AZ AZ - Robert William "Bobby" Fisher, Scottsdale, Apr 2001 *FBI Ten Most Wanted*

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I just don’t think he could be invisible in Mexico this long.
He was seen leaving a nearby cafe with a woman around the time his vehicle and dog were found. I don’t believe he is or was ever in the area after that. My mind keeps going back to that guy in Canada. I know the LE said it wasn’t him, but I can’t get past it. I wish I knew more about that guy.

If you’re talking about the possible sighting at the bar in Rye the night after the murders, it’s an intriguing but unverified clue. Based on the police documents that PommyMommy linked to earlier in the thread, LE had doubts about whether the sighting was accurate, but they still took it seriously enough that they asked a lot of people in interviews if they ever saw Fisher wearing a fedora.

Canada guy was just a freakishly uncanny resemblance. That guy had a long criminal record and was known to people in his community.
MAR 28, 2021
20 years missing: FBI seeks man for killing his family and exploding house (
Investigators say twenty years ago a Scottsdale man, killed his wife and children---exploded their house---and seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth. But Scottsdale Police---and the FBI have not stopped trying to find Robert Fisher.

“This case is unique, just in the, in the heinousness of it in that in the vicious manner that it happened.”


Investigators don’t know if the killings were coldly planned in advance or if they were a brutal burst of anger.

One theory is Mary Fisher was considering divorce and because Robert was scarred by his parents divorce he might decide death was a better fate for his own children.


Fisher got $280 from an ATM the night before the murders. His dog and his wife’s car were found abandoned well north of Scottsdale in the Tonto National Forest.


The nagging question is whether Robert Fisher killed himself long ago and his remains were never found.

Agent Hannah says, “The thing is, today we don't have any evidence that he committed suicide and then he's dead so I still work under the assumption that he could still be out there and that we could find him. At the same time though there's not much evidence now that he's alive.”

Agent Hannah says, “The thing is, today we don't have any evidence that he committed suicide and then he's dead so I still work under the assumption that he could still be out there and that we could find him. At the same time though there's not much evidence now that he's alive.”

Fascinating! This is the fast time I've heard someone from the FBI concede that Fisher might be dead. My understanding of the case is that LE at the time of the murders strongly believed that he escaped alive, but that more recent LE investigators have questioned that assumption.

I do hope the 20th anniversary of the crimes will bring some new publicity to the case.
ROBERT WILLIAM FISHER | Federal Bureau of Investigation


Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution - First Degree Murder (3 Counts), Arson of an Occupied Structure

Alias: Robert W. Fisher
Date(s) of Birth Used: April 13, 1961
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190 pounds
Build: Medium
Complexion: Light
Sex: Male
Race: White
Occupation: Surgical Catheter Technician, Respiratory Therapist, Fireman
Nationality: American
Scars and Marks: Fisher has surgical scars on his lower back.

REWARD The FBI is offering a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Robert William Fisher.

REMARKS Fisher is physically fit and is an avid outdoorsman, hunter, and fisherman. He has a noticeable gold crown on his upper left first bicuspid tooth. He may walk with an exaggerated erect posture and his chest pushed out due to a lower back injury. Fisher is known to chew tobacco heavily. He has ties to New Mexico and Florida. Fisher is believed to be in possession of several weapons, including a high-powered rifle.

CAUTION Robert William Fisher is wanted for allegedly killing his wife and two young children and then blowing up the house in which they all lived in Scottsdale, Arizona, in April of 2001.
Various sketches depicting how RWF might look now with imo, the exception of one possible look that would not be on people's radar and one that these days few would question but- could it be that he now presents as female?
speculation, imo.
Various sketches depicting how RWF might look now with imo, the exception of one possible look that would not be on people's radar and one that these days few would question but- could it be that he now presents as female?
speculation, imo.
Whoa... That one never crossed my mind but it sure could be a possibility. I wouldn't put anything past this guy. MOO
Various sketches depicting how RWF might look now with imo, the exception of one possible look that would not be on people's radar and one that these days few would question but- could it be that he now presents as female?
speculation, imo.
Okay. That took some out of the box thinking. Not sure if he could pull it off easily without facial surgery. Very pronounced chin and jaw on this guy. Masculine lines. But I like your thinking.
This is the most dedicated thread on this guy I have ever seen. Congratulations and I think it is pommy mommy? The police report, unbelievable. Very good job.

Ok so here's some of my ideas from the last 4 months of reviewing this case.

1. If you starved yourself on purpose how much could he have changed his appearance?
2. After 20 years how can we be made to think his appearance is the key to finding him?
3. If someone wrote a detailed account of RWF, not his crimes but as much data on his life as possible, do you think there could be a new way to identify him?
4. If this guy has evaded capture for so long why stop at mexico, this guy had 3 professions before he hit 40, he was not afraid to step into an unknown.
5. If the FBI listed all they knew about you and all you had to do to was change those parts of you, you might start smoking instead of chewing tobacco, you may never hunt or discuss hunting or the outdoors again, that may seem difficult but if you are a survivalist and that's what you need to sacrifice to survive, I think he could do it.

I just think if I was on the run for 20 years you would maybe mix up your history with a hint of truth in each lie, easier to recall, easier to appear authentic.

If this guy's got a new life somewhere maybe he has told his stories on his life and whilst they are not the same, you could find connections and with this guy's face being too generic, maybe it's the history albeit slightly skewed that could capture this guy?

20 years his face has got nowhere, no one really knows all there is to know about this guy. I think his story could be very interesting.
Too bad that they haven't found RF yet. It seems clear that he killed his wife & two children & then burned his house down. What a scum-bag. It was heinous enough to kill his family, but the fire could have spread out of control and killed others & also caused irreparable damage to the community.

I don't believe he was ever suicidal. I think after he snapped & killed his family, his intent was always to go "on the run" afterwards. At this point, he may or may not be deceased.

Unfortunately, people "snapping" like this (without any prior warning) is no surprise to me. It seems like the news is always featuring stories about supposedly happy people w/families who suddenly can't take it anymore & lose it - in ways similar to this. In this case, however - it seems there were a lot of "red flags" prior to this heinous crime.
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I recently saw the "Where is Robert Fisher" documentary (2011), and it was extremely informative. The clips of him & his family were interesting, as well as the interviews with neighbors, family members, LE, etc.

The more I look into this, I'm not sure that RF did snap. It's possible that he planned this crime ahead of time & that it wasn't necessarily spur-of-the-moment. Going to the ATM & getting the maximum?! amount of $ he was allowed to get out, using his wife's car to leave instead of his own, taking all of his clothes, etc. These are the acts of someone who wants to escape & start over somewhere else.

Did he go into the Tonto National Forest & live "off the land" for years after the crime?! Possibly. Just because he wasn't found when that area was searched doesn't mean much.

I think it's more likely that - if he's still alive - he's living in another country.

I discount the guy in Canada - that the neighbor claimed was RF. It sounds like he was cleared due to the fingerprints not being the same.
How long do you think this monster was plotting the murder of his wife and take-off before it happened?

I can't believe it will be 20-years now and he is still not apprehended for this atrocious act.
APR 2, 2021
Robert Fisher case: What police believe he looks like today (

... Police said they still get tips in this case and look into every single one of them.


"We're not looking for a 40-year-old person anymore. We're looking for a 60-year-old person. Now, maybe his height won't change, but his weight certainly could change, his hair could change, his facial features," added Heinzelman.



FBI photos show possible age progression of Robert Fisher.

Police said despite his outward appearance, Fisher was known to walk with an "exaggerated posture" due to back problems.


Although his face and body may have changed, police said what was inside Robert Fisher, the dark mind of an accused killer, still remains the same.

Why? What reason would he have to fear divorce anymore than his spouse? Don’t couples typically just split assets, etc.? Jmo
By the time assets are split, alimony and child support are paid - there can be a substantial financial "reason" for murder over divorce (since most criminals figure they will be the one who doesn't get caught).
Beyond Robert Fisher's feelings about divorce itself, there are two important questions about motive: (1) did he methodically plan the murders in advance or were they relatively spontaneous? and (2) did he have a female love interest who might have helped him escape, either wittingly or unwittingly?

Regarding #1, I strongly believe that the murders were relatively (but not completely) spontaneous. It's well-established in media accounts that he bought water purification tablets a few days beforehand and that he seemed agitated/hurried at his daughter's school event the evening of the murders. But other than that, LE has never publicly acknowledged any evidence that would clearly suggest he planned the murders far in advance.

I'm much less definite about question #2. There have long been rumors that he had a female companion of some sort but no conclusive evidence. It's something that LE looked into early in the investigation. From the police report files upthread, we now know that LE questioned his co-workers about that. There's also the possible sighting at the bar in Rye with a woman, though the veracity of that sighting seems highly questionable in my mind. On the other hand, if he did somehow escape from the wilderness area near Young, I feel like that would have been possible only with help.

Ultimately, I still lean slightly in the direction of believing that he committed suicide in the wilderness and that his body was never found due investigative issues. But in the absence of a body, I think we definitely need to continue operating on the assumption that he could still possibly be alive.

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