Baez - Just Lost The Trial

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Dec 20, 2008
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Jose Baez stated in his opening remarks that Caylee died due to a tragic accident - a drowning in the family pool. Baez goes on to give a touching story but is it rooted in reality?

I don't think so and I'll tell you why

This is what Baez stated in his opening remarks;

"Early morning hours the exact time is not could have been early afternoon...early morning...actually it was the early morning hours. George Anthony approached Casey and started yelling at her - where's Caylee, where's Caylee? They began to search the house, they couldn't find her, they searched in the bedrooms, they searched under the beds, in the closets, in the garage, then they went outside. This is a mock up of the Anthony home where you'll see they both came outside. Casey came around to the left of the house, George went that way towards the pool, they have an above ground pool with a ladder, and we'll talk about the pool and the ladder in just a moment. What happened next is as soon as Casey came around this corner and went back she saw George Anthony holding Caylee in his arms."

Keeping in mind that opening statements are not evidence but if you present them to a jury you had better hope that you can back them up and this is where Baez scores a huge fail.

There is no way there is enough time for George to...

1 find Caylee in the pool
2 climb the ladder
3 get in the pool
4 grab Caylee
5 remove Caylee and himself from the pool
6 climb back down the ladder
7 walk back to the opposite corner of the house where Casey is just returning

The corridor at the side of the house that Casey is alleged to have gone to is a small and very narrow space with a locked shed at the end of the corridor with no where for Caylee to hide - it would probably only take about 20 seconds to walk there and back to the edge of the house - so no way no how is this going to fly with a jury.

LDB crafted a brilliantly clever and concise presentation and made very sure to do this step by careful step with Cindy, to lay out the dimensions of the house, the garden and the pool area - complete with photographic evidence of how small a space they are talking about. I've no doubt this was quickly put together by the state when they heard Baez's opening remarks.

Still don't believe me, well just to put the icing on the cake when Baez attempts to throw Cindy into the mix as a possible accomplice - Cindy refutes this utterly and completely believably by thwarting him with her testimony that she removed that pool ladder.

Casey's pool story is busted as a complete fabrication.

Baez just lost the trial in the 1.40 mins it took him to tell that story.
Not to mention what he said about Lee

How he was taking into his father's footsteps, although it didn't go that far..
He says

"It got so bad that the FBI tested his DNA to see if he was Caylee's father"

Now, how the hell does it not go as far as George, but far enough that the FBI tests Lee's DNA, which suggests a hell of a lot more than what they were saying about George?

And when did Lee ever deny the allegations, and say that when the time is right he would talk about it?

And too, if George Anthony was walking around the yard with a dead child, I am so sure someone would have seen him. They sure seen Casey back her car into the garage!
Great job.. Hope the jury can see this.
If I remember correctly GA was also tested.
And too, if George Anthony was walking around the yard with a dead child, I am so sure someone would have seen him. They sure seen Casey back her car into the garage!

Respectfully snipped. I've thought as well... wouldn't there be horrified screaming having found their baby girl that way? Even screaming as they're trying to find her? And no one would have heard this?

I mean like maniacal. I can't imagine they would have been quiet either looking for little Caylee and especially not once they found her. :waitasec:
I think he lost the jurors when he couldn't decide when it happened:
"Early morning hours the exact time is not could have been early afternoon...early morning...actually it was the early morning hours...." Sounded like he was making it up as he was going.

Respectfully snipped. I've thought as well... wouldn't there be horrified screaming having found their baby girl that way? Even screaming as they're trying to find her? And no one would have heard this?

I mean like maniacal. I can't imagine they would have been quiet either looking for little Caylee and especially not once they found her. :waitasec:

I believe if I were in that situation, someone would find me holding the child, completely passed out...from screaming my lungs out! In that tight nit community, there is just no way possible. If Casey cried, and cried, and cried...someone heard her and seen this going on.
I think he lost the jurors when he couldn't decide when it happened:
"Early morning hours the exact time is not could have been early afternoon...early morning...actually it was the early morning hours...." Sounded like he was making it up as he was going.

He was! Just like the part where George was screaming at Casey. Really? :waitasec:
You have a grown man walking around with a dead baby, a young mother crying her eyes out, and her father screaming at her and not one single soul on that close block heard it? :waitasec: But they seen her backing into the garage.:waitasec::crazy:
I think he lost the jurors when he couldn't decide when it happened:
"Early morning hours the exact time is not could have been early afternoon...early morning...actually it was the early morning hours...." Sounded like he was making it up as he was going.


It almost sounded like a John Lovitz SNL skit......"yeah, that's the ticket!"
Great catch on the time it would take GA to get Caylee out of the pool.

And of course the jury may not know but we all do....GA loved Caylee so much that there is no way he could have gone into work that afternoon if Caylee had just died.

I think JB has just spend too much time reading blogs and took a little bit from all the different ones he read and tried to merge them all together.
Respectfully snipped. I've thought as well... wouldn't there be horrified screaming having found their baby girl that way? Even screaming as they're trying to find her? And no one would have heard this?

I mean like maniacal. I can't imagine they would have been quiet either looking for little Caylee and especially not once they found her. :waitasec:

Those houses are very close together. I find it hard to believe no one heard anything either.

Personally, I thought Baez lost the trial with the stupid Roy Kronk story.
Baez and Mason looked sick at certain times when Cindy was testifying, especially around the pool and garden testimony - They both looked like the jig was up and what the eff do we do now?
Those houses are very close together. I find it hard to believe no one heard anything either.

Personally, I thought Baez lost the trial with the stupid Roy Kronk story.

By the time Baez started with the Kronk hide and seek story I was ready to scream. Everyone in the neighborhood would have heard me.
Also, the way he worded it--"They began to search the house, they couldn't find her, they searched in the bedrooms, they searched under the beds, in the closets, in the garage, then they went outside."

That is the exact opposite of what a parent with a pool would do. If your toddler, who loves the swimming pool is MISSING-- why would you check in the closets and under all of the beds BEFORE checking the pool? That makes no sense.

I have found 'missing kids' under the bed asleep and hiding in closets before, and they have been safe and sound. That is NOT the first place you need to look if there is a big
body of water out back. And I am pretty sure they both know that. And why would they both stay inside and search? Wouldn't one run outside first thing?
I think he lost the jurors when he couldn't decide when it happened:
"Early morning hours the exact time is not could have been early afternoon...early morning...actually it was the early morning hours...." Sounded like he was making it up as he was going.


They didn't want to commit because all of the computer and cell usage makes the whole thing unlikely. NO MATTER what time you choose for the 'tragic accident' to happen, Casey is just minutes away from uploading Fusion pictures or texting friends about her new living situation.
Baez and Mason looked sick at certain times when Cindy was testifying, especially around the pool and garden testimony - They both looked like the jig was up and what the eff do we do now?

Casey was counting on the 'old' Cindy. The good old Cindy would have testified that she did not remember if she put the stairs away that evening. And she would say that the sliding door did not always lock properly. NOT the new and improved Cindy. :eek:hwow::eek:hwow::eek:hwow:
Great catch on the time it would take GA to get Caylee out of the pool.

And of course the jury may not know but we all do....GA loved Caylee so much that there is no way he could have gone into work that afternoon if Caylee had just died.

I think JB has just spend too much time reading blogs and took a little bit from all the different ones he read and tried to merge them all together.

OMG! WOW! I never once thought about that! GA would NEVER have gone to work that day. NEVER. Shock, despair, anger, and all the rest that I cannot fathom, would have called for a sick day.

I think the nail in JB's coffin, is those 911 tapes, videos, etc. If it was an accident, would sociopath ICA spend 3 years covering for ANYONE!?

While I would like to blame her attorney, he only came into after the fact. Although, I would like to know were he was June 16th. He's <mod snip> Big time, and not fit to stand trial!
As a former prosecutor who has tried many death penalty cases, you absolutely never know how a juror or jurors will look at the evidence based on their own life experiences. This is a very interesting case for seeking the death penalty. Normally, most domestic homicides are not prosecuted as death penalty cases. In most cases jurors do come to the truth. A guilty verdict does appear a likely outcome, however, I would be very surprised if the jury recommends death.
Welcome to CaseyWorld, a land of make-believe where this story found its origins. The fact that we are even discussing its plausibility gives us some idea of how persuasive she can be.
He was! Just like the part where George was screaming at Casey. Really? :waitasec:
You have a grown man walking around with a dead baby, a young mother crying her eyes out, and her father screaming at her and not one single soul on that close block heard it? :waitasec: But they seen her backing into the garage.:waitasec::crazy:

But her neighbour was "nosey". He said he wasn't, but I'm pretty sure he would've heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth. But there was nothing...not an outcry, a screach, a huge splash, an oh god help me....

Hmmm....two theories collide LOL
As a former prosecutor who has tried many death penalty cases, you absolutely never know how a juror or jurors will look at the evidence based on their own life experiences. This is a very interesting case for seeking the death penalty. Normally, most domestic homicides are not prosecuted as death penalty cases. In most cases jurors do come to the truth. A guilty verdict does appear a likely outcome, however, I would be very surprised if the jury recommends death.

I doubt they will get the DP also. But most people would be fine with her receiving LWOP I think. And I wonder if that is what they expect anyway. Like the jury might figure they are showing her mercy by not going for the DP, but giving her LIFE instead.

In your professional opinion, how do you think things are going so far?
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