on her show each night, as well as JVM.
EJ said that Logan informed her that she would be charged with Kidnapping (I understood this call was after the hearing where he was given custody). If so, I wonder when exactly this call occurred and if it had anything to do with her actions related to Gabriel (whatever they were).

Not saying anything was wrong with what Logan told her (if he did), I would have done the same.
If it it turns out to be true she did stay at two hotels....I really cannot fathom where she got all this money from then. Selling her dogs and whatever other crock o' story they tried to tell isn't cutting it for me. She had to have a nice chunk of change to make this trip with all that was involved.

I agree. I'd like to add in support of this theory, that the Smith's claim when EJ picked up Gabe she said she was taking him to see his father. They acted as though they were victims too, yet they still defend EJ. So I have to question, if they didn't even know EJ was taking Gabe to SA, how did they know WHERE she got the money for it? What sense would it make for EJ to just randomly call them and say "Yeah, I got some money from selling my dogs, and from renting a room to my cousin, and got my last unemployment check" ??? No sense that I can see. They are defending her, and they have a reason for that.
And also, why would EJ just call and tell them the text she sent to Logan about killing Gabe wasn't true and that he was OK???
Sounds to me like these people were in touch with EJ every step of this "trip". If EJ had decided that it wouldn't work to adopt Gabe out to them, what reason does she have for continuuing to keep them updated on her "trip"???

Not to mention, if I was expecting to adopt a child, and the mother came to pick him up to "see his dad" and just took off to another state, was texting the father that she'd killed him, etc, and then allegedly just handed him over to some random couple she met in a park, I would be FURIOUS, DEPRESSED, IRATE etc etc etc. I have no understanding of why they want to defend her if her "Story" is true.
Just for reference, the weather on December 26th in San Antonio as per NOAA

Temperature (F)

High 59 3:26pm
Low 31 6:59am
Avg 45

Possible Sunshine 22 percent

Seems like a drab and chilly day to be taking your baby to the park.
Non Refundable (Web Discounted) fare on Greyhound from San Antonio to Miami Beach. $127.50
Non Refundable (Non Web) fare $150.00

HomeGate Studios and Suites on San Pedro Avenue
Cheapest room available: Daily rate which totals $314.93 for a week.

and the Quality Inn and Suites Fiesta Park on Interstate 10.
As cheap as $45.99 per night for a smoking room and $49.99 per night for non-smoking. ($321.93 to $349.93 for a week)

These estimations were done using Jan. 20th through 27th as the dates. Perhaps the hotels had higher rates or discounts for this being the week of Christmas. So this should only be considered an estimation.

Also there would be money needed for gas, and possibly other hotels on the drive to SA. As well as necessities for Gabe (I hope).
Just for reference, the weather on December 26th in San Antonio as per NOAA

Temperature (F)

High 59 3:26pm
Low 31 6:59am
Avg 45

Possible Sunshine 22 percent

Seems like a drab and chilly day to be taking your baby to the park.
Especially since she was coming from Phoenix.
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned - I am still catching up.

During the 1/6 interview on GMA, TPS said that EJ told them she does not know anything about the couple other than caucasian, young, woman named Cheryl. That she did not want to remember anything because it might have led her to change her mind.

Then TPS said that EJ asked her to send along a message to Logan - "If he will sign the papers, I will bring the baby back."

Okay, did I hear that right? If EJ knows nothing else about the couple she gave the baby to - then how is she going to magically remember details that help her contact them and get Gabriel back, once he signs his rights away?

Did any interviewers or media catch that and follow up on it?

Excellent question!
gitana1... I think it was you that referenced awhile back that Tammi had lost custody of her kids, and it was a whole dysfunctional mess... but I can't find the posts you were talking about that explained that.

Could you please just give me the cliff's note version of what you are talking about? I'll love ya even more than I already do!
Ok wait, how much money did she get for selling the dogs and what not? 500 or more than that???

Also, if she had like 500-900 bucks and the greyhound ticket aint that much and i'm very familiar with San Antonio. There are tons of hotels . If she stayed anywhere outside of downtown SA then there are plenty of cheap places she could have stayed or better yet a Hostel.

How long was she down there like a couple of days?? What happened to all the money? I wonder if she had a lot on her? What if she gave the baby away and gave the people money too. Not that I believe this. I still think she murdered the baby and probably dumped him in the murky Riverwalk or the SA river.
gitana1... I think it was you that referenced awhile back that Tammi had lost custody of her kids, and it was a whole dysfunctional mess... but I can't find the posts you were talking about that explained that.

Could you please just give me the cliff's note version of what you are talking about? I'll love ya even more than I already do!

That info was posted in the first thread for Gabe here at WS.
It was from Tammi's blog from FB (Or could have been from CafeMom, I can't remember).

It basically said she was abused as a child by her father. She married at 16 and was divorced and remarried by 18. Had 3 children with her 2nd husband who abused her (at least sexually). He had the Dr's put her on meds that left her dazed. She secretly weened herself off the meds and eventually left him. After a time, she felt that trying to get custody of the children was only causing them more pain because he would treat them badly for loving her, and she gave up rights. She said she has a good relationship with the children now.
gitana1... I think it was you that referenced awhile back that Tammi had lost custody of her kids, and it was a whole dysfunctional mess... but I can't find the posts you were talking about that explained that.

Could you please just give me the cliff's note version of what you are talking about? I'll love ya even more than I already do!

Others know more about this than I do so hopefully they will respond... I THINK Tammi Smith wrote about this on the web and makes a lot of different claims, but she did loose custody and the kids went to live with their dad in Louisiana. Of course, she makes other claims like she did it because he was turning them against her - he was abusive, etc.
That info was posted in the first thread for Gabe here at WS.
It was from Tammi's blog from FB (Or could have been from CafeMom, I can't remember).

It basically said she was abused as a child by her father. She married at 16 and was divorced and remarried by 18. Had 3 children with her 2nd husband who abused her (at least sexually). He had the Dr's put her on meds that left her dazed. She secretly weened herself off the meds and eventually left him. After a time, she felt that trying to get custody of the children was only causing them more pain because he would treat them badly for loving her, and she gave up rights. She said she has a good relationship with the children now.

Others know more about this than I do so hopefully they will respond... I THINK Tammi Smith wrote about this on the web and makes a lot of different claims, but she did loose custody and the kids went to live with their dad in Louisiana. Of course, she makes other claims like she did it because he was turning them against her - he was abusive, etc.
Thank you both so much for these posts! (Now, I'm going to go read them)!
Ok wait, how much money did she get for selling the dogs and what not? 500 or more than that???

Also, if she had like 500-900 bucks and the greyhound ticket aint that much and i'm very familiar with San Antonio. There are tons of hotels . If she stayed anywhere outside of downtown SA then there are plenty of cheap places she could have stayed or better yet a Hostel.


Was it the Smith's who bought the dogs?

I'm thinking the hotels were chosen because they would accept cash and for any other reasons that would have kept her off the radar.
Adding to the confusion about the bus and the abandoned car, the car was left near a Tornado Bus Lines Station. Not Greyhound. Tornado is a Spanish firm and I would imagine they specialize in trips across the border. Looking at the station on Google Maps, it just looks like a parking lot in the middle of nowhere with a couple of run down buildings. I don't imagine they have hourly runs to Miami there and I haven't been able to find any schedule online anywhere. So how did she know there would be a bus to Miami there when she went? Had she already checked it out? Was she even supposed to go to Miami? It seems as though LE were tipped off about this bus trip long before they found the car so I would assume someone from the company contacted them. She's got pretty distinguishing features.
Thanks I had been hearing Greyhound, but I looked and you are most definitely correct, it was Tornado. I got it up on Google and did some other digging on them.
They are very small, 1-4 employees. The company overall, if it is the same one, had a bad year in 2007. It appears to be the same company.
If you want to 'give your child away at a park, you don't have to travel far away.
So I don't buy that story at all.
Did the people at te park already have diapers, food, bottles?
So EJ was suppose to sell her 2 Yorkies, and everything she owned.......I don't buy that either.
Who bought the Yorkies? and how much did they buy them for?
Did anyone come forward?
No that story has to many loop holes in it.
Why are these people the Smith's helping her out with wild stories?
Just for reference, the weather on December 26th in San Antonio as per NOAA

Temperature (F)

High 59 3:26pm
Low 31 6:59am
Avg 45

Possible Sunshine 22 percent

Seems like a drab and chilly day to be taking your baby to the park.

Actually, that is a nice day in Texas! 59 degrees isnt chilly at all. The wind chill in Texas doesnt go that low mostly. So even if it was 45 degrees you would wear a light jacket. I know in Michigan, where I am from originally, 45 degrees is a death sentence.
New info from Mike Galanos on HLN.
EJ's parents are both deceased, history of drug abuse for both and placing EJ in foster care for most of her young life.
Otherwise, the other parts of the story we all know.
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