Frayed Knot wrote, "...statistically speaking, an unknown intruder taking Isabel in the dead of night from her home is improbable...I have to stick with my gut on this and think that Isa was 'disappeared' by her parents or persons known to the family."
Praise God for some common sense! My posts keep getting removed, but I'll give it another try.
If Isabel's parents were at least showing up at the Search Command Center every day, I would suspend disbeleif (for now). However, their histrionic performance the ONE time they deigned to address the masses, coupled with their silence since, tell me the parents are not frantically looking for Isabel.
Who is the sex offender or kidnapper or bogeyman capable of abducting a six year old child out of her house without waking the parents, the brothers, or the dogs? And how did this magical person spirit her away without anyone seeing him do so?
In the court of law, one is assumed innocent until proven guilty. However, if your child disappears when he/she is under your care, you have some explaining to do!
<modsnip> This makes no sense to me. If my little boy were grabbed, my only concern would be getting him back, especially in the first weeks. My point is that innocent parents are not going to focus on their own reputations. Almost everybody was supicious of Ed Smart in the early days after Elizabeth was kidnapped, but he hung in there and cooperated with the cops and people stopped pointing fingers long before his daughter was even found.
I susect the Tuscon police have much more than they are telling the public. Watch for the Celises to get a hot shot defense attorney very soon.