Baez - Just Lost The Trial

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Why does Casey look so small in this video? Compare her height to Baez and the other gal. I think they have her chair lowered to make her look more child like.

The defendants chair doesnt have rolling casters on it so it would be shorter than the lawyers chair .
^^^ That's the clincher for me. Casey would have gotten herself out of that house at the first opportunity. And I don't mean just sleeping over at her boyfriends house. She would NEVER have let Caylee alone with George. Ever. Period. For me that's the end of alleged sexual abuse lie.

Plus in all the tapes of George and Cindy visiting her in jail, to me she always seems to really dislike her mother and would rather talk to George. I'm especially remembering the time where she told George what a great Dad and Grandfather he is and the visit where she laughed at Cindy for crying. I saw tension between her and Cindy, not so much with George.

Also, in my opinion, if Casey had been a victim of molestation, not only would she allow her daughter around GA/LA, but she would also not be having a sleep-over with RM which had Caylee in the same bed. Many victims are very protective of their children around all men, not just the abuser. I believe the testimony from RM blew the defense theory.

The thing is, GA stated in an interview that Caylee did open the sliding doors onto the ??sun room?? - I think he said something like: not the screen, she didn't go outside, but she would open the door (or something).

ITA that if a small child left the house, they'd leave the door open. No way would GA and KC extensively search rooms in a house whose doors opened on the back yard, not notice one of the doors was open, and subsequently save the back yard for last in the search.

Also, is JB trying to say that GA ALSO had "ugly coping" just like KC, which kept both of them pretending everything was completely ok? I think in his attempt to implicate GA, he also put the defense in the position of having GA "ugly coping" and being a brilliant actor "everything is fine!!!" after discovering his granddaughter dead, holding this beloved child's dead body in his arms.

Wouldn't it be MUCH MORE believable if it was JUST KC, just a confused, possibly abused young mother in denial, in her fear starting a chain of events she could not seem to back out of. Having not one but TWO grown men also involved in the cover up, also acting like normal while shuttling a child's body around the neighborhood and keeping quiet for 3 years as (at least in GA's case) his daughter came closer and closer to a death penalty level trial.... I cannot imagine how someone could think to sell even the IDEA of that - never mind the details - to your average thinking adult.

I agree. Just like with Casey's lies, there are too many parts to the story. IMO it's impossible to believe ALL the parts are true in order to believe the defense theory is possible, likely, probable or anything close to the truth. It sounds too much like just another fantasy/Casey-land lie.
All of these jurors were asked if they had ever been victim to a crime... they were all asked if they knew anyone who was victim to a crime. I only remember a few answered that they were the victim to a crime or knew someone who was.

I don't remember any of them wanting to talk to the State/Defense/Judge Perry privately when this was asked of them during jury selection. They were even asked if they were victims of a crime reported or not reported.

I don't think we have any SA survivors on the jury. If we do, then they lied about it when they should not have.
Sorry folks, but I can't picture this! Holes, holes, holes in this opening statement:
The following is just my personal opinion- and observations-

For 2 seconds I wondered, "Could this have been an accident? But it only took one second for me to realize it was a fabrication. IMO KC knows her goose is cooked and is trying to take her parents and brother down with her, and possibly ex-boyfriends, an
innocent meter reader, and anyone else she can, down with her, as a last act of revenge.

Why would GA call out to KC, where 's Caylee? If KC is in her room, wouldn't he assume
Caylee was with her? If Caylee was up, why didn't KC know first that Caylee was missing? She's the mother.

Wouldn't one of them check the doors to see if one was opened or not. If one was unlocked or open, why would George wait for Casey to help look and not run directly to the pool first?

Wouldn't one of them, suggest : You look inside and I'll look outside?

KC didn't need to go down the side of the house as you can see all the way down to the shed, and she only needed to turn around and she would have seen GA at the pool.

Even so- KC would have had time to see George getting out of the pool with Caylee.

Why would GA hand Caylee over to KC and not lay Caylee down and try CPR first while KC called 911?

Why did neither call 911? How did they know there was no chance of reviving the child?

Why didn't either scream out when Caylee was found in the pool, "No, No, No. OMG"

Why didn't the neighbors hear any cries.

Why did KC wait until GA place Caylee in KC's arms before she started to cry?

Why did KC just cry and not scream?

Why would GA hand Caylee to KC if he's blaming her? That would be the last person to allow to touch the child again.

What supposedly did KC and GA do once he handed Caylee to KC, tell her, "You take her, I have to get ready for work?" Duh!

What did KC do once GA handed Caylee to her? Put her down in the yard and say, "Later Dad , I have to upload some pictures in my PC right now?" Duh!

Since KC is the only one who didn't call the police, and CA did, who really had something to hide? When CA called 911, KC sounded annoyed ( on the 911 call )to have to be bothered to even talk to them.

If GA or LA had molested KC in anyway, they would not have wanted to get anywhere near this much involvement with an investigation that would dig into their lives so deeply , knowing she could spill the beans from day one ! They never avoided talking to the police.

No amount of Child abuse or sexual molestation would make it okay to hurt another child, nor murder a child, and does not excuse it either.

If the molestations are fabricated, and used soley for pity from the jurors, this is a digusting accusation to pin on anyone, especially one's own father. And, isn't is odd that with all her childhood friends, that she has known for most of her life, she never told one of any molestation, but, she told two boyfriends, who she thought she had a chance of possibly marrying. Why? To gain sympathy so they would take her in and give her a free place to live, because she certainly wasn't working and couldn't afford to go anywhere on her own?

If these molestation accusations are false:
This is an unforgiveable mockery and insult to any child who has ever been molested.

Note: Even if RK moved the body ( which I don't believe for a second ) KC has admitted, he did not kill the child, nor did the imaginery nanny. Oops!

Ironically, KC has admitted in opening statement, that she was the last one who had possession of Caylee, right in her arms. Ooops!

Lastly, When SP asked herself, : Did KC hate her Mother more than she loved Caylee?",
I think it surely seems that way. It appears that KC wants to have a control contest with her mom. If her mom doesn't get her out of this mess she's gotten herself into, then she has no use for her mom. KC was angry with her mom on a jail video because
she claimed her mom had the chance to get her out of jail and didn't.

KC apparently believed her mom would somehow believe her lies as she had always done, and get her out of this mess too.

It now appears from watching the trial, that when CA walks past KC and doesn't acknowledge her, KC is in total shock and her can't keep her anger in control and her eyes throw daggers of hatred at her mom.
If KC can throw looks of such hatred at her own mother because her mother won't acknowledge her, what would she do to a child who misbehaved or prevented her from doing what wanted to do.

KC ,IMO, has finally come to realization, that she is going to have to face the truth and no more lies are going to be accepted. KC has finally painted herself into a corner, with no way out.

One thing that amazes me is that it been proven already that KC did not love any of the guys she professes to love, as she cheated on them and always had another in the wings. KC appears to have only claimed to love her parents when she need something from them, otherwise, she hated them. KC did not love any of her friends, as she lied to them profusely. It appears she was so jealous of them, that she wanted what they had but, was not willing to work for any of it. So, she pretended to be one of them.
Didn't KC allegedly tell a friend that her Dad had a stroke?
Her Mom had been in a mental hospital, and when confronted with this lie, laugh?
That LA molested her when she was 15?
But now, it was not LA, it was her Dad?

Why now when all her lies are exposed is anyone to believe her Dad molested her?

Therefore, why does anyone believe she loved Caylee?

She had to pretend to love Caylee in front of her parents, as the parents wouldn't tolerate anything less from her, certainly her parents would not have allowed her to get away with mistreating the child around them.

And as far as her friends, she would have had to act fake in front of her them to get what she wanted from them. Unfortunately, a child is often used to get attention.

Who knows what she was like when alone with that beautiful little girl?

We know she referred to the dear child as a "Snot nose", to a cop boyfriend, she wanted to be with, and didn't have a babysitter. (Motive)

We know she let the child sleep in the same bed with her and her lover, who she barely knew, instead of the child sleeping in her own bed, or at least a bed to herself in another room, putting the child's welfare first and keeping her safe. Then on one occassion, taking the child somewhere (WHERE ? It wasn't home.) in the middle of the night so she could be alone with her lover. (Motive)

We know she was leaving the child somewhere, (WHERE? is the question,) all the times she was going shopping, partying, and to her boyfriends, knowing CA, GA, nor LA had the child. (Motive)

Caylee, you beautiful little angel, you were loved very dearly, by your Grandparents, your Unlce Lee, and Your Great Grand Parents, other family and everyone else who ever met you.

You are still loved and will always remain in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people you have never known.
Not to discount your theory, darnudes, but it seems to me, from Cindy's description of the pool height, and George being very tall, he wouldn't have had to climb into the pool to retrieve Caylee, nor would he have had to use the ladder to reach her. She would have been floating...

ETA: I don't believe the pool story.
I think Baez cares way more about making a name for himself and his future than he cares about Casey. I wouldn't put it past him to try and slide things in that may give cause for an appeal if Casey is convicted, but not getting a mistrial or appeal on the grounds of attorney incompetence. JMO...

IMO the 'name' JB is making for himself ain't a very good one. I sure wouldn't bother calling him to see if he's available to represent me if I was in need of legal services. I mentioned this earlier - IIRC Casey got JB's name from another inmate. Not exactly a glowing recommendation, imo.
Brilliant point about checking the pool last. This story is nothing less than offensive. It is simply a garbled mish mash of the random events and people involved in this case. It is a verbal Rube-Goldberg contraption and flimsy as could be. The fact that he threw Kronk in there is just unforgivable. How many people will now refuse to search for a missing child or make that crucial phone call because of what the DT is doing to this innocent man??

Bolding by me...

So true! And then JB makes a big deal out of Simon Birch not calling 911 when he smelled the dead body odor coming from Casey's car. I bet Simon Birch was thanking his lucky stars that he didn't get more involved w/this than he already was, lest he be thrown under the bus by Casey and her defense team. I agree that JB's antics are going to have some people think twice before agreeing to search for a missing child. Many people don't want to get involved in things anyway because they don't want the hassle, JB just gave them another reason not to get involved.
I didn't know what you were talking about at first. Had to read your reply 3 times. Then I finally went back and read my original post. Sure enough it began with the words, "As to the sentencing phase..." and then plowed right into talking about the verdict. :floorlaugh:

Anyway, you're SUPPOSED to know what I mean, not what I actually type! Stop bothering me with tricksy details like basic composition! :crazy:

Well I should have known better!! Your posts are always so smart , interesting and downright brilliant.. I should have known of course you know the sentencing stuff. I am serious.
But I still love the snoopy? I want to keep
Casey was counting on the 'old' Cindy. The good old Cindy would have testified that she did not remember if she put the stairs away that evening. And she would say that the sliding door did not always lock properly. NOT the new and improved Cindy. :eek:hwow::eek:hwow::eek:hwow:

This is where Cindy is actually brighter than KC and her crew-In Cindy's mind, there is a chance that her daughter will be convicted, and if she is, Cindy must be credible enough to ask the judge and jury for mercy on KC's life.
If CA went into the trial as a great big liar and KC was convicted, CA's pleas for KC's life would hold no weight, the jury and judge would be ticked off by her lying, as they are sure to be with JB/KC's, and KC could get the death penalty in spite of CA's wishes.
Not to discount your theory, darnudes, but it seems to me, from Cindy's description of the pool height, and George being very tall, he wouldn't have had to climb into the pool to retrieve Caylee, nor would he have had to use the ladder to reach her. She would have been floating...

ETA: I don't believe the pool story.
I thought George was rather short? Not even 5' 5", IIRC.
I know! And don't forget that he hid the notification letter for awhile and then stuck it in the door so he could find it and go get the car because hiding the letter ....wait...remind me what hiding the letter accomplished if he ultimately produced the letter and went to get the car...but also threw out the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reminder letters only to show Cindy the first one because....
.....Ugh. My head hurts.

It was a stalling tactic designed to give GA time to warn his accomplice, RK, not to put the body back in the woods until GA could get the car home and cleaned out. :innocent:
IMO, I believe JB lost the trial. I would think the jurors would be wondering why Casey NEVER told ANYONE about her "missing" daughter, no matter how dysfunctional she and her family are. A lot of people are dysfunctional, but I'm sure most would report their beloved daughter missing.

This case reminds me of Scott Peterson's trial where it was based on circumstances, and at the begining some actually thought the denfense was winning. Towards the end, the State proved right.

Sorry, can't get past Casey's behavior, just can't. Her lies sealed the deal.
....<respectfully snipped>
Unlike you (and the jury), I have become accustomed to GA's demeanor and irritating habits while being questioned and interviewed about the case. He tends to ramble, hesitate and look down, seemingly searching introspectively for just the right words, which, btw, frequently are not quite right. I don't think he is a highly educated man with a broad language base on the tip of his tongue. I do think he is honest and very emotional and that he wants to be clear but NOT crucify his daughter despite what she has said about him. He appears to be mystified by her allegations and mortified by them, but he is still her father and in GA's world, fathers protect their kids. He is angry and openly hostile to Baez, which I perceive to be his shifting the blame for the outrageous allegations against him, from KC to her DT. So he's making them work hard for every tidbit of information.

When I saw George pausing and/or looking down before answering, I thought he was taking a deep breath to calm himself before addressing the questions. After all the days, weeks, months, years George and Cindy spent publicly supporting Casey and searching for Caylee, I understand why he would have to take a deep breath to respond to questions of whether or not he sexually abused his daughter.

Anyone who saw any of the video of the Anthony's dealing with the press and idiots outside their home knows George can let things get under his skin and respond. I thought he was just trying to make sure that didn't happen for Caylee's sake.

I'm sure it's been a very long 6 weeks (or more according to some documents - but for sure 6 weeks) for George and Cindy. I can understand both of them having a hard time accepting that their daughter was capable of killing Caylee. Coming to grips with her lies is one thing. Having to witness her behavior after Caylee either went missing or drowned is another.

And now Casey is taking it more than a couple rungs up the ladder with the accusations JB is alleging.
That same evening the DT gave their opening statement I had HLN on and Dr. Drew come on after Nancy Grace and his opinion was that he saw 'shame on GA's face.

Honestly don't know if it did or didn't happen and I am not a huge fan of either CA/GA or LA but I do not believe it in any excuses murder if it did happen.

George is ashamed that KC is his bed hopping ,child killer,lying,thieving,:loser:daughter.If she was my daughter I'd be ashamed too!:banghead:
My MIL decided ICA was guilty when the DT declared it was a pool accident.

She added that no-one waits 3 years to say that if it is fact.

She also commented that GA and CA loved their grandchild and throwing GA under the bus was a wrong move and has made many people ignore whatever the DT will say from here on in.

Oh, she also mentioned that she 'understood' their defense of ICA initially, but that the brother (LA) is extremely odd and would have been a better choice as a fall guy.

She hasn't followed much of the story, and gets her news from Fox which has been very pro defense.
The other weird aspect of this story is the whole gas can thing. I understand that the defense wants to tie George to the duct tape, but JB had also suggested that George was trying to "distance himself froM the accident" by reporting that the gas cans had been stolen and then not reporting that they were returned and then bringing gas cans with duct tape on them to the tow yard because he knew that he had put that duct tape on Caylee. (I know the italicized portion makes no sense, but this is what JB suggested when questioning george about the gas cans). JB even went as far as to suggest that the "here's your f'in gas cans" event never happened. seems to me that the defense is saying it was an accident that George decided to cover up and then decided to pin the cover up on Casey. WTH?

I guess George forgot to say the duct tape was stolen with the gas cans!!
No one seemed to notice the most glaringly obvious falsity in the defense story. Who starts screaming "Where is (toddler's name)?" before looking for said toddler? I have a toddler in the house. Sometimes she wanders off into another room or has crawled under a table or behind something. When she does, I call out for her or I go find her. I don't suddenly start screaming "Where is she???" and then go looking.

Does Baez seriously want us to believe that George, former LE, went into panic mode over Caylee's whereabouts before he even looked for her? Really? And this man who was so emotionally attached to the child that he started screaming simply because she wasn't in his sight did absolutely nothing to try to save her when he found her in the pool but instead made an instant decision to hide the body, or apparently to ask the meter reader to hide it. Didn't they think that Cindy would wonder where Caylee was? It makes absolutely no sense. If any juror believe such horse crap, it's time to do a major overhaul of our justice system.
Is having JB as your attorney considered a mitigating circumstance under Florida law?

Not right now, but after this case, it seriously should be! Floridians, start writing to your Congressman! Florida Bar, for the love of all that is HOLY, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE OF BAEZ!!!!

I can understand Baez not having much to work with. He has a client that absolutely refuses to take one iota of responsibility for anything that happened to Caylee. I can see that being a reason to try weave together a story that does just that. I wonder if he wanted to go with a simpler approach, but because stubborn sociopathic Casey wanted to be 100% innocent, he wasn't able to do that.

But my GOD, a bunch of blind monkeys on typewriters could have come up with a better opening statement. Seriously. It sounds to me like Baez let his ego get in the way here, and it also sounds like he and Casey alone came up with this. I just cannot fathom any of the other attorneys in the room as they were coming up with this not saying something about it or my GOD agreeing to go along with it. I am sure the rest of the defense team is embarrassed beyond belief about JB's opening statements and antics. I think that is why we haven't heard much at all from any of them (And I know some are for mitigation only, but still).

I can just see the two of them in a room, pizzed at everyone, going yeah, yeah, add that in, that'll get back at so and so for what they did/said, yeah! They forget this isn't a play, this isn't the schoolyard recess time, it's a courtroom where logic and reasoning trumps gossip and make believe. I mean Baez left holes so wide open a 747 jet could fly through them! Did he think the jury would ignore that? Does he not realize it's not any doubt but REASONABLE doubt that the jury has to find? Not ONE iota of his OS is reasonable!

And wow did Casey think her parents would completely destroy themselves for her. She believe they were completely expendable to her. Dayum. No wonder CA and GA switched sides. And how sociopathic can Casey be to be surprised and upset that they didn't go along with her latest story and fall on their swords for her? How could Baez think CA an GA would go along with it? Or did he not care? But he had to care because without them going along with it, his OS completely falls apart. I don't get him at all and where he thinks he was going to go with this!

I just don't understand it. I know the defense has to defend, but I've never seen a defense defend like this before. NEVER. This is so off the wall insanely bad that part of me almost feels sorry for Casey. And then I remember she probably came up with it and her tantrum yesterday, and I slap myself out of it.

You know, I made the statement before the jury was picked that Baez would need a jury of lobotomized zombies to get an acquittal. I had no IDEA how right I was!

I hope the defense met with her yesterday to discuss begging for a plea bargain. They have nothing. NOTHING. They are so far down, they are lower than the Titanic at this point. Does anyone else remember another defense torpedoing so bad in opening statements? The Twinkie Defense looks downright NORMAL compared to Baez's defense!
No one seemed to notice the most glaringly obvious falsity in the defense story. Who starts screaming "Where is (toddler's name)?" before looking for said toddler? I have a toddler in the house. Sometimes she wanders off into another room or has crawled under a table or behind something. When she does, I call out for her or I go find her. I don't suddenly start screaming "Where is she???" and then go looking.

Does Baez seriously want us to believe that George, former LE, went into panic mode over Caylee's whereabouts before he even looked for her? Really? And this man who was so emotionally attached to the child that he started screaming simply because she wasn't in his sight did absolutely nothing to try to save her when he found her in the pool but instead made an instant decision to hide the body, or apparently to ask the meter reader to hide it. Didn't they think that Cindy would wonder where Caylee was? It makes absolutely no sense. If any juror believe such horse crap, it's time to do a major overhaul of our justice system.
Oh what an excellent point! In a crowded mall...yes, but at home, no, I don't immediately panic.
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