Baez and KC's Press Conference - 10/14/08 (Tuesday)

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cry for yourself since you are heading to jail forever,... its not like you have even shed one tear for your precious baby! I have shed more tears for Caylee than you have I am sure!
you probably have vicks vapor rub on your fingers,... you don't fool me! jmo
Does Baez really think this will garner sympathy for Casey?

Her first official public appearance is on the day the grand jury meets to see the evidence that may send her to death row???????
I had to stop watching when he started talking about people dying in Iraq. JB is just a buffoon. KC however looked so smug. You could almost hear her thinking "He still buys my lies" when she's looking at JB. I don't think the tear had much emotion behind it. When I cry, my nose gets all red & runny and my chin quivers, nothing like that from her, just one little tear. All I can think is, get used to crying girl, 'cause you're going to be crying a lot in prison. Maybe then you'll feel some emotion.
That made me sick ... the local6 link I posted of the press conference showed KC "up close" ... there were no tears ... none at all ... just lots of wiping and primping! And to bring up soldiers, like my husband, fighting for KC's constitutional rights in some attempt to gain sympathy for KC was just disgusting. My husband does fight for the rights and privileges we are afforded in this country ... but one cannot demand recognition of their Constitutional Rights without also recognizing their Constitutional Duties ... they are in fact two sides of the same coin ... so Mr. Baez ... before you go asserting KC's rights ... let's look at KC's duties ...

(1) To obey laws that are constitutional and applied within their proper jurisdiction and according to their intent.

(2) To comply with the terms of legal contracts to which one is a party.

(3) To tell the truth under oath.

and when you are done with this ... then, let's consider Caylee's rights!

Casey mannerism, by rough count:
Eye swipes: 18
Hair shakes: 10
Hair swipe away from face: 21
Deer in the headlights, nervous expression: Priceless

Girl seriously, ABSOLUTELY needs to get a barrette.
OMG - after listening to JB’s speech against Lamar Lawson - he just shot down ANY chance at having any kind of deal thrown at his client......stupid, stupid, stupid. He seems so “injured” by this process. He needs to develop a harder shell if he is going to take on the likes of monsters like comes with the territory.
That made me sick ... the local6 link I posted of the press conference showed KC "up close" ... there were no tears ... none at all ... just lots of wiping and primping! And to bring up soldiers, like my husband, fighting for KC's constitutional rights in some attempt to gain sympathy for KC was just disgusting. My husband does fight for the rights and privileges we are afforded in this country ... but one cannot demand recognition of their Constitutional Rights without also recognizing their Constitutional Duties ... they are in fact two sides of the same coin ... so Mr. Baez ... before you go asserting KC's rights ... let's look at KC's duties ...

(1) To obey laws that are constitutional and applied within their proper jurisdiction and according to their intent.

(2) To comply with the terms of legal contracts to which one is a party.

(3) To tell the truth under oath.

and when you are done with this ... then, let's consider Caylee's rights!

Thanks goes to your husband for all he does..
My nephew started his deployment in Iraq 4 weeks ago! I keep saying that Casey needs a Jury of nothing but those who have served and fought for her constitution..She would not last a second!


cry for yourself since you are heading to jail forever,... its not like you have even shed one tear for your precious baby! I have shed more tears for Caylee than you have I am sure!
you probably have vicks vapor rub on your fingers,... you don't fool me! jmo

The tears are real....No more burger and fries while watching trash TV at Uncle Baez's place. No more My Space, No more Facebook, and her phone calls are going to be limited. She threw on something today for the perp walk, but she probably cried as she had to put her beloved Mossimo sweaters away. Yea, she cries. Just not for what 99.9% of the population would cry for in this situation.
No joke here: Is she pregnant?

I doubt it. I think she's just gained weight due to the stress. Some people lose a lot of weight in stressful situations, while others gain weight.

She doesn't look pg to me at all. Besides, she would be gaining in her tummy area too and she definitly wouldn't wear tight tops if she was trying to hide the "pouch".
Oh and Baez, my child's Army service isn't so women can 'lose' their children and obstruct police efforts to find them with impunity. Of all the stupid, idiodic things you've said that 'fighting for Casey's freedom from justice' (while Caylee doesn't have any) thingie you said ABSOLUTELY takes the cake!
Casey mannerism, by rough count:
Eye swipes: 18
Hair shakes: 10
Hair swipe away from face: 21
Deer in the headlights, nervous expression: Priceless

Girl seriously, ABSOLUTELY needs to get a barrette.

She should have gotten one at the Red Dot Boutique (Target)


OH BOO-HOO-HOO. If JB would have let his client communicate with the public - or if KC herself had tried to garner sympathy from the public a long time ago, instead of coming off looking like the killer she is, today's presser would have come off a lot different.

And he is STILL holding on to the fairy tale that once his precious client tells her side, we will ALL understand. Yeah, right. What story could you possibly tell? We've heard 4 or 5 already. None can hold up to the truth
Apparently, so does Casey. It looked like she was trying to stifle back yawns several times. Her mouth kept hanging open, made her look really weird.

I would have titled this thread "Baez and Casey hold press conference and Nobody Cares."

All of the local news stations said this morning that they would break into programming if a decision was announced or there were any other breaking developments.

Not a single station broke into programming for this. Even CF News 13, the 24/7 local news station, did not carry it live.

This PC was pre-planned, it is why Casey dressed up today. She even stopped wearing her stolen sunglasses. Didn't Baez say she has always wanted to speak? Then why didn't she?

Can we change the thread title to "Jose and the Mother of the Year Give a Lecture and No One Gives a Ratz Azz"??:behindbar

I think Young Mommy Dearest should of worn her low cut, blue, party dress and her boots! And maybe also she could have taken a twirl or two around the stripper pole between tears!:rolleyes:
I did see some tears... I watched it on Headline News, or what they showed of it anyway.
I might get kicked out for saying this, but tears don't always come immediately... they can be delayed for a few seconds or even a few minutes. I'm not going to be presumptious and say I know she was crying ONLY for herself. She could be feeling remorse for whatever her part was in this, for all we know. Do I feel sorry for her? NO. Just saying.... we don't know WHY she was crying. But she was... and it was more than a second or two.
I don't believe that she really was crying--if you look at the beginning of the press conference, she was messing around with her left eye, almost as if she had gotten some mascara in it--or does she wear contacts? It didn't seem at all like she had real emotion to me. But then I'm one of the unfairly biased people, accusing her of stealing from friends and family, and not reporting her daughter missing for ONE MONTH!!!! Sorry, I lost it for a moment, (fiddling with my eye, and looking up soulfully at the picture of JB on my screen.)
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