Baez - Just Lost The Trial

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Under the bus, yes. Speaking of being under things. What about some people's theories that perhaps Caylee's body was hidden by ICA under either the pool, sandbox, or playhouse for a time?

I believe this is why LDB made a point of discussing the pavers laid in the playhouse. I also believe this will be tied into the borrowing of the shovel.
I have to hope that CA and GA are receiving the therapy and/or medication needed for their survival. CA and GA both have showed all of us this week that they love both Caylee and their own children. But maybe through therapy they have learned that even though they love Casey unconditionally, it is not right to lie for their children in this awful circumstance. I believe they will tell the truth and let the jury decide and they will then throw themselves on the mercy of the court when begging for their daughter's life to be spared when the time comes. I am proud of CA and GA, they have come so far.

Side note: Cindy's pain and tears are genuine and normal where the loss of Caylee is concerned, Casey on the other hand has not displayed one ounce of emotion normal to when a mother loses a child through accident or otherwise.
Heck, I've never even seen my meter reader, the dogs bark, then it's over. Too crazy, JB!! :loser:

Dear Quiche,
Your meter reader comes and goes all stealth like so you won't be able to pick him out of a line-up. And your loyal canine friend? He's obviously taking kickbacks.

Sincerely, JB

I totally agree with your whole post. Were you reading my mind? LOL.

Most avid readers will say that they can identify an author by his style...without even knowing his name. I know I can.

Each author has a unique and compelling style.

As an author of lies, Casey Anthony has a unique and compelling style too. It’s easily recognizable. Casey has a “talent” for long, intricate, involved lies. Her lies have great scope and minutiae,woven together at the same time. She deals freely in fantasy with little care as to how she might have to one day...reconcile fantasy with reality. There is a recklessness to her lies that have a true unmistakeable boldness.

That’s her “style of composition.”

That too will be part of her downfall.

One huge flaw in Baez’s OS is that George, ex-LE, (had he been in charge of the cover-up of Caylee’s death) would never have allowed Casey to proceed with a complicated, fantastical story that involved a fake Nanny, that she met through a Fake Friend at a Fake Job. George would know instinctively to keep the cover-up real...and keep it simple. Only Casey could be the author of the Zanny chronicles. It’s her “style” to tell fantastical lies of great detail.

Secondly, George, as ex-LE, would have had 31 whole days to depose of little Caylee. Florida is a paradise of isolated swamps, alligator-infested lakes, and...surrounded by a big deep ocean. In those thirty one days...he could have “gone fishing”...or just for a long drive...NO ONE knew Caylee was dead....and accomplished a very competent disappearance. Casey could have been instructed to say Caylee wandered off at a mall in the Park where she of those typical sad stories we hear every day. No ex-LE would have put that Baby right down the street...and no doting Grandfather would deface her remains with duct tape...pushed into garbage bags.

George, for all his faults, is a meticulous guy. If he were running the cover-up, it would have been very neat and meticulous. He and Cindy have had careers in jobs that call for regimentation. Cindy, the nurse, would be programmed to put the pool ladder in the same place every time.

There is nothing neat, meticulous, or regimented in the style of this crime.

Once again, Baez’s story of this crime is illogical and by it’s style...clearly identifies its “author” as Casey.

To repeat...Casey had her “talent” for long, intricate, involved lies. Her lies have great scope and minutiae, at the same time. She deals freely in fantasy with little care as to how she might have to one day...merge fantasy with reality. That’s her “style of composition.”

All the prosecution needs to do in closing is take all those long involved lies being testified to by Cindy, by other boyfriends, by other friends... and compare them to the Masterworks of the Zanny story AND the Baez Opening Statement.

Baez OS is complicated...fantastical...unconcerned with merging details... as it weaves from sexual abuse by George, sexual abuse by Lee, Cindy’s carelessness...into the neighborhood Meter-Reader somehow becoming a greedy co-conspirator.

Would Cindy, whose own family writes how she is so manipulated, so insanely protective of her daughter...have enabled a sex-abusing husband? Would that daughter, who even saw Dad kicked out at one point...not have told her?

Again, would George, ex-LE confide the biggest and most dangerous secret of his lifetime in a neighborhood meter-reader... no one has yet proved he even knows? Would the greedy Meter Reader let the body lay around for months and maybe lose his pay-day?


It’s clear that the author of Baez Opening Statement...of the Zanny Chronicles...of the Fake Job Novelette, the Fake Friends with Fake Children Essays...all those great, fantastical works of but one person: the one and only...Casey Anthony.

This analogy is spot on!!!
You should be in the courtroom, lol
JB wants the jury to believe that while ICA and GA were in the Anthony home, somehow this scenario occurred: Caylee Marie tiptoed thrru the house, slid open the patio door and then very quietly closed it behind her, stealthily crept over to the pool, climbed up the pool ladder which had miraculously been connected to the pool again...then Caylee Marie, knowing how careful her grandparents were with her and that pool, stood facing that deep expanse of water (remember how tiny she was) boldly jumped in anyway and silently drowned herself to free ICA who just didn't want her anymore but didn't want anyone else to have her. Leave it to ICA, who, fed up rotting in jail and only getting baloney sandwiches, consumed with jealousy and resentment, took almost three years to come up with this alibi....she would blame Caylee Marie for killing herself. ICA was so misled by her deteriorating brain cells, going nutz in her private cell, thought this clever concept would allow her to get away with murder. It could have been an almost perfect murder, but rage, acting in haste, (such a waste) and duct tape got in the way of ICA. All of this is really not her fault, of course.
(Sorry for all the run-on sentences - my brain just doesn't think in paragraphs and it is too old and worn to be trained. I know it was silly and childish to write this, but I just lost it and can't stand any more of this stupid waste of taxpayer's money.)

Karma is going to take care of ICA.

:rocker: :rocker:
Respectfully snipped. I've thought as well... wouldn't there be horrified screaming having found their baby girl that way? Even screaming as they're trying to find her? And no one would have heard this?

I mean like maniacal. I can't imagine they would have been quiet either looking for little Caylee and especially not once they found her. :waitasec:

We have 7 kids ,live on a large property and have heard our share of screaming.Play screaming ,angry screaming,I'm hurt screaming.
When my son died my daughter found him on the way to her room She was 16 at the time and 2 floors above my husband.When he heard her scream he knew what it meant.It was different than anything he had heard before and he just knew .
And BTW, my husband did cpr until the paramedics arrived,even though my son had probably been gone awhile. He never gave up.

Please ,no sorry posts! Let's keep the thread moving :innocent:
....The one thing that has bothered me the whole time about the "George and Casey cover up the drowining accident" theory is this:

Unfortunately many many children die accidentally every day, many of them are drowning accidents. How many of these parents or caregivers have you ever heard of that tried to cover up the accident with a kidnapping and murder story? I personally have never heard of any. I have heard of people using an accident story to cover a muder but never a murder story to cover an accident. That would not be logical. An accident is an accident. No one would be on trial with a death penalty sitting on the table for an accident

" using a murder story to cover an accident..."

actually, the story is, she accidentally drown. where is murder alluded?

imo only the state has called it murder?

ica old story was kidnapping, but the new story is bad daddy frightened her into saying that. right?

actually I love what you've proposed here. i get the point, that the story is so preposterous, it is by its nature unbelievable. especially compared to the so called truth that it was an accident.

I just don't see the "murder story to cover an accident..."

ica old story: kidnapping

jb new story:accident and they were just trying to hide the body, and the entire event, as if Caylee's disappearance from this earth would never be discovered. and dirty old Kronk somehow ("we'll never know how") got the body and tried to make money off it.

and somehow the idea that a former detective would try and hide an accidental drowning victim's body is just as outlandish as anything else, even a murder story to hide an accident. because noone is gonna believe that a former detective would believe they could pull that off. you don't just erase a child and get away with it.

what do you think?
This may be a tad OT for this thread, but since it relates to Baez's total ineptness, I'm posting it here.

On Friday after a lengthy sidebar where they are debating whether or not the shopping videos should come into evidence, Baez renews his objections where he "requires a foundation", whereupon HHJP reacts in total and utter astonishment. After a long pause, HHJP responds, "YOU require a foundation?! ... Yeah... approach the sidebar". A moment worth watching again and again, BTW. :floorlaugh:) At @ 9:00 on the following:

After yet another lengthy sidebar where I assume HHJP is schooling Baez - again, he returns to the podium to renew his objections and I firmly believe he commits a monumental Freudian slip. He says, "When I give Ms. Drane-Burdick my word, it is my word, and I do NOT INTEND TO HON... uh... revoking that in any way, shape or form.". At @ 1:05 here:

:D I'd bet my life the word underlined above was 'honor' but he caught himself just in time. What say you good folks?

I say - I'll see your Freudian slip and raise you another.

Baez in his opening statements says of George suicide ...."Unfortunately... fortunately he was unsuccessful and the police found him.

That right there tells you what Baez thinks of George.
The one thing that has bothered me the whole time about the "George and Casey cover up the drowining accident" theory is this:

Unfortunately many many children die accidentally every day, many of them are drowning accidents. How many of these parents or caregivers have you ever heard of that tried to cover up the accident with a kidnapping and murder story? I personally have never heard of any. I have heard of people using an accident story to cover a muder but never a murder story to cover an accident. That would not be logical. An accident is an accident. No one would be on trial with a death penalty sitting on the table for an accident.

So, what are the odds of a so called normal young Mom covering up an accidental death of her daughter especially if she was THERE when her daughter was just found. The odds are slim to none. There would be screaming, trying to revive the child, frantic calls for help, 911 and so on. ONE of them would have done something to help Caylee, CPR, call for help, something.

The odds of a mother automatically going into coverup mode are slim BUT, the odds of the childs Grandfather also being present and not doing the normal things, like CPR, 911 are ZERO!! ONE of them would have reacted "normally"

It's hard enough to believe that one person would go into cover up mode but for the other person to do it too, very unbelievable. You would have to have TWO people automatically agreeing to cover up a child drowning accident. WHY?? If it was an accident. Your mind goes to help the child, fix it, make it better, not hide it and if it did go to hide and cover up the accident for one of the people present, the other would have been the voice of reason or the one screaming call 911, get help.

So,,,, what I'm trying to say is it's hard to believe a loving parent would not try to get help and or break down seeing their dead child, but in Casey's case, somewhat possible, but for a second present, loving relative to react the same "inappropriate" way, totally improbable. That would mean there were 2 exact "non normal" reactions from 2 separate people at the same time that would normally be 1 in a million acting that way to a drowning death.

All it really comes down to is "why cover up an accidental drowning that has 2 witnesses that it WAS an accident that has little to no legal consequences with a long drawn out kidnapping/ murder story that has you facing the death penalty?"

The answer: Because she doesn't have any witnesses as to what did happen and it wasn't accidental!

ITA. Something else that has always bothered me from day 31 about the 'accidental drowning' theory is to me, at least, it is just so not plausible. I have lost a child, and know lots of people who have lost children. I have not talked with one person who was able to immediately accept their child was gone. With drowning, especially with one as young as Caylee, there are a lot of cases of children being revived after being found in water. I find it impossible to believe there are many people out there, much less 2 people together, as you point out, who would go straight to the assumption the child was dead, and do nothing to try to revive her. How would they even know how long she had been in the water?

If I had any doubts of the love George and Cindy had for Caylee, seeing the playhouse set up they made for her got rid of all of them. No way in he77 did George find that baby floating in the pool and not do everything in his power to try and save her.
I think he lost the jurors when he couldn't decide when it happened:
"Early morning hours the exact time is not could have been early afternoon...early morning...actually it was the early morning hours...." Sounded like he was making it up as he was going.


He sounded like one of my kids when they are telling a big, fat lie. If JB was telling what had actually happened his delivery would have been more smooth instead of the halting mess which turned into his opening statement.
I believe this is why LDB made a point of discussing the pavers laid in the playhouse. I also believe this will be tied into the borrowing of the shovel.

The paving stones!! :doh:

I couldn't for the life of me figure out how she could have hidden the body, or signs of digging, under that playhouse! The dirt was covered by paving stones! How did I not pick up on that?!
I say - I'll see your Freudian slip and raise you another.

Baez in his opening statements says of George suicide ...."Unfortunately... fortunately he was unsuccessful and the police found him.

That right there tells you what Baez thinks of George.

imagine what would have happened had he been successful. G. would not have been here to defend himself.

and it would be a lot easier for jb, wouldn't it?
juror 3016 was the man who had formed the opinion that ica was guilty, but was against the death penalty, and despite HHJP's desperate attempt at rehabilitation, never said he could vote for it, only that he might be able to consider it.

given that this juror is on the panel, Casey Jordan, an IS TH, opined that both the dt and the SA have tacitly acknowledged a LWOP verdict is likely. (my words, but thats what she was driving at)

makes sense to me. this guy isn't going to be hard to win over to the reality that ICA did it,, but he is NOT going to vote for death.

I thought it did not have to be a unanimous decision and ultimately up to the judge ?:waitasec:
Judge Perry has never shied away from the death penalty,even for mothers.
I believe KC will get convicted of murder, though I believe that the degree and the sentence are still up for grabs. Never the less......

It ain't over yet. Was that a mistake? Yeah, I believe it was. But all the witnesses haven't been seen yet, the evidence hasn't been presented to the court with their theories, and the jury hasn't voted yet. And you never know just how the jury is going to go. They may accept everything the SA tells them, or they might have an unknown soft touch for the DT. So don't count your chickens until they hatch, and all that. This mistake (if it was a mistake) is a biggie. But hopefully it won't be the only one.

And you probably think that because GA and CA said no it didn't happen, that there are no other witnesses to dispute JB's allegations. But I am wondering if maybe JB hasn't decided to roll the dice and put KC on the stand to tell it 'her' way. She can be her own witness. And she doesn't have to tell the same story the A's told.

It he puts her on the stand that will be a real roll of the dice. It only takes one juror to 'like' her or like her story. People here have studied the case extensively. Here we have seen the 'story' develop to it's current evolution, and that helps to tell us that the story is changing and helps us with our opinions on guilt.

But the jurors, they only see the final story. And when there is conflicting witnesses, they have to decide which they feel is more believable. No one has heard a word from KC, but they have heard a lot from the A's. So even with a jury pool that doesn't follow media, it is very possible they have heard or seen some highlights or caught a little of a news broadcasts that the A's did. So which do you think the jury will believe, the grieving grandparents that have been all over the media, or the young suspect in the case?

Don't forget KC's angry face during the A's testimonies. Anger at her parents. Just the way you would expect the face of person would be who was hearing her parents tell lies against her in the witness chair.

I'm not saying this is what the jury is going to think. But IMO it is possible, just possible that at least one juror might look at it this way. So just don't think it is a slam dunk just yet, it is a little too early to tell.

Well said and contained in your post is the main reason that I would NEVER, EVER want to be on a jury, especially one with the very serious possible penalty. I would KNOW that I was not given ALL the information , just practically "spoon fed" the bits and pieces that the legal manuevering would allow. Apparently, our justice system doesn't trust the citizens they call to serve with all the bothersome details and so they never get the whole picture (like I think we pretty much get here)
That said, I watched the OJ trial hoping to learn more about the "system" , and I surely did and it was not "pretty". this trail lost for JB? We will not know until they vote. jmo
He sounded like one of my kids when they are telling a big, fat lie. If JB was telling what had actually happened his delivery would have been more smooth instead of the halting mess which turned into his opening statement.

I don't care what the talking heads are saying,you could practically hear the jury's hinky meters alarming as JB prattled on.
How do you guys think JB is going to explain away ICA's diary entry after Caylee's "accidental drowning", where she says she's never been happier, and doesn't regret a thing?
I have to hope that CA and GA are receiving the therapy and/or medication needed for their survival. CA and GA both have showed all of us this week that they love both Caylee and their own children. But maybe through therapy they have learned that even though they love Casey unconditionally, it is not right to lie for their children in this awful circumstance. I believe they will tell the truth and let the jury decide and they will then throw themselves on the mercy of the court when begging for their daughter's life to be spared when the time comes. I am proud of CA and GA, they have come so far.

Side note: Cindy's pain and tears are genuine and normal where the loss of Caylee is concerned, Casey on the other hand has not displayed one ounce of emotion normal to when a mother loses a child through accident or otherwise.

I hope so,too and totally agree.
I think this lawyer has really been just the right person to get through to them,also. Maybe the timing was just right.
He actually said , casey went out the front and george went out the back.....

No he didn't. As per my first post which was transcribed from his words in open court please see below.

Baez's fairy tale begins at 10.48mins and ends approximately 1.40mins later.

As he tells his fable and points to his mock up he is stating that they both left the BACK of the house. Watch his poster then continue on to the next video to see the front on version. Again, his story is that both left from the back of the house.
The other weird aspect of this story is the whole gas can thing. I understand that the defense wants to tie George to the duct tape, but JB had also suggested that George was trying to "distance himself froM the accident" by reporting that the gas cans had been stolen and then not reporting that they were returned and then bringing gas cans with duct tape on them to the tow yard because he knew that he had put that duct tape on Caylee. (I know the italicized portion makes no sense, but this is what JB suggested when questioning george about the gas cans). JB even went as far as to suggest that the "here's your f'in gas cans" event never happened. seems to me that the defense is saying it was an accident that George decided to cover up and then decided to pin the cover up on Casey. WTH?
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