Baez is saying that "CASEY is really struggling"

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Casey is struggling? This is the best news I've heard all day!!:clap:
Caylee's lifeless body has just been recovered. Our thoughts are with the innocent life that was extinguished, not with the monster who cruelly snuffed it out.

Jose Baez should contemplate stuffing something else into his cakehole for a while. No one gives a flying frick how Casey feels. We're mourning the loss of her daughter.

Well Cindy got part of it right: MOTY ....not mother of the year but Murderer Of The Year.
I do believe KC is a true sociopath.. and the ONLY punishment that is going to really "hurt" her is knowing she would be put to death. Maybe its hateful and ugly of me, but I really hope they put the DP back on the table. Chameleon KC may not enjoy being locked up behind bars for the rest of her life, but she would 'adapt' and be able to deal with that.. knowing that she is going to be executed would torture her much more, imo, cause she would be losing the only thing in the world that is important to her.. herself. I am so digusted by her I could just puke all over my keyboard. Her baby goes "missing" and she goes out to fusian... divers thought they found Caylee and KC doesnt blink... even making taunting statements about "they havent even found her clothes yet"... but they find the spot where she knows Caylee's at... and little miss calm and collected totally loses it and has to be sedated .. shows exactly WHAT is important to her. Not her baby, not her parents, not anyone or anything but her own evil self.. I say take THAT away from her!
Oh MvD, you've put down in words how I'm feeling too!
Yes she is definately a sociopath! And she's evil to the core! Yeah, I bet she's struggling right now!
Through the years, I've debated my thoughts regarding the death penalty. And as I've gotten older, my thoughts have drastically changed. I am convinced that there are some cases where that is the only suitable punishment. And this case is a prime example for the need!

Casey was so arrogant to believe she could lie to LE, tell an unimaginable "story" and, pull the wool over the eyes of not only LE, but all of America! She has never once shown any remorse, no concern for her baby girl! It is so difficult to understand the thought process of thsi monster! She sickens me, just the sight of her in those jail videos, and the sound of her voice, I could barf as well!
She never appeared upset before through any of this ridiculous nightmare! And now that she knows the truth is going to come out, she is struggling! Boo hoo! GMAB!

She would sell her parents if she could make a buck of off of them! She has lied her way through life, she has stolen from anyone and everyone! Her top priority is Casey and now she's scared to face the music. She is an evil and despicable person. Jose Baez has his work cut out for him, that's for sure. But to expect to get sympathy for her from the American public is futile. I think Jose should remain silent, 'cause we don't care!

Both the death penalty and LWOP seem too mild a consequence for her!
...and Jose, we care because.....?

This is just the begining, KC. She will come to you every night and ask. "why Mommy'?

Thats why I want LPWOP. Let her spend the rest of life and eternity paying for this.

And Mr. Baez- I hope you think real long and hard when you go cash that check for your defense work about how you knowingly represented a cold blooded murderer and sold your soul for the almighty dollar.
I cannot find the dang link.....but last night on myfoxorlando nightly news video (online version) it was reported what Casey's reaction was in the jail.

Her face turned red, she sank to her knees and said "this can't be happening"
I tend to think, having heard that fox report, that her struggling is a good thing. She knows she is caught. She is struggling because now she is in a corner for real.

struggle on Casey. The rest of your life is gonna be a struggle hunny.

While I personally believe Casey is responsible for Caylee's death, it aint over til a jury hears all the evidence and decides she's guilty as hell. When I heard there was duct tape on that baby's mouth, I was hoping they could put the death penalty back on the table, but it may actually be easier for the jury if they don't have to deal with that possibility.

Having said that, the only thing I find amazing about her statement is that she stopped short of saying "to me." This can't be happening TO ME. Because I don't think Casey ever batted an eyelash over Caylee's disappearance. And I don't think she knows what struggling means, not in any meaningful way. It's like y'all have said: her panties aren't pretty and she has to eat coleslaw. THAT she struggles with. The impact of the discovery of Caylee's body will cause her some struggle, but Caylee's death itself had no effect on her at all. Absolutely none.
I think she is struggling because she is sexually deprived.
I think she is struggling because her nails look horrible.
I think she is struggling because the jail shampoo sucks.
I think she is struggling because she is cell phone deprived.
I think she is struggling because myspace is not allowed there.
I think she is struggling because she is hungry for real food.
I think she is struggling because her clothes aren't tight enough.
I think she is struggling because she is ugly without makeup.
I think she is struggling because her panties are made for grannies..
I could go on and on, but assure you it isn't for Caylee!

I think she is struggling because her eyebrows are growing together...
I think she should have to identify (look) at the remains. The stuff nightmares are made of. That should keep her occupied for life :furious::behindbar
I cannot find the dang link.....but last night on myfoxorlando nightly news video (online version) it was reported what Casey's reaction was in the jail.

Her face turned red, she sank to her knees and said "this can't be happening"

I tend to think, having heard that fox report, that her struggling is a good thing. She knows she is caught. She is struggling because now she is in a corner for real.

struggle on Casey. The rest of your life is gonna be a struggle hunny.

:behindbar Yep, and it's interesting she had NO reaction to so many other things: bones in lake found by LP, Disney Dress found, childs back pack, makeup, and all the "sightings." She ONLY reacts to this???????? Speaks volumes. SHe must have sat back laughing her a$$ off as mom & dad kept on supporting her, demanding the tapes of sightings, all the media they did claiming she was innocent & Caylee had been kidnapped. Evil, evil, evil.:furious::furious:
:behindbar:furious: ITA, I never agreed with the DP being taken off the table. She sat in jail, complaining her poor hair hadn't been colored, she was eating what she could, even grits, all the while her daughter was dead, dumped and left to rot or be eaten by animals. The needle is WAY to kind for her, I say let her fry. I want her to sweat the chair, let her go sit in it for an hour or so while she looks at photo's of what was left of Caylee. I have NO sympathy for this woman, she is just pure evil.
I do think that Yuri should take the photos of Caylee's remains and put them all over the walls of her cell! And also, play videos of a beautiful, alive little Caylee so she can see and hear her 24/7.
Gimme a break, her goose is cooked and she knows it!!!!!!!! Im with others Caylee is my concern, I hope they bring the DP back and Casey frys forever in hell
If her parents had ANY sense at all, they would try to convince KC to plead out NOW before this SCHEME team makes a mockery of this case at trial and all play to their own audience insuring a DP verdict. Once dear Caylee is positively ID'd the A's can ONLY do anything for the drama queen by getting her to plea....MOOOOO
I think she is struggling because her eyebrows are growing together...

Now THAT would cause some struggling for Casey. She is going to get fat and ugly and have bad skin and one big eyebrow. I'm glad.
...and Jose, we care because.....?

This is just the begining, KC. She will come to you every night and ask. "why Mommy'?

Thats why I want LPWOP. Let her spend the rest of life and eternity paying for this.

And Mr. Baez- I hope you think real long and hard when you go cash that check for your defense work about how you knowingly represented a cold blooded murderer and sold your soul for the almighty dollar.
And sold his soul to the devil... Casey!
Well she's not struggling as long as she's sedated. She's in a drug haze at the moment, probably. How long will the jail continue to comfort her with drugs??? I'd really like to find that out. She's being coddled.

I agree, stop coddling the prisoners. I don't care if she is freaking buggin out....she SHOULD be bugging out! I dont want this evil thing in a fog, I want her to KNOW the reality of what is going on. I want her to hear Caylee call for her, to see her pretty little face, to remember what it felt like to feel her kick or hic-cup inside her when she was pregnant. Then I want her to see the pictures of what is left of Caylee now..what SHE has done.

I bet TonE and every other man who screwed her is just sick inside & will haunted forever by Casey in bed with them. :furious:
Casey struggling? She hasn't seen anything yet. Wait til she goes to Gen. Pop.

She should have thought about all of this BEFORE she premeditated her daughter's murder. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time....
I do think that Yuri should take the photos of Caylee's remains and put them all over the walls of her cell! And also, play videos of a beautiful, alive little Caylee so she can see and hear her 24/7.

:clap: And I have said the exact same thing from DAY ONE! :furious:
I have not posted in a while but this thread is calling me...

Casey is only struggling because her web of lies has been exposed, her little girl has been found, her parents and friends know she is a terrible liar and murderer and she has NO leverage in the courts anymore...

She is not struggling because of the loss of sweet Caylee... WE ARE!!

Bolded by me...

She's struggling? How about how her family and even perfect strangers have struggled with this for months?
I could barely stand to watch the videos of her jail meetings. But I think I would love to see a video of her struggling. If only they could plaster duct tape over her mouth . . .

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