AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #23

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The comment that they wanted to watch the parents' behaviour was an actual quote by the chief in a print article. It is linked up-thread. It was an actual quote, not from a press conference.

Okay, I had only heard him at the presser making the comment about wanting them to get out in public at the beginning, that's very interesting. Was it in the last one he did in an article last week? By him saying that publicly, pretty much tells where their focus is in the investigation.
I disagree. My opinion - and it has evolved after watching information unfold -is that she is alive, tucked away with friends or relatives, because this is a scheme to generate publicity and money, albiet one that has gone terribly awry.

I think LE is on to this hoax and is waiting for one of the younger sons to crack, or to just have her reappear, etc etc. This will resolve and SC and BC will replace the Heane parents as ones synonymous with dumb hoaxes.

Then she's still not lost and there's no reason to worry because in your scenario the parents know where she is and are complicit in her being gone. If she's being taken care of for a hoax, no need to worry (right?). If she's dead and buried no one is hurting her (anymore), thus no need to worry.

In either scenario the parents know where she is. THEY are not worried. Why should the public worry? More and more I think this is a family matter for police to sort out, not the public. The public is not being asked to do anything by LE. People who donate money need to take a caveat emptor position.

If the Isa case is an inside situation with the family, that means there's no monster running around taking kids out of their homes in Tucson. For all intents and purposes it is not a missing person's case because Isa is not really missing if someone in the family knows where she is.

IMO, all the angst for Isa *if* the parents are involved would be appropriate to direct toward helping parents of missing children who really want and need help. Like Kyron Horman's parents as one example. Because the Celis parents? Aren't looking and don't need or want the public's help.
The comment that they wanted to watch the parents' behaviour was an actual quote by the chief in a print article. It is linked up-thread. It was an actual quote, not from a press conference.

That's how I remember it too...because I remember thinking how strange it was that a LEO would say that..never heard LE say anything like that before JMO
Are they supposed to seek out the media? Or is the media supposed to seek them out?
And to say what? If there is no new information, nothing new to tell the public, what are they supposed to say? They either know or they don't know what happened. They're either guilty of something or they're not. Pleading for Isa's return is pointless now, she is either already dead or she's someplace someone doesn't intend for her to ever be found and probably not watching t.v. No one is going to volunteer that information unless they have been charged with the crime and looking to get a deal. If the parents are responsible for her disappearance and LE has a case against one or both, then we will hear about it eventually. If they had nothing to do with it, it's a 50-50 chance LE will catch up to the perp sooner or later.
All we can do now is hope and pray that she will be found soon.

Agree - at this stage almost two months later it is rather pointless for the parents or family to use the media resources to plead for Isabel's safe return. That is something that should have occurred when she first went missing, and on a regular basis, not once or at the urging of LE to give media interviews. There was never any sense of urgency on their part for whoever has Isabel to bring her home, no impassioned plea for her safe return, no one telling her how much she's loved and to "just hang in there, we're doing everything we can to bring you home". Since all of that has been missing since the beginning, it is rather late to start pleading now. And it probably hasn't gone unnoticed by LE either.



At the 11:00 mark, reporter asks about parents talking to the media and once again, LE never told them not to talk to the media.

Two weeks prior to your video, a reporter gives a different story:


‪#IsabelCelis‬: Dad: police urged them to be careful the first few days not to get out on camera, but have encouraged them later
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11:35 AM - 4 May 12 via web · Embed this Tweet
Two weeks prior to your video, a reporter gives a different story:


‪#IsabelCelis‬: Dad: police urged them to be careful the first few days not to get out on camera, but have encouraged them later
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11:35 AM - 4 May 12 via web · Embed this Tweet

Yep and on the couch video SC said LE didn't want them to talk about the investigation. He should keep his stories straight, like LE said SC isn't consistent. I'll take what LE said over him. Not talking about an investigation that could be compromised isn't the same as not being on camera to get Isabel's face and info out there and talking to her and a possible suspect.
I've learned in seeing various cases unfold...if it smells bad and seems hinky it's because it is! Somehow, some way, eventually the truth or at least parts of the truth will emerge. It may not happen in a timeframe the public wants or demands, it might be years and years away, but the odds are something will leak out at some point. Be prepared to follow a case for many years, or even a decade or more, because sadly, that can happen, as we've seen. Justice is a slow process at best.
The media can't write a story that isn't there. They've written all here is to write as of now. Only new information from the parents or LE will generate new media.

This is where the opportunity comes in from the family to sit down for an interview. A personal interview is new information. An interview will get them back in the media.

But again, interviews=questions.

The longer the media goes without talking about the case, the less interested they will be when the parents decide they want to talk again.
pieper4 said:
Wow. This is tragic. I'm the only poster viewing this thread. Heart breaking here.
Some of us :offtobed: - especially during the wee hours on EDT :D
Ditto on the EDT. I always check before I go to bed. I went to a wedding yesterday, 5 hour drive there, 2.5 hours for the ceremony/reception, 5.5 hours back (there were multiple snack stops, LOL). As soon as I got home, I checked the thread to see if there was any new news or information - every time I log in, I pray that THIS TIME will be the time that Isa's been found. It reminds me of the Einstein quote about insanity:

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results."

I guess we're all insane! :floorlaugh: Maybe hoping is insane, but I still have hope that Isa is alive, well, and safe. I just pray that's the outcome.

BetteDavisEyes said:
DH and I have a long weekend trip planned later this month for our anniversary (41st).
Congratulations, BDE!
Re-reading old articles. Thought this was interesting (BBM):

KGUN9 contacted CPS, which confirmed it was "working closely with law enforcement." A statement from the agency read: "At the present time, the children are not in CPS custody. The [Ariz. Department of Economic Security] appreciates the community's support and understanding in protecting the privacy rights and safety needs for these children during this ongoing joint investigation."

So a joint investigation - meaning LE investigating (abduction of Isa) and CPS investigating (???).

I would be outraged if I was innocent of any wrong doing and was separated from my family during such a horrible ordeal. They must have something on SC for him to agree to this. How many days has it been since he was separated from them?
I have already said myself I believe Isa is deceased but this morning I woke up and I thought about it some more and came to the realization "I" really dont know if she is alive or dead. And "I" also realize "I" dont have a crystal ball and know what happened to Isa or who kidnapped her from her home. But I do know that LE says Isa was abducted from her home and abductors dont abduct dead bodies...they abduct live people.

The truth is none of us know that Isa's is dead. So many thought the very same when Shawn Hornbeck, Ben, Elizabeth Smart, Steven Staynor, and Jacie Duggard were missing. And it shows 'thinking' something is far from 'knowing' something.

I am not sure where a parent could look for their child when they have absolutely no idea where their location is. Shawn Hornbeck was found not far from where he lived when he was kidnapped and had been in that same area for four years.

I was under the impression that TPD did not want physcial searches taking place by volunteers. And most LE does not want the parents of the missing love ones to search.

The truth is the media has moved on from this story. That really shouldnt surprise any of us, imo. I think the national media learned their lessons when so much time was spent on one case (Natalee Holloway) and they received backlash from it because they covered no other cases for months. Unfortunately, there are so many people missing in our country today leaving one case behind in order to cover another one.

As far as the parents coming forward and speaking to the media again, I think they feel that did not work out well for them, and it only garnered them more citicism, and sure did nothing to help bring Isa home.

If the prepretrator has not returned Isa by now they certainly arent going to do matter if the parents ever speak out again.

Isa's photo and case has been out there for almost two months now. Her photo splashed in the national media over and over again and even internationally.

Sometimes if a person knows something that will solve a case it can take months or even years for them to come forward to LE about what they know. I saw an A&E show one time where a woman had known what happened to a victim for 26 years but did not have the courage to tell LE about the suspect until then due to fear of retaliation by the suspect.


So there wasn't a backlash after OJ because they went on to cover JonBenet...and then Elizabeth Smart...and then Laci Peterson...and then Natalee Holloway...and how do you explain all the coverage Caylee's case got if there was a backlash from NH? I don't think Isabel's case not receiving excessive coverage for months (or even years) has anything to do with NH.

Also, there are still plenty of people who don't know who Isabel is or wouldn't recognize her if they saw her. Also, people will forget if the media isn't continuously talking about her.
The comment that they wanted to watch the parents' behaviour was an actual quote by the chief in a print article. It is linked up-thread. It was an actual quote, not from a press conference.

This has come up before. I don't remember the printed article, however, I do remember nursebeeme and Shay0903 were transcribing the 4-22-12 press conference with Chief Villasenor as it happened and they transcribed him as saying they were "watching the parents' emotions."
I started reading back from the link above and can't believe that on 4/22/12 at the presser they said they don't have information about what she was last wearing. I think that is very odd. It also said that on one of the fliers too iirc. But they gave info on the 911 call of what she was wearing. Sergio said pink shirt and little blue shorts and Becky said Old Navy tank top and blue shorts. Hmmmm.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AZ AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #1
I've learned in seeing various cases unfold...if it smells bad and seems hinky it's because it is! Somehow, some way, eventually the truth or at least parts of the truth will emerge. It may not happen in a timeframe the public wants or demands, it might be years and years away, but the odds are something will leak out at some point. Be prepared to follow a case for many years, or even a decade or more, because sadly, that can happen, as we've seen. Justice is a slow process at best.

I have learned from seeing and reading about many various cases for decades when it first unfolds if it involved or involves a missing child/children most seem to think they smell something bad right away and felt something was hinky right at the get go and never changed that entitled opinion. This has occured concerning other parents who have spoken out in the media on a frequent basis who were absolutely not guilty in any way of harming their loved one(s.) But those that thought they were guilty before the real evidence came out were absolutely as sure as those now who believe the Celis's guilty.

I have found it works better for me if I look for actual evidence instead of relying on my hinky meter or assuming I think I smell something bad when I really have nothing to base it on.

You are proably right. We have so many missing persons cases in our country that are never solved. The whereabouts of the victims remains unknown nor is the perpretrators ever apprehended. It just remains a mystery as to what happened to all of these many thousands of missing people who are never seen or heard from again.

It took LE 33 years to find out what happened to little Etan. So saying the wheels of justice turns very slowly sometimes is a very true statement but thank goodness it still turns however slowly.

Some interesting posts from 6/5 on the FindIsabelCelis FB page from an apparent relation to the Stardevant neighbor... More interesting is that her post was not removed, which has been the case in the past for non-supportive posters.
Is Sergio sill living in the family home and separated from the family? Where and with who does Becky live? IIRC, another adult family member was assigned (CPS suggestion) to be residing with her and the children.
Some interesting posts from 6/5 on the FindIsabelCelis FB page from an apparent relation to the Stardevant neighbor... More interesting is that her post was not removed, which has been the case in the past for non-supportive posters.

No posts there from 6/5 so they've been removed now.
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